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Safe Spray Can Sex

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In the what will they think of next department, German engineers are showing real ingenuity to help make safe sex easier:

German sex educators plan spray-on condom

From Reuters

10:44 AM PST, November 30, 2006

BERLIN -- German sex educators plan to launch a spray-on condom tailor-made for all sizes.

Jan Vinzenz Krause from the Institute for Condom Consultancy, a Singen-based practice that offers advice on condom use, told Reuters today the product aimed to help people enjoy better and safer sex lives.

"We're trying to develop the perfect condom for men that's suited to every size of penis," he said. "We're very serious."

Krause's team (spraykondom.de) is developing a type of spray can into which the man inserts his penis first. At the push of a button it is then coated in a rubber condom.

"It works by spraying on latex from nozzles on all sides," he said. "We call it the '360 degree procedure' - once round and from top to bottom. It's a bit like a car wash."

Krause said the plan is to make the product ready for use in about five seconds. He said it would function more effectively as a contraceptive because it would fit better and not slip.

However, before the new condom can be sold in shops, the firm must ensure that the latex is evenly spread when sprayed, as well as optimise the vulcanization process.

Krause hopes the high tech condom, which will be available in different strengths and colours, will on the market by 2008.

He said the spray can would likely cost some 20 euros ($26) as a one-off purchase. The latex cartridges - sufficient for up to 20 applications - would cost roughly 10 euros, he said.

Krause said he had hit upon the idea when considering the difficulties some people faced using condoms, and drew inspiration from spray-on plasters now used in medicine.

Guest Funseeker22

Well then there`s always this one.

Wonder if they can play Ravel`s Bolero. That would be HOT !.


A Ukrainian condom manufacturer is introducing a new musical condom designed to play louder and faster as lovers reach a climax.

Grigoriy Chausovsky from Zaporozhye said his condoms come fitted with a special sensor that registers when the condom is unfurled. It then transmits a signal to a miniature speaker in the base of the condom.

According to Chausovsky, "As the sex become more passionate, it registers the increased speed of the movements and plays the melody faster and louder."

Different lovemaking positions determine what tune is played by the condom, which also works like a normal contraceptive.

“But there is no danger of being electrocuted,” said Dr Chausovskiy, who has teamed up with a manufacturer to export the condoms to Britain.

They will cost about 20 per cent more than normal condoms. “But people will pay for the extra stimulation,” he said.

The condom's main limitation, however, is primitive sound quality, similar to tones produced by first-generation cellphones. Testing has shown no danger of electric shock to users of the device, Chausovsky claimed.


>optimise the vulcanization process.

Footnote from a once-almost-chemist here: Some of the chemicals that catalyze vulcanization are quite toxic. If they get this wrong, Love Canal will have a whole new meaning.

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