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Guest noy9000

Universities fees

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Guest noy9000

I'm just wondering if anyone has an idea how much is the university fee for Chulalongkorn & Thammasat for the thai locals.


I'd met someone from Thammasat and nothing is happening - although I find is suspicious to associate Thammasat student who's financially challenged (& thinking of going into the bar scene). As I'd said, he is not a bar boy but someone I'd met on the internet.


I think the fees depend upon which university it is and which courses the student is taking.


There is one way to find out for sure whether a young gentleman is actually a university student. Universities issue their own ID cards. Ask to see his.



I think the fees depend upon which university it is and which courses the student is taking.


There is one way to find out for sure whether a young gentleman is actually a university student. Universities issue their own ID cards. Ask to see his.


Agree on above rates vary but for ID card he has to BE a student, if your thinking of sending a boy who is semi educated first and wants to increase that education the fees can be high I just paid 80000 for 6 mths and higher has been quoted. all + + of course keep books travel accom etc. Most Uni. have good web sites and fees for courses are set out there.

Guest travelerjim

I'm just wondering if anyone has an idea how much is the university fee for Chulalongkorn & Thammasat for the thai locals.


I'd met someone from Thammasat and nothing is happening - although I find is suspicious to associate Thammasat student who's financially challenged (& thinking of going into the bar scene). As I'd said, he is not a bar boy but someone I'd met on the internet.


Hello Noy9000,


My Thai bf attends Sripatum University - Chonburi Campus There are approx. 4,000 students on this campus. I chose Chonburi Campus because of its size - a beautiful and modern campus - but my bf is a "student" - not just a

"number" lost among the great masses of students.


He will complete his 3rd year next month and starts his 4th - Senior year - in June for his Bachelors Degree.


Sripatum also has a huge campus of 25,000 students+ in Bangkok.


The total cost for complete 4 years of university - earning a Bachelors Degree at Sripatum University is between 160,000 - 170,000 baht.


I pay an average of 20-22,000 baht each semester to the university (note I said "I pay the fees and I am with my bf when he pays the bank teller the fees"), which includes all university tuition (he takes 18 units each semester), student fees and assorted fees charged by the university.


Books - on occasion - are rarely required or available in Thailand (when available cost is maybe a total of 2,000 baht semester - if that).


Most classes I have seen are using photocopies of books and workbooks. That is very different from universities I remember back in the USA.


My bf does have a specific university issued PHOTO ID card.


Before we made the decision for him to attend the university, I had a Thai Professor friend (who also speaks good English) look over his High School Transcript to make sure he is eligible and will be admitted.


No admission test is required at Sripatum, but the student must have fully completed high school and this must have been recorded by his high school with the State Dept of Education in Thailand.


Once admitted, the student must maintain a C average - or be placed on probation. Extra help is available for students who fail a class by retaking the class during their semester break of 3 months each March - May.


I do see the mid-term exam results as well as the printed out transcript which is on the university website. My bf prints a copy for me each semester for me to see and confirm his progress.


I provide my bf a monthly allowance of 8,000 baht to him - enough to provide him meal money and some spending money each month - he is not to work! He is there to study and enjoy his university learning experience.


We do travel a bit when on semester breaks - usually during March-April-May and again in October of each year.


We have visited Beijing once for 10 days and Hong Kong twice for 3 days each (I was planting the seed of the importance of the Chinese Market - and the possible usefulness of learning Mandarin Chinese for his future job opportunities)....and we have been to Singapore once for 3 days. Also in 2005 we went spent 15 days in Paris, Brussels and Amsterdam.


All unbelievable experiences for him and most memorable for me to see him see first hand there really is a big world out there beyond Thailand!


We have a 3 bedroom - 2 bath condo next to the university (five minutes from the front door to the classroom :-) which I pay the rent for 4,000 baht a month ( a great deal) - and we have two other students also renting from us in the townhouse and they each pay 2,500 baht all year for their rooms and they also proportionate a share of the house utilities, cable tv etc.


I will purchase the condo from its Thai owner next month for as a future rental property and investment for my bf. (I will put the condo in my bf's name and lease it back from him for 30 years).


So the condo for my bf next door to the university (California Grand View Estates) really is not a significant expense for me. I have furnished all the rooms and it is very decent and comfortable to live in. My bf and I have the Master Bedroom upstairs with large Master Bathroom ...with big King Size Bed...it is nice to be able to stay a few days as I wish - whenever I wish.


My bf is majoring in Business English Communication. However, his best subject is Mandarin Chinese - getting straight "A's" for two semesters now and invited this semester to take advanced classes in Mandarin at Burapha University - also in Chonburi (one of the best 5 universities in Thailand according to friends) - He did so and the cost for the advanced classes was 3,000 baht :-)


He really enjoys the university activities and is a Class Leader this year. As Class Leader - in fact he has his "own office" on Campus - so if I want to see him on campus - I must go to his office :-)


I am very proud of him and pleased I can afford to provide him an university education which he will succeed at - and earn his Bachelors Degree. Maybe a Masters study program will follow ??? We are talking about it - and with his doing so well in Mandarin Chinese - just maybe a Masters in Mandarin in his future ??? and maybe even some study in Beijing or Taipei of Mandarin ??? Time will tell.


I have purchased for him the Dictionary Computer to assist him with Thai-English-Thai translations and Thai-Chinese Mandarin-Thai translations also.


As he is taking computer courses in the university - he also is learning to be very computer proficient from the university labs. I have purchased for him - for his Sophomore / 2rd year at the university - a laptop computer which he uses every day in his studies.


His Mother and Father cannot read or write Thai ....what a surprise that was for me to learn when I first met them nearly 3 years ago.

They are as proud of their Son as I am :-)


If I can be of any assistance to you - or anyone else for that matter - please do not hesitate to pm me.


I realize that I have given out much information - and do hope it is useful to some....BUT....


Be sure however, that the Thai you have made or are making friends with - "really does want to go to university" and will go! And that he is not using that "speech" to gather in more tens of thousands of baht from your wallet!


Usually the early student pre-qualification phase of questioning with a Thai speaking Professor (together with you and the Thai potential university student) ...the requesting the documents needed for review (high school transcripts and verification of recording with Thai Education authorities) ...admission to the university and you paying the fees in person.....as well as ongoing follow up look at mid-term exam results and semester transcripts... will shake off the fake and fraudulent "student".


I have been down that road before...that is why I have "strings" and "verifiable" proof that my bf is indeed studying at the university.


Take good care,



Guest pete1969

Jim, that was very nice to read. I'm glad your BF is doing so well.


My BF is working on an MBA at Mae Fah Luang University in Chiang Rai. He is almost done with his first semester which cost about 42,000 bt. There are some additional expenses for tutoring, special lectures, printing, and the like, but these have been minimal.


My BF took me to his campus several times before he enrolled, and he even drug me into admissions and had them do a printout on the costs. There is also an English website for the University, and my BF has given me his student password so that I can verify that he has paid his fees and to verify his grades at the end of the semester.


His MBA program is a weekend program tailored for working adults, and it is an English intensive program which is taught entirely in English! My BF's English skills (both written and verbal) are very good, and he is becoming even more proficient with the advanced study. My BF also speaks fluent Chinese (as he is Thai-Chinese), so he is well set in the business world with fluent English and Chinese.


His second semester should cost around 40,000 bt, and next year the tuition will drop to about 60,000 bt total for the year. Keep in mind these are fees for a MBA program at a private University.


I strongly advocate helping a BF with schooling. However, be very careful with a guy you meet over the Internet and have not had any real world contact with. Paying for University is a common Internet ploy young men use to get money from their Internet "friends." Be sure you are 100% positive you know where the money is going and that the guy is actually going to school and making passing grades. An honest guy will be thrilled to show you around campus and should be more than willing to provide his sponsor with proof of admission and passing grades once enrolled. Higher education brings huge face for Thais, and it is something of which they are very proud.


On the subject of school costs, my BF has an adopted sibling (his only sibling) who turns two next month. I will then be paying 1,500 bt per month for her specialized private preschool program where she will be taught English. Like many of the obsessed parents here in the US, my BF already has her schooling planned out with her advancing to more and more expensive private schools as she ages. We will see how long I last in this process.


As Jim said, be sure of that for which you are paying. Good luck.



Guest noy9000

Some indication of fees at Chulalongkorn can be gained at http://www.inter.chula.ac.th/inter/interna...helorDegree.htm


At Thammasat fees are 2100 baht per credit plus Education Support Fees of 26,200 baht per semester


I think the fees for chulalongkorn is not reliable. It could be abit cheaper, I 1/2 suspect that the fees on that page is for degrees in english language -- not those in Thai language. That's why they allow the blend of thais & non-thais.


Actually it was a harmless chat with someone from Hi5 (a personal profile site), I'm open about my intention & that I've been going to bars paying for boys etc. He ask briefly how much I'd paid for the boys & than came a remark that 'I may go sell'.


Followed by alot of 'bad for me' & 'bad for university' etc. I didn't have much problem with any of the thai 'bfs' that I'd, I've 1 before (if anyone remembers) but it ended well.


The fees vary a great deal from university to university (I've been aware of the fees at Khon Kaen University, Burapa (about 45,000 baht per semester) in Chon Buri, and Payap in Chiangmai (about 85,000 baht per semester). A few are cheaper and the elite are much more expensive. And, of course, where they charge per credit hour, just depends on how many credits your friend is taking. And, based on my experience, the cost is higher the last two years.


Oftentimes, there are other significant expenses - class trips to various places (sometimes by air).

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