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Everybody's Different Opinions on Montreal

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A few months ago a poster here complained about Stock Bar, saying that the dancers were not showing dick and blah blah blah but my experience there last week was superb! I saw lots of dick...soft, semisoft, and rock hard. There was a great variety of dancers and the lap dances were alll quite fun. The place looks really nice too!

Campus was fun as well, but being smaller, the choices were not as good. They had a special show with Pierre Fitch, a former dancer there and now a porn star (?) (I had met him the Sunday before at the Folsom Fair...does he ever change those undies?) Anyway, his show was quite lame. He goes behind a screen and dildos himself, and then does the same thing in front of the screen, all the time never getting hard. Yawn. The new curtains though were a hit with me.

Taboo is the unfriendliest bar I have been to in Montreal. The dancers, excepting Diego, are quite stand-offish and seem to operate in a world of their own...one that doesn't include but a select few of the customers. So many feminine boys...I wonder what their lives are like outside of Taboo.

Adonis was only worth a quick peak. I have never been a fan of the place.

The Black and Blue Party? Huge, but way too many women for me. The opening show featured all these male and female dancers crawling around pretending to be wild animals or something...at one point they simulated fucking, but boy/girl. Huh? It took 45 minutes to get past security as they checked everybody just like it was an airport..shoes off and all. I saw guys taking their pills on the subway and others stuffing things behind their balls...the one place security was afrraid to check. Quite a few, if not most of the crowd, seemed to be pretty high to me. But I'm no expert.

So that's just my opinion, and not worth too much here, I know.

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  Lucky said:
A few months ago a poster here complained about Stock Bar, saying that the dancers were not showing dick and blah blah blah but my experience there last week was superb! I saw lots of dick...soft, semisoft, and rock hard. There was a great variety of dancers and the lap dances were alll quite fun. The place looks really nice too!

Taboo is the unfriendliest bar I have been to in Montreal. The dancers, excepting Diego, are quite stand-offish and seem to operate in a world of their own...one that doesn't include but a select few of the customers. So many feminine boys...I wonder what their lives are like outside of Taboo.

Adonis was only worth a quick peak. I have never been a fan of the place.

The Black and Blue Party? Huge, but way too many women for me. The opening show featured all these male and female dancers crawling around pretending to be wild animals or something...at one point they simulated fucking, but boy/girl. Huh? It took 45 minutes to get past security as they checked everybody just like it was an airport..shoes off and all. I saw guys taking their pills on the subway and others stuffing things behind their balls...the one place security was afrraid to check. Quite a few, if not most of the crowd, seemed to be pretty high to me. But I'm no expert.

So that's just my opinion, and not worth too much here, I know.

Unfortunately, we didn't run into each other as we were actually in many of the same places.

I agree that Stock is a fun place. Saw Taz at Staff at 4 AM on both Friday and Saturday.... and he mentioned you were in town.

I also agree that Taboo was not worth the time (not in its current incarnation anyway). I was there a short while one night, and that was enough for me.

One cute dancer at Adonis..Shannon. He was worth a brief stop.

Unity as always was just great. Met two new gorgeous boys on Friday night, and made plans to see them again this week. Saturday, spent the evening with two of my favorite Vincents, and Tracy Young played superb music.

I actually really liked Black and Blue. The energy was great. I had planned to leave early because I had to catch a plane for business the next morning. I couldn't tear myself away... and ended up there until I had to go to the airport. Not enough twinks can afford to go (for my taste) so I just brought 5 of my own! lol. It was a great time for all of them... and I actually thought the atmosphere was lots of fun.

And I completely agree with you, btw. For all the security they put up and the no drug signs... it really did seem like being high was not rare! ^_^

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Well now I have to go from admiring your ability to rrelate to so many young guys to admiring your stamina. You would be very unlikely to run into me at 4 am anywhere as I like to be in bed by midnight. That was why the Gaiety and Stella's were so suitable...I could get laid and go to bed early!

I also flew out Monday, but I left the party in plenty of time to get some sleep, or I would have been a wreck upon arrival!

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That was me with the blah blah blah.

And I still stand by it-it was a huge snore when I visited-but glad you had a good time.

Taz is Lucky to have such a good friend in Lucky.

I won't say"never again"to the stock-but it will be a lonnnnng time till I drop any coin in the back room-I am sure the dancers are losing sleep over it :lol:


I have always loved Montreal and loved the Black and Blue party there. I like the clubs and have always enjoyed Taboo. I have not been there much recently and with the shitty USD, I'm not sure when I'll get there or how long I'll stay. The city has a lot to offer and the boys are amazing. I think they have some of the hottest guys around but you have to search much harder for them now than you did years ago.

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  TownsendPLocke said:
That was me with the blah blah blah.

And I still stand by it-it was a huge snore when I visited-but glad you had a good time.

Taz is Lucky to have such a good friend in Lucky.

I won't say"never again"to the stock-but it will be a lonnnnng time till I drop any coin in the back room-I am sure the dancers are losing sleep over it :lol:

Hey Townsend.....

I wish you would tell us specifically what your 'blah blah blah" and "hugh snore means".....

When I talked to you in person a few months ago at STOCK in PERSON you said you loved the place but your past few posts seem pretty negitive.

Is this just the old "Gaiety" never ending bitching from the old hooboy site under your other name or do you have something specific to complain about ? ?

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Taz-I don't recall saying that I "loved the place"If I said I liked the place it was simply the physical layout is very nice.

I had two very lackluster backroom encounters on my last visit-both I would catogorize as "Gaity style"hustlers-but that is out of your control.I did mention my dissapointment with our mutual aquaintence from San Diego.

The "dancers"need to be told that stomping around in clompy boots looking like a roided out zombies does not equate to dancing.I know for a fact that the Canadian partner in the buisness has told the guys to do this because the patrons of the website like it-it is a HUGE snore fest for those of us seeing the performance live especially those of us who remember the great energy some of the dancers at the old location used to put into their routines.

Also the lack of diversity in the dancers is boring.I know there is a gay"god"ideal-but must every dancer be so pumped up,plucked like a bald chicken,and sport the same tribal tattos?

Is this a hold over from my dislike of the gaity?Yes in part-regarding the roided out freaks.My main bitch with the Gaity was the absolute disdain bordering on hatred the management held for its clientele

and the nasty old dead people in the audience.

I really would have appriciated-holding this discussion in private with you and would have been glad to have done so. But since you chose to drag this out in public,,,My opinions on this place were formed before you became involved in the management,it would have been nice if you would have sought me out and asked for my counsel in a positive way rather than parsing this in a confrontational manner-but that is just how I would have done it.

Best of luck with this venture-and I hope to see some improvements on my next visit.

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  TownsendPLocke said:
Taz-I don't recall saying that I "loved the place"If I said I liked the place it was simply the physical layout is very nice.

Townsend, When we spoke in person it was my understanding that you liked the place based on your comments.

I had two very lackluster backroom encounters on my last visit-both I would catogorize as "Gaity style"hustlers-but that is out of your control.I did mention my dissapointment with our mutual aquaintence from San Diego.

It would be my impression that if you had 2 bad backroom experiances that were as bad as "Gaiety style" hustlers you would express your experiance about the bad dancers and complain in person when we have seen each other several times that weekend.

The "dancers"need to be told that stomping around in clompy boots looking like a roided out zombies does not equate to dancing.I know for a fact that the Canadian partner in the buisness has told the guys to do this because the patrons of the website like it-it is a HUGE snore fest for those of us seeing the performance live especially those of us who remember the great energy some of the dancers at the old location used to put into their routines.

Since the summer I can say that NO dancers have been told to dance around in clompy boots or pants. In fact the dancer manager has been been trying to get more dancers to do NAKED stages. Iam not sure if your a member of the website www.nudemaledancers.com if you were you could see an improvments in NUDE slow songs.

Also the lack of diversity in the dancers is boring.I know there is a gay"god"ideal-but must every dancer be so pumped up,plucked like a bald chicken,and sport the same tribal tattos?

Is this a hold over from my dislike of the gaity?Yes in part-regarding the roided out freaks.My main bitch with the Gaity was the absolute disdain bordering on hatred the management held for its clientele

and the nasty old dead people in the audience.

I really would have appriciated-holding this discussion in private with you and would have been glad to have done so. But since you chose to drag this out in public,,,My opinions on this place were formed before you became involved in the management,it would have been nice if you would have sought me out and asked for my counsel in a positive way rather than parsing this in a confrontational manner-but that is just how I would have done it.

My response on the message center is based on your past and recent negitive comments.

If you had bad experiances with certain dancers it would be my understanding that the message center was a perfect place to "finger" the dancers in question rahter than call the entire club a "snore". There are dozens of great dancers at Stock. It sucks that you had a bad experiance with 2 dancers but keeping there names a secret isnt going to help make things better. I disagree that that the club cant isnt in control of bad private dances. If we know that customers are not satisfied we can warn the dancers and if the complaints continue he can be sent on his way.

Best of luck with this venture-and I hope to see some improvements on my next visit.

Thanks for your best wish's, hope to see you soon. ^_^

Guest lurkerspeaks

Hey Taz...

I will be back in montreal for a week, starting on Halloween, October 31. Any sign of a certain favorite past dancer of mine, Jo?

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Taz wrote"Since the summer I can say that NO dancers have been told to dance around in clompy boots or pants. In fact the dancer manager has been been trying to get more dancers to do NAKED stages. Iam not sure if your a member of the website www.nudemaledancers.com if you were you could see an improvments in NUDE slow songs."

One of the problems is that most of the "dances"slow and fast had no energy,very little interaction,and were dull as dishwater.

The boys stare off onto space-or at the cameras,walk(or stomp)around the pole slooooowly.I know this is probably great for the fellas getting off on the web cams-but(again)it does a real disservice to those of us in the live audience.

When we were both at the Campus the next day we both witnessed some great stage energy and some fine looking guys-of all body types.

I know you had a good time-as did our friend from SD.

I think the dancer manager also has to bring in some one to pep things up.Gee,do you think there might be a gay guy in Montreal will to work as choreographer/danse coach for the Stock guys?Spit on St. Cat's and it will probably land on him :lol: I don't expect the Joffery when I am at a male strip club-just a little something something to make me smile.

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I was out and about last night and ran into "G" , a good friend and barman at Stock. He told me that over the past few weeks, Stock has added some guys who would qualify as "my taste" into their lineup. Younger, smaller guys with toned bodies and cute faces.

At a way to diversify the lineup, Taz! I'll be there tonight before I head up to Unity. ^_^

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When Mr. Locke went to Stock, taz had only been involved in the ownership for a month, so I suggest he hold his vitriole until he has a chance to see if the place now meets his lofty standards. I would feel Lucky if he took me along on the trip!

The most exuberant dancers are at Taboo. They put a lot of energy in their dance, maybe that's why they are so unfriendly afterwards, they are just tired!

And speaking of tired, poor Marc Anthony had to stay up all night Sunday, take care of all the boys in New Orleans this week, and will be up to 4 am again tonight in Montreal. What a dedicated guy!

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Thank you Lucky-I do hope at some time in the near future we will both be in La Belle Montreal at the same time.

I did mention in my post above that the problems I had at Stock were in place before Taz's involvement-however that in no way negates my experience there.I do hope Taz brings some much needed inprovements to the establishment that the other partner has long neglegted in lieu of greedily lapping up the easy dollars made via internet porn.

I do not see my posts as vitrolic.An astute manager will look at them and try to find what,if anything,could be learned from my complaints-that is how succesful buisneses grow.

Now that The USD and CAD are at par(with the USD sinking) many frequent visitors to Montreal might be looking elsewhere to spend there leisure dollars. I for one will really have to rethink my holiday expenses.Wasting money(throwing good after bad money)is not an expense I can afford-as I am sure most cannot.The whole $20 private BS upset me when $1 USD=$1.30 CAD,now i would be even more upset.

But winter is fast approaching,and the Stock fellas will see the usual downturn in revenue-bargains to be had?

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Maybe Iam lost and thats why we cant put on a show that will make Mr Town happy.

Somehow I thought the REAL eal complaint was the bad private dances.....and still nothing about that....

"I had two very lackluster backroom encounters on my last visit-both I would catogorize as "Gaity style"hustlers-but that is out of your control."I did mention my dissapointment with our mutual aquaintence from San Diego".



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Actually Taz the lackluster privates were a small(but expensive) part of my dissapointing visit to The Stockbar.

Since you seem to want me to keep repeating the story(a rather questionable move on your part-good management does not want to dwell on past mistakes,they apologize,learn from them,and then move on)here is the post from my trip report earlier in the year.

May 25 2007, 11:50 AM Post #7

Aroused Member

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Well actually spent some time last night at the Stock(Sundy night I left after 3 dancers in a row never removeded their undies during their slow dances-and thus beeing coy about showing dick x( ) Last night was better-but a few tried this again.

The talent at Stock Bar is about as boring as can be IMO these days.There is so little variety and the dancers energy level is on half power most of the time.Quite a few of them looked like they were on some sort of opiate.Lots of steroid side effects in evidence-all of them either totally shaved or trimmed to mere whisp of hair.HATE IT!

Big bruiser Muscle guys saunter around-Dont attempt any sort of dance routine.Very little eye contact with the audience-they are too busy admiring themselves on the many video monitors around the place.

There were a few fellas thet did put out some energy and actually danced-but it was nothing like the old days.

I did backrooms with two guys-both were far from frisky and never got hard.One was very very sweet(Jason)The other(Tyler)just wanted to pose-but was quick to ask if I would like something deliverd to my hotel(yeah like that is going to happen-after wasting $80)Many dancers wer showing their desperation

NOTE TO DANCERS AND MANAGEMENT OF STOCK BAR--the dollar is weak,the buisness is down during the slowtimes-go back to the $10 dollar dances and get a little more varity in your guys.This lineup is as boring as the old,now long dead,Gaity-you can do better.I will not be back.

To add to the funtimes of the Metro strike there is now a heat wave!

Montreal,wjile still my Favorite North American city, will have to be put on hold for a while.To many other places to

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I will be in Montreal this weekend and will check in to see what changes the current management has made at the StockBar.

Taz-If you are in the house please come over and chat-it will be nice to see you and hopefully we can sort thing out.

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