Popular Post alex303 Posted September 14, 2019 Popular Post Posted September 14, 2019 Ok so I rarely (if ever) write trip reports and this will be more of a synopsis of my travels in Thailand & Vietnam from Late Aug to Early Sept. Day 1 (BKK) Arrived at Swampy in the afternoon EVA (night-flight flight from London / LHR), lucky enough to get an Exit seat so was fairly comfy all the way and well sedated with a few G&T’s. EVA are fairly understated and still use the 777 but they’re solid and reliable and have never let me down (yet!!). Pretty obvious its low season from the short length of the ‘snake’ at immigration, think I was off the plane and in a taxi in under 40 mins speeding towards the State Tower where I had a condo booked for the first 3 nights. Condo turned out to be a LOT nicer than I expected and kind of annoyed at myself for not booking it for my last 4 nights in BKK too (hey ho), few pics for those interested…was on the 49th floor so lovely view at night. Quick nap then off to check out the bright lights like a giddy teenager, headed for Lucky boys first. Managed to swerve Lucy and got my (and Paul SF’s) fav Viet mama, unfortunately my timing was poor & arrived just as the show was starting plus I got a seat up in the ‘Gods’ at the back. Downed a Vodka sprite in 10 mins (well you need to re-hydrate after a long flight) and fled the show to the clutches of my beloved Screw boys as no show on there at that time. Screw boys was steady (nice greeting from Mama Phim) and a seat opposite the bar, fair few new faces, appeared to be less Viets and more Laos now, definitely a wider mix but some new talent which is always good. Phim was just scribbling me a note of which numbers can do the magic ‘everything’…when one of my regulars over the last 2 years a Viet ‘Handsome W’ came ambling over and gave me a lovely hug and asked if he could sit down. Some of you may recall I used to have 2 sets of 2 Viet brothers in this bar that I used to play with regularly, basically they just pimped me out to their relatives (who am I to complain). 2 of the 4 boys have since returned home to VN (1 out of choice and 1 due to Thai Royal Police), but the other 2 (inc my ex) are still in BKK. Whilst my roving eye was still taking in the new talent ‘Handsome W’ did look delightful and was very bubbly to see me. He’d toned up slightly since Songkran but said had been sick for 1 week recently & lost a little weight. Decision made…offed ‘W’ and asked him if he minded us going for a drink to another bar before we headed back. We settled on Fresh boys 2 so I could ogle the new talent and he could catch up with his Viet pals upstairs. Its easy with ‘W’ as been together so many times we don’t need to talk about what we will / will not do…we both know what the other likes and he’s relaxed with either ST or LT (over-night). Fresh boys 2 show had just finished so we grabbed a couple of drinks, nice line-up…again less Viets than my last trip and wider mix of nationalities with some very hot guys. Benefit of having ‘W’ with me is I get no hassle from the mama’s in there as he’s kind of like my partner for the night and guard as senses I’m jet lagged & flagging. Spotted a few other Viets from my not quite inner circle and a few came over to say hello plus the Viet waiters in that bar as fun as ever. Judging from a message that popped up in LINE from my ex…my arrival had been swiftly reported to the Viet Boys Intelligence network. We both bailed out for food and then headed to The State Tower, great seeing ‘W’ explore (read prowl) the condo and got his stamp of approval, particularly the view from the balcony on the 49th floor at night…pretty damn special and nice as the air felt bit cooler up that high and less traffic noise. Turned over the smart TV controls to him and got treated to some Viet pop and just dozed off with me head on his lap…woke up a bit later and we shared the shower (few things in life are as nice as soaping up 55kg of hot VN guy in the shower) then to bed and of course getting more intimately reacquainted. Anyone who thinks Viets are not passionate has been missing out imho, we both slept like logs afterwards …’W’ can sleep 8-10 hours no problem, noticed he was a little clammy so probably still shaking off the last vestiges of his illness the week before so I dialled down the AC a bit and opened the bedroom French windows ajar on the balcony to let some fresher air in, woke up a couple of times to find his Viet paws circling me but we both slept soundly…nice to be back in BKK! Day 2 (BKK) ‘Handsome W’ awoke around early afternoon (I’ve learnt its best to let him wake his own way rather than rouse him early), showered again and a bit more morning playing around…then off to locate some food in a local Thai place. He headed to his room to get changed for the gym (tipped his usual LT / overnight rate plus a bit more as he’s one of my favourites). Feeling a bit less jet lagged and hornier I started searching Hornet and found a cute Khmer Bottom who seemed up for a spot of Gymnastics, usual bit of on-line negotiating…what do you like? What do you want? etc. etc. Arranged to meet up early evening so I could have another nap first. Met him just outside the State Tower & pleasantly surprised as looked exactly like his pics and if anything a bit cuter, perhaps a touch fem but ok for me (I’m not usually a fem boy type). Very little Engrish though but deduced he was hungry so took him to another Thai food place opposite…not much open on Sunday evenings nearby but we found a small local restaurant. Re-fuelled we headed back and had a pleasant but not particularly inspiring session 6/10. I later found out he worked Fresh boys 2 sometimes and I think was just one of those guys who’s a bit lazy at what he puts out…never less I had my wicked way with him and so he was duly sent on his was with the agreed ST tip (albeit with not much on top of that). Funny thing is he’s one of those guys who just didn’t ‘get it’ as kept messaging me all thru the rest of the trip for a follow-up meet and making eye’s when I saw him on stage in FB2 again. I headed out bit later than planned and ended up in Hotmale after Kai spotted me wandering along the upper level near the beer bar, I suffered the last 10 mins of the show (he did promise me it was nearly finishing) and at some point I spotted a cute gogo in the seats waiting to get back on stage just as the fuck show was coming to an end. My interest piqued I patiently waited and show ended & boys returned to stage (nice selection tbh), love their pants by the way, great patterns and look much smarter than the usual plan white…spotted said cute boy (footballers, swimmers type body) entering the stage and enquired with Kai about him who pronounced him to be a ‘very good boy’…and surprise surprise a Viet (the old Viet radar still working….lol). The boy ‘B’ was a Top but Kai said ‘very good’ take care and as I’d just had a Bottom earlier in the evening this all seemed fine. Called him over for a drink and immediately ‘B’ was very engaging, both our hands were wandering nicely and lots of squeezes / cuddles etc…all quite delightful. Asked him what his preferred was, ST or LT and he actually requested LT (over-night) so Tip levels agreed up front (as he was a new one to me) we adjourned to a beer bar to relax followed by Kai’s approving eye as we headed for the door. Few drinks and a late night dinner than back to State Tower, again the condo proved a success as ‘B’ loved the balcony also, taking pics sending them to his pals on Messenger and so on. Warmed up on the sofa and then bit more action in the shower followed by some gymnastics on the bed exploring each other’s bodies, ‘B’ is quite an affectionate boy too once warmed up and we made some suitable puddles of Vitamin D…he was quite the gusher tbh before we retired to the showers and bed. Dozed off holding each other and I think woke up late morning to him chilling on the balcony having a smoke & taking in the view again. LT Tips dispensed along with some sincere hugs from him and the request to see me again he ambled off to the lifts and about his day...nice boy. Day 3 (BKK) Finally got my arse into gear around mid-day and headed for MBK to get my old S8+ un-locked and a new Thai SIM for the duration of my trip, after a bit of comparing prices on the 4th or 5th flr between shops settled on one and left the phone with them for 1 hour whilst they went to work on it. Picked it up later after some more aimless wandering around (I’m not really a shopping person) and then headed to the movies and caught ‘Angel has Fallen’…it’s probably not going to win any academy awards but was worth a watch, Nick Nolte puts in a great performance as the grizzled dad. Off for a haircut in that place with the red chairs that does a lot of the barboys (a friend showed me it a while ago)…think its Silom Soi 3? Opposite some massage place…bit tired and half dozed off in the chair and came around to find I had a Grade 1 pretty much all over (rather than a 2 on Top and 1 at sides)…hey ho lucky I like the ‘low maintenance’ look. Back to the condo for a powernap & then headed out and hit Lucky boys early tonight…maybe was around 21:30 so Viet mama gave me a choice of seats and I ended up in the ‘snugs’ pretty much centre of the stage and with a perfect eye view of the candy….oh my 40+ guys on stage & more wandering around in their hot Black briefs (plenty of hotties). Viet mama sensing my horned up status was gently nudging me to call a guy over but with I sipped my Vodka Sprite and waited patiently for the stage to go thru rotation, it’s kind of like lines or ranks of boys moving from rear to front in Luckyboys. Then a familiar Viet face popped out at me as he got nearer the front, another of my regulars ‘B2’ who is like a pint sized muscle twink with a great six pack. He spotted me when I walked in but I missed him at first as he was wearing a baseball cap. Eye’s locked and that was it…Viet mama moved in for the kill and her laser pen was out pointing at him to which he ambled quickly off stage and to me. Up close he looked even better tbh, still a very defined boy…had just got back to BKK after a spell at home in VN with the family. Bit of catching up and then we quickly settled on an LT off but he doesn’t usually do overnight so we started early. Asked B2 where he wanted to go and he chose Dream boys for the show, my first visit to the new club and quite impressed albeit I was pretty much the only farang face in there and it was busy. Got a good couple of seats at the front after a former mama from Lucky recognized me, nice modern club and good layout, decent sightlines but that sound system is like DJ Station level and was really pumping loud which is fine with me but might not be to everyone’s tastes. B2 enjoyed the show / coyotes so all good and tbh I didn’t mind it as the part we saw was free of the dreaded lip synch Lady boys. After Dream boys we headed to the Khao San road for something different, somewhere I like to hang out a couple of times when I’m in BKK, always a great atmosphere and reminds me of my misspent youth traveling Thailand in my 20’s. The guys seem to get a kick out of it too…but then you have clubs, music, drinks galore and food everywhere not to mention a lot of stalls so what young man would not. We had a few beers in a club about halfway down the Khao San and it was definitely jumping, B2 is funny as he can’t drink more than 2 small beers before he turns red but he’s happy and relaxed so that’s the main thing. Went for dinner at some Thai street food type place he chose but all good and in truth I’ve had some great meals in and around the Khao San over the last 20+ years. About 01:00 headed back to Silom as I wanted to try catch ‘Handsome W’ in Screw boys as I was leaving BKK the next morning and would not be back for 1 week. ‘B2’ and ‘W’ are friends so he was good with that but unfortunately when we got to Screw boys found out ‘W ‘ had a night off so we just had drinks and then headed back to State Tower. Bit of lounging around the condo and then B2 pulled me into the shower as a ‘let’s get busy’ sign and game on from there, nice couple of leisurely sexy hours of pleasuring each other followed, another passionate guy who knows what we both enjoy...was really nice to re-make the connection again after 3-4 months away. Think we called it a night around 05:00am, B2 does not usually sleep over as has funny sleep patterns in BKK which I fully understand…plus I had a taxi coming at 12:00 to take me to sin city the next day so all good. Full LT Tip dispensed and he well deserved it tbh, great guy whom I fully intend to see again (watch his space!) To be continued…. Next up 4 nights in Pattaya (that’s assuming the above hasn’t sent you all to sleep yet) Boy69, ggobkk, CurtisD and 17 others 20 Quote
Popular Post paulsf Posted September 15, 2019 Popular Post Posted September 15, 2019 Alex thanks for the report. As I have the advantage of getting the daily reports of your trip, it’s fun to read the book version. colmx, Will7272, alex303 and 2 others 2 3 Quote
Boy69 Posted September 15, 2019 Posted September 15, 2019 Lovely report . Your adventures approved that the bad reputation of the Viet boys in this forum is not correct . JackR, alex303 and BL8gPt 3 Quote
alex303 Posted September 15, 2019 Author Posted September 15, 2019 On 9/15/2019 at 4:33 AM, paulsf said: Alex thanks for the report. As I have the advantage of getting the daily reports of your trip, it’s fun to read the book version. Expand Paul your very welcome, tbh I think you have the patience of a saint putting up with my LINE ramblings at times, funnily enough I'm reading back thru the old notes using them to assemble this report though. Quote
alex303 Posted September 15, 2019 Author Posted September 15, 2019 On 9/15/2019 at 5:02 AM, Boy69 said: Lovely report . Your adventures approved that the bad reputation of the Viet boys in this forum is not correct . Expand Thank you, I think there's a lot of good guys in the Viet community if you take the time to get to know them...I have had a few 'so so' experiences with other guys in the past also (usually younger / less experienced ones who are new to BKK) as you'll see later...but generally I consider myself lucky to know them and enjoy hanging out with them. reader and paulsf 2 Quote
floridarob Posted September 15, 2019 Posted September 15, 2019 On 9/15/2019 at 6:57 AM, alex303 said: Paul your very welcome, tbh I think you have the patience of a saint putting up with my LINE ramblings Expand Yeah, he puts up with some long calls from me too, lol paulsf 1 Quote
paulsf Posted September 15, 2019 Posted September 15, 2019 Not to go off topic.....at least Rob sends message asking if it is ok to call. Short call at least an hour. Gives me chance to get a drink and get comfortable. floridarob and TotallyOz 2 Quote
Popular Post alex303 Posted September 15, 2019 Author Popular Post Posted September 15, 2019 Day 4 (Pattaya) After another nap and a tidy up of the condo my taxi came to whisk me down to Sin City, I didn’t book it with my usual company so got slightly stung on the price @ 1600 but was a brand new Isuzu 4 cab type thing and the driver was good company. I have at best mixed feeling about Patts these days, spent too much time there years ago then stopped completely for 2 years, went back for 3 days near Songkran and had a decent time so decided to brave 4 nights there this time again. Arrived at the condo I was renting around 3pm and after a bit of fuss with the management company cause I flatly rejected the first one they offered I got something I was a bit happier with. It’s near Tukcom so basically slap bang in the middle of where a lot of the boys live. About 5 mins after firing up my Hornet it lit up like a Christmas tree and one of the first was from ‘K ‘ the Khmer who used to work massage @ Royal House amongst other fine Pattaya establishments. He’s actually a decent masseur plus damn sexy as has a swimmers type bod with nice mildly built pecs. ‘K’ arrived around 4pm and after setting up a couple of towels on the bed he went to work on me, been together a few times so he was buck naked from the outset, oil massage though (meant to ask him to bring cream) and was working his way nicely up & down me, has a couple of neat tricks like using the mild stubble on his chin to work your back, sounds weird but actually very erotic not to mention the slight brush of his balls as he glides over my butt…heaven. Probably about 30-45 mins of ‘real’ massage and then the lube came out and was my turn to give him an internal massage of sorts, think after about 45 mins there was oil and lube slathered all over the bed towels and us but we both sat back sated and happy. ‘K’ was heading off to BKK the next day funnily enough so chatted a bit post showers and tentatively agreed to try meet up 1 more time before I head home, ‘K’ departed a happy Khmer with a full ST tip and said he was clocking off for the day. I took a powernap then woke to a LINE call from ‘K2 the Thai boy’ a 20 year old Uni student on hols in Patts, can’t remember how we got chatting originally but think was on one of the Apps but quickly migrated to LINE and I guess he spotted me online somewhere so wanted to come over @ 7pm. Never one to say no to a cute guy I showered and got myself together (Berocca is your friend in these circumstances) and got ready for Round 2. I’d never met ‘K2’ before that day and when I did he was as cute but a smidge lighter build than I realized. I have a 50-55Kg rule as I’m pretty tall which basically means if the guys less than that I usually give it a miss, just past experience etc. This ‘should’ have ruled out ‘K2’ and at some point when we were sitting on the sofa’s I decided this and gently tried to send him on his way with nothing happening and 500 bhat for taxi’s & food. His reaction was unusual as basically he said ‘No’ very clearly and then came across the couch to me and started un-buttoning my shirt and trying to pull my shorts & boxer briefs down. I was trying to wriggle out of his way but had this amorous and VERY determined Thai boy hell bent on having his wicked way with me. By then he’d whipped off his shorts too showing off his crown jewels (not bad either), so eventually I gave in and we both went for a shower then got down to it…actually good fun and totally disproved my 50kg rule. Chatted a bit afterwards he’s a maths student studying @ Uni, intelligent boy but quite intense, I gently passed him another 1K to up his Tip to 1.5K asking him to accept it as help for his studies, smiles / kisses all round and after a while he disappeared into the night….followed by a slew of Emoji’s on my LINE. Think I felt a combination of happiness with a bit of relief (I’m pretty damn sure I would not have made it out of my condo alive if I’d not done as instructed)…lol. Been getting a steady stream of LINE messages from him daily. After that I decided to call it an early night as well and truly exhausted. Day 5 (Pattaya) Woke to messages on LINE and Hornet from ‘Cute B’ another Thai boy I’ve known for a couple years, he knew I was coming to sin city and so was expecting his regular exchange of bodily fluids plus discussion about currency exchange rates, to which after breakfast at the Pattaya Beer Garden I cheerfully obliged. ‘Cute B’ works in Winner Boys and has one of the finest bubble butts you’ll find in that town. He came over about 12pm, usual grumbles about lack of customers in general and said he was working as & when he felt like it really, but we had a fun couple of hours and left happy with the usual ST tip burning a hole in his pocket. So that was nearly all my regulars happy (not quite….but nearly all). So yet another nap (yes that’s my secret Michael I basically sleep all day like a Thai boy between sessions), woke up early evening and headed to Boyztown around 9pm, had a quick look around and very quiet, sad seeing the old Panorama closed up…such a big hole at the bottom of the Soi. Headed into Toyboys to have a drink with Mena, not many guys working but I guess was early, a couple caught my eye but nothing to the same level as Patpong and certainly no way near the same volume. Noticed on the other side of the bar a couple of Chinese (rich bitch) types calling guys over for drinks so bearing in the mind the bar was low on boy numbers they basically emptied the stage and had all the boys sat with them which didn’t look great as customers were peeking around the door. The bitches (excuse my English slang) seemed to be multiplying in number too as more of their shopping bag wielding pals joined them…not really what I come to a Gay bar to see if I was honest! So after 10ins of staring at an empty stage I declined Mena’s kind offer of a 2nd drinks and bailed out heading for Cupidol. Cupidol had about 10 guys on stage or around the bar and a few nice ones at that, I clocked a short nicely built Khmer lad that I’d chatted to on Hornet before but never met so after 30mins of drinks & chatting to Mama who was trying to convince me to invest in some madcap plan for a beer bar (in failing Pattaya…no thank you dear!) I escaped her clutches tipping the Khmer plus 1 other boy on my way out the door. I foolishly headed back to Toyboys hoping the Rich Bitches would have moved on…but horror of horrors there was actually more of them and they’d taken over the whole of one side of the bar! I grimly had another drink whilst eyeing up #75 (cute but clearly man) & #41…both Laos boys but the whole ambiance was just not working for me so I downed my drink and doubled back to Cupidol. Called over ‘P the Khmer’ I’d tipped earlier, lovely muscle twink type bod with a nice Y Frame pretty decent Engrish so once we’d agreed the usual parameters I offed him and we headed out of BT, turned out he had a Visa run @ 3am (genuine as he showed me his passport stamps) so both hungry we went to get Thai food in a small restaurant and just chatted a bit, nice boy with the usual story of trying to help his mom get a new house built at home. Noticing the time we headed back to the condo and just lounged on the sofa’s for a bit, quite nice have that tight muscle frame buried against my chest…then he hopped in the shower and was game on from there. ‘P’ did do all that was promised and seemed to enjoy himself and relax, he did try to flip the encounter to him topping but unfortunately he didn’t quite have the equipment for me to let that happen. Post shower hugs and ST tip dispensed and I sent a happy Khmer into the night to catch his bus home, turned out he decided to stay Cambodia with his family for a few days so that was the last I saw of him that trip. Although he’s another who sends thru messages fairly regularly on LINE. Day 6 (Pattaya) Late start to the day, lounged around having a bit of grump at the general state of the bars last night, went for breakfast and then came back to the condo looping around the back of Tukcom to conveniently bring me past the massage shops as I passed the one that is around the back (short end) of Tukcom in the small Soi that links the other 2 main Soi’s a tall Thai boy called out to me, I recognized him from a couple of years ago and waved back but carried onto the condo for a shower. Post shower I though…’bollocks what am I doing moping around in-doors’ so reduced my pocket contents to a minimum, enough for Tips & phone & walked back to the massage shop, sat down outside next to ‘B’ the very tall Thai boy, he’s like 185 tall and has a nice slender build. ‘B’ angling to get an LT visit to the condo but I had other plans later so I said in the shop ok today to which he smiled and led me in. Consulted the slightly confusing menu and then settled on 1.5hours of cream massage. Led up 2 flights of narrow stairs to the massage beds, in true Patts style just separated by a curtain but we were the only ones up there then. ‘B’ asked me if I wanted a shower, I explained had already just 10 mins ago so he went off to get setup whilst I de-robed and relaxed. Nice massage for about 1 hour but not quite as good as ‘K’s 2 days before although his work on my head, hands and feet had me squirming with pleasure. Then at some point he started to strip (without me prompting) and we were off to the races. The room was just a single bed so bit tricky for too much action but we had our fun and left dispensed our Vitamin D deposits, he did in buckets which is always nice (seemed horny). Cleaned up and had a quick (quiet) chat upstairs as someone else had just entered another booth. Tipped ‘B’ 1K and paid out the shop 600 I ‘think’ plus 100 for mama and left feeling calmer & relaxed. I was supposed to meet up with a former Cupidol worker who’d since ‘retired’ and was doing some food stall type gig, but he went AWOL on me so I thought no matter, got dressed & headed out around 10pm, peeked around the door of ABomb but nothing that tempted me. Onto Toyboys again where the Laos mafia were very much on the floor, Lord some of these boys have been around for a while. Toyboys numbers were again dwindling so I finished my drink and went to Cupidol, couple of cuties caught my eye but not enough stirrings in my boxers to off so just called one over for a drink / chat as was quiet and dispensed a few Tips to be sociable. Boredom kicking in (never takes me long) I wandered around to the Soi with Dreamboys & X-Boys, mama Yoko from X-Boys spotted me and pulled me in with the usual assurances of ‘many many nice boys’…as could have been predicted was not quite my definition of nice but had a good chat with Yoko and as the show was coming to an end she pointed to a guy in the shadows at the back (near the bar) and said I should have a chat with him. I didn’t take much notice of this until said boy came on stage and then wow…what a cutie, handsome with a nice swimmers bod and swimmers type pecs….not a 6 pack but still defined. Swiftly called him over & we got to know each other, seemed like a nice Thai boy (later found out he’s 50/50 Thai/Viet which explains a lot!), Top and claims to be Man but I though gotta be worth a try so we talked thru the usual ‘what do you do, what do you like’. He had the dreaded room key for his pal though so could only stay till 4am but more than good enough for me. ‘K the Issan Thai/Viet’ came back dressed in about 2 mins flat and off we went to dinner at the same Thai restaurant I’d been to the night before. Paid Boyz Boyz Boyz a visit in their afterhours bar across the road which was a bit odd as seemed to be lots of Asian HISO types with their girlfriends watching proceedings. I think ‘K’ had a pal who worked there so felt like one of those ‘look what I’ve snagged’ type visits, but was ok for a late drink. Back to the condo and a very nice session ensued of us exploring each other’s bodies, nice / quietly passionate boy (not a fire cracker) but just nice Thai boy next door type, ‘K’ eventually came first and made a nice puddle which I happily added to so all good. As was getting near 4am I tipped him my full LT rate for Patts plus a bit of Taxi money and after some chatting and hugs he left to let his pal into the loom and I went to bed a happy camper. Boy69, TotallyOz, paulsf and 13 others 16 Quote
TotallyOz Posted September 15, 2019 Posted September 15, 2019 As always, reports are informative and full of great information. Thank you. alex303 1 Quote
ggobkk Posted September 15, 2019 Posted September 15, 2019 Reports are enjoyable and informative. Really like the writing style alex303 1 Quote
alex303 Posted September 16, 2019 Author Posted September 16, 2019 Thanks guys, that's much appreciated Must admit I've developed a new appreciation for how much time other members spend drafting their own reports, not a 5 min task Will try to update later in the week again, hopefully with a few pics of Hanoi if I can ever get them off my phone! vinapu, paulsf, ggobkk and 1 other 4 Quote
alex303 Posted September 20, 2019 Author Posted September 20, 2019 On 9/16/2019 at 10:00 PM, JackR said: Great report Alex Expand Thanks Jack, excuse the slow updates but I only get time at the weekends to draft up my notes. Quote
Popular Post alex303 Posted September 20, 2019 Author Popular Post Posted September 20, 2019 (edited) Day 7 (Pattaya) Had a slow start to my 4th day in Sin City, once I’d finally surfaced checked my Hornet messages and had a reply from a cute Viet massage boy (K the Viet) who was working freelance, we’d spoken before so was just a case of sending him my location in LINE and about 30 minutes later he promptly arrived at the condo. As a 'new one' to me I met him outside (just in case a scary / agressive Lady boy masquerading with fake pics…been there before), but tbh was even cuter in real life and immediately super friendly. Usual banter in the condo then fairly rapidly showers and me stretched out on the bed with him working me over, massage technique again not quite as good a ‘K the Khmer’ 3 days before but decent enough. K the Viet was buck naked from the beginning and clearly horny so the massage was a token 20 mins before we got down to the real action. K turned out to be a voracious bottom (lucky for me!) and the next hour was spent with me busily trying to keep up with his demands! The slightly kinky owner of my condo clearly had a fetish for mirrors around the bed (too many for my liking)...but K kept peering at the one above the bedhead, seemed to be getting off on it so all good for him. Nice chat after the showers and requests from him to meet up again, nice genuine boy and he left with a good addition to his wallet. Quick nap then headed out to town, just caught ColmX arriving as I did, headed over to Boyztown and scooped up ‘K from X-Boys’ for round 2, think we hit a few other bars but I had to get a taxi in the morning to Swampy for my flight to Hanoi. Ended up in Stones bar in Walking street after meeting up with ColmX again plus Vessey and his entourage (2 very cute ‘fire cracker’ Laos boys)…Vessey I can see how you do so well with the guys as masses of charm. ColmX of course did his best to sabotage my plans of any earlyish night plying us with more booze…but was a fun night and the Laos boys were great company. Although I think the pair of them (amongst others!) we’re trying to steal ‘K’ every time I disappeared to the loo! Can’t recall what time we bailed out but I do know I only got 2 hours sleep after ‘taking care’ of my guy, nice session again but ‘K’ was a bit down on power from the late night before but still good fun. My head hit the pillow and was one of those sleeps where it feels like you’ve blinked and then you’re getting back up in the morning! Next up Hanoi!!! Day 8 (Hanoi) Dragged my sorry ass out of my ‘pit’ late morning and finished packing, closed up the condo and hopped in my taxi to Swampy. Nice easy drive with a sensible lady driver in a new Toyota…so good to have a driver who’s not ‘tripping’ on Red-Bull and trying to emulate ‘death race 2000’ up the motorway. Saturday morning so only about 1hr 40 mins and 1000bhat later I was dropped off, checked in with Vietnam airlines who graciously gave me an Exit seat (lovely people). I’d booked the flights a month before when I was still at home in the UK and just liked the hassle free option of flying out of Swampy, plan was to spend 3 nights with ‘B’ one of my original 4 Viet’s who was now living at home after a slight disagreement with the Thai Police over his visa. ‘B’ used to work Patpong 2 and was missing some of the fun stuck in Ha-Tinh. I wanted to see Hanoi again and he wanted to see me so we reached a mutual agreement and he was promptly hired as my ‘guide’ for 3 nights. Definitely the sexiest ‘guide’ I’ve ever had but worked well tbh having a local around as just much easier / faster to get around. I’d booked a condo in the older quarter after checking with him it was suitable, duly approved…to quote him ‘very very ok’ as in the centre of the action. I checked with the owner first he was ok with my friendly guide hanging out…and all good. Landed early afternoon at Hanoi International airport and nice easy experience, just showed the immigration guy my flight home on my phone (in 4 days) and got a visa on arrival stamp…I ‘think’ from memory that’s good for up to 14 days. No hassle with visa paperwork etc, all very efficient. Changed up some monies (oh joy another currency where everything is 10’s of thousands…lol), grabbed a 4G local SIM card and booked my taxi at a little ‘one stop’ shop in the airport, then had a very cute taxi driver in a nice Jap style 4x4 whisk me to the city. Once I’d fired up my phone with the local sim was immediately getting messages from ‘B’ as he knew what time my flight landed as was panicking that I’d not come. Calmed him down, both shared locations on messenger and after 45 minutes the taxi dropped me off in the old town and I headed down a small street looking for my condo, found it and there was ‘B’ waiting outside with a big smile, even bigger hug & looking a bit browner than last time I saw him in BKK (I don’t think he actually believed I’d really come until I did). To his credit he’d arrived the day before from Ha-Tinh and stayed in a hotel overnight so as to be here when I landed. Condo was nice, on the 4th floor of an old colonial style block, access via lift from the ground flr and the owner had opened it up for us so we both just checked in, unpacked, showered and took a powernap as tired from travels. I got gently woken up a couple hours later by a slightly hungry...but more horny Viet boy after pulling the curtains we had a proper re-union, ‘B’ is a happy ‘both’ with me although he’s very str8 acting / fun guy which I like. I noticed he seemed more relaxed and calm at home which was really cool, once we un-tangled ourselves and showered we headed out foraging for dinner. A hundred yards up the road found a small restaurant with some of the best Pho and Spring Rolls I’d tasted in a long while…’B’ opted for something farang style as just said he missed that type of food occasionally from BKK. ‘B’ is a bit of a charmer so pretty soon the waitress went from curious (but polite) looks at the pair of us, to them both chatting away / gossiping in Viet. Doubled back to the condo and my handsome guide requested ‘another’ servicing, seems dinner made him more horny again…it’s a tough life but I do aim to please! Think we dozed off again after that. Woke up later to his phone going and his dad video calling him from Ha-Tinh so I promptly scuttled off into the other room so not to cause him any embarrassment, think family were just curious why he’d gone to Hanoi more than anything. After a bit of wandering around Hanoi at night checking out the Cathedral (keeps his RC side happy), quick pit stop for some street food later of ‘Banh Mi’ sandwiches…basically a combo of the best of French & Viet in a baguette, slices of pate, Viet sausage (as if I’d not had enough Viet sausage already that day!), fried egg, some garden veggies and fresh cilantro and sweet chilli. Basically heaven in a baguette, all for the princely sum of 25,000 Dong (about £0.70p), ‘B’ declared them to be very good and we made short work of them. All good...gotta say I love Hanoi so far! Although the company certainly does help with that, discreet pic of him from BKK (think that was The Raya)... Edited September 20, 2019 by alex303 pic added DivineMadman, paulsf, colmx and 9 others 12 Quote
Popular Post alex303 Posted September 20, 2019 Author Popular Post Posted September 20, 2019 A few more pics (finally managed to get them off my phone...lol) splinter1949, vinapu, BL8gPt and 5 others 6 2 Quote
DivineMadman Posted September 21, 2019 Posted September 21, 2019 On 9/20/2019 at 9:07 PM, alex303 said: as if I’d not had enough Viet sausage already that day! Expand LOLs alex303 1 Quote
vinapu Posted September 21, 2019 Posted September 21, 2019 thank you for a great and entertaining report, I see now need to return to Vietnam after quite an absence alex303 1 Quote
alex303 Posted September 21, 2019 Author Posted September 21, 2019 On 9/21/2019 at 2:40 AM, vinapu said: thank you for a great and entertaining report, I see now need to return to Vietnam after quite an absence Expand Thank you, your very welcome...tbh I think your reports are some of the most enjoyable on the forum so that's much appreciated...if you can I'd highly recommend a visit, especially with company, although I did notice that Hornet was fairly active in Hanoi too so plenty of fun to be had. I will try to add some more pics in the next post with the last couple of days there. vinapu 1 Quote
Boy69 Posted September 21, 2019 Posted September 21, 2019 Great report ! Except the on-line apps any gay scene at Hanoi ? alex303 1 Quote
alex303 Posted September 21, 2019 Author Posted September 21, 2019 On 9/21/2019 at 9:32 AM, Boy69 said: Great report ! Except the on-line apps any gay scene at Hanoi ? Expand Thank you! There is not an obvious gay scene in the same way as BKK, but my feeling was there's definitely an underground scene as quite a few normal (horny) non MB guys plus massage guys etc were messaging me, but my dear guide kept me too busy. Crazy the amount of cute guys everywhere you looked though, I took 'B' for a haircut on that first night (forgot to mention it above) and the stylist was ridiculously cute. I think in the big cities like Hanoi & HCM things are steadily changing though and they're becoming more open, just takes time...plus their culture in the North has a lot more Roman Catholics guys than say Thai / Laos with Buddhists and that plays a big part too. Boy69 and vinapu 2 Quote
Londoner Posted September 21, 2019 Posted September 21, 2019 The hotels look attractive and well-priced. Gay-friendly? visitors welcome? alex303 1 Quote
ggobkk Posted September 21, 2019 Posted September 21, 2019 Didn’t check the Forum yesterday, so finding your report this morning was a very pleasant start to the day. You make the effort of reporting seem effortless alex303 1 Quote
alex303 Posted September 21, 2019 Author Posted September 21, 2019 On 9/21/2019 at 2:43 PM, Londoner said: The hotels look attractive and well-priced. Gay-friendly? visitors welcome? Expand I stayed in an AirBNB condo which was great, cost wise probably 30% less than the same size condo in BKK...but as we all know to our cost, renting AirBNB in BKK has shot up a lot the last 2-3 years, I just checked with the owner beforehand that my 'guide' would be hanging out with me. I believe other members have stayed in hotels in Hanoi and might be able to add to this. Quote
alex303 Posted September 21, 2019 Author Posted September 21, 2019 On 9/21/2019 at 3:30 PM, ggobkk said: Didn’t check the Forum yesterday, so finding your report this morning was a very pleasant start to the day. You make the effort of reporting seem effortless Expand Ah no problem, figured it was about time I made the effort...to be fair have had a lot of fun over the years reading your reports too! ggobkk 1 Quote
Popular Post alex303 Posted September 22, 2019 Author Popular Post Posted September 22, 2019 Day 9 (Hanoi) We both got up late morning, ‘B’ likes his 8 hours sleep but after that he’s usually up & running so a good companion on trips away. After making use of the walk-in shower together and a bit of mild playtime, both felt hungry so went hunting for somewhere new for breakfast. Just walked around until we spotted an interesting small restaurant. Jesus the coffee in the North is nice but soooo STRONG. Viet style breakfast for me and ‘B’ went for a kind of Pizza (made me smile ordering it for brekkie but all good…keeps him happy) again just getting his foreign food fix whilst hanging out with me. Very heavy rain showers last night so grabbed a large brolly from a local shop, think there was some type of storm passing thru VN at the time. We just went for a wander around afterwards and found ourselves back at the Cathedral again which funnily enough had a Sunday service on, I suggest ‘B’ go in (get his RC fix) and I just lurked at the back watching proceedings…I doubt there’s enough time in those confession booths for me to run over my myriad of sins! It was good for him as he went and sat down said a few prayers and dropped something in the donation box, think he took a couple of discreet pics too to keep the family at home happy. Afterwards I queried if he wanted a haircut / style and being the former BKK boy he was got a prompt affirmative and we went back to our little street and found a small shop run but a bevy of cute Viet guys and with AC for me to cool down, was getting damn hot after the rain showers. Gave me a chance to eye up his stylist (damn cute!!) and of course keeps ‘B’ happy. He looks hotter with shorter hair imho, went for the classic Viet shaved sides and then bit more styled on top. After about an hour & a few thousand Don later we headed off for an afternoon shower / nap. I emerged from the shower to find him ‘pulling himself off’ (to use an English expression) buck naked on the couch…clearly feeling horny again so the towels went flying and I did my best to assist his aroused condition which ended up with a nice couple puddles of Vitamin D on his lovely 6 pack. Have a feeling he was taking advantage of being away from the family to get as much sex as possible (probably difficult in a shared family home in Ha-Tinh I dare say)…who am I to object! Great thing about the old quarter is there’s a lot you can see just by walking around on foot so a few hours later we headed out and went to the lake and just wandered around soaking it all up. Seemed to be very popular place with the Vietnamese families on Sunday in general to go hang-out there (few pics below). At some point ‘B’s brother (same mama) video called him from BKK, imagine his surprise when he clocked me wandering around Hanoi alongside him…lol. The 3 of us have a funny relationship and it would take too long to explain here, but basically 1 of them pimped me out to the other years ago so we’re on fairly equal terms although younger brother does get a bit of the green eyed monster at times. Dinner in the local restaurant in our street, then over to the Café by the cathedral for some Ice Cream smoothies and drinks on the Terrace, great place to hang-out at night…seems popular with the younger locals especially. The day ended with us just wrapped around each other and both feeling relaxed & content. Day 10 (Hanoi) Kicked off the day with a Video call from ‘B’s family in Ha-tinh, his dad was online first and at some point I got asked to speak to him so I seem to have been ‘declared’ to them, I could see the family joining dad peeping at me so I guess our little trip to Hanoi had got some excitement back home. ‘B’ seemed to be slowly drip feeding them the truth until today we were just both lounging around talking to them (with him translating for me). After breakfast I suggested we go buy something for his dad so he had something to take home to him, think Dad asked for a ‘warm jacket’ at first and after a fruitless search of several shops with numerous offerings being rejected (his dad’s not into fake ‘The North Face’ jackets which seem to feature VERY heavily out there). We then tried to find some local Tea and after a bit of a hunt and ‘B’ asking some locals for advice we ended up in a smaller / quieter street that seemed to have shops selling Tea / Coffee in bulk…quite interesting and the sort of place I would never found without ‘B’ helping me. A couple of large packs / different types of Tea procured we headed off to lurk in the shade of a funky looking local coffee shop, coffee culture here could put some parts of East London to shame…lots of young Vietnamese just hanging out enjoying time together. A pal of ‘B’ also from Ha-Tinh was on the bus to due to arrive later that day and wanted to meet up with him that night so we decided not to travel to far from base until he landed. Said pal ‘Viet B2’ turned up late afternoon looking a tad hot and bothered after his journey, I remembered him from about 15 months ago in Screwboys (he’d gone home), another very handsome lad, polite and quite gregarious. B2 ducked into the shower and came out later showing off his very nice footballers style upper body and washboard ABS, looked like he’d grown a bit since his bar days but very striking boy, he prowled around the condo a bit and nodded his approval to ‘B’. So appears I’m entertaining 2 handsome Viet boys tonight…after a quick check both were hungry and we marched out looking for a restaurant, B2’s eyes were scanning everywhere, don’t think he’d stayed in the Old Quarter before. I rashly told them to pick the restaurant for dinner, so after wandering a couple of streets B2 picked out some fairly upscale French / Viet place, the dinners looked like the more well-heeled end of Hanoi and we headed upstairs where there was more space. B2 was up for a beer which was good with me as B was on a dry month so my previous 2 days had been dry too and a drinking partner was welcomed. Heineken’s duly emptied (rather rapidly) whilst B quaffed his shake and we ordered up another round, dinner arrived and to be fair was pretty damn amazing, really nice French / Viet fusion type dishes. The boys ordered up some type of local sweet / sour soup too and it was game on, actually really nice just seeing them both chow down. Asked the boys where they wanted to go after & both said Cathedral so off we went in search of more evening drinks and a nice Terrace to chill on, them of course doing their social media thing (good face for friends at home). B2 was quite inquisitive asking about me either directly or via ‘B’, he said he remembered me from 15 months ago when he worked Screw-boys (I never offed him back then). Got the feeling they were up to something and at some point over a 3rd or 4th round of Heinekens B2 looked at me coyly and then spoke to B in Viet, B then smiled and declared to me that quote ‘next time B2 go with you’…I nearly spluttered back up my last glug of Heineken…where the f**k did that come from then I thought? They seem to have just decided it by themselves…lol (typically Viet). Pimped out yet AGAIN! Did get me smiling inside though…lol…did my best to look coy (very very badly). B2 had to get back to his campus as studying in Hanoi so we bailed out early and headed back to the condo first, I left them to gossip a bit (probably plotting god knows what for me!). B2 headed off to his campus after a nice hug and genuine thank you for the dinner, said he felt very happy with his friend…good enough for me. Showered and then to bed with my horny guide whom I spent the next hour trying to satisfy and putting a dent in my supply of ‘Astroglide’. Both dozed off feeling happy and relaxed I also got a nice thank you from ‘B’ for the evening before sleep, I just said no problem and I knew it was a special night for them both. reader, 18past19, Boy69 and 10 others 13 Quote