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Where is the Inbox

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How do you access the Inbox/PM functions?

I logged in this morning, and up popped a nice window telling me I had a new message. I opened it and replied.

But now, from the main UI, I can't find my way back to the Inbox.

Ou est-il?

Guest BostonGuy
How do you access the Inbox/PM functions?

I logged in this morning, and up popped a nice window telling me I had a new message. I opened it and replied.

But now, from the main UI, I can't find my way back to the Inbox.

Ou est-il?


Don't feel bad. IP.Board (from Invision Power, www.invisionpower.com) is not, IMHO, the easiest or clearest board to navigate. Again, IMO only, compared to boards like UBB.threads, IP.Board suffers in clarity and ease of navigation. So don't feel bad that you can't find what you're looking for.

Actually, in fairness to IP.Board, I think this particular implementation also makes it seem difficult. The port to IP.Board seems to have copied the structure of the previous DC Scripts board, keeping all of the forums intact. Unfortunately, where it was easy to see immediately all of the updated threads (not updated forums) in DC Scripts, IP.Board seems to force you to go individually to each forum that has had even one update. Given the small number of posts in most of the forums, I think the implementation could have been greatly simplified by collapsing all of the threads into two or three forums. This would have had the two-fold effect of making it look like there was more activity here (kind of like how a small bar with a dozen patrons is fun while a large bar with a dozen patrons looks cavernous) while also making it easier and more convenient to use.

Sorry -- I didn't mean to turn this reply to your question into a rant, especially since I like MER and wish it well always. But I find that I'm so turned off by the interface that I now visit only occasionally and do so that even reluctantly. Since I'm not visiting much, perhaps my observation is wrong, but it seems to me that there is less activity here than before the switch from DC Scripts.

In retrospect, I think the goal of having a single sign-on has been an unfortunate one that has led to a site that's more difficult to use and less fun to visit than might otherwise have been the case.

All of which is to set the scene for my answer: I can't find an inbox either. I checked here for a few minutes, checked the help (which talks only of clicking on a new message), went to the Invasion Power site and looked around there -- all in an attempt to answer your question. There may well be an inbox but I can't find it, so two of us are stumped. So much for ease of use, huh?

Sorry I couldn't help you.



Thanks for the perspectives, BG.

I don't feel bad, just frustrated. The Help function turns up a couple of relevant instructions:

One is a helpful page on "Your Personal Messenger"... http://www.maleescortreview.com/forum/inde...DE=01&HID=6 ...except it does not say how to access the Personal Messenger.

Another describes the "My Assistant" feature:

The 'My Assistant' feature can be accessed by clicking the link of the same name in the board header. This tool provides quick links to many important areas on the board, as well as quick access to common features.

My Assistant has four seperate feature tabs:

* Information - this tabs offers links to the overall and daily Top Ten posters, as well as your last ten posts on the board. You can also click to view the Moderation Team.

* New Posts - will show you a link to any new posts made since your last visit, and how long ago they were posted.

* Search - using this, you can search the forum basically the same way the standard search function works. This box will show you the number of results, and allow you to click to view them

* Recent PMs - on this tab, you can view your 5 most recent PMs and when they were received.

The My Assistant is also used when a new PM arrives. If you have selected to be notified when a new PM is received, the My Assistant box will appear on your screen displaying your new PM.


That first sentence seems to be a clue: "The 'My Assistant' feature can be accessed by clicking the link of the same name in the board header."

I do not see any such link displayed. Can management help?

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