Popular Post vinapu Posted October 16, 2019 Popular Post Posted October 16, 2019 Day 1 My end of August trip was in some sense unique as before I even left home I knew I will be back in Thailand in a month or so. Purpose of that second trip has nothing to do with guys , bars , entertainment or even sightseeing. In fact I was not even sure I will be able to partake in those activities while there at all, not to mention to meet other members, it’s why I kept quiet about that. But it is small jubilee as my 20th trip to Land of Smiles It worked better than expected in both original purpose of trip and me being able to unshackle myself from other chores at least in the evenings and have lot of fun in meantime. So whenever I mention ‘ other activities “ it means my time was spent far from Silom and it’s charms , on original purpose of that trip . It’s why on the first day , even if landed before noon I was able to settle in Tarntawan well into afternoon. There are signs that rooms were renovated , at least carpet was removed but clearly this is not a gay hotel anymore but still can be recommended as good location and value, specially that I managed to have breakfast included in the rate. 7th floor room had actually pleasant view of MahaNakhon as a bonus, but it was bearing clear smell of being smoking room but despite of requesting non-smoking one I decided to let it go. Knowing that Drim Voiz is in BKK I messaged him that I’m heading to Foodland Patpong for a dinner and we can meet there. It was not clear how as we never met before and did not even exchange any description of ourselves but soon after my first this trip chicken with cashew nut serving landed in front of me I noticed young handsome man entering store and standing shyly beside then door like waiting for somebody. Minute or two later I decided to be brave one out of two of us , went and asked ‘ are you Drim?”. Bingo ! As Foodland is not necessarily venue to discuss what we are interested in I suggested we change scenery to my room where we can talk without hushing voices. At elevator Drim was asked to leave his ID , we had both laugh at that measure but it was only first out of many cases I scandalized staff at hotel during my two nights stay there. Soon we discovered that Drim has a date scheduled close to Senso and Siri Sathorn hotel where I was heading anyways so we left, first to his hotel Red Planet where he picked up some stuff for his date and I admired in meantime view and a room , not very spacious but well organized and maintained, very modern with everything in place. Just like Nantra Silom but more expensive , clearly that 10 $ price difference shower in much better maintenance at Red Planet. Walking toward our destinations it was nice to see how excited my friend is with his incoming encounter, I wished him luck at his destination and I continued few steps to Siri Sathorn where in the lobby another member, CTCI8F, was waiting. Again we never met before buy gaydars worked perfect and we recognized each other immediately , not even sure who was first . We did no yak too much as we set meeting later on at Hot Male outside , walked together to Senso where I finally saw that M, my favorite there whom I couldn’t catch in three attempts in Aug not only is there but also is free so I did not waste time, waved” see you later” to CTCI8F and soon was climbing stairs with M for our 1.5 hr fun filled session. Braved myself to ask him for LT option , not today but tomorrow he gladly agreed to see my in the room so I had that feeling that even for those two, days, today and tomorrow it was worth trouble of travelling that far even if it was not over first day yet. Straight from Senso I walked to Hot Male, ordered drink for myself and one of boys there , soon CTCI8F showed up and soon after Paullsf himself as expected in his regular place. We decided to go to Moonlight, Paulf messaged Anddy where we are heading , as it turned he sent a message to 18past19 and soon after our trio entered that bar we become five strong forum force occupying whole row of seats just beside shower stall. One of mamasans recognized me immediately and called A who beamed his smile on approach , few other guys recalled me as well , one of them soon was seen seating with 18past19, anddy also found somebody to seat with so we had fun watching show being warmed by our companions. Show had quite a few new numbers, our prime position in front of shower resulted in CTCI8F being interested in one of shower show guys for future consideration. In short fun filled night and Drim Voiz who was missing in action can only regret his absence. Poor versing of my initial report in Moonlight thread resulted in Paulsf being suspected of offing three guys at once , not that it is reason for embarrassment or something. My apologies to my friend for causing some commotion and need for clarifications. On dismissal of our forum force after the show, we all went our way with Anddy , 18past19 and me sweet burdened by companions. A and me went to restaurant in front of now closed soi Twilight to eat something and then trekked to Tarntawan where of course he was required to leave his ID. It was nice at end of day 1 to re-familiarize myself with such a muscled hunk. paulsf, Jasper, GWMinUS and 8 others 10 1 Quote
DrimVoiz Posted October 16, 2019 Posted October 16, 2019 4 hours ago, vinapu said: It was not clear how as we never met before and did not even exchange any description of ourselves but soon after my first this trip chicken with cashew nut serving landed in front of me I noticed young handsome man entering store and standing shyly beside then door like waiting for somebody. Minute or two later I decided to be brave one out of two of us , went and asked ‘ are you Drim?”. Bingo ! Actually its my 1st time 2 meet a member so I was really shy...so we can say Vinapu "devirginized" me in meeting forum members, lol...wow, I love your description on me, I'm blushing right now!!! vinapu 1 Quote
DrimVoiz Posted October 16, 2019 Posted October 16, 2019 5 hours ago, vinapu said: Soon we discovered that Drim has a date scheduled close to Senso and Siri Sathorn hotel where I was heading anyways so we left, first to his hotel Red Planet where he picked up some stuff for his date and I admired in meantime view and a room , not very spacious but well organized and maintained, very modern with everything in place. Just like Nantra Silom but more expensive , clearly that 10 $ price difference shower in much better maintenance at Red Planet. Walking toward our destinations it was nice to see how excited my friend is with his incoming encounter, I wished him luck at his destination Well, its a very, very, hot, hot, hot date with Mr. Sex God!!! Quote
Popular Post vinapu Posted October 17, 2019 Author Popular Post Posted October 17, 2019 Day 2 Some of you may already noticed that one of things I hate the most is when my guy announces that he wants to go. I believe it’s my call to say when meeting is over , of course within reason. Some of my regulars sensed it and instead off announcing they want to go they smartly say they are hungry – after all they were hired till breakfast. That exactly was a case with A in the morning but today that was no problem as I had that ‘ other stuff ‘ to do so well before 8 a.m. world already saw us breakfasting. After that we went our own ways but not before I secured his return at 3 p.m. for a short Brexit options discussion. I also sent a message to a Gold Member that I will be passing by his hotel at 11.00 so if he is free we can shake hands in the lobby. As it turned out he got it too late but since it was my call I wait perhaps 10 minutes and moved on secured in knowledge we will meet tomorrow evening, In the hotel I checked forum and there was very recent message that DrimVoiz and 18past 19 are lunching at Foodland and they will be happy if I join them so I rushed up . Timing was perfect as their meals just arrived , I ordered mine and it was not you know what but whatever Drim was eating- some Japanese dish. Anyways our dishes were getting cold because we had so much stuff to discuss and all of that not really suitable for public place so I suggested we move to my room. Tarntawan of course demanded them to leave ID’s so we had good laugh, old guy dragging with him two handsome Asians in broad daylight this is what elevator guy with the register must have thought ! Great meeting , we talked like we know each other for millennium not just since yesterday. I was very interested about 18past19's assessment of his last night off from Moonlight as I have designs on the guy and was relieved to learn he was great guy. Even more interesting were his impressions from meeting with Babe the model and gain he confirmed that guy is great but bit shy in the room. Drim shared his impression from yesterday’s time with Mr. Sex God and to keep meeting in proper style I offered tea / coffee selection, go imagine how classy it was, LOL. Since at 3 p.m. I was expecting A both gentlemen were eager to shake hands with him and yes , 3 on the dot there was call from reception and I instructed them to let him in, drawer at elevator desk filled with ID’s on my guests today. Soon we and I were left alone to pick up where we had left in the morning. This only warmed me up so after he left at 5 , soon I trailed him outside and went toward Patpong 2 to see how Bangkok Massage is doing at new location – my first visit there. Few guys outside but one of them stand out by his sizable pecs so he was my choice. Regretfully only 1 hr. session as I was hoping paulsf will stop on his last day by Hot Male outside bar and I wanted to say good bye. But massage was great and guy well built everywhere , 1200 tip well deserved. Place is new , more Spartan that old location which was beautifully decorated in Thai style, showers outside but as always , Bangkok Massage never disappoints. Then crossed soi to climb stairs to take a seat at Hot Male. Paul did not show up being busy packing and getting ready but resident guys kept me entertained , I kept them watered and at departure few of them got their red note or two. Particularly I was happy that Alex, good looking Myanmarese is back. At 10 p.m. I was expecting M from Senso as promised yesterday but on entry somebody from reception called me by last name and announced that he just called and won’t be able to come. This was a bit like bucket of cold water because I really was looking forward to solve Greek public debt problem with him but what one can do? Smile through the tears I guess. In meantime my Guardian Angel got busy because not long after I entered room there was call from reception that M arrived so again they had some ID to register. He was very apologetic , explained his reason for skipping tonight’s LT and since he came in person to give his excuses my only option was smile , forget and let it go. For me it was high class act and very manly thing to do, explain himself in person. This way he is still very, very high in my books but we did not part without me trying to ask him to say at least 1 hr. or so and he agreed . I must say we made it very romantic hour , one to remember . One of those QBE’s ( Quasi Boyfriend Experience ), we almost forget to undress LOL . Cheered and warmed up I decided to check on Screwboys, perhaps because my best guy ever , One, was from there. And who is on the stage? Yoyo. Well known to few members, tirelessly working to give Viet boys good name recalled me even if it’s a while since I offed him last time. It was a bit of surprise as there were reported sightings of him at Lucky boys but his time there was short , he told me he did not like strong air conditioning and decided to return. No time to waste, two drinks 300 a piece , long time yes, he even mentioned I snore ( sure, good bet lots of guys my age do but I don’t dismiss option he really remembers ) , red note to mamasan Lek ( I like her ) and off we go . He was not hungry. Another ID registered under my room number today. Elevator guy seem to be looking at me with mixture of contempt and respect. In the room Yoyo did his best to prevent me from snoring and was not in rush to leave in the morning at all. Planning to go home in few days to see his ailing father, at least it’s what he told me clearly wanted to increase his tip. We met half way , he got more than I intended but less than he wanted. Well earned. Active , polite , good looking and good feeling, Yoyo never disappoints as many here may attest. Only disadvantage is that he smokes but had only one during his stay with me and doesn’t smell like ashtray, believe me I checked. Promised to give him duty free cigs I bought when waiting for connection in Taipei It was actually me who signalized time to go as I had ‘ other stuff ‘ to do. One of very few cases when I gave guy taxi money without him even asking but he energized me for very busy day ahead. spoon, santosh108, Jasper and 8 others 11 Quote
Popular Post vinapu Posted October 17, 2019 Author Popular Post Posted October 17, 2019 Day 3 Advantage of travelling light is that packing will not take long so after Yoyo left I packed up and rolled my suitcase to Red Planet, about 500 meters away. Room was not ready which was not surprising as it was still morning and I expected that so left suitcase there and spent almost all daylight time busy with “ other stuff”. Today is day 3 , traditionally my worst when comes to jet lag. Very busy yesterday, active last night, busy day today so when I finally checked into my room in the late afternoon I had energy only to check messages on the forum and make two steps toward the bed (rooms at Red Planet as quite small) and collapsed with deep sleep till almost 10 p.m. It would be shame if I slept longer as at 11.15 I was supposed to meet GoldMember and Anddy in soi 4. Few more words about Red Planet on top of what I said in day 1. Rooms are small and there’ s not much room for wardrobe for which there are few hangers on the massive hook. But there’s something like desk and night stands, safety box, kettle, 2 mugs , small fridge, shelf for toiletries in the washroom and quite sizable shower. In short , everything most of travelers may require. Relative lack of space is forcing one to be organized with stuff in the room. Reception is on 2nd floor which means nobody bothers you with checking on your visitors. There’s 7/11 in the building as well as pizzeria Scozzi where for 200 baht one can have a decent breakfast. Patpong and BTS are in walk-able distance, hotel stands beside Amara, where Narathiwas joins Suriwong . So I waked up just in time to freshen up and marched toward soi 4 by the way of Screwboys because Yoyo forget cigarettes I gave him so I hand delivered them to his place. In soi 4 I parked myself in Welcome bar across from Jupiter, ordered drink for myself and one of waiters so I had somebody to embrace and sort of talk to and not before long I saw somebody approaching with broad smile so no doubt it was GoldMember and yes, it was him. Soon after Anddy showed up so we changed scenery to Jupiter where we still caught some show and surveyed their handsome stuff. I noted absence of my regular from there Oud but since offing mood eluded me today I did not even ask if he is there. Before midnight we went to Moonlight just in time for their second show and models presentation. A was there so I asked him to join me for a drink and some embraces but loyally told him , off s not in the card tonight. He seemed a bit disappointed but I decided today to have day of chastity to balance budget and sleep pattern, smart move considering excesses of the following night. As bars are not very conductive to talking even if music level at Moonlight in comparison to idiotic noise at Jupiter and Dreamboys is very decent we spent good hour in front of bar talking about our experiences and listening to Gold sharing impressions of parenthood and challenges of visiting Bangkok in company of small child. I learned new term ‘ gaybies’ which means babies by gay parents. It was well after 2 am when we went our ways and me finally noticing that on order to see the light in the morning I need to eat something so went to red Planet by way of Foodland where they seem to have never ending supply of my favorite dish. Restaurant was quite busy with working girls and boys dining at end of their shift but unfortunately or rather fortunately I did not see any familiar faces so I finished my day 3 walking to my room alone. Strange feeling for Bangkok, believe you me, BL8gPt, traveller123, paulsf and 8 others 10 1 Quote
GWMinUS Posted October 17, 2019 Posted October 17, 2019 I think the small rooms at Red Planet are all Same Same. The pic I saw could have been taken at the Red Planet in Manila. Barely room to get in and out of bed. Good thing you decided to be chaste that evening... Quote
GoldMember Posted October 17, 2019 Posted October 17, 2019 5 hours ago, vinapu said: I saw somebody approaching with broad smile so no doubt it was GoldMember and yes, it was him. Finally, after so many years of knowing you online. It was my pleasure. Thanks! vinapu 1 Quote
vinapu Posted October 17, 2019 Author Posted October 17, 2019 7 hours ago, GWMinUS said: I think the small rooms at Red Planet are all Same Same. The pic I saw could have been taken at the Red Planet in Manila. Barely room to get in and out of bed. Good thing you decided to be chaste that evening... no, I liked it. Sure not much room to move around but spacious enough unless somebody has a walker or big suitcase. Nantra has similar furnished bigger rooms but Red Planet is much better maintained. As our friend DrimVoiz attested in his report there's enough room for steamy encounter of two. I happen to know his Mr.Perfect and he is not exactly minnow. There's enough room for debauchery of two. GWMinUS and DrimVoiz 2 Quote
DrimVoiz Posted October 17, 2019 Posted October 17, 2019 22 hours ago, vinapu said: In short fun filled night and Drim Voiz who was missing in action can only regret his absence. Sorry, Mr. Sex God early that night and Mr. Perfect Guy the previous night really drained my entire energy, lol...I really need 2 sleep 2 regain my energy, haa haa...but it was a really fun night @ Moonlight as I read in your report vinapu 1 Quote
DrimVoiz Posted October 17, 2019 Posted October 17, 2019 2 hours ago, vinapu said: no, I liked it. Sure not much room to move around but spacious enough unless somebody has a walker or big suitcase. Nantra has similar furnished bigger rooms but Red Planet is much better maintained. As our friend DrimVoiz attested in his report there's enough room for steamy encounter of two. I happen to know his Mr.Perfect and he is not exactly minnow. There's enough room for debauchery of two. Vinapu, sorry I 4got 2 mention, there is a larger room in Red Planet called "accessible room" but I'm not sure if its always available, and the good thing is its the same price as the "double" or "twin" room...and yes, the room there is enough when I'm with Mr. Perfect Guy and the other boys as well, ha ha vinapu 1 Quote
Popular Post vinapu Posted October 17, 2019 Author Popular Post Posted October 17, 2019 Day 4 Today and tomorrow ‘ other things” are taking me to an Eastern Seaboard. Not sure if I will be able to visit Pattaya but decided to take a risk and booked Baan Souy for today and tomorrow if only because I never stay there, my favorite masseur Kao from Copa had day job there and most important considering circumstances , hotel is mid way between Pattaya and Jomtien, tucked in the small alley, steps from main road but still hidden, just in case. Because of duties I raised up early so perhaps it was good to be chaste as very few boys would appreciate being hauled out of bed at 7 am I guess. In the afternoon I was not only unshackled but also when expressing desire to see Pattaya which I never visited before , uhm, I was offered a ride . I was not too demanding and asked to be deposed at Terminal 21. As soon as my ride disappeared I jumped into songtaew which conveniently was #6 line Naklua-Jomtien and soon I was walking to the hotel. It’s short walk from main road , has quite sizable pool om the grounds and was almost empty. I saw only one guest basking in the sun and sole bartender who unfortunately was not Kao . I got room on 1st floor , huge and comfortable, complete with seating area and microwave and of course big bed. Freshened up and walked back to main road to find myself in Boyztown soon after . At Paradise massage I was hopping Wit is there but I was told that he quit 2 weeks ago and of course boss would not tell me where he is now. Strolled through quite empty Boyztown to 2nd road where around the corner there’s small massage shop with only guy outside. I remembered him from last month, intriguing figure as he is very well built but was wearing quite heavy make up and his legs were covered in net stockings, just like your typical ladyboy. But my gut feeling told me it won’t be any surprise so I decided to jump and see and took 300 baht 1hr session. Massage was good , conducted in complete silence as there are only curtain partitions there and after about ½ hr my hand wandered somewhere near his knee and it did not take long before I was asked how much I pay, kiss was planted on my neck and shirt , shorts, net stocking and all were gone to reveal quite manly muscular body owned by guy without a trace of feminine behavior . So my gut feeling was right. Next ½ hr. was also silent but quite very steamy so to speak. So sometimes appearances are misleading. I upped my customary 1 hr massage tip of 1000 by 50% , well deserved despite such initial camouflage. I should ask him about LT option tonight but I did not because I had other thing in mind – to see if Z, hero of my last month’s trip is still in his bar in Jomtien Complex. Before I went there though I made obligatory pilgrimage around the corner to Alt Heidelberg restaurant for my schnitzel with fried potatoes s dinner. As soon as I placed my order heavens opened, speaking about good timing. What was even more surprising deluge changed to drizzle when I was ready to go. By that time Beach Road was under water but somehow I managed to catch songtaew, made fast dash to my hotel to shower all that massage oil off and walked energetically to Jomtien Complex with question mark bigger and bigger with every step. Will he be there or not ? And if yes, will he be free or embraced by my newly found sworn enemy or not? Z’s bar is almost at end of row of bars and it was his boss who noticed me first , smiled and called Z by name – he happened to be standing by food truck nearby. Shock and awe like G.W.Bush would say, ‘it’s really you?, how you get there? And then hit between eyes : ‘good you came today because tomorrow I’m flying back home”. Truly Guardian Angel’s best job. Drinks ordered , “what hotel we are sleeping tonight?” asked so things were moving fast in right direction. Only in my head problem was raising , I want to go with him tomorrow to the airport so I must unshackle myself from “other stuff” and how to do it. Not to mention when as doing it in middle of the night could not look good but I decided to leave it to the fate for now if only because in front of us two guys were seating. One with face of Handsome Cambodian from BBB and his companion a bit more cherubic. Fast Z revealed that those are new guys in bar, both straight Cambodians and he likes cherubic one very much and since his dream was always to suck straight cock, Cherubic one would be prime candidate but he is too shy to ask him and doesn’t know how to go about whole thing. Go figure- bar boy being shy ! Since my heart went to Handsome Cambodian II two red notes followed in their direction and we left things there for now if only because Z got that idea that he wants to go to Mike Shopping mall to buy a shirt he saw another day. As much as I like being with Z 25hours a day /8 days a week shopping with him is a bit of chore, Ok it’s fucking unnerving waste of time but when he said we should be rushing because mall closes at 10 and now is well past 9 I agreed to go. Songtaew dumped us in front of mall at 9.40 so it was only 15 minutes of buying spectacle , still he managed to get 3 staff member involved and tried half dozen shirts with me looking disgusted all the time. But salesperson being adamant that they are closing at 10.00 on the dot helped to speed decision. Then I suggested since we are already there why not to visit BBB in time for the show so we went. Both my favorites Art and Handsome Cambodian / now Handsome Cambodian I/ were missing , not that tonight it mattered but we admired all boys present as much as one can admire them being dressed in shirts and jeans, watched show a bit changed from August. I noticed Keow is back in the show. Bar was a little remodeled and what was surprising only perhaps half full. After the show we went toward Wat Chai where we had some delicious looking and tasting street food and soon we were back on our way to his bar where he was supposed to take his things from to my hotel as by that time I decided hell or high water, I’m taking him to the airport tomorrow. Marching to a bar through Complex subject of Z being fond of Cherubic was brought again and I intervened simply by saying that if he wants we are taking him with us, Z job was only to make sure he wants to go and how much his compensation should be . Sure I had hots for Handsome Cambodian II but it would be excessive to take him with our trio but while Z was gathering his stuff , talking with Z and bar colleagues he is leaving behind , l asked him to seat with me if only to ask if Handsome Cambodian I from BBB is his brother as similarities are striking but no, it turned out to be just coincidence. Nevertheless I will have him in my mind next time I’m there which may be tomorrow or next year ( remember I booked Baan Souy for 2 nights just in case ), to reinforce he will smile and as thank you gesture for tonight I gave him few red notes. 300 off fee for Cherubic paid , as it was late we took motorsais to the hotel at 50 baht a head. In the room I let guys to have their fun helping here and there. Z was in 7th heaven to have his dream realized and without going to too much of detail , exceeded expectations. It was probably good that hotel was emptyish that night as certainly we weren’t that quiet and only when our companion was leaving we realized that we left veranda door to our room opened. We can only hope nobody was peeking inside as I’m not sure we combed out hairs before we went to the bed. While I offered our guest option of staying till morning he preferred to go home so gave him 100 baht for motorsai on top of well deserved , twice above the market tip but what is fair it’s fair. He left happy and we , after finally closing door , stay inside happy and still active almost till sunrise. My last night fast certainly helped. Great and memorable day 4 even if better half of it was wasted on ‘other stuff’ ( Ok , wasted only in context of this report ). reader, floridarob, BL8gPt and 8 others 11 Quote
Popular Post vinapu Posted October 18, 2019 Author Popular Post Posted October 18, 2019 Day 5 Getting rid of “other things” for today was easier than I thought, morning e-mail “ I must return to Bangkok today” and fast response “ Ok , no problem”, no question asked . Not that we rushed things in the morning but at 10am I ordered end of idyll, if only to utilize breakfast included in price served till 11 only. I also resolved that in view of Z going home and Kao as well as Wit absent It doesn’t make much sense to return to Pattaya for a night and informed staff that I’m vacating room to a polite answer ‘ we will miss you tonight’. We took Jomtien bus to Swampy and from there upon learning that shuttle but to Don Muang is available to ticket holders only i.e. to Z , not me I decided we will take taxi which turned to be very good idea as Z almost immediately placed my hand inside of his shorts rightly claiming ‘ I know you like it” and not surprisingly he was right. Driver did not seem to notice and if he did ,he did not mind. So whole rode seemed more like short time rather than taxi ride and not even tip was necessary . Ride was 375 on the meter +obligatory 50 baht airport surcharge + three tolls , respectively 25, 50 and 70 baht. At the airport we had lunch , send me PM if you are curious what I had, then went to observation level where we had a chance to have last intimate moment when nobody was there. Few pictures and warm, misty eyed embraces and stolen kisses and Z disappeared behind partition for good. I decided to take a train , walked to the station , bought ticket for 20 baht ( not sure if they raised prices , last time I paid just 5 or it was train type which was more expensive , it was express from Nong Khai ), MRT to Sam Yan and walk to VSpace hotel on 2nd floor of Silom 64 building, that’s the one on Thaniya side connected with Sala Daeng with own exit. Hotels occupies just one floor and rooms are windowless. I booked and paid by Paypal this morning and initially they couldn’t find my records but eventually girl noticed respective sheet on the counter in plain view , one of those’ darkest spot is right under the lamp’ moments. Other than lack of window room was more spacious than Red Planet , everything was working including bit archaic safety box, only desk was a bit too high but that’s minor issue. Location , right on Silom hardly can be beaten and lack of windows prevents street noises from getting in. With escalator no need for elevator, quite q few eating places on the ground floor and as I said, one floor up and there’s direct walkway to Sala Daeng BTS. Settled in I went to Senso, early evening only few guys available , none familiar so as usually I went for a smile and took Chai for usual 1.5hr session. Very strong massage was all I need after last several hours spent mostly sitting or in horizontal position. Good streak at Senso continues. From there to Hot Male outside but I did not stay there too long because soon CTCI8F showed as we arranged and we went to Moonlight where he had design on somebody but I , exhausted after peace negotiations last night decided to pass tonight. Or I thought so. A of course approached immediately but I told him that tonight I’m not taking anybody , I did not even invite him for a drink as it was before show and did not want to block his offing chances in full bar by engaging him. He was clearly unhappy if not outright upset but smiled sadly-politely and returned to the scene. I lavished red notes on # 9 and # 11 and then show started with few new scenes and to CTCI8F’s delight his intended guy was there so he made arrangement with mamasan to take him home. That and show made my blood circulating a bit faster so I asked mamas an if A is still there but as expected, it turned he landed LT contract and was gone. But he helpfully pointed that #9 , tipped previously is seating nearby so I motioned him over. Well built with very handsome and somewhat it seemed familiar face . Cambodian. It looks that face wise I have soft spot for Cambodian guys, I can easily call him Handsome Cambodian III but his nick is Man, fitting for a guy with such manly face. Before I blinked an eye he asked “ I go with you ? ‘ so I did not even bother with drink and questions , just asked him to dress and off we went. He just returned from trip home and was happy to land such good hearted farang on his first night I guess. On our way to restaurant on Suriwong it was actually him who asked if I want long time which sent me to a stratosphere because as always that was what I was hoping for specially with guy owning such face ! Over the meal he checked his phone and announced that long time is still on the offer but not tonight because his roommate left key in the room so he needs to be home at 2 or so when he finishes his shift. Old trick and excuse and to this day, more than week later I wonder what cause such change ? After all it was him who came up with idea, perhaps he had better look at my face in bright lighting? Who knows but his moment was good for such antics as I initially was not even thinking about any offs tonight so he was still a bonus , long time or short It was short walk from restaurant to hotel where he asked to shower first claiming to be shy but judging by loud music he played there on his phone he wanted to do other business there first. I was very pleased with his presence and performance and being so close to him suddenly I realized why he seemed familiar and asked him if before he happened to carry # 15. Yes. Readers of my reports may recall that last year ( trip of Oct 2018 report ) I had hots for #15 there but he was sitting with some young Asian who snatched him from the stage before I even could say “Hail Mary” and at least I had an eye feast because they a were sitting together in front of me, both handsome like hell and half. Learning about finally nailing one on my dreams put me in even more forgiving and generous mood even with that key story and fact that he was a bit rushing to leave. I slept well and smiling at end of my day 5 DivineMadman, BL8gPt, TotallyOz and 8 others 11 Quote
Synergia Posted October 18, 2019 Posted October 18, 2019 I've been in Thailand also this summer. It as my third visit there. This country amazes me every time, like every country that I visit. Quote
Popular Post vinapu Posted October 18, 2019 Author Popular Post Posted October 18, 2019 Day 6 Already at 7.30 I went for breakfast at Foodland then packed my meager belongings, rolled my suitcase to Siri Sathorn where as expected I was asked to leave my luggage and check in after 2 p.m. when room will be available. Nice gesture was promotion and I was offered big tube of tooth paste. First half of day busy with ‘ other things’ but on return to hotel I also managed to visit Golden Buddha at Wat Traimit. Not sure why but it was a lot of Indians visiting that day, coincidence or some religious reason. Room was ready and I was impressed as it was full sized 1 bedroom apartment complete with kitchen, round table , two sofas and even ironing desk , all for aprox. 1800 baht , my accommodation splurge this trip along with Baan Souy. Enough time to desoil myself and walk to Madrid Tavern for another pizza dinner with reader who was already waiting inside and CTCI8F who arrived soon after me. Never met reader before so it was my fifth member this trip who gave me an opportunity to match name with face. As before each of us ordered different kind and we shared exchanging news for good two hours. Ladies there as usual pretended they don’t eavesdrop and we pretended we don’t notice they do so good time was had by all. After we parted ways but not before CTCI8F and I agreed to go to Tawan tonight I went to Bangkok Massage to see if Kai is there, one of my favorites. Five years ago firecat, twink lover and me muscle lower were sitting at Maxis and for fun exchanged our take of boys at Bangkok Massage across the soi. Invariably who I liked he did not and other way around but we both agreed that guy with the phone in the corner is best looking of bunch and it was Kai. Now, 5 years later his looks is more mature and less cherubic but still arguably he is best faced guy there and quite muscly as well. So 1.5 hr session for 700 , great massage and fun . Nicely surprised by well-deserved tip, he even jokingly suggested another session right now . Than walk to a hotel because I noticed I did not stuff my short’s pockets with proper money (I have whole science what denomination belongs to what pocket ) and another walk straight to Tawan but not before I messaged Anddy we are going there. Guys there are not his type and he is not patronizing Tawan but was willing to see what fuss is all about I was first and before I even asked , mamasan called Dam, dark and smooth skinned quiet guy I offed last month to approach , just like he read my mind or most likely remembered that I offed him last month because he was exactly whom I came tonight for. Tiger eyed me as well, always eager for an off and a tip but I was already occupied reacquainting with Dam’s smooth body , both my friends came to my rescue soon after and anddy somehow earned Tigers adoration and Tiger is as far NOT A TWINK as possible so it was fun to watch good natured an interaction of both. CTCI8F had his sight on other boy and occupied him promptly although I jokingly tried to prevent them from being too close claiming that CTCI8T is my boyfriend and please hands off, LOL We watched show and shoots in J/o contest were quite impressive. I noticed few new and interesting guys in the bar and invested in futures by placing red note deep into undies of one of them. After the show we departed. Anddy leaving disappointed but still tipped Tiger in his wake went home and both of us with our chosen ones went to restaurant on the corner for a dinner and very pleasant conversation. Siri Sathorn is quite far from Tawan and Dam nicely surprised me suggesting we just walk . To smooth things before we went to bedroom we opened Hong Thong for few rounds and it helped to energize us and shed inhibitions if any. Great and classy , considering room , end of day 6. CTCI8F, GWMinUS, BL8gPt and 3 others 6 Quote
vinapu Posted October 18, 2019 Author Posted October 18, 2019 3 hours ago, Synergia said: I've been in Thailand also this summer. It as my third visit there. This country amazes me every time, like every country that I visit. welcome to the forum, consider reporting your impressions at length Quote
DrimVoiz Posted October 18, 2019 Posted October 18, 2019 On 17 October 2019 at 11:08 AM, vinapu said: In the hotel I checked forum and there was very recent message that DrimVoiz and 18past 19 are lunching at Foodland and they will be happy if I join them so I rushed up . Timing was perfect as their meals just arrived , I ordered mine and it was not you know what but whatever Drim was eating- some Japanese dish. Anyways our dishes were getting cold because we had so much stuff to discuss and all of that not really suitable for public place so I suggested we move to my room We're sooo fulfilled u join us over lunch...and it was a really great time chatting with you @vinapu & @18past19 over coffee!!! vinapu and 18past19 1 1 Quote
DrimVoiz Posted October 18, 2019 Posted October 18, 2019 On 17 October 2019 at 11:08 AM, vinapu said: Drim shared his impression from yesterday’s time with Mr. Sex God and to keep meeting in proper style I offered tea / coffee selection, go imagine how classy it was, LOL. Best S*X ever!!! vinapu 1 Quote
10tazione Posted October 18, 2019 Posted October 18, 2019 6 hours ago, vinapu said: First half of day busy with ‘ other things’ Vinapu, you make me really curious what these "other things" might be, so let me guess: marriage with babe? silicone dick? fang muk? Just joking of course Quote
vinapu Posted October 18, 2019 Author Posted October 18, 2019 11 minutes ago, 10tazione said: Vinapu, you make me really curious what these "other things" might be, so let me guess: marriage with babe? silicone dick? fang muk? Just joking of course read 2nd sentence of day 1 report Quote
10tazione Posted October 18, 2019 Posted October 18, 2019 1 hour ago, vinapu said: read 2nd sentence of day 1 report "has nothing to do with guys", so I can rule out "marriage with babe". "has nothing to do with entertainment", not sure if this rules out the other 2 options... Quote
vinapu Posted October 18, 2019 Author Posted October 18, 2019 9 minutes ago, 10tazione said: "has nothing to do with guys", so I can rule out "marriage with babe". he has sister Quote
DrimVoiz Posted October 18, 2019 Posted October 18, 2019 1 hour ago, vinapu said: he has sister And Babe got a gf also, so Vinapu marrying him?!...idk, lol Quote
Popular Post vinapu Posted October 18, 2019 Author Popular Post Posted October 18, 2019 Day 7 Dam was not in the rush in the morning and neither was I but at one point I realized that I still have ‘ other things’ so hauled us out of bed and after packing up , out of hotel too. Since it turned out he lives not far from there he decided to go home, I rolled my suitcase to Baan Silom , 6th hotel I was staying in 8 days of this trip. I know it sounds excessive and in fact it is but I have fun exploring new digs as it makes impression I’m on the move. I generally don’t like stationary vacations and Thailand is very distinct exception for reason not need to be explained. To my delight room was just being made so I could check in after few minutes. Then I went to Suriwong for breakfast , I decided to try nice looking Café Club across the road from Patpong. Not a cheap place but their 399 ‘big breakfast ‘ was really big , tasty and filling, even if at check out it turned that they are adding VAT and service charge to a bill so 399 become something like 480 ( read 500 with a tip although since service charge was included I shouldn’t be so generous). Once a trip I can splurge on a meal, why not , specially that their serving kept me running well into the evening . Good that “Other things ‘ today weren’t too absorbing so I even managed to return to hotel in the afternoon for 3-5 nap. At 6 I was already exiting Phya Thai station in search of Gannymede spa nearby. No sign from main read but with map in my head it was easy to find. Captain explained me their menu and only then called guys , all 4 of them to emerge from behind the curtain. All well muscled but more athlete than hunk type and as usual, broadest smile earned 1 hr body to body massage for 800 baht with minimum tip of 1200. Good job by fully versatile bi-guy although judging by how fast he stood to attention girls are probably afterthought for him. Place is very well appointed , decorated and maintained and it’s fully recommended, they do 4 hands as well. Return to Patpong or rather Thaniya and walk to Moonlight hoping A will be there . Yes and at his best at that showing his washboard abs to sparse at that time audience. You should see his smile when I entered and motioned him over right away. Off fee paid with promise to pick him up later and I told him he is free till midnight , if he finds other admirer in meantime I will wait for his return. I finished my drink –at Moonlight you pay for drink before you enter bar unfortunately and went to Dreamboys as scheduled by me and CTCI8F yesterday. I took a bit circular way through Thaniya and Silom and surprise – I met Alek , former Tawan guy whom I took to Pattaya back in Jun 2016 for quasi boyfriend experience. We recognized each other immediately after all those years. Last time I saw him was in Dec 2016 at Tawan took hissy fit because I offed somebody else than him . Upon learning I’m going to Dreamboys he tried to join but I firmly said that I’m going with friend and only with him, So our good bye was less smiley. Oh , well. At Dreamboys I arrived first and from very beginning I was not sure whom admire more – boys on the stage, they had few hunks there new and old although #65 , my last off month ago in Sept or one of two Japanese guys sitting on bench nearby. I did not measure but at least until my friend arrived I was focusing on Japanese hunk more, one of those who would give Moonlight models run for their money . Show started at 10.15 I guess and was quite long , to a packed audience. No “special” show but plenty of performers for big cock , among them one of my eye delights Johnny, known for very energetic dancing ( and now for very impressive endowment) . Quite a few guys there are prime offing material. Bad thing about Dreamboys is that sound level is unbearable and well above idiotic , be warned and bring ear plugs. I feel sorry for the boys , it must leave some traces in their hearing abilities. Only Jupiter and XBoys Pattaya are equally stupid but Dreamboys is the worst IMNSHO. Highlight of the show were moment when ladyboys invited three participants from audience to join them and to my eternal delight one of them was my Japanese neighbor. There was also another Japanese guy who become primary victim as they undressed him completely revealing that he did not wear underwear. I did not notice any shyness on his part so common wisdom that Japanese are very adventurous when come s to those things carry a lot of weight. “My’’ guy was more reserved but still we could admire his naked ass in horizontal position and sizable bulge made many salivating I guess. It was a lot of offing traffic , both by guys and ladies but Dreamboy is well staffed bar. Just before midnight we left , I marched to Moonlight to pick up A who was already ready and waiting. I did not bother with drink this time. We went to eat some modest dinner without eye-popping seafood dishes and then straight to the hotel with A embracing me just like a boyfriend. He must like me or something thought I as he already had both off and knowledge of what his tip will be secured. Today we talked a lot too , mostly about his family and his work. They have very drastic penalties for being late like 50 baht per minute so certainly guys are kept in line. Sadness start setting in my heart when I realized that this is my second last night in BKK Jasper, GWMinUS, CTCI8F and 9 others 12 Quote
CTCI8F Posted October 19, 2019 Posted October 19, 2019 23 hours ago, vinapu said: CTCI8F had his sight on other boy and occupied him promptly although I jokingly tried to prevent them from being too close claiming that CTCI8T is my boyfriend and please hands off, LOL Boy stick to me even more closer, thank you. LOL BL8gPt 1 Quote
vinapu Posted October 19, 2019 Author Posted October 19, 2019 13 minutes ago, CTCI8F said: Boy stick to me even more closer, thank you. LOL and it worked ! Quote