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It's currently -4 with 41 mile an hour wind gusts here in Chicago today. The windchill is -31. The streets are frozen up even though there's plenty of salt on them. Its one of those days that makes me ask, "Whatever made this southern boy move here?" Its a good day to snuggle up with a hot boy, if you ask me.

Hope all of you have better weather today


Boston is not quite that bad. This morning I was panicked to click on cnn.com weather and see the current temp as 0 degrees, until I noticed my display was set to Celsius.

Sometimes, to make it sound better to myself, I think of the local temps in degrees Kelvin.

To rub it in, The Nuisance & Disturber (http://www.newsobserver.com/) reports today's high in Raleigh will be 55 degrees.


I just got back from the airport here in Portland, and it took better than an hour for a normal 20 minute trip. The ice was thick on our road, and our driver wouldn't dream of getting up our drive so we had to climb up through the snow to get in.

Fortunately, the cats are blissfully unaware of the weather, and greeted us with joy.


What a difference a week makes. 60 degrees and raining here today. The chunk of ice that covered us for the past week almost is no more.


I've been trapped in the house for 3 days now, and starting to get a bit stir crazy. Fortunately, It's raining now, and with luck the drive will melt enough by the afternoon that I'll be able to get out.

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