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A Month of Muay Thai

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I have always wanted to learn about Muay Thai. I have been fascinated with it since my first visit to Thailand. So, I enrolled as a student for a month at a gym.

Getting to the facility today, I know I was in for a hard four weeks. It was very rustic and that is being generous. It is all outside and the place has been around for years. The wear and tear of the place is evident. It has a nice reputation and the boxers that work there are all champions in their own right.

To start the first day, we got into a truck, Thai style. That is, we all hopped into the back of the truck. All in all, there were around 14 of us. All were foreigners except the boyfriend. They drove us halfway up the mountain and let us out on a path. The patch was a 2 ½ Kilometer up a mountain to a waterfall. It is a solid uphill jog. I was prepared for a job each day but not straight up a mountain. I had to run and walk and run and walk part of the way. I was a little disappointed in myself that at some of the higher climbers that I choose to walk. Not much to do other than listen to the body. The group met at the top and we walked back down.

The group this AM consisted mostly of foreigners and very handsome ones at that. All half my age. Most in their 20’s and some studying at the camp for weeks, months and even 2 years. All were hard bodied young men. I was the old man in the group and I most definably felt like it.

Back at the gym, I was put hand wraps on and given the basics by the owner. We jumped rope for about 20 min. That is a real treat. It is not the same jump rope I remember as a kid. It was a bit more difficult. And I tried to do well with this and do go for a hard 20 min. At the end, my heard was pounding and my legs sore.

The owner gave us the basic moves and he spent a good hour showing us what we needed to practice. He led us to a mirror and let us practice in front of it. What a sight that was to see. Watching yourself shadow box in a mirror is a treat everyone should experiences once in a while. We did this for a bit before being put into a ring.

Yes that is right, a ring. We were each given a trainer and we had to show them our moves. I worked hard to try to impress. There are few moves in Muay Thai but you must have the down perfectly and we were told this would take at least 10 days of practice. The trainer made sure my mistakes were corrected. I was slapped in the face at least 50 times in the hour. Every time I took my hands down from my forehead to protect it, he gently reminding me with a slap, that they were not to be moved from that position. If you don’t like getting hit, do NOT go to a Muay Thai Camp. We were told these gentle hits will not hurt you but help you get prepared for the sport. It is a sport and this is part of making sure you are ready to get into a ring.

There is much to learn and much to understand about the sport. What I gathered from the first morning is that I have a lot to learn and it will not be an easy path.

Getting back to my hotel, we ate breakfast and laid down for a bit. After 3 hours we woke up. The boyfriend will not admit to be sore, but my body aches and my legs hurt like hell. Having kicked a bag and with a trainer at least 200 times, the pains just go up and down the body. It is not unimaginable pain but something I can tolerate and I should have stretched before I left. I didn’t stretch and I know better. The gym takes a more personal approach to the sport. You do what you want when you want and if they see you working, they will help. It is all up to you to put into it what you can do what you want to achieve. First morning, I was sore. The afternoon section I hope goes better and I will stretch before I return. The camp is from 6am-11am and from 4-7 every day.

The Morning session was hard, the afternoon was tougher. I guess after jogging once today, another jog was just pain. It hurt but in a good way. The rope jumping was also there and push ups every few minutes in between everything.

There is perfection to being a Muay Thai boxer. They want you to practice that perfection. Each stance and kick and swing is done a certain way and you are required to make sure each is done correctly. If not, you will get someone over to help you get corrected. If you are in the ring, it is done with a slap, if not, it is done with verbal directions.

The afternoon had more Thais as they got out of school and ready to practice. It was a hard day and after a few hundred shadow kicks and about 50 on each side on a bag, I was ready for the night.

I made my way to the hotel and sank into the bed. Tried, weary and excited.

I like the main teacher. He is gentle yet firm. He is very knowledgeable and attentive. He made clear that if we want attention from him, to show him we were working hard. When he sees that, he will take time for us. He took time with me today and spent a great deal showing me what we needed to know.

At many points through the day, someone yells out something in Thai which means to do push ups. I don’t understand the word but I know when it is yelled, and others go down in push up position, I do the same and do 15-20 push ups. Each day this happens at least 8 or 9 times.

The owner has 5 large dogs. They want attention from everyone and I enjoy the companionship so I have become friends with them. They don’t seem to like Thais at all and it must have something to do with their past.

The second day was the same as the first except we go on different jogs each day. Today we were taken to a lake and ran around it. It was about 3.5k. That was an easy jog for me and less than 25 minutes total, I was 3rd in a pack of 15. I don’t mind the jogs that are smooth straight surface, it is the uphill battles that boggle my body and legs and make my mind go into the mode that it thinks I can’t do it. I am totally determined that the next mountain jog we have that I will complete it without walking at all.

Testosterone is high at the gym. I don’t think any are gay but who the hell knows. I sure as shit don’t and my gaydar does not work in the pavilion. On the second day, we had a 2 hour Thai massage in the hotel. It was amazing and much needed. Thank goodness there are some professional massage therapists around as the bar boy I picked up last night promised me a great strong massage. Needless today, I was left disappoint in the massage but light a load or two.

I don’t mind at all the training. It does hurt from top to bottom at times but I just keep working through it and try to keep the pain to a minimum. I guess the hardest part for me is seeing the blood of those that get in ring to practice and they get a bloody nose or mouth. I hate the sight of blood and I know that one day it will be me getting off the mat to wipe the nose clean of the blood and get the lips cleaned.

I do find the jogging through the neighborhoods interesting. The mix of palatial estates with that of regular Thai families is a fascinating mixture. I also see that most homes have at least 2 dogs. They are allowed to roam free in the area and it makes it difficult for joggers. For me, they don’t really both me but it is nice to see them not try to nip at my legs.

I have found that eating more at the local venues is a treat. Often I don’t know what I am trying but it is fun to try. I have been adventurous and I think I have enjoyed this much more.

The training is really what you put into it is what you get from it. Some guys show up every session and work their asses off and some do not. It is really all up to you. I don’t think I have come in last in any jog but I have been in the bottom 1/3 and the top 1/3. That is not bad for someone my age and weight. I still have a belly that has not disappeared and that makes the jogging against those with 6 packs a bit tougher. I find the guys that have been here the longest run faster, harder stronger than the rest of us. I have yet to finish last so that is not bad for an old man. I am not trying to brag or be boastful. It is what it is. I am not in excellent shape but not in poor shape either. Each day for me is just about being able to get out of bed and get started on the run at 6am and do the best I can do. Not the best the others can do; but the best I can do. Some days that is more than others. Some days the legs are hurting so much that the speed is slower and some days I seem to get a boost of energy and am able to really crank it up.

All in all, this is a real learning experience. It is teaching me a lot about life but especially about the hard work the Thai go through at a very young age to be the best in this sport. I have to not only admire that but say that I am amazed when I see those young lads pounding away at the bags day after day and night after night. It is not a passive sport and not one that should be dismissed as something fun to watch in a bar.

I am sure I’ll have more to share as the days go forward but for now, I am just grateful that my feet hit the floor every morning and they are able to stand up and make the trip to the ring to do the work. Not sure if I will last another week or month. But, I do know that each day has been amazing and I hope I am able to keep putting those gloves on and learning a bit more each day.

Guest dicknla

Ypu go OZ, You need to sign up for the second month and do that one for me. I know my knees are hurting just reading your activities. Shit any farther than the Kitchen for a Drink or the Jacuzzi

and I feel as if I am overdoing it. Congrats


Ypu go OZ, You need to sign up for the second month and do that one for me. I know my knees are hurting just reading your activities. Shit any farther than the Kitchen for a Drink or the Jacuzzi

and I feel as if I am overdoing it. Congrats


LOL Well, a jacuzzi sounds nice to me. Have you ever seen a Thai Toilet? It is a nightmare that I have yet to master and that ain't just shitting you!

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