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Another right wing evangelical gets caught with his pants down...

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Don't cha just love it? Despite the fact that I am a Denver man, I never met or hired the escort in question....a bit out of my age range....but that didn't stop one of America's best known mega-preachers from using his.....ummmmmm.....services. Once a month for three years?????? Maybe I shouldn't be so picky about age...............

Unfortunately, despite Mr. Jones' last minute efforts, I don't think it will have much effect on the two "gay" issues on the ballot here Tuesday......one allowing legal domestic partnerships, the other banning gay marriage constitutionally. The former is fading in the polls while the latter has a stong yes majority.

I kinda wish he had waited till after the election just to punish the bastards......

Guest epigonos

I'm sure NOBODY loaths these evangelical, bigoted, asshole preachers anymore than I do. I readily admit that I derive considerable pleasure when their picaresque adventures are exposed. HOWEVER, I must also admit that I cringe when that exposure is accomplished by an escort revealing their relationship. I sincerely believe that confidentiality in the client escort relationship is sacrosanct. I may enjoy the fact that Ted Haggard has been exposed BUT I certainly do not condone nor do I respect the Mike Jones for doing it.

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I can remember Michelangelo Signorelle(I probably spelled that wrong)stating something to the effect that "if you mean us no harm,and you do not harm us,than we will respect your privacy"and I firmly belive in that.This guy was our enamy,he wanted us dead-soI say BRAVO to the hooker that outed him-whatever it takes to unseat these killers-and make no mistake here folks they would love to se us go away.WHATEVER IT TAKES.

The good reverend has now aadmitted to buying drugs and having "theraputic massages"from Jones-so his lies begin to uravel further and further.This fella needs to end his misery-and soon.

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The following was just posted by the New York Times:

"Mr. Jones took a polygraph examination in connection with other interviews and partially failed, local broadcasters said. They said the examiner said he would like to do a re-test because Mr. Jones was exhausted at the time of the first test."

I have mixed feeling about an escort outing a client, although in this case

Jones' actions are somewhat understandable. I am concerned that Jones

partially failed a polygraph test, Let's see what happens the second time around.

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This was actually the lead story on ABC's evening news. Unbelievable with all that is happening in the world.

I can sympathize with the thought that the hyprocrite is getting his do and that outing him is justified. But does the ends really justify the means? How many high profile outings by Escorts does it take until clients start to not be willing to risk their privacy? I think any high profile person, be it an actor, enteratiner, judge, clergy, politician or other person may want to start thinking twice before hiring if privacy is important to them.

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The solution for these high profile people such as actors or preachers is to come out of the closet. Then they wouldn't have to worry about exposure. The closet is also a hiding ground for hypocrites and gay homophobes who love to damage us as a way of justifying their own sins.

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>The solution for these high profile people such as actors or

>preachers is to come out of the closet. Then they wouldn't

>have to worry about exposure.

I don't think it would solve anything. I know of at least one openly gay entertainer that hired at every stop on his US tour. I was told by more than one Escort that his people used the old Hooboy site and many of my reviews to decide who to hire for him. But he doesn't want anyone to know he hires Escorts. Also was told the very same thing about a certain perceived str8 entertainer that also used Hooboy and my reviews and he didn't want anyone to know either.

I've had one Hollywood Escort to have loose lips with me about some of his clients and it would really turn Hollywood on it's head if the Hollywood Escorts started spilling all the beans on their clients.

>The closet is also a hiding

>ground for hypocrites and gay homophobes who love to damage us

>as a way of justifying their own sins.

True, but many GAY people when they hire an escort they also expect that their privacy to be protected for whatever the reason is.

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Maybe so. But in this instance, the escort did not know that he was being hired by a homophobic televangelist actively seeking to hinder gay rights and actively teaching young gay men that their budding sexuality was evil and would doom them to hell. I think he did a public service by outing the "reverend."

UPDATE: I am learning more about Haggard. It doesn't look like he was one of the more evil evangelicals from an article in the Denver Post, part of which states:

Haggard briefly considered running for U.S. Rep. Joel Hefley's seat next year if the Colorado Republican were to retire. But he decided he could prove more influential in his current role and doubts he'll ever run for office.

Though he preaches evangelical unity, Haggard has not hesitated to criticize better-known colleagues. He rebuked Pat Robertson for advocating the assassination of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez and attempted to separate the evangelical movement from Franklin Graham's statement after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks that Islam was an evil and wicked religion.

And Haggard said last week that the White House erred in underscoring failed Supreme Court nominee Harriet Miers' evangelical faith, saying her judicial philosophy was what mattered.

He also set himself apart from the vast majority of evangelical Christian groups by applauding a 2003 Supreme Court decision that struck down a Texas anti- sodomy law.

"I believe the church has to teach against immorality, but I don't believe it's the role of the state to spend money to find out what consenting adults do in their bedrooms and then haul them off to jail," Haggard said.

The NAE, observers say, will need to weigh the greater prominence and energy Haggard has brought with the risk of associating itself too closely with one person - a person with close ties to a White House in trouble.

In the meantime, the fresh new face of big-tent evangelical Christianity has an appointment to keep. Haggard is visiting New York next week to talk about poverty and AIDS in Africa with Bono, singer of the popular-music group U2.

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>In the meantime, the fresh new face of big-tent evangelical

>Christianity has an appointment to keep. Haggard is visiting

>New York next week to talk about poverty and AIDS in Africa

>with Bono, singer of the popular-music group U2.

I suspect that trip will be postponed... indefinitely. Bottom line: he is toast in the evangelical/conservative circles.

A final thought... although he may not be one of 'the most evil', and it sounds like he isn't, it is interesting insight into his psyche that he is willing to publicly cop to buying meth - worst of the worst scourge on the drug scene -- but can't get past the 'massage only' line with the escort. Where do community values lie as reflected by what we will admit and what we wont? I love his variation on Bill Clinton's " i didn't inhale" :P

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I'm sure Haggard isn't the only evangelical who hires. I think there are a bunch of closet cases in the right-wing movement and I wouldn't be surprised if their fetishes are, shall we say, on the extreme side. I saw Ralph Reed being arrogant to an airline employee a few years back in ATL and I immediately thought "that boy's queer"! He probably likes to be bound and spanked!

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I am frankly astounded at the sympathy being shown to the Rev. Haggard ( where do they come up with these Dickenisan names?) not only here but on the other board as well.

Somehow I doubt that Mike Jones action will stimulate a rush of tell-all confessions by escorts who if they have a brain in their heads know how their bread is buttered.

I think this is a unique case where the political stakes are very high in Colorado. You may remember Co. Springs where Haggard is from as the birthplace of the infamous Amendment 2 which sought to restrict gay anti-discrimination statutes in various liberal CO. towns like Boulder and Denver. That was fortunately overturned by the Co supreme courts, but the battle goes on as I mentioned in my previous post. The leadership for these anti-gay proposals spring from churches such as Haggard leads.

Jones claims that his only motivation in exposing Mr. Haggard is to influence the outcomes of these initiatives. One can fairly debate whether this will ultimately have a positive or negative effect politically, but given the exposure that Jones has opened himself up to, I think his act was quite a brave one.

And for those of you who still feel sorry for the Rev, you might want to view this clip from YouTube:

Guest epigonos

Redryder frankly I don't think anybody on the site or on Hooboy has expressed any sympathy with Ted Haggard. However, sympathy for Haggard and escort confidentiality are two very different issues. Once Mike Jones learned who Ted Haggard was all he had to do was inform him that he no longer wanted to do buisiness with him AND that he would respect the confidentiality of their relationship UP TO THAT POINT. He might have continued saying that if Haggard chose to contact him in the future he would no longer feel any obligation of confidentiality. As far as I'm concerned that would have been the correct ethical position for Mike Jones. Let me also state that my concern is with the ethical position of the escort here. I am NOT discussing the ethics of Ted Haggard.

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Tampa Yankee said: " it is interesting insight

>into his psyche that he is willing to publicly cop to buying

>meth - worst of the worst scourge on the drug scene -- but

>can't get past the 'massage only' line with the escort. Where

>do community values lie as reflected by what we will admit and

>what we wont? I love his variation on Bill Clinton's " i

>didn't inhale" :P

Great point! Drug use more socially acceptable than being Gay. x(


Hi All,

This is interesting. When I first noticed this item I instantly had to think of something we hear often in gay circles here; "Those who are openly anti-gay are often gay themselves AND fiercely hiding in the closet".

It turned out to be true yet another time. Maybe we should get this assumption (= Those who are ...) more into the news? I hope it will stop other priests or politicians from being anti-gay.

Warmest regards, Anton/Amsterdam.

Guest eastburbguy

Signorile interviews fallen-evangelical-leader Ted Haggard's male hooker

Signorile will be playing the interview on his show at 2pm Eastern - here are some excerpts:

The Preacher's Gay Hustler: The Signorile Interview

The revelations about Ted Haggard -- the influential evangelical leader who has now admitted to "sexually immoral conduct" and stunningly proclaimed he is a "deceiver and a liar" --- have rocked the Christian right and the Republican party on the eve of mid-term elections. Now, Michael Jones, the gay hustler who brought Haggard to his knees, sits down with Michelangelo Signorile for his first gay media interview.

Jones reveals for the first time how he was actually going to wire himself and use hidden cameras - as well as collect DNA - working with the local television news team, to get more evidence to "out" Haggard until the preacher seemed to get scared away. Jones responds to those who've called him a "hero" (and those who've called him some less flattering names), talks about Haggard's sexual fantasies and crystal meth habit, and issues a call to arms to other gay escorts, urging them to "out" clients who might be antigay hypocrites - particularly to those in Washington DC, whose clients are among members of Congress. Are we on the edge of a new gay revolution led by $200-per-hour call boys?

Excerpts from the interview, to be broadcast on Sirius Satellite Radio's OutQ, America's gay radio station, on Monday, November 6, 2006 on The Michelangelo Signorile Show, which airs from 2-6 p.m. EST.

Michelangelo Signorile: I'm here with Michael Jones, the man who of course is at the center of enormous controversy. We're in New York City, at the Waldorf-Astoria. He came to New York do the Today show.

What was that like flying in just to do the Today show about all of this, and then flying out?

Michael Jones: Well, in the last three days I've had three hours of sleep, so I'm exhausted. The whole process has been highly educational for me, but it's grueling.

MS: Tell me a bit about how you first met Ted Haggard.

MJ: It was approximately three years ago. Got a call from a gentleman who said his name was Art. He wanted to see if we could hook up. At the time I was advertising as an escort in gay publications. I only advertised in gay publications. So if someone was looking for me, they were looking in a gay publication. He said he was from Kansas City and he wanted to hook up. We hooked up at my place. Always at my place. I had never been to a hotel with him.

MS: Did he use the term "hook up?" I mean, what did he actually say he wanted to do?

MJ: He said he wanted an appointment with me. He came to my apartment. And the clothes came right off. The first time it was pretty much mutual masturbation, then in time oral sex. He was really pretty vanilla. Only once in three years did we try anal sex.

MS: Was he a top or bottom? What was he interested in?

MJ: When I was on the radio show in Denver, the question was asked: Did you practice safe sex? I said, 'We used a condom once." The talk show host goes, "You mean he wore the condom once?" I said, "Uh, no, I did."

MS: What about with oral sex. Was he the passive partner or the active partner?

MJ: You know, it kind of went back and forth --- and I can't say he was very good at it.

MS: Did he seem like he'd done this before?

MJ: I don't know. He didn't appear nervous to me. He was very quiet. Didn't talk much. Liked the lights low. He never was with me for more than an hour. Sometimes it was just 15 or 20 minutes.

MS: Did he want companionship or was it all sex?

MJ: It was pretty much in and out. Sex, no speaking. Do the thing, and then he left. I could see the street from where I live and I could see he would park a block away and when he would call me he would block the calls, at least in that in the first year. After that first year he started calling me from pay phones and I noticed the area code was Colorado Springs.


MS: And you'd had people who came from Colorado Springs, which is of course the center of evangelical movement, who were involved with the churches?

MJ: I can't tell you how many ministers, pastors, priests I've had. It didn't bother me, nothing surprised me. And when I saw that his calls were coming from Colorado Springs I figured he was involved with the church. But I was shocked that this guy, how huge he was, and taking such a risk.

MS: You felt that you had to do something before November 7th, if it was going to impact Amendment 43 and the elections.

MJ: And I don't know if it's going to change votes at all. I don't know what the outcome will be, it coming out before the election but I Had to point out the hypocrisy, that here is a gentleman enjoying all the benefits of marriage, all the rights and doesn't want two other people of the same sex who love each other to have those same rights and yet he can cheat on his wife.

MS: How did you go about reaching out to media?

MJ: Two months before it actually came out, I went to this reporter in Denver [at the NBC affiliate, Channel 9] who I respected, and investigative reporter who was well known. I went to her and immediately the station congregated around me. They go, "This is huge, we want this story!" But they go, "We need just a little bit more proof." They actually wanted to see film of him and me together somehow. They wanted some video of some type. And I was prepared to do that. I had video cameras lined up. I was going to hide them in my apartment. But Ted wasn't calling me after that last get together in August. My gut feeling was, with the Foley thing happening, and the election happening, he wanted to lay low.

MS: Did he always have an orgasm when he was with you?

MJ: Yes.

MS: And I guess if you were going to pursue this, to get more evidence, you were going to collect some of that DNA evidence. Was that part of the plan?

MJ: Boy, you hit it right on the head.

MS: But he all of a sudden wasn't calling you, out of the blue? You would meet once per month, but how often did he call?

MJ: Once per month, when he wanted to meet.

MS: So August was the last time he called. You would of course need the opportunity in September or October to film him and have more evidence before the election.

MJ: Right, and it wasn't happening. So I was listening to Peter Boyles, our big talk show host in Denver. And the subject was gay marriage. And I was hearing all the right wingers calling in and I was getting pissed. I knew I was sitting on this story - it was eating at me. I sent Peter an email and said, if you want a big story I have a big story for you. Well, two days later, they said, "Can you be on the radio at 6 a.m. tomorrow?"

I didn't reveal Ted Haggard's name. I wasn't ready to reveal the name. All the callers were calling in and saying I just wanted publicity. Well, when channel 9 heard me on the radio, they wanted the story so bad, they went down to Colorado Springs and they confronted Haggard, and then ran the story. That's how it really broke.

MS: So they really are the ones who outed him, after you spoke on the radio about "a preacher."

MJ: That's right.


MS: Tell me about this: You're having sexual encounters with him once a month. After about a year he just asks you about crystal meth?

MJ: He just goes, "Hey Mike, I have a question. What do you know about crystal meth?" I was a little bit surprised. I said, "I don't care for it. I've tried it but I don't care for it. But I have friends who do it and they think it enhances their sexual pleasure." He goes, "Do you think you can get me some?" I told him I'll see what I can do.

MS: And you hooked him up with somebody who could get him this drug. Then what? He would do it in your presence when he had sex with you?

MJ: Yes, he agreed it enhanced his pleasure and said that he used it when he had sex with his wife too.

MS: What did he get like after he took the crystal? How did it impact him?

MJ: I can't get into his mind or his body. He didn't act any differently. He seemed to be enjoying it. Definitely had a smile on his face.

MS: He said he was taking this when he had sex with his wife. Did he indicate he had trouble having sex with his wife? Did it allow him to have heterosexual sex more easily? Is he gay, bisexual, any ideas on that?

MJ: I really don't know. I really think he is a gay man. When you're in that business, you've got to put up a good front. I think he has enormously strong homosexual tendencies but he just told me the drug enhanced his pleasure with his wife. I don't know if he even really was having sex with his wife, or just said that. I think part it too is that he was a very busy man, traveling all over the country and the world. I think he enjoyed the drug too because it kept him going.


MS: You spoke about a fantasy he told you, his sexual fantasy. Tell me about that?

MJ: This was the only time he ever spoke about something sexual other than being with me. He goes, "Mike do you know any young college guys" I said, "Well, I know a few, why? "He said, "I would love to get about 4 to 6 young college guys, about 18 to 22, I'd love to have group sex with them.' I said, "Let me check around and see what I can do and see if I can organize that for you." I never pursued it.

MS: What have you been hearing from people in response to what you've done?

MJ: Well, I've had hundreds and hundreds of phone calls coming in. Deluged, saying, "Thank you Mike. God you got balls!" A lot of thank yous. I have had one threatening phone call - "You're going to be so sorry for what you did. You're going to get it."

MS: Some people see you as a hero, others say, "He's not a hero, he's a prostitute." What's your reaction?

MJ: I don't feel like a hero. I wasn't trying to be a hero. I'm at the age of 49. I saw a lot of my friends going through hell in years past, where one of the partners would die and the other family would come in and say get out of the way, and just rape the house, and there was a lot of crying. I felt like this was a responsibility to my fellow gay brothers to do this. I've had some people say "You're an immoral whore, bitch, fag." But I've been called all those names all my life. So it's not new. But I will tell you, when it finally broke, when he resigned, I have to be honest with you, I just broke down. I had so much emotion for so long.

MS: Do you feel other hustlers, like those in Washington DC, whose clients have been rightwing antigay politicians, should look to you like a role model and do the same thing?

MJ: I don't think I should be a role model, but if I saw some politician out there bashing gays, yes, I think they should say something. But I would say, after going through this experience, I would say to them, just make sure you are able to prove it! {laughs]

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