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Guest Riptide

Benjamin Nicholas is a GIGANTIC FRAUD

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Guest Riptide

I contemplated posting this here. I really did. But after serious consideration, this goes to the heart of what I have been saying here for some time about the character of Benjamin Nicholas and it is important information for anyone to have, when considering him for personal encounters.

This truly is a sad day indeed.


  • Members

>I contemplated posting this here. I really did.

I also thought about it but was not sure about linking the other site.

Benjamin has been an escort poster boy with many fans and the topic for conversation for a couple of years now. He has constantly promoted his blog so it is definitely appropiate to discuss his deception. Doug definitely did his homework on this one and wonder how Benjamin will spin this.

Guest StuCotts

I read most of and was impressed by the minutely researched and passionately felt reprimand you refer to. I gathered BN is incapable of keeping his blog going without heavy borrowing, all unattributed, from more gifted writers than he is. That makes him deceitful. I don't know if it makes him a prosecutable plagiarist.

He is attracting searing condemnation from people wjho seem to have a long, negative history with him and are bound to assign the worst possible motives to him. Quoting without benefit of quotation marks is admittedly inexcusable. But anybody who ever had any sort of academic career has known people who yearned with their whole souls to write and never turned out anything but dross, be it because they lacked the spark or because they were plain dopey. I felt kind of sorry for even the pretentious ones. And so, my own inclination would probably be toward less thunder in the denunciations, while still doing my best to discredit him.

I rush to add that I'm an outsider to this discussion. I don't have long-term relationships with escorts or read their blogs. I don't expect literary talent from them, or any more integrity than it takes to give me an hour's good entertainment for an hour's pay. BN's reviews tell me he's good enough at that, unless they're phoney too.

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The main problem with BN is not his plagerism-show me a blogger who does not steal material and I will show you a boring blog.

My problem is his stream of constant lies.Add in an incredible amount of indescretion and a good dose of hypocrasy and you have a formula for disaster.

It will be quite interesting to see how BN spins this.Why he just might need 2 weeks at the Hollywood Holiday Express-which he refers to as the Peninsulla }(

Guest beemerboy

LOL...good for u riptide,you've been trying to tell these old fools about the nasty hooker b.n. for a long,long,long time,they laughed at you,insulted you, even censored you here.

But last laugh is yours to have........congrats buddy.......TAYLOR

Guest epigonos

It never ceases to amaze me the amount of time people spend lauding and condemning Benjamin Nicholas. I know that I will probably take some flak for what I'm about to say but -- WHY WOULD ANYBODY SPEND THE AMOUNT OF TIME RESEARCHING BEN'S BLOG THAT DOUG69 OBVIOUSLY DID? Really why is this blog all that important? I just don't understand why so many people seem to give a shit. In the end those who like the blog will continue to read it and those who don't won't. The pros and cons regarding Nicholas have become somewhat akin to political or religious wars. Have fun guy BUT sincerely I just don't get it.


I think Doug69 was trying to find out when BN started doing that, and he had to go back a long ways. If it happend just once or twice then, maybe there was a reason, if it started at day one, well then there is another reason, and that only BN can answer.

But seriously, are you paying an escort for his literary abilities, or are you paying him for his ability to make you feel good? BN has made a lot of people feel good, so he is good at escorting, but maybe not as a blogger.

Guest eastburbguy


First, while I have posted negative comments about BN on this subject on "The Other Board", I have generally had no beef with BN; indeed, on more than one occasion I have sent him a private "heads up" when he's been trashed without warning, and he has thanked me, so I have a fairly good record of goodwill towards him.

In this case, while Doug69 may have been "overly thorough" (whatever that may mean), I think the overall message is to alert prospective BN clients to his insidiousness and the prospective clients' risk of hiring him (being outed, etc.). That is nothing to be taken lightly, if you are a client who requires "discretion." BN has proven more than once that he has little regard for client discretion when it serves his own interests, and, while Doug69's meticulous research may be tedious for some, I pray that you will get the message: BN is a dangerous escort to hire.

There is no way in Hell I would ever hire him.

Guest euroskater21

I read the exhaustive and well researched "expose" with interest and while I am a tad disappointed at what has transpired, deep down I can't feign ignorance or claim surprise. I don't intend to cause any offence or insult however when you cut through the layers of pretence and the occasional escort star, this is not a career or profession that's high on the integrity stakes. So can we really be that shocked or outraged by what has transpired?

My gut says this sort of behaviour goes with the territory.

Great research though.

Guest comment

Absolutely fascinating. An escort who has plagiarized and a reader who obviously spent countless hours researching the crime.

It really should not be a shock what Ben has done. He is in the business of illusion. It's his job to make clients believe he cares, that he finds his clients attractive ... that is why we pay for his companion services whether one wants to admit it or not.

Personally I doubt that the discovery and exposure will hurt his escorting business. No one is hiring him for his writing skills are they?

Ben is a hot looking man whom, according to his reviews, satisfies his many clients. Based on this insignificant discovery I would not hesitate hiring him if he were the type of guy I desired.

  • Members

>It never ceases to amaze me the amount of time people spend

>lauding and condemning Benjamin Nicholas.

And many of us are amazed at those that constantly praise him, no matter what.

>I know that I will

>probably take some flak for what I'm about to say but -- WHY



Doug plainly said he first noticed the problem with a GQ column he had read. From that point I think curiosity took over and with google I doubt he spent as much time as some think. Also if he hadn't researched things so will, all the "Benjamin is perfect people" would have had an easier time refuting his points. I don't see how anyone can refute what Doug found.

And why are you shooting the messenger? Benjamin is the one with the problem.

> Really why is this blog all that

>important? I just don't understand why so many people seem to

>give a shit.

Because BN is constantly promoting and "bragging" about the blog. Even said to stay tuned when he said he had proof that a certain escort wasn't dead and read his blog for the gossip. We know how that one turned out.

>In the end those who like the blog will continue

>to read it and those who don't won't.

I will be surprised if it still exist soon and hopefully Benjamin wasn't lying about all this property and stock investments. He sure might need those assets to pay to defend a civil suit.

> The pros and cons

>regarding Nicholas have become somewhat akin to political or

>religious wars. Have fun guy BUT sincerely I just don't get


Part of it is that Benjamin has promoted a Fraud. What else about him is a fraud. Maybe all those that really believe they are his "Best" friend.

My concern with BN came from his outting and lying about a message poster friend of mine were he also falsely stated as a fact that the guy was a thief. That guy also thought he was BN's best friend. But many defended him then also. Then the Escort death situation where he had many of us believe the guy was alive and frauding his own death. Now his Blog Fraud. But still many will praise him.

I like many, maybe most, hire an escort for a sexual encounter. So from that standpoint maybe I would hire him or maybe I wouldn't. But another falsehood about Benjamin is that all his clients are satisfied. I've had clients tell me in person they didn't write a negative review because they would be bashed in the message center, others said their negative review on the old Hooboy site never say the light of day,and a person that had reviewed him cautioned me to not even consider him.

At the same time I've meet several people that think he is the best escort around. Either way it is certain that BN defenitely has some problems. With that said, if anyone believes they truly are his best friends then a sign of "true" friendship is not to abandon them when they are down. Also it seems society always enjoys seeing someone that is placed upon a pedestal be knocked off, whether they themselves or others put them there.

In the end I wouldn't try to defend BN's character. But instead defend his hard cock and ass all you want.

Guest epigonos

KY TOP I hired Benjamin Nicholas in the past because I was intrigued to learn if he was or was not a good escort. My experience with him taught me that he is indeed an outstanding escort and I will most likely hire him again in the future. In hiring an escort I am interested in what he has to say across a lunch/dinner table and what he does in bed.

I DID NOT hire Benjamin Nicholas because of his literary brilliance as demonstated on his blog. I DO NOT read internet blog as I have come to believe that 99.9% of them are trite, boring, and worthless. I DID NOT hire him because I was seeking a friend -- I have many friends already. I hired him for SEX and a llittle conversation and at those two thing he is damn good.

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lawyers excepted! :P

>I don't intend to cause any offence or insult

nor do I...

>however when you cut through the layers of pretence and the

>occasional escort star, this is not a career or profession

>that's high on the integrity stakes.

You wield a broad brush skater. I might agree more wholeheartedly if we were talking ten years ago when only street guys were out for a quick trick to feed a need. With the advent of the internet the 'profession' has opened up to college kids, young professionals who dabble part time, those dedicated to full time professional service and others. The street scene has died pretty much along with the evaporation of the trade that made it.

Also, I would point out that there is a symmetry to the enterprise that cannot be overlooked. Escorts need clients. There is nothing more inherently undesirable about escorts than there is about clients. They are yin to our yang.

Some would argue that clients are a coarse type and pathetic souls. Cheating on wives, misfits loosers stooping to pay for sex etc. not to mention the few that try to beat the escort out of his fee or no show appointments which might be characterized as acting out lying. I know or have met many clients. Very few have struck me that way -- not that they don't exist at all.

Generally, every group has its share of bad apples. I think it is just easy to fall back on old stereotypes for other groups with which we only have occasional contact. BUt we are intimately familiar with our own group. And our group it is upstanding for the most part, else we wouldn't associate with it. Right?

In the end character is statistically distributed among the members of the human species based on their individual make up, not on what group they were born into or job they hold. That is my view anyway.

Guest bigaguy

This entire argument is about character.

When I am paying someone more than my Attorney charges per hour I want someone with some character. (I realize the jokes will now begin about character and attorney's)

That is why the Reviews and the forums on this and other sites are important to me when hiring an escort

Tampa Yankee's reference to the old days of street trade is entirely on mark. I don't expect character from a street guy and their rate reflects that.

At the upper end rate of $200 - $300 hour I think good character should be part of the equation.

When I see someone with Multiple good reviews, year after year and comments like "he made the situation comfortable" that puts me at ease comments regarding escorts on the forums are also important as they all factor in to my opinion as good character.

The other reference Tampa Yankee made that some people would consider those of us who hire the escorts to be of less than good character is also true. But for self preservation I choose to live in denial on that issue.

In my opinion BN has shown he does not possess good character. I'll have to admit I have wondered about hiring him because of all the hoopla in the past both good and bad. This latest episode however has made up my mind for me. BN it not on my list of guys I'd like to hire.

My choice

My Body My Choice

My Wallett My Choice


Guest SouthernMan

“ I think the overall message is to alert prospective BN clients to his insidiousness and the prospective clients' risk of hiring him (being outed, etc.). ”

Just a FYI. You really don’t need to append aka ncm2169 at HB to the end of your posts at MER, because it equates to posting under the name polecat and appending aka skunk on HB on your posts here. We can all tell by the stench who you are, so save yourself some keystrokes in the future by foregoing that exercise. Just this part is addressed to you personally, the rest is addressed to everyone.

I think the overall intent of the message was to give the handful of individuals who have dominated the Hooboy’s site for the last 6 years and the MER site since inception some new fodder, because they were in danger of boring each other to death. Hence all the kudos and welcome backs to Doug69, the same poster that these self-appointed judges of all that is true and morally acceptable have previously often reviled and often advocated the expulsion of from those sites.

You have all been revived to live another day! Celebrate by visiting the local manicurist to sharpen those claws (makes the throat ripping a little easier, you know?). Plus you can lick out all that tasty blood from underneath your nails afterwards.

I can never understand why you people feel that you have the right to pass judgment on others and condemn their morals and actions, when by your very own words and recounting of your actions, over the years, you have not exactly proven yourselves to be paragons of virtue! You judge EVERYONE, whether it is a thread about some celebrity you haven’t met, an escort you haven’t met, or just another poster you’ve never met And when someone who has met the object of attack posts something positive, then you discredit that person’s words and launch a personal attack against that person (witness ncm’s reference to Chuck50 as a drunk on the HB thread).

Shall we revisit some of those? How about the traveling business men , who GOSH DARN , just found out I’m gay./bi. But not really, as I only love to fuck boys who are young enough to be my son/grandson but MUST not look over 15! (or else I’ll write a negative review). And I get to put all the expenses (aka $200 dinner/$800 a night hotel suite) on my company’s expense account !!! Now all of us with expense accounts KNOW how to fudge those things so that at least ½ the cost of the escort can be reimbursed. Absolutely NOTHING dishonest or immoral there!

My very favorite is the admitted POT HEAD calling others drunkards! The very same pothead who brags about cruising the bus stations looking for runaway teen boys to pick up, give shelter to, sexually use and then set up on the internet as prostitutes (but then again the silly fool has found TRUE love with one of those boys! )

Guest SouthernMan

x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x( x(

What's with the blank pages and double postings? Hey I can fix it for you and for much less an hour that your average escort boy, even if he works in Sheboyban! :7

Guest Conway

The day I hire ben Nicholas to write legitimate articles for a legitimate media publication, I'll worry about it. Until then, me thinks this proves that one or two people have too much time on their hands.

Guest epigonos

My only problem with words like morals and character is exactly whose definition of these words are we uising. Now if a poster chooses to say "by my definition of character Benjamin Nicholas has none" I can deal wtih that statement. If a poster chooses to say "by my definition of morals Benjamin Nicholas has none" I can deal with that statement. What I CANNOT deal with are blanket statements like "Benjamin Nicholas has no character" or "Benjamin Nicholas has no morals". These are relative terms and on a site like this we should be very careful arout how we use them.


Whatever it says about his character, the harm from Benjamin's plagiarism is pretty much restricted to his own reputation. Andy Borowitz's royalties won't go down on account of it. But Benjamin's shenanigans haven't always been so harmless. I too post a link with some reluctance, but, to be truthful, not a whole lot:


At least one escort reported unmerited business repercussions from this blog entry of Benjamin's.

  • Members

Here, here epigonos!! I couldn't have said it better myself.

I, too, have hired Benj and it was an awesome sexual encounter.

Like, epigonos, I don't consider him my best friend or a literary wonder. But, as an escort, he has more than met my needs.

By the same token, I really appreciate the talents of my mechanic. But I'd sure hate to hire him as an escort.

Everyone has their forte and I'm smart enough to decide which person can best meet a specific need.

Guest SouthernMan

>I, too, have hired Benj and it was an awesome sexual


PLEASE!!! AWESOME???? A fair assessment, if you find hot water in the morning bathtub AWESOME! , otherwise, just what was expected would be a fairer assessment (based on my experiences only).


>Like, epigonos, I don't consider him my best friend or a

>literary wonder. But, as an escort, he has more than met my


WTF! Truer words have never been spoken (disregarding the met needs comment)! I've been with him twice and after the 2nd encounter I told myself NEVER AGAIN!

Guest BostonGuy

Well, I certainly wouldn't want to be in BN's position right now.

I don't see how Dave Barry, at least, can afford to not take very serious legal action. Failing to do so might be construed as allowing his writings (or some portion thereof) to pass into the public domain -- not something his attorneys would advise, I think.

At the very least, if I were BN, I'd be trying REAL hard to get any of the offending work off my site so it cannot be displayed any further. (Simply deleting it from the home page is clearly not enough.) But I'm sure that horse is already out of the barn.

I wish I could be sympathetic. I don't like to see anyone in legal liability. But this is clearly a case where he stole the writings of someone else, over and over again, and modified them in minor ways to pass them off as his own. That's illegal, for good reasons.

One might be tempted to say that we're all criminals because of the laws against escorting or hiring escorts. But I think that's very different. Theft of another person's writings is not a case of two consenting adults deciding to engage in mutually acceptable behavior and it's certainly not a victimless crime either. Dave Barry writes for a living; theft of his work is injurious to him. BN should have known that and most likely did.

I don't think there's anything wrong at all with BN's friends and supporters continuing to support him. That's what friends do, even in the face of bad behavior. And I could easily see someone deciding to hire BN after this, deciding that they see little connection between the blog and the services he offers when he is hired as an escort.

But BN has been pretty conclusively identified as a thief. I don't think that I'd sleep well were I sharing an engagement with him that lasted over night.


Guest twinklover

I was and am a mean girl. A very mean girl. I have no reluctance disparaging overpriced prima donna loudmouthed escorts. No reluctance whatsoever. But I don't feel like pissing on BN's grave. I left this thread alone, here and on M4M. Tonight I saw BG post on this thread with great interest. I said to myself BG is a reasonable and fair person. Whatever he thinks of this should be very persuasive to me. And his post was very persuasive to me. The word "thief" will now be freely interchanged with the escort name "BN."


I know BN has not really responded..... I am certain he is out of town and communitcation until the 11th. Perhaps then he will give some responses to this thread.


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