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Guest ChgoBoy

The Hypocrisy Of Benjamin Nicholas

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Guest ChgoBoy

I’m not coming down on either side of the safer/unsafe sex debate always going on somewhere, or even the choices we all have to make in a time where the wrong choice can be a choice of serious illness and even death. But I’m outraged that Benjamin Nicholas in all her lying and hypocritical style; can proclaim on every escort site which she advertises her used ass on,(including this one) that she always practices safer sex when obviously she does not. BN is a LIAR who is putting anyone who has sex with him at potential serious risk. See M4M review #43 of Benjamin Nicholas. Http://www.male4malescorts.com/start.htm

“Ass to Mouth” sex, is what this type of activity has been labeled. I first read about it a number of months ago on one of the M4M escort websites who participates in the MC from time to time. I can’t recall his exact name at the moment, but will find it and update this posting with it. He makes these types of videos for private sale in addition to escorting and publicly acknowledges he engages in less than safer sex privately and with clients. I have no issue with this because he’s honest and forthcoming about his choices, so you can make an informed decision for yourself, based on that disclosure. Benjamin Nicholas does not live up to that standard or credibility and wants you to be misinformed.

“Ass to Mouth” sex, is just that. It’s removing an object; a fist, a dildo, anal beads, butt plugs, bottles etc., from deep inside your ass and immediately putting it as far down your throat as possible while sucking it clean and swallowing the remains. This type of “scene” or behavior is often times accompanied by rounds of bareback fucking and the use of illegal drugs such as meth, G, E, etc. One can only speculate however in this case.

“Before we knew what had happened, the dildos, fresh from our asses, were shoved down our throats, and held there, while the men, this time very easily, slipped a new dildo up our asses. Right in front of my face was the beautiful face of Ben, the stud surfer, his face sweaty and grimy, and his mouth full of that thick dildo, still smeared from his ass.”

Handle: fosterchow

Submissions: 5 or more Reviews

Previous Reviews: matt/philadelphia, bobby#2/philadlephia, justin#3/philadelphia, marshall law/philadelphia, benjamin nicholas/san antonio (we met in Key West), bobby thompson/la (we met in Key West)

Howard Brown Memorial Clinic, the premier gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Healthcare Organization in Chicago; has placed this behavior on the “High Risk” “Unsafe” list of sexual activities of which one can participate and, can lead to the following diseases.

STD risks include:

•Anogenital warts


•Genital herpes


•Hepatitis A



•Parasitic infections


The hypocrisy of Benjamin Nicholas’ morality and values when they come to the truth and your health and safety is unconscionable. Wouldn’t it be the right thing to do to list your sexual activities as “anything goes” “to be discussed” or provide no answer at all?

Some responders to this post believe it to be a fantasy review. Others believe it, but couldn’t finish reading it. If this is a fantasy review, as one poster believes; then is Daddy so desperate for new reviews that he’s now publishing known to be true fantasy? How misleading and disingenuous would that be to his membership that relies upon accuracy and truth in reporting? Conversely, if true, why would Benjamin Nicholas allow a review to be posted, with his “power of the edit with Daddy” that reviews and confirms that he does indeed engage in unsafe sex with his clients, when he claims otherwise, if it was not true?

Perhaps Benjamin needs to spend a bit less time trying to out HIV+ LA based escorts on his blog and a bit more time trying to clean up his own act.

Guest SouthernMan

Yawn! Got anything new to say? Obviously, you haven't been able to find anything worth a shit with which to occupy your time! GOD, you have got to be the most boring poster ever on any site ever on the entire web! x(

Guest straycat

What is the point of posting this nonsense here?

You also posted this absurdness at escortspeak, why not post it on hooboy site for a hat-trick?

I suggest if you have a vendetta or issue with Ben that you handle it in an adult fashion and through email in the future.

Guest ChgoBoy

>What is the point of posting this nonsense here?


>You also posted this absurdness at escortspeak, why not post

>it on hooboy site for a hat-trick?

Nonsense? Nonsense? I’m amazed that anyone in these times, particularly a gay man who hires escorts for sex, would call an escorts untruth about his safer sex practices with clients, nonsense. I believe that anyone who would publicly lie about this, here and on every other escort review board that he’s registered on, would also have no conscious lying about his HIV status either. But you find my personals concerns with this absurd. I wonder how many people you have called absurd for attempting to warn perspective clients of an escorts cock size being smaller than advertised or that he didn’t stay hard when he said no problem or that he ended up hitting them up for extra money even after the price was agreed upon in advance. You know, all the “really important” stuff.

It’s very self righteous of you to tell others where they should place their personal concerns in life. I’ll bet that works well for you in other areas of your life.

And yes, I also did post it at www.EscortSpeak.com and just so you’re not disappointed at not getting your hat-trick, I also posted it on my blog. It may not be important to you, but it’s important to me and I suspect that it’s important to others as well, whether they choose to publicly acknowledge it or not.


>I suggest if you have a vendetta or issue with Ben that you

>handle it in an adult fashion and through email in the


Why is it that when people have a strong dissent about someone else’s behaviors or actions in life, they’re suddenly being accused of having a personal vendetta against them. Is it a gay thing that I’m missing out on? Please tell me because I’d really like to know. Can’t people simply entertain and voice strong viewpoints about another without having to calling it a vendetta? Or is there just not enough drama involved that way, making it less appealing to some drama queens?

Thanks for the advice. From someone who just called my concerns nonsense and absurd, I’ll begin utilizing your suggestions immediately. Btw, do you have a book out too? It might help speed up the resolution process for me.

And Straycat, the next time you find something unjust in your life or in the world around you, I suggest just walking away from it and leaving it to someone else. You certainly wouldn’t want to put yourself out there, and do something about it. That would be absurd.

Guest Conway

Me thinks its probably just a grand advertisement for escortspeak, which C Boy now owns. That site is dead as a doornail these days.

  • Members

Since you dislike Benj so much I thought you might jump at the chance to hire him after seeing this review, since it was about him being tied up and degraded. Thought you might enjoy that.

Guest eric194288

I'm not sure I understand why everyone's so against this poster. I think based on what he says, he's right, and this is important information for people to know. Maybe he is motivated by other reasons I do not know of, but so what - were I to see Benjamin Nicholas, I would want to have seen this easily missed info - and would be thankful that it was pointed out.

I read Benjamin Nicholas's blog every now and then - and on another but in some ways related matter (is this a guy you want to see), I was shocked when he revealed the identity of an escort friend's client (a certain quasi-celebrity). No matter what you think of this person or the fact he is a known person, I thought one of the most important values for any escort is a discretion. Another reason I would not see this guy - he makes up his rules as he goes.

Maybe he's mostly a good guy, I do not know. But these are just facts that any potential client should be aware of.

Guest ChgoBoy

>Since you dislike Benj so much I thought you might jump at

>the chance to hire him after seeing this review, since it was

>about him being tied up and degraded. Thought you might enjoy


LOL, that's funny KYTOP, but I would rather subject myself to the potential dangers that might exist by being in the same city-state-country that you might be travelling in/thru at the same time, rather than even consider that! "-)


Guest ChgoBoy

>I'm not sure I understand why everyone's so against this

>poster. I think based on what he says, he's right, and this is

>important information for people to know.

> But these are just facts that any potential client should be aware of.

Thanks Eric- and they are, just FACTS.

The problem here is that detection of many of the parasites that cause many of the illnesses mentioned below are difficult to detect until they become active and harmful within your system. Ass to mouth sex, at least as described in this review, left feces and other fecal matter, and, potentially microscopic blood droplets in the mouths of and “smeared” on the faces of both Benjamin Nicholas and his client. And, had BN’s hands had any contact with his “feces smeared face" with his hands (wiping sweat away from his face, etc) then touched, kissed, shared a glass, popper bottle etc., with his client; that client is now AT RISK of ingesting a parasite, or worse, and making him sick. Anything that BN touched with feces on his hands that his client (or anyone else) then touched (car door, motel key, steering wheel, door knob, bathroom door etc) became a potential vehicle for transmission and infection. Keep in mind also, if there was any kissing afterwards or any contact to the contaminated areas mentioned, or while sharing food, drinking or during the sex that occurred back at the motel, the potential for infection still remains as well.

Consuming one's own, or a partners feces has potentially harmful consequences, as the bowel bacteria are not necessarily safe to ingest. Risks include viral hepatitus and parasitic intestinal infections such as giardiasis, cryptosporidiosis, shigellosis, amebiasis and campylobacter. Some of these consequences are highly contagious and carry a serious health risk.Those with weakened immune systems should certainly abstain from mucous membrane contact with stool.

I might also add that this behavior puts Benjamin Nicholas at risk as well, from the client. It works both ways. BN could become infected, then carry such sickness or disease to a future client, infecting him with the same bug. When it comes to infected feces, all it really takes is rubbing your finger into the corner of your eye for the parasite to enter the body amongst all the other entry points. It's just that easy.

The bottom line here is that Benjamin Nicholas put a client “at risk” for contracting a potentially serious infection. Benjamin Nicholas advertises “safe sex always” but as with many things he has said over the years, it's simply untrue.

  • Members

>LOL, that's funny KYTOP, but I would rather subject myself to

>the potential dangers that might exist by being in the same

>city-state-country that you might be travelling in/thru at the

>same time, rather than even consider that! "-)



Danger...Danger Will Robinson ... Danger ;)

Guest BewareofNick

And what's wrong with providing the public with factual information?

If it was untrue, Ben would have Nexteled Daddy immediately and ordered the review taken down. Daddy would have moved heaven and earth to comply.

Not everyone reads M4M.

For all your accusations against ChgoBoy, let's not forget that the members of Ben's Yahoo! cult defend anything and everything he does no matter what, just as Rush Limbaugh and the dittoheads do for their President.

There area a great many health risks associated with what Ben and the reviewer did and people should be aware that Ben engages in this type of risky behavior.

We report, you decide.

Guest Conway

But, both Ben and his clients are adults, capable of educating themselves and making their own decisions. You act as if, after having read that, you need to stop all of us from sticking dildos up our asses, then licking it because we're not smart enough to know better.

We're all big boys. If we wanted to be preached to from the high and mighty pulpit of escortspeak, we'd go there and listen. We have no need for the two of you to bring it to us here.

Guest straycat


>We're all big boys. If we wanted to be preached to from the

>high and mighty pulpit of escortspeak, we'd go there and

>listen. We have no need for the two of you to bring it to us


Well said.

I will also add that no one cares what you or chgboboy are reporting. The ONLY reason why it is even a topic is because it involves someone whom you guys have a vendetta against.

There are hundreds of like reviews on Hooboy site. Yet I have never seen either of you bring your concern about these other escorts with the like reviews to anyone's attention.

And what you claim is fact is only what someone else has written, it hasn't been investigated by anyone.

Now go on your way, take this to your message center and keep it there.

Come back when you want to join the party.

Guest ArVaGuy

Every time I see one of these BN posts I just roll my eyes at the obsessive absurdity of the whole situation. I even chuckle at the thought of how all this is likely improving Ben’s business by leaps and bounds. There truly is no such thing as bad publicity. I would bet that Ben is laughing all the way to the bank.

I would never hire Ben, not based on what’s been said about him on these boards, but on the simple fact that he does not fit my physical type. He does not have the build I like and consequently it’s a non-starter for me.

As for his blog, I could care even less about what he writes. All blogs are exercises in ego masturbation IMO and many of them would have to improve just to reach the level of vapid. However, it’s a way for Ben to remain in touch with his client base and as a marketing tool I am sure it works.

The only time I ever check it out is when one of vendetta club points something out and I go check the source. Then form my own judgment on the issue. In most cases I seldom find the offending post to be as bad as stated. But look at the result. Traffic was driven to Ben’s site thus increasing his exposure and his potential client base. Smart move guys, real smart. Ben should give you a commission off the extra business you generate for him. Ten percent sounds decent.

All this outrage over Review 43 is more blather and bs disguised as concern for current and potential clients. What makes me curious is just what BN has done to any of the vendetta club posters to cause this level of crap.

Did you hire Ben and he not deliver on his services? If so, write a review. Did you ask Ben to engage in some bizarre kinky scene and he refused thus pissing you off? If so, write a review. Did Ben cheat you personally out of money for an encounter? If so, provide factual, empirical evidence, and write a review. Are you hacked off because Ben still continues to be in the business and thus people still hire him despite your efforts to the contrary? Well…grow up then and move on.

Guest ChgoBoy

I guess the question that’s begging to be asked at this point of the thread is; “when does, lying and deception, become an un-acceptable practice to you?” Obviously, for some, the answer to that question is never. Why bother at all having escort profiles that are intended to inform you of escort behaviors, practices and other proclivities, if you choose to ignore the untruths, which might be contained within them, when they are brought to light? When did some gay men become so spineless that they began looking the other way, when an injustice was beset upon them? When does, lying and deception, become an un-acceptable practice to you?

If an escort, say, knowingly had viral hepatitis when a client contacted him about an appointment; and told the client he was healthy, horny and ready to go, because he needed the money, would that be ok? Would that be an acceptable response for you? Would you want to be that client? If your mother or sister, brother or father purchased a used car from a salesman and were told the car had brand new brakes, when the salesman knew fully well that they were not new and questionable in condition; would that be acceptable to you? If you pull your car into a gas station and select premium gas and the owner of the station has intentionally redirected regular unleaded into the premium hose, selling you something that might be harmful to your car, is that acceptable to you? When does, lying and deception, become an un-acceptable practice to you?

There are, I suspect, thousands of gay men who hire escorts on a regular basis for sex, who never have visited an escort message center, let alone, know that they even exist. They make their hiring decisions strictly upon what they read in an escort profile and what the escort might subsequently tell them about him. Shouldn’t that profile be a truthful representation of that escort for them? And you? And when it isn’t, shouldn’t someone make an effort to expose the untruths?

All this talk about vendettas and personal grievances is just crap. This thread began as an informational resource for those that might value information and truth. Making an informed decision for yourself, about anything in life, particularly those that can impact your health, requires one to be informed.

For those of you that believe that you already know everything about everything; here’s something that you might not already know. People who believe that the only viewpoints and opinions that matter to anyone else, are those of themselves, and, who anoint themselves as the voice for 1117 registered members, (and countless lurkers) are the very people who, when it comes to crunch time, will buckle under the weight of their very own hypocrisy. Before allowing that to happen to you, why not allow everyone else the opportunity to decide for themselves when lying and deception become un-acceptable to them?

Guest jessedane

You know all of this makes me want to write something on MY blog to get someone with a personal vendetta against me. ;-)

Could be good for business, hehe.

Guest ArVaGuy

>You know all of this makes me want to write something on MY

>blog to get someone with a personal vendetta against me. ;-)



>Could be good for business, hehe.


If we can agree on an commission structure of 10% for pure vanilla enounters and 15% for the kinky stuff I might just be wiling to take you up on that offer. :+


A few thoughts

1. Jesse, don’t worry about the press, you are smart, witty and active on the message board without causing too much controversy. You will do just fine. Plus, you are cute as hell.

2. I have to agree with ArVaGuy’s post #13 in its entirely. His sentiments expresses my feelings exactly.

3. I have never made one penny from Ben. I have never given him any money. I am not a client. I will never hire him. He is not my type. (Even though sometimes I go against the “my type” rule and I tried with Ben once when he came to NYC and wanted to hire him for 2 hours. He politely turned me down as he was only taking overnights on that trip.) That being said, I have met him on two occasions. Once with Hooboy in Las Vegas and I was attending the adult Webmaster’s convention there and Hooboy asked me to fly in and spend some time with him. I only met Ben for lunch one day and he was charming. And once in Rio when Ben was with a client. I had read many things about Ben on the Internet. Many of the good but most of the bad. I met Ben and his date for lunch and later at LeBoy. I have hired many escorts over the course of the years and I have a lot of experience with escort/client relations. I have said the same thing about Ben to my friends, many of whom do not like him. He is without a doubt one of the best professionals out there. I watched him interact with his client. He put the client first in everything, made him the center of his universe and made sure he knew the client was his only focus. I was not just a little impressed. I was very impressed. I can see why Ben keeps his clients. He was and is top notch in his field.

4. I don’t like all the things he says on his blog. I think some of the things he posts are often inappropriate. But, I will say this. He knows what he is doing. Every time one of his posts get the responses on the message boards that it does, he has to be laughing. He understands that many will hire him one time just to see what all the controversy is about. Once they do, he has them hooked. In my opinion, he is a brilliant businessman. No bad press is bad business for him. You can bitch and complain about him all you want. I think he may perhaps thrive on this. Why? In the end, every negative post that is made, brings him more cash. Isn’t that the point of his blog? Isn’t that what he is in business for? I personally know of 2 clients that hired him only because of the controversies they read about online. In both instances, they went back for repeats and will do so again in the future.

5. I find it interesting that he has not written to me to ask that I take down this post. Many accuse him of that with other boards. As I said above, I don’t think he gives a shit what any of us say. He has a good business. He is good at what he does. He knows how to advertise himself and he knows how to market himself. If he reads this post about him on this board, I think he just smiles and says here we go again. Not here we go again, how do I get this post off the Internet. But, here we go again. How do I keep up with all the new clients I will get? Good job Ben. You did it again.

Guest BewareofNick

>I will also add that no one cares what you or chgboboy are

>reporting. The ONLY reason why it is even a topic is because

>it involves someone whom you guys have a vendetta against.

If you didn't care, then why do you read it? You are making assumptions with no basis in fact, something you try to say below, yet something which was already disproven.

>There are hundreds of like reviews on Hooboy site. Yet I have

>never seen either of you bring your concern about these other

>escorts with the like reviews to anyone's attention.

And this board has been around how long? Again, a false premise.

>And what you claim is fact is only what someone else has

>written, it hasn't been investigated by anyone.

Wrong again (trifecta, anyone?) If the review were false, it would have been pulled. One of the main rules on M4M is no negative information about BN is allowed.

>Now go on your way, take this to your message center and keep

>it there.


>Come back when you want to join the party.

Sweetheart, you don't make the rules here. If you need a litter box to piss in, I am sure you have several overflowing at home.

Guest jessedane




>I'll do it for 5 and 10%


>Competitively yours,


>BigK }(

Sold! ;-)


Guest BewareofNick

Obviously, Arva went to the Sean Hannity school of Hanctimoniousness. His whole post smacks of the same twisted pretzel logic that Hannity uses to try and justify the things his President does.

There's no outrage on my part. If you find ATM attractive, and perhaps kissing Ben's mouth afterwards and tasting the remains of his feces, then you go, girl.

Guest jessedane

>1. Jesse, don’t worry about the press, you are smart, witty

>and active on the message board without causing too much

>controversy. You will do just fine. Plus, you are cute as


I know Oz, I'm just teasin. :+


>Wrong again (trifecta, anyone?)

OK BoN. For those of us that are years out of college and with limited vocabulary, what does trifecta mean? ^_^


This is such an overused word. I know. I use it daily. When I first came out, I went home to my family and I had picked up with word with all my gay friends in NYC. I tried my best not to use that word or the word Dear around them. However, we were at Walmart and the cashier asked how I was doing. I just, "fine dear, how are you?" The guy looked at me in disbelief. My family in horror. I just smiled. Those words are so often used with great comfort amoung my gay friends. I often forget the world isn't as gay as I am. Or, as friendly. ;) Or, at least as openly friendly about it.

>you don't make the rules here.

I do. Be nice.

>If you need a

>litter box to piss in, I am sure you have several overflowing

>at home.

Again, be nice. I did laugh at this one till I almost pissed in my pants. But, again, be nice. ^_^


>I know Oz, I'm just teasin. :+

OM. See, there goes my senses again. And here I was making up a story about you, the hamster, 2 midgets, a giraffe, a bearded lady and a ballerina at the Neverland ranch. Shit, the story was getting good. OK. I'll stop the presses on that one. But, I will save it if you want me to use it in the future. ^_^

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