Gaybutton Posted January 9, 2007 Posted January 9, 2007 Smiles said: OK ... so-called "attacks" are heretofore suspended indefinitely. Cheers ... That's a good idea. Considering that I've been the one subjected to the attacks, or whatever you wish to call them, all this time, I'd say I'm not the only one who doesn't forget. Ok, I hope you mean what you wrote above. I have no more to say about it. Quote
PattayaMale Posted January 9, 2007 Posted January 9, 2007 Gaybutton said: Well, that just brings tears to my eyes. Considering that it's rare for you to post anything without including a completely unprovoked dig at me, three guesses about how much I give a damn about anything you have to say at all. What's the matter? Still angry because I refused to provide a link to that board of yours? This kind of reply is not necessary! This kind of post is exactly, in my opinion, what we want to have stopped. ANd worse yet in my opinion is that this attack was done by the very moderator who wants to "clean things up". The above post has NOTHING to do with Gay Thailand and is an attack on another poster. Let's get real about this, please. "No personal attacks", need to apply to everyone! Moderators should not be excluded. I remember the good old days when posts were made "invisible". Poof! or is is Puff! Damn I can't remember how to make this invisible GB just laugh. It is not the end of the are loved! Please try to relax. Quote
Guest Pearl69er Posted January 9, 2007 Posted January 9, 2007 "then they seemed to be gripped for some reason."..and when some aren't gripped for a while they can become a bit testy. Is it really the greatest sin if a thread wanders off topic ? Surely a gentle nudge can get it back on the subject as long it hasn't descended into a bunfight about personalities. Sometimes one subject or thread gives rise to completely new and useful information. I say use the rod spareingly and the children will respect you more...don't throw out the baby with bath water etc etc ( and all the other suitable metaphors that apply) . Quote
Dick Posted January 9, 2007 Posted January 9, 2007 The thread is about equitable moderation. Smiles put forward a point of view, and one which I very much agree with, to the effect that too much Moderator intervention perhaps stifles posts from genuine contributors. As I see it, the 'issue' arises only because Gaybutton posts as both Moderator and individual, and many might be confused as to whether a post by Gaybutton represents personal opinion, or an expression or edict on behalf of the board as Moderator. On most Gay Thailand Boards that members are or have been familiar with, the Moderator(s)/Owner have only 'spoken' when it was necessary to issue official proclamations. On this Board in this enlightened environment, I am wondering if the facility to engage in argumentative reply with the moderator is really such a good thing, especially when Gaybutton's reputation from his own defunct Board precedes him. Does an argumentative debate with the Moderator encourage rule breaking? Wouldn't it be far better if the the poster known as Gaybutton, and the Moderator using that 'handle', parted ways and posted in their own right? The Moderator in him could become Moderator 3, Jaws2, Hydra1, or whatever. At least then any personal irritations directed to or eminating from the Gaybutton handle could remain separate from the Post of Moderator as represents this Board. Having said that, I firmly believe in strong proactive Moderation. I believe the bud should be nipped in time to prevent a thread festering. But gently please. I have been particularly dismayed by those who have adopted a multiplicity of 'handles' (sorry, a term I enjoy from my CB radio days) here and on other Boards to carry on their monologue. Much has been written. I even know and like some of those of whom I speak. I feel compelled to tell them now that their present style of posting doesn't do them any favours, and if my own appreciation is anything to go by, they continue to lose both the respect of their friends and the posting community. It's so awful ~ when you read something written by someone you know and (had) respected, and can not but assume he is entering second childhood! There but for the Grace of God go I. So let me tell you... for f***'s sake, buck up, open your eyes, use the spell check, and let 'it' lie. You'll do us all a favour. Quote
Guest dekdek Posted January 9, 2007 Posted January 9, 2007 I peruse the GT forum most days, usually early in the moring, and am very happy to find topics of interest.There is information about a wealth of things that members have experience with, together with up to the minute news. I have had help on a few occasions when I needed infomation. I like the board and don't mind the odd silly and riband comments. A few friendly jibes can add a nice flavour to boards. However I agree when topics degenerate into serious slagging matches it becomes tedius. I don't know Gaybutton, but it does seem that he is a genuine and helpful person, and I would expect him to be impartial when trying to moderate. Quote
Gaybutton Posted January 9, 2007 Posted January 9, 2007 Dick said: too much Moderator intervention perhaps stifles posts from genuine contributors. As I see it, the 'issue' arises only because Gaybutton posts as both Moderator and individual, and many might be confused as to whether a post by Gaybutton represents personal opinion, or an expression or edict on behalf of the board as Moderator. Very sorry, but just because other boards do it one way, that doesn't mean we are going to do it the same way here. I am not going to log on under two separate handles. Being a moderator does not mean that I have to forfeit my right to post just like anyone else. I think most people are intelligent enough to distinguish between "edict" and opinion without me having to be specific about it. If anyone is confused about it, all they need do is ask. Apparently many people are under the impression that the new moderation stance comes solely from me. It doesn't. This is something that all the moderators, including GayThailand, discussed and decided to do. Our goal is to get rid of the flame and insult posts that have plagued this board. We feel that if we let it go on the way it has, then it will eventually destroy this board and its intent. Some people seem to think that this message board is, or ought to be, a democracy. It isn't. It is a privately owned message board and those who wish to post here are going to have to abide by our policies. If we lose people because we're going to do things our way instead of their way, then we'll just have to try our best to survive the loss. I am well aware that my words about it have been harsh. That has been entirely intentional. Those who have thus far disregarded our wishes need to understand that this time we mean it. Up until now they don't seem to have understood anything else. So far it seems to be working. Other than that, there have been no changes whatsoever to the moderation policies here. I said, and meant, that I do not intend to moderate this board according to my own wishes. This board belongs to GayThailand. He has made it clear to the moderators how he wants us to do things and I am going to follow his wishes to the best of my ability. Quote
Guest Pearl69er Posted January 9, 2007 Posted January 9, 2007 "I am going to follow his wishes to the best of my ability."..well great but is there any chance we can be let into what his wishes are ? Quote
Gaybutton Posted January 9, 2007 Posted January 9, 2007 Pearl69er said: "I am going to follow his wishes to the best of my ability."..well great but is there any chance we can be let into what his wishes are ? Certainly. Just look at post number 7 on this very thread. It's spelled out quite clearly. Quote
Guest Pearl69er Posted January 9, 2007 Posted January 9, 2007 Arithmetic was never my strongest subject. No 7 post appears to be from Wowpow that included a Code Of Conduct which when I asked if the moderators wre going to follow you replied : "No, we haven't and we don't intend to." Correct me if I'm wrong and I've just returned from a very long lunch so I admit to being tired and emotional and could very well be hallucinating but- I'm no wiser by loooking at post number 7 !. Quote
Gaybutton Posted January 9, 2007 Posted January 9, 2007 Pearl69er said: I asked if the moderators wre going to follow you replied : "No, we haven't and we don't intend to." I believe your question was, "Have the moderators followed it religiously ?", but you do have my answer correct. If that post doesn't clarify it for you, then I guess you're going to end up finding out the hard way. If you think you're going to sucker me into game playing with you or quibbling about rules, think again. If you have a specific question, I'll try to answer it. Otherwise, the discussion about rules is over. Quote
Guest Pearl69er Posted January 9, 2007 Posted January 9, 2007 I won't be quibbling about rules .. there aren't any to quibble about !. No , I have no questions for you. Quote
Smiles Posted January 9, 2007 Posted January 9, 2007 Hmmmm . . . that went well (Oh God!) Cheers ... Dick said: " ... The thread is about equitable moderation. Smiles put forward a point of view, and one which I very much agree with, to the effect that too much Moderator intervention perhaps stifles posts from genuine contributors ... " And the visual on that concept is attached below: Quote
Guest cialis Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 Are all posts passed by a moderater b 4 appearing or just an elite few? This post When I write a post and press ''send'' a message comes up to the effect Thanks, your message will be reviewed by a moderater before appearing etc....' ' Am I one of the elite few or does Earwig and Pearl and Gay Button all have to have their posts checked b 4 they appear? If I am one of the elite few could the moderaters please explain why? Quote
Gaybutton Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 cialis said: If I am one of the elite few could the moderaters please explain why? You were placed on moderated mode by GayThailand and I see he has also placed you on a 10% warning level. As for who else might be on moderated mode, that is information I will not reveal. I will not override GayThailand's decisions, but you are at liberty to contact him directly for an explanation and/or to request that he take you off of moderated mode. In the meantime, I check the message board several times each day. As long as I see no reason to disapprove your post, then it will be approved unless GayThailand asks me not to continue approving your posts. Quote
TotallyOz Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 Pearl69er said: "I am going to follow his wishes to the best of my ability."..well great but is there any chance we can be let into what his wishes are ? My wishes are for world peace. Other than that, I think the misson statement is the place to start. And, from what I have seen GayButton is doing a great job. PS: Plus, I am having a hell of a time. hehe If EarWig could only see the boy with me this weekend. I know how he knows every boy in Pattaya with a big dick. This guy is Hot, massive muscles, 24, body like a Greek god and hung 11 inches. He has spent the last few years doing Extreme Fighting across Europe. He changed jobs and is now in charge of boxing and fitness training at a large gym on the east coast of the USA. Perhaps I'll send a pic after the weekend. Damm, life is good. While I am in the middle of a large project, he contacted me and I decided to fly him in for the weekend to spend time with me. I am hoping for an Extreme weekend myself but hope it is not the Extreme Fighting he does. He is perhaps the one guy that could break my heart or make me settle down in life or just have a hell of a weekend! Just wanted to check in and say hello Pearly. Don't forget my dreams of world peace and harmony. Tootles. Quote
Guest LoeplohandNalac Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 quote:And, from what I have seen GayButton is doing a great job. ========================================= Quote