Popular Post alex303 Posted October 12, 2019 Author Popular Post Posted October 12, 2019 Day 14 (BKK – the last night) We didn’t get to sleep until 5am the night before so those Viet paws we’re still in cuddling mode till 1pm then next day. ‘W’ sleeps soundly…especially when he’s in a nice big comfy bed. I woke up a bit earlier and was just messaging pals on my phone and checking Apps whilst he dozed on. ‘S’ the Viet spotted me online in Messenger & started gently enquiring if he could come over but with the bed still occupied by 55Kg of prime snoozing Viet already I thought best to wait and told him honestly…his friend still sleeping, they’re pals and he’d know he was staying overnight so no point in lying to these guys. As a point of fact…I find Viet’s less jealous than their Thai cousins and will almost encourage you to go with their pals in many cases as they see it as helping the wider group…handy for us! Anyway at some point ‘B’ from Hotmale on Day 2 started messaging me too…also wishing to pay a visit to discuss world economic affairs no doubt! I thought better get the day going!! As it’s my last full day in LOS. ‘W’ was stirring so I gently enquired if was hungry…usual sleepy reply ‘little bit’. So half an hour later we were playing around in the shower with me soaping up and admiring his gorgeous butt for what I knew would be the last time for a few months. Sorted ‘W’ out his usual LT (overnight) Tip plus a bit more as last day and went for breakfast to get fuelled up. Got a lovely genuine hug from a very warm / caring boy and then we both went our separate ways. The cleaners in Bandara had kindly tidied away most the evidence of last night’s hanky panky and ‘B’ was clamouring to come over so invite duly issued and about 1 hour later he turned up. Nice couple of hours just chatting and playing around, he really is one very nice affectionate boy too…another lucky find. Has been living in BKK for a few years, but not all jaded by it like some. 2nd time around was definitely better too, these guys definitely give a bit more when they get to know you. We both cleaned up and chatted more on the sofa, then he (ST tip in hand) departed to go meet a pal to settle up some minor debt. By now my phone was vibrating with more messages from ‘S’ who’d woken up…been to the Gym and was feeling horny. S’ came over late afternoon / early evening, known him for about 18 months and my lord the Gym work really is starting to pay off now, has a lean body like an Olympic swimmer, still seemed very happy after his drink with pals the night before. Definitely looking the hottest I’d seen him in some time, tbh on stage in Freshboys 2 when he works always stands out for me. He grumbled quietly that it had been some time since we’d been together so I duly hopped into the shower for the 4th time that day (more to be polite to him) than I actually needed one and when I came out…was greeted by the heavenly sight of ‘S’ stretched out naked on the sofa, showing off his tight wash-board 6 pack and encouraging his man-hood to life, this promptly encouraged mine also for the 2nd time that afternoon so I led him to the bedroom and we had a hour of rediscovering what each other likes. Think again probably one of the best sessions I’d had with him in some time but perhaps his way of saying thank you for the fun the night before. Clearly I need to visit that little bar more often! We cleaned up and he wanted to go get his hair cut & styled before work so gave him usual ST tip plus bit extra for his hair and meds as he was still recovered for a cold few weeks before. I’m probably too soft but hey it made him happy and I got some nice pics of the haircut and a happy smiling ‘S’ afterwards. Napped for a couple of hours then headed for Screwboys around 21:30, none of my regulars around yet so had a drink with a tall good looking Myanmar boy…says he ‘man and 33 years old…but looked 25 tops (amazing)’ but desired to do all sorts of ‘un manly’ things to me. Whilst tempted by his generous offer (a squeeze of his package suggested he could certainly deliver on his promises) I had promised ‘B’ in Luckyboys I’d come see him so around 22:00 I settled up and dispensed some Tips then headed for Lucky. The stage at Lucky was heaving with talent again, still spotting new faces in the guys too…lord if only I had another week I thought…lol. ‘B’ was on stage but I could feel his eye’s tracking me and a flick of the laser pen by mama and he was over and perched next to me looking rather hot as usual, did I say already those black pants really seem to suit the guys in there. Quick chat with ‘B’ to check he’s still good with our arrangement as my last night I’d asked him to stay with me to till the morning when the taxi came. Quick nod of that cute head and he headed off to get changed whilst I settled up, gave Viet mama a double Tip as my last night to which got a big hug and off I headed with ‘B’. We settled on hotmale beer bar so he could relax and I could check out the Soi plus we wanted to go DJ Station later so no point going too far away. Mama Kai spotted me and tried to get me to go into Hotmale to off ‘B’ there, I just ducked in to give him a hug goodbye to be polite and another red note. To be fair B’s been messaging me every other day since I’ve been home so cool guy imho. Downed our drinks and getting near 23:30 decided to head to DJ Station but as we headed down the steps from Hotmale I had an idea and grabbed ‘B’ and headed to Screwboys, just inside the door I called for ‘W’ and he came over smiling but looking confused as saw I had ‘B’ with me, I said you wanna come DJ too and gave him his bar fine…he looked more confused then said ‘oh for mama’ then smiled broadly (no drinks etc as was in a hurry and spur of the moment). Quick nod affirmative and he went to get changed, so about 5-10 mins later the 3 of us headed out along Patpong 2. I’d said to ‘W’ quietly on the way was just an ‘off’ for dancing etc and only ‘B’ would come back…he was happy at the idea of a fun night. DJ was queuing back into the little Soi, once we got in I led the boys upstairs, we just linked hands so they didn’t get lost as threaded our way thru the crowds. Heaving on the Ground floor but bit more space on Level 1 so cashed in half our drink chits and went to the balcony…’W’ had been to DJ before with me so was happily taking it in…but ‘B’ was having a blast and dancing away at the balcony (his first ever visit there). From my other offs / reports you may recall that ‘B’ basically can’t drink much alcohol…I think he started off on Heineken then switched to Bacardi lemon after he saw me drinking one. After that his dancing became wilder…then an hour later was like the Energizer bunny had run out of steam, and he had to sit down. I was keeping half an eye on the boys and flitting to / fro between the Toilets for a quick cruise, escaped the clutches of 2 Thai guys who appeared to want a 3some. Fun night though (few pics), at some point noticed ‘B’ definitely flagging so we called it a night at 01:30 and went to re-fuel at Foodland, even just on the walk to Foodland though ‘B’ was going more down-hill…but I thought just hungry / tired. Dinner was rapidly demolished by my hungry comrades, I was chatting with ‘W’ then looked to my side and ‘B’ was just slumped in his chair dozing off…wtf…he didn’t have THAT much to drink….only 2-3 small beers and 1 breezer. Then the penny dropped as when I was younger we used to mix strong beer with alcho pop’s type drinks like lemon Breezers and make ‘Power Shandy’….basically a damn strong shandy that would get you drunk pretty quick. I think the drinks had mixed on him in his stomach and had same effect, just he was’nt used to it. W pointed out B’s head was getting lower and lower so we settled up swiftly then just managed to get him to his feet, he kinda woke up as we got him up but bleary. I pushed ST tip into ‘W’s back pocket and we headed for the door. A taxi was just coming up that narrow Soi so I stopped it…and we bundled ‘B’ into the back of it. I gave ‘W’ a hug and promised to message him later then jumped in the taxi and headed off. In the taxi ‘B’ suddenly said….’oh W not come back with us’ and I said no…I offed him just for dancing with us, he seemed to pick up a bit at this point then the penny dropped…he must have thought I was trying to organize a 3some with his friend…lol 3some with two pals who know each other …never a good idea in my book and clearly he’d thought so too. Back in the condo he perked up a bit and we laughed about it, bit of rolling around on the sofa then he suggested a shower as was getting tired again. I left him to have a bit of his own space in the shower, he emerged while later towel wrapped around him showing off his glorious pocket muscle twink bod but still red face / shoulders from the drinks but looking better. I gave him a paracetamol to help cool down a bit and left him to chill on the bed whilst I went to freshen up, came out 10 mins later and there’s ‘B’ stretched out on the bed absolutely out like a light. Oh well I’d had enough fun that day so best to let him sleep. Shut the bedroom door gently and went to finish my packing so ready for the taxi. After 30 mins I heard this ‘rasping’ noise coming from the bedroom so ducked back in for a quick…lol was just ‘B’ now gently snoring his head off…oh well no action tonight then! vinapu, JackR, splinter1949 and 5 others 7 1 Quote