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At a loss for words....

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I am trying to follow the contract happenings in SoCals grocery ind. right now and am really at a loss of words and am feeling frustrated. Not meaning to turn this into a political debate but maybe it is the Socialist pansy liberal in me but what happend to treating employees fairly and equally? Things aren't looking good in SoCal right now and am afraid another strike might be around the bend. Seattle's contract is up with the grocery stores on May 2nd and what happens in SoCal does have a ripple effect up here. We got the two tier system up here but I don't think as bad but still not good. I am on the commitee to hash out a new contract and am trying hard to be optomistic as much as I can but seeing the companies fillings with the SEC and seeing how much they have bounced back compared to three years ago it angers me to no end. I am sick of companies demanding that workers do more and get less all in the name of pleasing their share holders! I hope that IF there is a strike in SoCal the hard workers not only picket the stores but also the companies head offices too! For those who might be interested in something besides the BN scandle (btw thanks Doug for bring it to light) here is a link to an article about the grocer contracts in SoCal http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=7673307 http://www.respectworkers.com/



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