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Dec 2019 - 7th and final report: peaking and a dud

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  On 12/9/2019 at 12:59 PM, 12is12 said:

It wasn't so nice once in bed. At some point when I motioned him to suck me, he said "I top no suck". I reminded him that's not what he had previously said, so he started opening a condom for a suck. Again I said no, he relented, but the vibe was already lost


This is the problem when the boy is straight and actually gay for pay ,this is why I will never off a boy unless I am sure he's gay or at least bi sexual, I did it once and faced similar situation as you described and won't repeat it again although some members here report good experience with such kind of boys.


Yup, yup that boy wearing policeman uniform is the best performer in Dreamboys, I think, bcoz he got nice (and somewhat erotic, lol) dance moves...when I was there, he was wearing a cowboy costume, and wow, he's a great dancer!!! Idk #72, I'm just wondering if my regular #65 was there when you visit, if not, he was offed for a week again by a customer (maybe even abroad), haa haa...I'm a bit surprised you skipped Moonlight?! Tnx 4 d report 12!!!

  On 12/9/2019 at 12:59 PM, 12is12 said:


.....mamasan obliged me by bringing him and his drink to sit with me outside, so we could actually HEAR each other.


.......I just can't stand the overpowering music making communication impossible.



we must be long-lost twins as these are exactly my thoughts  after leaving Dreamboys and I even reported here music lever as 'idiotic".

Jupiter was equally bad last time I was there



I had all my life felt that a long lost twin is wandering the cosmos, looking for me. At last, we find each other!!!

You are much more in the know. How about this radical idea?

You and other members known to managing staff propse to them to significantly lower the music, to concersational level. Can't see any risk in it, and might encourage offing.

At least on a trial basis.....

  On 12/9/2019 at 12:59 PM, 12is12 said:

Again I said no, he relented, but the vibe was already lost despite his efforts to satisfy me. After the deed was done, I paid him his due without additions. 


If I had been in this situation I would have taken him back to Dreamboys and demanded my Off Fee back and certainly nothing for the Liar!


I concur; such a response sits better with my (overly?) assertive nature.

However, he didn't refuse; he tried to refuse, but I didn't let him. I did write that he later tried to satisfy me.

Don't think it's appropriate to demand a refund for killing the vibe.


In my years of going to Thailand, I have returned several Packages that already had been opened. Because they were not as Specified!! HAHAHA The Mamasan did not give me any difficulty getting my Off Fee back. And the Guy heard from me speaking directly to the Mamasan.;)

  On 12/10/2019 at 5:27 AM, GWMinUS said:

If I had been in this situation I would have taken him back to Dreamboys and demanded my Off Fee back and certainly nothing for the Liar!


Certainly not! Every boy has his limits what he can do and what he can't and we have to respect this after all we are dealing with human and not with sex robot.


You are welcome to your

  On 12/10/2019 at 5:50 AM, Boy69 said:

Certainly not! Ever boy has his limits what he can do and what he can't and we have to respect this after all we are dealing with human and not with sex robot.


You are entitled to your own opinion. But If I paid 500PHP for an Off Fee and the Guy goes back on what we discussed at the Bar with the Mamasan, then he deserves to Go Back! I do not feel that is disrespecting him. I am the one who was disrespected. And I have not treated him like a Robot. I would do the same if I hired a Repair Man here in the USA and he came out and then refused to do the work...


I am referring to the OP experience with the boy in general he had positive one just the boy didn't agree to do certain thing but overall made efforts to satisfy the OP so taking  him back to the bar and demanded the Off Fee back seems to me too radical ,you may be correct if the boy is willing to do almost anything with you so there is no point but to send him back to the bar.

  On 12/10/2019 at 4:53 AM, 12is12 said:


How about this radical idea?

You and other members known to managing staff propose to them to significantly lower the music, to conversational level.


I'm nobody there, not known to managing staff there neither frequenting it that often so my voice would not weight in their decision. I rather give wide berth if it's too loud  and go to Tawan or Moonlight or have massage at Bangkok Massage

  On 12/11/2019 at 3:55 AM, 12is12 said:

I humbly submit "it" should be substituted by "them": music is way too loud in all clubs.



I think there are some studies out there that support the conclusion that bar and club patrons actually drink more when the music is louder.  Unfortunate but true.  So I wouldn't expect any changes.  (You can google "why is music so loud in bars.")

For the beer bars, some forum posters who have hung out with me can confirm that I never hesitate to ask the bars to take the music down a notch, and in my experience the bars always comply, at least for a while until a new bartender or manager comes in and kicks up the music, but then all it takes is a polite request and problem solved (again).  It might help that I'm a bit of regular and get along well with the staff.  The goal is a bit of compromise - the bars want and deserve the high energy "vibe" so I would never expect the volume to be turned all the way down.  Just not morlam loud.  

If I'm going to a gogo bar or morlam or nightclub, I always bring ear plugs.  You can get so-called "high fidelity" earplugs that are a bit better than just the foam plugs, but I'm not sure they're worth it.  

  On 12/11/2019 at 3:55 AM, 12is12 said:

I humbly submit "it" should be substituted by "them": music is way too loud in all clubs.

My impression was that in this sense ML is the worse.


I am inclined to agree about ML. I found it uncomfortably loud and my ears were ringing for some afterwards. Can't be good for anyone's aural health.


Agreed, the loudest music ive heard was when the cupidol boss having bday celebration and have multiple huge speakers placed outside the bars blasting musics all night at boyztown. Glad that i was not staying at boyztown that day, but instead staying at the peaceful zing in jomtien

  On 12/13/2019 at 8:28 AM, spoon said:

Glad that i was not staying at boyztown that day, but instead staying at the peaceful zing in jomtien


Zing may be peaceful but I had sleepless night at TheVenue when Q Mark bar had their party, couldn't sleep at all so went at 2 am to see what racket is all about and ended bringing one of their waiters as consolation. I still remember conversation with him : he" are sleeping alone tonight ?", me : ' no , with you".

Racket continued but at least I had my never calming consolation.

Venue is not for light sleepers but still can be recommended because comfortable and sizeable rooms they have



Actually, I don't have issue with loud music...tbh I did not notice that the music is in high volume...or maybe I was just busy exploring the boys' body and muscles (and private part, lol) and looking at the boys' face as we talk, maybe that's why?! Haa haa


I consider my hearing is great at my age, and loud music is as annoying to me as the smell of smoking. But i perservere due to the boys. Its minor trade off in my opinion to what i can experience with the other 4 senses. Having said that, if i made my decision, and music is too loud, id probably off the guy and go somewhere else instead.


Im conscious that I've bored many a board (well, two) with my complaints about loud music but Spoon's reference to Cupidol reminds me that I was a victim that night as well. At 0200, I looked over the Ambiance balcony to see what was happening and was irritated that the "show" was for the benefit of only four customers, all- as far I could discern- falangs. I thought it bad enough when an even louder party outside Copa a few years back had attracted a mere twelve punters at 0300...but four?

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