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Membership Upgrade???

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After all the people I have told about this site and the many "Bois" I have guided to sign up here I will not be paying for additional services. In fact, this is the best site because it's really the only one with profiles AND legitimate reviews. However, I have a problem being the person in this triangle that's stands no chance of making money, but has to pay for window shopping as well. Why can't the thousands of escorts pay a little to be listed? The other choice is to charge members by the individual post, and hope you can convince JT Brooklyn to join. His wothless posts would make you a fortune. I appreciate all the work TY and OZ have done and as owners of this site SHOULD make money from it. I'm just not sure that the clients who already pay in the end should also be the ones who pay for the escorts to advertise. It's a great site, but I guess I will go elsewhere for larger photos when the need arises.


Here are just a few of the full featured movies sections you get with the Gold. They each have 4 different full movies each month in each category. There are also more bi and straight videos for those interested but I didn't put them in here as I know some are offended by pussy. ^_^


















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Well OZ, I use this site pretty much expressly what it was meant for. The movies in your post don't and won't interest me. I'm just a bit miffed that those who have really contributed will be those paying for the site. The escorts and the site owners profit by this site, not the clients. But it seems we are the ones now being asked to ante up. The blowing up of pics (if they are large enough in the first place to be expanded) is the only advantage for me of paying for a membership, and I certainly don't feel its worth almost $100 per year.

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  flguy said:
Well OZ, I use this site pretty much expressly what it was meant for. The movies in your post don't and won't interest me. I'm just a bit miffed that those who have really contributed will be those paying for the site. The escorts and the site owners profit by this site, not the clients. But it seems we are the ones now being asked to ante up. The blowing up of pics (if they are large enough in the first place to be expanded) is the only advantage for me of paying for a membership, and I certainly don't feel its worth almost $100 per year.


We are thankful that you find the site useful for what it was meant. That is good and satisfying feedback.

I appreciate that movies neither interest you nor many others as well. That is an indivual choice. Neither Oz nor I have ever solicited anyone to subscribe to premium services. That is an indivual choice as well -- one that we will not push.

It is not our desire to be a 'movie site'. That is why we don't require movie subscriptions for everyone or for anyone in order to gain admittance to the escort information and forums. However, the site must pay its way. We offer extras for those willing to pay for them. The fact that you got the extras for free for the last two years does not negate that they are extras. We were upfront about that from Day One.

"I'm just a bit miffed that those who have really contributed will be those paying for the site. The escorts and the site owners profit by this site, not the clients. But it seems we are the ones now being asked to ante up"

To date the only ones who have paid for this site are the owner/operators. There has been no profit. We are very appreciative of all of those who have supported the site with reviews and participation. That includes both clients and escorts.

Those participating and contributing are fewer rather than greater in number. My take is that most traffic is that of voyeurs, and that the ones profiting to date are the escorts and clients. I think that has been good. Escorts by getting work and clients by seeking/acquiring escort ads that help them hire and reviews that hopefully save them money by spending their money wisely.

If we were singling out clients to 'ante up' we would put the reviews under subscription. That information is the most highly leveraged to generate income. If we wanted to single out participants to ante up we would put forums under subscription. We have done neither and have no intention of doing so. There is significant site traffic that doesn't contribute, participate or hire. For those interested and willing to subscribe to the extras we are appreciative and it will permit us to continue to bring to you what this site is really meant for.

I know we won't please all of the people. We may not please any of the people. But I would encourage a wait-and-see period until the deed is done so the complaints can be accurately focused. I also ask that after our small changes take effect you report back which other FREE single site offers you more breadth of quality content for FREE.

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  flguy said:
Why can't the thousands of escorts pay a little to be listed?

There are many guys out there who take on escorting that are unsure if they are really suited for it, or if they are commited to it, or if the market is there. Many think "Let's try this and see how it works out." Not everyone has a credit card or the mind-set to sign up for recurring payments. Some like the escorting and succeed, others don't. However, it is a doorway for many unlikely guys to get their toes in the pool. Some gems are discovered this way and see they can make money. Others fall by the roadside.

Bottom line: many escorts we attract are not the type to credit card up on a fancy. Some of the pros would but that would be at the expense of the many who wouldn't. Also as a business plan, it would be foolish for a new site to take on established pay sites in competing for the same listings from the same guys. We would have folded long ago with that business plan.

Guest FourAces

LOL I'm sitting in a hotel room somewhere in a hick town in the deep south. Getting ready to drvie to a real city so I can get the fuck out of here in the early morning. Heading to the northeast for a few days.

So being bored I decided to take a look at my favorite escort site ... and wow what a bunch of fucking drama queens, well most of you. Come on what really changes here? Only one thing I can see ... that you won't be able to enlarge a fucking pic... yes you cannot enlarge a pic so you are all crying over this? WTF?

Seriously, has everyone become so lazy that they wouldn't just email the escort and say hey send me your pics I'm interested in hiring you? And most like a third of these guys can be found on other sites anyway.

Oz and TY have a right to earn money. I have a few sites and it can cost a lot of fucking money for you guys to look at quality pics ... bandwidth is not cheap. And I don't have the staff that Oz has nor the wealth of sites, but I can relate to his overhead.

We live in a society where capitalism is fact. When someone attempts to be successful and you people begin to complain? There is nothing wrong in making money. You guys are acting like they want to charge the homeless $1. for a bottle of water? Wake the fuck up.

This is 2007 right? Didn't we all used to freak out when HB would complain how much his site cost to run? Haven't we passed this stage yet? Wasn't that just so yesterday?

And you thought I was the crazy one? Where the fuck is Rico when we really need him? Instead of posting stupid jack off videos on his worthless blog btw its at www.ricoreport.blogspot.com he should be the one making a few statements <_<

Happy Holidays ^_^

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  FourAces said:
LOL I'm sitting in a hotel room somewhere in a hick town in the deep south. Getting ready to drvie to a real city so I can get the fuck out of here in the early morning. Heading to the northeast for a few days.

So being bored I decided to take a look at my favorite escort site ... and wow what a bunch of fucking drama queens, well most of you. Come on what really changes here? Only one thing I can see ... that you won't be able to enlarge a fucking pic... yes you cannot enlarge a pic so you are all crying over this? WTF?

Seriously, has everyone become so lazy that they wouldn't just email the escort and say hey send me your pics I'm interested in hiring you? And most like a third of these guys can be found on other sites anyway.

Oz and TY have a right to earn money. I have a few sites and it can cost a lot of fucking money for you guys to look at quality pics ... bandwidth is not cheap. And I don't have the staff that Oz has nor the wealth of sites, but I can relate to his overhead.

We live in a society where capitalism is fact. When someone attempts to be successful and you people begin to complain? There is nothing wrong in making money. You guys are acting like they want to charge the homeless $1. for a bottle of water? Wake the fuck up.

This is 2007 right? Didn't we all used to freak out when HB would complain how much his site cost to run? Haven't we passed this stage yet? Wasn't that just so yesterday?

And you thought I was the crazy one? Where the fuck is Rico when we really need him? Instead of posting stupid jack off videos on his worthless blog btw its at www.ricoreport.blogspot.com he should be the one making a few statements <_<

Happy Holidays ^_^

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If fee's are going to be charged for access to the site, I would have liked to see some sort of charge to the escorts who list themselves here. Not that I believe they should pay and the clients shouldn't, but it might help clean out some of the inactive escort profiles.

Guest StuCotts

Look! Dec 15 came, the world didn't end and the site is still here!! This storm too shall pass.


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  StuCotts said:
Look! Dec 15 came, the world didn't end and the site is still here!! This storm too shall pass.


Well, that is true... but we gave the programmer in charge of the Upgrade his weekend off. Thus the rollback will occur on the 17th. This delay is costing us millions but what the hell!! :lol:

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  beetwo said:
If fee's are going to be charged for access to the site, I would have liked to see some sort of charge to the escorts who list themselves here. Not that I believe they should pay and the clients shouldn't, but it might help clean out some of the inactive escort profiles.

Please, just wait and see what actually materializes. Thanks.

As for inactive profiles, please inform us with an email or post when you find a dead profile and we'll follow up. We need clients to help us keep up with those escorts who do not inform us of their retirement. Thanks.

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  TampaYankee said:
As for inactive profiles, please inform us with an email or post when you find a dead profile and we'll follow up. We need clients to help us keep up with those escorts who do not inform us of their retirement. Thanks.

We'll get right on it! And thanks so much for keeping the big pictures turned on over the weekend. We'd hate to kill off the wrong guy. :mellow:

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  StuCotts said:

Love it! Don’t know Latin, so had to look it up.


"She is tossed by the waves, but is not sunk"

From Wikipedia:

"This phrase is the motto of Paris, and is present in the city coat of arms depicting a ship floating on a rough sea. Both motto and city arms have their origins in the Seine River boatsman's corporation; this powerful hanse ruled the city's trade and commerce as early as the Roman era. Although this corporation through the centuries became an entity resembling more a municipal government than a trade organisation, they maintained their original arms and motto, and it is for this that the Mairie de Paris bears them still today."

Many thanks for this gem!

Guest StuCotts
  lookin said:
Love it! Don’t know Latin, so had to look it up.


"She is tossed by the waves, but is not sunk"

From Wikipedia:

"This phrase is the motto of Paris, and is present in the city coat of arms depicting a ship floating on a rough sea. Both motto and city arms have their origins in the Seine River boatsman's corporation; this powerful hanse ruled the city's trade and commerce as early as the Roman era. Although this corporation through the centuries became an entity resembling more a municipal government than a trade organisation, they maintained their original arms and motto, and it is for this that the Mairie de Paris bears them still today."

Many thanks for this gem!

Your disadavantage is that you weren't exposed to Latin when it was in current use.

  StuCotts said:
Your disadavantage is that you weren't exposed to Latin when it was in current use.

...et non conjuge equibus!

(The formal if ungrammatical completion of Illegitimus non carborundum, you know.)

Guest StuCotts
  AdamSmith said:
...et non conjuge equibus!

(The formal if ungrammatical completion of Illegitimus non carborundum, you know.)

I wasn't familiar with the addendum, but I'll take it very much to heart, while Cicero not only turns over in his grave but does 32 fouettés.

We'll have to stop this lest somebody get on our case for hijacking.

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  StuCotts said:
I wasn't familiar with the addendum, but I'll take it very much to heart, while Cicero not only turns over in his grave but does 32 fouettés.


Once again, Wikipedia to the rescue.

Guest StuCotts

Second day of the New Era, and all's well. Right? Is everbody -- or anybody -- now convinced that our little world has not fallen prey to the forces of darkness?

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  StuCotts said:
Second day of the New Era, and all's well. Right? Is everbody -- or anybody -- now convinced that our little world has not fallen prey to the forces of darkness?

Not darkness, certainly, but a bit of the luster is gone for me. I did try clicking on a few thumbnails, only to be told I’m not worthy; and, as surmised in my earlier post, it did piss me off a little. Seems like a site which relies on viewers for content, both for reviews and in the message center, would think twice before charging them to view pictures freely provided by escorts hoping to be seen in all their sizable glory.

But that’s just my take, and I’m not even an Aroused Member yet, let alone Tumescent, so what do I know?

The good news is I’ve got more time to practice my fouettés. Look, I’m up to eight now, and it’s only been a day! Can a grand jeté be far behind? :mellow:



Guest twinklover

Stu, our little world goes on. I now simply go to the escort's or other website, if there is one, and see the larger pics there. If something else catches my interest on the other site, I spend my time there, not here. That is the point some of us are making. That this change may be counterproductive to this site. We'll see.

Guest StuCotts
  lookin said:
Not darkness, certainly, but a bit of the luster is gone for me. I did try clicking on a few thumbnails, only to be told I’m not worthy; and, as surmised in my earlier post, it did piss me off a little. Seems like a site which relies on viewers for content, both for reviews and in the message center, would think twice before charging them to view pictures freely provided by escorts hoping to be seen in all their sizable glory.

But that’s just my take, and I’m not even an Aroused Member yet, let alone Tumescent, so what do I know?

The good news is I’ve got more time to practice my fouettés. Look, I’m up to eight now, and it’s only been a day! Can a grand jeté be far behind? :mellow:



It would be nice if at least the reviews would retain your interest and others'.

On another note, I'll know no rest until you tell me you've mastered the gargouillade. Bon courage!

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