williewillie Posted January 16, 2019 Posted January 16, 2019 I just heard a first hand story of an American farang who gave about $500,000.00 US to a gogo boy at Toy Boys in Pattaya, over a couple of years time span. The farang paid for university fee, private tutoring and amazing $10,000.00 US to get the diploma certificate. The boy convinced the farang it costs $10,000 to obtain. Amazing but true. The boy was very popular and could be seen bringing shorttime customers to Ambiance hotel two or three times a night. Quote
witty Posted January 16, 2019 Posted January 16, 2019 A genuine looking certificate (whatever) could be had on the Internet for very much less minus the tuition fees, college registration, and having to attend classes and sit for exams over a period of time. Quote
Guest Posted January 16, 2019 Posted January 16, 2019 4 hours ago, williewillie said: I just heard a first hand story of an American farang who gave about $500,000.00 US to a gogo boy at Toy Boys in Pattaya, Hopefully the generous American has many $ Millions and it won't be missed. Quote
ceejay Posted January 16, 2019 Posted January 16, 2019 When I hear a story like this, I don't so much wonder why they gave so much away as how they got it in the first place. Quote
Popular Post TotallyOz Posted January 16, 2019 Popular Post Posted January 16, 2019 I say good for the boy and good for the man. The man got what he wanted and had to be happy with the situation or he would not have continued. The boy is a "working boy" and found someone who changed his life. Only the two of them know the arrangements they made and they were both happy with it for at least a while. I have bought my BF at least 15 motorbikes, a car and a house (I think but am not sure). And, I am very happy with everything he has been given to make his life and the life of his family better. My life has been greatly enhanced by him and I begrudge him nothing. reader, traveller123, hank75 and 9 others 12 Quote
reader Posted January 16, 2019 Posted January 16, 2019 2 hours ago, ceejay said: When I hear a story like this, I don't so much wonder why they gave so much away as how they got it in the first place. Worked for it? Invested sagely? Started a successful business? It's the dream of most Americans--and Thais alike--to achieve financial independence. And if the farang was indeed a millionaire, he's among over 15 million others worldwide who are free to do what they wish with their wealth. In this case, it seems he choose to educate a young man. I can think of a lot less appealing tasks bar guys have been asked to do for a lot less compensation. And, as the OP states, the boy was very popular and could be seen bringing shorttime customers to Ambiance hotel two or three times a night, he clearly demonstrates entrepreneurial resolve in his own right. More power to him: nothing succeeds like success. TotallyOz and ggobkk 2 Quote
Guest Posted January 16, 2019 Posted January 16, 2019 Well, if the entire story is true and it includes dishonestly claiming $10,000 is needed for his certificate, I could not praise the boy. As for the American, he is free to spend his money has he sees fit. If he's worth many millions, well done to him. If, on the other hand, he's spent a high percentage of his net worth, well "a fool and his money are soon parted", as the saying goes. Whether the boys life is transformed permanently or temporarily remains to be seen. I would guess he is not creating an investment portfolio with the proceeds. In the words of one Laos boy who I recently met, "this money is easy to earn, so I can spend it easily". That was after he was asking me how I finance my lifestyle, so after answering, I followed up by asking how much he is saving. Not a quote to be seen in any respectable finance coaching book. Quote
reader Posted January 16, 2019 Posted January 16, 2019 52 minutes ago, z909 said: Well, if the entire story is true and it includes dishonestly claiming $10,000 is needed for his certificate, I could not praise the boy. This is about hearsay supposedly gathered at a bar in Pattaya. I wouldn't be inclined to take it to the bank. But regardless of the veracity of the account, I'm sure you can think of other qualities this guy has that are worthy of praise. 52 minutes ago, z909 said: If, on the other hand, he's spent a high percentage of his net worth, well "a fool and his money are soon parted", as the saying goes. Given your obvious concern that this farang might be getting fleeced, it would be magnanimous of you to step forward and offered him--and others like him--some free and unsolicited financial advice. However, I suppose it's worth keeping in mind that he's already the millionaire. Maybe he could share some advice with you? 52 minutes ago, z909 said: I would guess he is not creating an investment portfolio with the proceeds. Since the lad still seems to be in the vicinity, why not ask him. May be he could benefit from some financial planning advice? 52 minutes ago, z909 said: In the words of one Laos boy who I recently met, "this money is easy to earn, so I can spend it easily". That was after he was asking me how I finance my lifestyle, so after answering, I followed up by asking how much he is saving. The more I consider your post, the more I'm persuaded that you're just the person to help these young men recognize the errors of their ways and get them on the road to financial independence. This Lao guy has already indicated an interest. Then, if you're successful, they wouldn't need to work the bar scene. I'm truly impressed with your good intentions. DivineMadman 1 Quote
Guest Posted January 16, 2019 Posted January 16, 2019 3 hours ago, Michael said: I say good for the boy and good for the man. Could not agree more ! Not exactly sure what the meaning is of a first hand story by the OP .Did he hear it from the man who gave the $500,000 , Is it possible in translation , it really was 500,000 baht? I know a few boys who hit the jackpot and I mean world travels including on private yachts and jets. I can't comment on whether it lasted because they never returned. Hopefully they did and both partners are still Happy! DivineMadman 1 Quote
williewillie Posted January 16, 2019 Author Posted January 16, 2019 YThe story comes from a life long friend of the generous farang. The generous farang is in his seventies. I’ve met him several times but never discussed our finances. The life long friend was not judgmental in relating this story, nor did he discuss the financial situation of the generous farang. He may have many millions or be depleted financially or somewhere in between. The $10,000. request for the diploma was unbelievable and the fact that it was handed over makes me think the generous farang was hoodwinked. The private tutoring also ran in the tens of thousands of US dollars. The generous farang and the life long friend did ‘fall out’ with each other, but have old friends in common. kokopelli and vinapu 1 1 Quote
khaolakguy Posted January 16, 2019 Posted January 16, 2019 1 hour ago, williewillie said: YThe story comes from a life long friend of the generous farang. Therefore the story is second hand, not first hand as you originally stated. reader and TotallyOz 2 Quote
reader Posted January 16, 2019 Posted January 16, 2019 Here's what troubles me about this thread: Until someone comes forward and announces that they have genuine first-hand knowledge that the events portrayed here are indeed factual, everything remains hearsay. The gay farang ex-pat community in Pattaya is not huge, and it becomes smaller as the number of venues where they gather dwindles. Although the OP does not identify the generous farang by name, he identifies the particular bar where the young man works and he describes the generous farang by nationality and age. The OP, however, does acknowledge that he has met the generous man several times. The OP identifies the person who relates the story as a "life-long" friend of the generous man. And contrary to the OP's claim that this life-long friend didn't discuss his generous friend's finances, he goes into specific detail about amounts of cash allegedly given to the young man for various purposes. The life-long friend did "fall out" with his generous friend. Hummmm..... By this time, much of the gay Pattaya community is aware of this yarn and speculation is ripe as to the identities of both the generous man and the bar worker. And a few questions come to mind: Did the life-long friend provide the information with the understanding it would be posted on a gay Thai forum? Did the OP author tell the life-long friend he'd be writing on line about it? Since he says he knows the generous man, why didn't the OP go to him with his concern that he was being taken advantage of? The bottom line in this thread makes unfounded allegations about two individuals who can be identified with minimal effort by those in the Pattaya gay community. There is no evidence whatsoever that anything criminal, immoral or untoward has occurred. Yet two people are subject to embarrassment. I don't believe the OP set out with this outcome in mind. He most likely just wanted to circulate a piece of what appeared to be salacious gossip. And for the life of me I cannot figure out why a bar worker, who has reportedly amassed half-a-million USD from a benefactor, is still doing ST regularly at the Ambiance. ggobkk, floridarob and ChristianPFC 3 Quote
Guest Posted January 16, 2019 Posted January 16, 2019 Also interesting that he did not post this information on Gaybutton where he is a member under another name . Might have got a lot more blow back??? ggobkk 1 Quote
TotallyOz Posted January 16, 2019 Posted January 16, 2019 IMHO, the post was intended to be a lesson for all. And, regardless of the direction of this thread, the relevance is still here. Do not go into situations where money is involved and think that love and loyalty are the rewards. Once a relationship is about money, it is always about money. Are there exceptions. Sure. But, some do get struck with lightning as well. I have a friend that fell in love with an escort in the USA. He gave up everything for him including going to jail for the issues of needing more money. That was even after I warned him not to fall in love and that once about money, it is always about money. People think they can be the exception. They can't. I can't. You can't. No one can. I know this. I accept this. I get what I can and am happy. When not happy, I need to change. That change is hard. DivineMadman and anddy 2 Quote
TotallyOz Posted January 16, 2019 Posted January 16, 2019 Also, please do not equate the idea of money went spent for a Thai as the same as Western. We are not the same and priorities are different. To suggest that a Thai money boy invest is laughable. Again, exceptions. However, when money or items pass hands, all ownership is over and whatever one wants to do with their money is up to them. Some of our friends call us all fools for spending time and money in LOS. Again, my money, my choices. Jasper and DivineMadman 2 Quote
reader Posted January 16, 2019 Posted January 16, 2019 Don't disagree that there's relevance to a lesson for all readers here but it could have been made without making it easy to identify the parties supposedly involved. And certainly agree that what we choose to do with our money is of no one else's business. I acknowledge that few of the guys are likely to make their earnings work for them. Many are sending a share home and spending the rest on their life in BKK or Patts. Nevertheless, as you say, there are exceptions and I think we all know a few who use it to finance their education or simply save a bit of it. A small minority of these guys actually realize they can't work the bars indefinitely and manage to plan ahead. DivineMadman 1 Quote
vinapu Posted January 17, 2019 Posted January 17, 2019 4 hours ago, reader said: And for the life of me I cannot figure out why a bar worker, who has reportedly amassed half-a-million USD from a benefactor, is still doing ST regularly at the Ambiance. Perhaps just because he likes to get fucked for money whether he needs it or not (money , not fuck ). As usual when somebody else's money is discussed some heat here is generated. Generous farang could do much more good by spreading his generosity much thinner but substantially wider. Lavishing 25000 $ on 20 boys could improve lives of most of them. Spending half million on one young boy in just few years quite possibly did not help him but ruined his life in long run . There's this saying attributed to Warren Buffet 'one should leave for his children enough so they can do whatever they want but not as much so they can do nothing". In my book generous farang is not , mildly speaking one of THREE WISE MEN , not because he spent so much on a boy but because he spent so much on ONE boy Quote
Guest Posted January 17, 2019 Posted January 17, 2019 5 hours ago, reader said: And for the life of me I cannot figure out why a bar worker, who has reportedly amassed half-a-million USD from a benefactor, is still doing ST regularly at the Ambiance. That one is tricky to figure out. Quote
spoon Posted January 17, 2019 Posted January 17, 2019 I sometimes think back on the way i spent on boys and never regret it. Its easy for the boy to extra money off me if they want to, i am a bit weak hearted especially when i can afford it. I think i did ok in terms of finance in my country but compared to many farangs, what i have is probably peanuts lol. I made nore money working part time in the states during my study then what i made full time as my first job back home. But everything else here, with exception of few ridiculously hjgh tax items, are very cheap, that i dont have to struggle with money ever since i started working. Granted i am very frugal on spending in about everything else other than boys haha. DivineMadman and reader 2 Quote
DivineMadman Posted January 17, 2019 Posted January 17, 2019 I love this story. It's got something for everyone. The guilty pleasure of someone else's misfortune. Even better -- The ersatz victim is an American. Wonderful! The working guy had many offs a night, so, presumably, a swindler. Delicious! Even if this exact story isn't true or is partially true, who cares. Some variation on the story happens all the time all over the world. Every few weeks there's a report in the Thai press about a Thai man or women sending money to someone they met on line who promises love and all that. Hard not to be happy for the working guy involved. After all, he's just done his job better than most. For his wealthy patron, I hope he's got a good healthy attitude and sees that his glass isn't just half-full. It's still full of all the memories and the acts of kindness. And there are a lot of people out there late-in-life with no opportunities for affection and human contact, even if it's transactional in nature. It's obviously silly to be suggesting that what these guys really should be doing is building a diversified portfolio. That sort of thing is more about the individual(s) giving the useless advice than the working guy. For every 1 sex worker guy who takes the money he earns and keeps it all for himself, there are 25 or more sending money home to fix up their family home, send younger brothers or sisters to school, etc. It's easy to find guys at Dreamboys (BKK) or out at some of the massage places who are working their way through school. And if they save money to buy a nice phone, or a customer gives them a nice phone, or they like to taxis instead of the bus, I certainly wouldn't begrudge them that. paulsf, traveller123, Londoner and 1 other 4 Quote
vinapu Posted January 17, 2019 Posted January 17, 2019 23 minutes ago, spoon said: . Granted i am very frugal on spending in about everything else other than boys you must be my long lost twin brother spoon 1 Quote
williewillie Posted January 17, 2019 Author Posted January 17, 2019 On 1/17/2019 at 4:57 AM, Michael said: IMHO, the post was intended to be a lesson for all. And, regardless of the direction of this thread, the relevance is still here. Do not go into situations where money is involved and think that love and loyalty are the rewards. Once a relationship is about money, it is always about money. Are there exceptions. Sure. But, some do get struck with lightning as well. I have a friend that fell in love with an escort in the USA. He gave up everything for him including going to jail for the issues of needing more money. That was even after I warned him not to fall in love and that once about money, it is always about money. People think they can be the exception. They can't. I can't. You can't. No one can. I know this. I accept this. I get what I can and am happy. When not happy, I need to change. That change is hard. On 1/17/2019 at 9:14 AM, DivineMadman said: I love this story. It's got something for everyone. The guilty pleasure of someone else's misfortune. Even better -- The ersatz victim is an American. Wonderful! The working guy had many offs a night, so, presumably, a swindler. Delicious! Even if this exact story isn't true or is partially true, who cares. Some variation on the story happens all the time all over the world. Every few weeks there's a report in the Thai press about a Thai man or women sending money to someone they met on line who promises love and all that. Hard not to be happy for the working guy involved. After all, he's just done his job better than most. For his wealthy patron, I hope he's got a good healthy attitude and sees that his glass isn't just half-full. It's still full of all the memories and the acts of kindness. And there are a lot of people out there late-in-life with no opportunities for affection and human contact, even if it's transactional in nature. It's obviously silly to be suggesting that what these guys really should be doing is building a diversified portfolio. That sort of thing is more about the individual(s) giving the useless advice than the working guy. For every 1 sex worker guy who takes the money he earns and keeps it all for himself, there are 25 or more sending money home to fix up their family home, send younger brothers or sisters to school, etc. It's easy to find guys at Dreamboys (BKK) or out at some of the massage places who are working their way through school. And if they save money to buy a nice phone, or a customer gives them a nice phone, or they like to taxis instead of the bus, I certainly wouldn't begrudge them that. 3 Exactly the point. I knew some would want proof, bank transfer statements, sworn statement from the gogo boy etc,, michael and divine madman’s responses hit the proverbial nail on the head. DivineMadman 1 Quote
PeterRS Posted January 17, 2019 Posted January 17, 2019 11 hours ago, williewillie said: The generous farang and the life long friend did ‘fall out’ with each other, but have old friends in common. I love the story and all the comments. Like others, IF it is true and both parties were happy, then good on them. But this sentence gave me pause. There is clearly a reason for anyone who has fallen out with a life-long friend. And that could well lead to stories being spread which are embellished at best and false at worst. DivineMadman and reader 2 Quote
reader Posted January 17, 2019 Posted January 17, 2019 I remain baffled that not a single individual can verify that anything in this story is true yet so many individuals are prepared to believe it. Half a million dollars, really? 3 hours ago, vinapu said: Generous farang could do much more good by spreading his generosity much thinner but substantially wider. Lavishing 25000 $ on 20 boys could improve lives of most of them. In my book generous farang is not , mildly speaking one of THREE WISE MEN , not because he spent so much on a boy but because he spent so much on ONE boy You write as if you know this is gospel. No more than williewillie can back up anything that he wrote in the OP. And he adds insult to injury with this gem of logic: "I knew some would want proof..." You're right on that count. You had no problem with putting this tale out there and making it easy to identify the players. But all you have to back it is an unnamed source who took you into his confidence and related this tale. Not exactly an unimpeachable source, either. You admit that this source is no longer on friendly terms with the alleged generous farang. So my question to you: if you knew some would want proof, why did you proceed without it? Was it just too good a hoax to ignore? 3 hours ago, DivineMadman said: Even if this exact story isn't true or is partially true, who cares. Other than me, not many I guess. LOL. 7 hours ago, Michael said: I have a friend that fell in love with an escort in the USA. He gave up everything for him including going to jail for the issues of needing more money. That was even after I warned him not to fall in love and that once about money, it is always about money. At least you knew this was true because you were personally witness to it. But you can't say the same in this case. IMO, this whole thing would be, as DivineMadman says, just a guilty pleasure of someone else's misfortune, if not for the fact that anyone who wants to know the identify of the generous farang knows it by now. Even if he still has his half million and the bar guy is still working offs because he never got a sent from the farang. All you had to do, williewillie, was omit the name of the bar and the particulars of the generous farang's identity. Hopefully, you'll never find yourself embarrassed by someone else's lack of judgement. BTW, did you ask the guy who allegedly told you this yarn that you were going to publish it? DivineMadman and TotallyOz 2 Quote
spoon Posted January 17, 2019 Posted January 17, 2019 7 hours ago, vinapu said: you must be my long lost twin brother Given our age is very different, maybe not twin haha. Brother or son? Lol vinapu 1 Quote