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Blame Candada

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SUDBURY — Police are investigating whether an independent federal candidate committed a hate crime by telling high school students homosexuals should be executed.

David Popescu was invited to participate in a federal candidates' discussion at Sudbury Secondary School yesterday. He made the comment after a student asked his opinion of gay marriage.


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Did you mean: Blame Canada?

If so then for what? The US does not corner the market on homophobes. Canada's heartland reflects much the same attitudes as the US heartland. Much like the US, Canada has large segments that are gay friendly or tolerant and large segments that are not. Canada's government is more Gay friendly that the US gov't, at least until the Conservatives take full control soon. The Canadian Supreme Court has been a moderating influence as well. I feel more confortable escorting a hot hunk around in Montreal than I do in NY, Boston, DC...

My take is that South Beach and WeHo are probably the most gay friendly locations in the US.

I blame Canada for having the water or some other hidden factors that produce really hot guys all over the place up there, for historically lower escort rates not to mention the best male strip clubs in North America and maybe the world. I have to leave the Thailand assessment to Oz a true expert on that. :P

Guest JamesWilson
... Canada's government is more Gay friendly that the US gov't, at least until the Conservatives take full control soon.

Don't worry, TY... there are more than a few of us up here doing as much as we can to prevent that from happening! Recent polls suggest that the Conservatives have fucked-up their chance for a majority, so we should all be breathing a huge sigh of relief!!! Of course that comes at the expense of breathing life into the Quebec separatists, but nobody said politics in Canada was predictable! :lol:

Keep in mind, too, that Canadians are not, in general, swinging towards the right of the political spectrum. Our problem is that we have only one right-of-centre party right now (the Conservatives), but 4 centre-left parties (the Liberals, the New Democrats, the Greens, and the separatist Bloc Quebecois). While the right-wing Conservatives are currently in power (and probably will win another minority government in the election on October 14), they will only be getting about 35% of the popular vote. Which means that 65% of Canadians will be voting for left-leaning parties. But because of vote-splitting, none of the centre-left parties have enough votes to overtake the Cons. I'm hoping that a couple of the centre-left parties will merge in the not-too-distant future, which would reduce vote-splitting and send Canada's home-grown neocons back under the rock they crawled out from under.

(Can you tell that I am not a huge fan of neo/e-coli conservatism? :rolleyes: )

The Canadian Supreme Court has been a moderating influence as well.

I'd give the Canadian Supreme Court way more credit than that, TY. IMO, they were the real driving force that brought equal rights to gays and lesbians. Politicians up here may try to take credit, but very few of them went to bat for gay rights before the Supreme Court decisions gave them political cover. It was the courts that told the governments that they had to change our laws, not parliament itself. Which is why I am not holding my breath waiting for any politician (or political party) in the US to legislate gay rights there. It will be the courts that lead, I think. Most probably the individual states, as my outsider view of the US Supreme Court suggests that equal rights will not be coming from THAT august group any decade soon. :(

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