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A Glimpse of the Future Supreme Court?

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“John McCain’s appointment of the next justice could be the most significant appointment in half a century,†said David Cole, a law professor at Georgetown University, noting that the trend has been toward appointing younger justices who could be on the court for 30 or 40 years. “We would have a solid far-right conservative block for the next several decades. That cannot be undone by a subsequent election if people decide that the court is far to the right of them. There’s nothing we can do as citizens.â€

Already, as Geoffrey Stone, a University of Chicago law professor, has observed, “The current makeup of the Supreme Court renders it the most conservative group of justices in living memory.â€

Read the entire article here:



I don't mean to overstate the obvious. But, there is no chance that McCain will appoint an Alito type if there is a strong majority of democrats in Congress. IMO, this court would do well to add another moderate ala Kennedy or O'Connor to achieve a certain balance that the those two have maintained on the court over the past eight years.

That's why our constitution works so well.


All joking aside, I think that whomever is the next president they'll put Bill Clinton up for the spot.

McCain because it will placate democrats and Obama because it will placate a part of his party he'll need to have on his side if he wants to get something done in congress.

Plus both McCain and Obama would rather have the Clintons for them than against them.

All joking aside, I think that whomever is the next president they'll put Bill Clinton up for the spot.

McCain because it will placate democrats and Obama because it will placate a part of his party he'll need to have on his side if he wants to get something done in congress.

Plus both McCain and Obama would rather have the Clintons for them than against them.

LOL. Well, I hope that happens as I think he would make an excellent justice. But, don't hold your breath. If that happens, I'll most defiantly vote for that person again after the first term.

All joking aside, I think that whomever is the next president they'll put Bill Clinton up for the spot.

McCain because it will placate democrats and Obama because it will placate a part of his party he'll need to have on his side if he wants to get something done in congress.

Plus both McCain and Obama would rather have the Clintons for them than against them.

That would be a little difficult seeing that he was nearly disbarred for perjuring himself in the Lewinsky Grand Jury testimony. He eventually resigned from the |Arkansas |Bar in order to keep from being disbarred.



Legally you don't even have to be a lawyer to be on the supreme court. You just have to get approved by the Senate - which he'd sail through.

Everyone would be happy to have him off the campaign trail four years from now.

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I dont know what you guys are on but I have some of whatever it is. :P

"All joking aside, I think that whomever is the next president they'll put Bill Clinton up for the spot. "

All joking aside, that is one of the funniest propositions of a political nature that I have heard. Zero probability of that happening or of Bill accepting. If only we were within wagering distance. :D

"I don't mean to overstate the obvious. But, there is no chance that McCain will appoint an Alito type if there is a strong majority of democrats in Congress."

It is far from obvious to me and I think to many who follow these things. Certainly the above article is not so complacent. For those willing to take that bet they are going all in on just a hunch because as the article states, the next adminstration will set the temperment of the court for maybe the next 30-40 years without ANY recourse by the people, the Congress, or future Presidents. The only way to remove an appointment is through death, voluntary retirement, or being found in bed with a dead girl or live boy. The last two aren't a sure bet as that probably requires an act of impeachment which would likely depend on the party in control of the Senate. Big stakes for a woulda or shoulda. I tend to take people at their word when the say they are going to do something, Clintons excepted.

All one has to do is listen to McCain talk about judicial appointments. He is very clear if you understand the lingo. Strict constructionists that would have no problem overturning Roe. That means no Right of Privacy. No less than that! Not to mention a lot more Scalia and Alito leaning decisions on a host of issues over forseeable future.

As recently as last week on the View he made it perfectly clear. And that should not be dismissed as campaign rhetoric for two reasons IMO. First, I think he honestly believes in that position and second, for him to do otherwise would totally annihilate his conservative base support. That would weaken his congressional backing and jeopardize any hope of him reliably governing by veto. And there is no way that he and the Democratic majority will be sleeping in the same bed consistently. Thus the veto is an important tool to his presidency.

In Supreme Court nomimations the President always has the high ground. That is because the Senate is put in an obstructionist role. That can play only so long until the pressures mount. For a variety of reasons Senators are more sensitive to giving under pressure than the President in this arena. In the end, the President will get more his way than the Dem Senate. And we will live with it.

So whatever you guys are smoking or drinking please pass some, um alot, my way. I'll need a shitload of it if this election presents me with a lip-stick-smacking-pit-bull-hockey-mom-Cheney-in-drag a heartbeat away from Methusala-Mac-I-dont-know-much-about-the-economy...-dont know much-about-diplomacy...-but-what-I-know-is-true...-integrity-for-loosers-makes-me-blue-while-the-lies-give-me-wings-to-fly-and-I-promise-that-might-makes-right...what-a-wonderful-world-I-will-make. How fucking sad should that come to pass. :angry:

Ummm..... I think I used up all of my hyphens. :( Does anyone know if you can you get more at Staples? :huh:

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