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The Governator as President?

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Well, why not? That way, whenever the USA is involved in a war, which seems like all the time, the prez could simply go and win it for us singlehandedly.


The following appears on CNN:





President Schwarzenegger -- A Potential Blockbuster


POSTED: 2227 GMT (0627 HKT), January 18, 2007

By Bill Schneider

CNN Senior Political Analyst


WASHINGTON (CNN) -- President Schwarzenegger -- how does that sound?


Some people think it sounds pretty good. But don't we have enough people running for president next year?


According to CNN's tabulation, four Democrats are already running. One is exploring. Seven others are thinking about it. The Republican list is even longer. Eight Republicans are exploring. Six are thinking. That makes 26 potential candidates.


The editors of The Los Angeles Times think there's room for one more.


"Why should Californians have their governor sidelined from the race?'' the Los Angeles Times asked in a January 14 editorial. "And why can't voters across the country be entrusted to decide for themselves whether the governor of California is sufficiently 'American' to earn their vote? It's insulting really.''


The reason is Article II of the United States Constitution which reads, "No person except a natural-born citizen . . . shall be eligible to the Office of President.''


It's in there because John Jay, the presiding officer of the Constitutional Convention, wrote a letter to George Washington in 1787 arguing that the commander-in-chief of the United States Army should not be anyone but a natural-born American. The Founders were worried about ambitious foreigners taking over the country; as in Poland, which -- at the time -- had just been partitioned between Austria, Prussia and Russia.


That's not exactly a problem for the United States today. Yet the provision remains in the Constitution, barring naturalized citizens like Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright from ever becoming President.


And Austrian-born Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.


Amending the Constitution to drop the provision has been proposed before.


In the 1993 movie, "Demolition Man,'' about a police officer who was cryogenically frozen and thawed out in 2032, it was a joke.


"Stop! He was president?" asked the incredulous officer, played by Sylvester Stallone, was when his lieutenant, played by Sandra Bullock, told him to go to the Schwarezenegger Library to gather evidence.


"Yes," the lieutenant replied. "Even though he was not born in this country, his popularity at the time caused the 61st amendment, which states that even . . . ''


"I don't want to know,'' the officer interrupted. "President?''


But the Times canvassed California's congressional delegation to find out how many would support a Constitutional amendment allowing naturalized citizens to become President. Six out of eight Republicans who responded said "yes." Democrats were more closely split -- 9 yes, 7 no.


Though politics is always partisan, this year, Gov. Schwarzenegger is reaching across party lines. In his January 9 State of the State address, Schwarzenegger promised to work with the Democratic speaker of the assembly, Fabian Nu

Guest GaySacGuy

Well...the sad part is that he couldn't possibly do as bad as the current president...the dog catcher could do better. And, Maria would be right there to keep him in line..the Kennedy's would probably like that. Being from CA I wouldn't want him as president...but we could do worse...we are doing worse!!

Guest buaseng

The American people have elected an actor cowboy, a Texan 'cowboy' and now, possibly, a Muscle Mary. All you need for the full set would be Rambo (Stallone) and Mickey Mouse (or Goofy).


Apart from Kennedy, Clinton (when he had his zipper fastened) and Carter, the US Presidency has been occupied since WW2 by misfits, political pygmies and incompetents, all in hock to the vested interests who provided the funds to have them elected.


Why should Schwarzenegger be any different?


....the US Presidency has been occupied since WW2 by misfits, political pygmies and incompetents, all in hock to the vested interests who provided the funds to have them elected. ...


Excuse me? Only since WW2?? The above description reads like the qualifications for the job. I wonder if its in the Constitution somewhere. In the 20th century we've had the likes of McKinley, Taft, Harding, Cooledge and Hoover. (I wonder what it is about Republicans?)


Don't worry. This Swartsineghger(or however the hell you spell his name) stuff is only a right-wing fantasy. You'd have to change the Constitutiution first and that ain't easy.


And just for the record, for my money Johnson was TWICE the President of Carter and Clinton combined even with the tragedy of Vietnam. And he got a hell of a lot more done than Kennedy.



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