jar1999 Posted December 23, 2018 Posted December 23, 2018 I've read that many of you prefer to go long time with the guys. This is a bit personal, but how many times on average do you get it on during the night/morning? Is about 2 or 3 average? Do Thai guys like to spoon/cuddle through the night? Do you eat breakfast together the next morning, or does he leave bright and early? Do you have any tips for protecting yourself if you go long time? Obviously you'd be more vulnerable while sleeping. Other than securing your cash in your safe, are there any tips or tricks that you'd like to share? Quote
hank75 Posted December 23, 2018 Posted December 23, 2018 Hi. This is not an easy question to answer as it varies so much by each individual and each boy. I think it is VERY important to establish a sense of the boy, if you trust him, if you have chemistry. I personally do not long time a boy if I haven’t had previous short time or “medium time” with him before. If you do not have the luxury of having repeated offs with one boy, then make sure you are 100% pleased with what you see in the bar before offing. 2 rounds is fair but not guaranteed to happen (boy is not a sex machine after all), 3 or more deserves a bonus in addition to the tip. Thai boys are very affectionate and cuddly so chances are you will get to spoon and hug him to sleep. Breakfast company is not a big deal to me. The boys I see more regularly did not not stay to eat at first. They wanted to go home and sleep more or get their day started, Now they are comfortable enough to join me for breakfast. They will check their Facebook and messages from the previous night over breakfast and share the more interesting news and videos with me. It is fun rather than an ordeal, and they know this is part of the service for a good repeat customer following long time. If you really want to protect yourself, stay in a hotel that keeps the boy’s ID card while they are in your room. But I have never had any issues with Thai or Burmese boys. Early on, a Vietnam boy was borderline dishonest (I had purchased some nice snacks and pricey whisky in case we wanted a late night tipple and he took the whole lot home with him by leaving early in the morning) so I have stayed away from Vietnamese ever since. Plus he was one of those who lie about doing everything. This is of course still very different from actual theft of money or valuables. But this made me decide never to long time a boy I was offing for the first time. newscene, stijntje and ChristianPFC 3 Quote
vinapu Posted December 23, 2018 Posted December 23, 2018 I almost exclusively do long times since morning gymnastics are one of those small pleasures of life and it's only way to have somebody handy. Long time is also cost effective as guy-hour is my cheaper that 1 hr short time for say, 1000. While Hanks advice about hiring for long time somebody already known is very sensible I'd not hesitate to off new guy as long as one have sense of some chemistry. I did it many times and it usually worked with less than one per trip exception Never had anything missing nor detected unusual activities other than waking up in middle of the night to drink something from bar- I usually tell guys what is mine and what better not too touch because of expense and they seem to understand. It makes sense to secure valuables in the safe but I'd not be paranoid about that if you realize that you left something in the open. Some are cuddly , others more business oriented so to speak but usually when they agree for long time they stick to their side of bargain. I always set time frame - till breakfast , whatever time it means. Some are trying to leave as early as possible, other will stay as long as you decide to invite them to leave, after all they have life outside of work like all of us but usually when I tell them that time is important for me they will oblige. It may sound strange but I noticed they if I show them in the evening " this is your tip" ( I do it only with guys previously offed) they tend to stay longer and I'd think out of greed they be trying to escape my embraces ASAP to start spending but no, decency prevails and they try not to rush sometimes even asking in the morning ' this is for me?". As for dining, I have iron habit to ask all my long timers if they are hungry when we walk to the hotel and if they are I offer them dinner in place OF THEIR CHOICE ( some may not be inclined to be seen with farang in classier place , other may like it to show off where they frequent , not to mention food choice) If I'm hungry I eat with them , if not I just snack on something so thay don't feel rushed. Again , quite often they decline, usually because they are more disciplined than us and if they had dinner already don't see need for another one. On another hand if they chose place or dish too expensive I may intervene unless I'm curious about experience. Often they are very happy with familiar street food for 60 baht. In the room I like to shower together but don't force an issue if (rarely) they prefer to do it separately. I hide TV remote At breakfast I invite them to go together unless I'm not happy with their performance or dumping me too early and usually they are happy to start their day with hearty meal and I'm happy to pay for it. But at breakfast choice of venue is mine, not theirs. What I don't do and don't like is them asking for taxi money, if they do I bluntly tell them that they got your tip already and it they are in need to small money I gladly offer to change one of their 1000 notes into 10 100 baht ones. In short, if you inclined for long time, just do it and don't think too much as boys say fedssocr, splinter1949, witty and 1 other 4 Quote
paborn Posted December 23, 2018 Posted December 23, 2018 so I have stayed away from Vietnamese ever since. Plus he was one of those who lie about doing everything. This is of course still very different from actual theft of money or valuables. But this made me decide never to long time a boy I was offing for the first time. God! Hank, be fair. This is classic non-sequitur logic. You stay away from all Vietnamese because one took some snacks and then end by talking about all boys. You disappoint me I've come to expect better, think about this logic. t0oL1 1 Quote
vinapu Posted December 23, 2018 Posted December 23, 2018 God! Hank, be fair. This is classic non-sequitur logic. You stay away from all Vietnamese because one took some snacks and then end by talking about all boys. You disappoint me I've come to expect better, think about this logic. you too harsh, when we off guys we can use some limiting factors to lubricate decision making process. Nationality as as good as any other like hair color, type of underwear, size of bulge, smile, you name it. We even have poster who decided and announced that Moonlight guys are not his type before he even went there. His name is paborn if you want to confirm with him Jasper and witty 2 Quote
paborn Posted December 23, 2018 Posted December 23, 2018 Vinapu, pour a glass of wine and calm down. Your idea that using a broad sweep of nationality to differentiate people is arrant nonsense. Nationality covers all hair colors and body types, etc. All Vietnamese are thieves, this guy is Vietnamese therefrore he is a thief - nonsense. I have said that muscular guys are not my type. I have also said that the non-models at moonlight are, quite likely, my type. Go back and read what I said, I was quite clear about it. Finally, I was not intending to be "harsh" I mentioned that I was surprised that Hank would write what he did - if, even for a moment, you doubt that the remark was non-sequitur under the rules of logic - be my guest and check. Quote
jar1999 Posted December 23, 2018 Author Posted December 23, 2018 Thanks for the helpful replies! It may sound strange but I noticed they if I show them in the evening " this is your tip" ( I do it only with guys previously offed) they tend to stay longer and I'd think out of greed they be trying to escape my embraces ASAP to start spending but no, decency prevails and they try not to rush sometimes even asking in the morning ' this is for me?". Okay, follow up question, when do you normally give the tip to a guy? For short time give it to him immediately at the hotel room before the action, and long time give it to him the following morning? Quote
Terry4 Posted December 23, 2018 Posted December 23, 2018 I prefer short tme, cant stand having anyone hear me snore at night lol Im just one who likes to sleep by themselves, and im a real fucking bitch in the mornings so dont be around me ! santosh108, GWMinUS and khaolakguy 3 Quote
vinapu Posted December 24, 2018 Posted December 24, 2018 Vinapu, pour a glass of wine and calm down. Your idea that using a broad sweep of nationality to differentiate people is arrant nonsense. Nationality covers all hair colors and body types, etc. All Vietnamese are thieves, this guy is Vietnamese therefrore he is a thief - nonsense. I don't drink wine , I drink vinapu cocktail - 50% of gin and 50 % of gin but Merry Christmas to you too. Broad sweep by nationality is not my idea and it doesn't matter if it's logical because of course it's not. If somebody doesn't want to deal with particular nationality in course of paid sex encounters it's his right , nonsense or not. There are people who will not deal with Vietnamese and are those who will deal only with them , even in BKK. The same with hair chest , mustache, dyed hair, you name it. Logic has nothing to do with that but lust or lack of it, may. witty, hank75 and 18past19 3 Quote
vinapu Posted December 24, 2018 Posted December 24, 2018 Okay, follow up question, when do you normally give the tip to a guy? For short time give it to him immediately at the hotel room before the action, and long time give it to him the following morning? no , in either case tip should be given when meeting is over. Tipping before may have unintended consequences like guy rushing things up and slacking in service agreed. But , and it's just me , when I'm with boy I offed before few times and as happy with him every time I may pay him right away but this is solution only when 100% of trust exists hank75 and ggobkk 2 Quote
paborn Posted December 24, 2018 Posted December 24, 2018 I don't drink wine , I drink vinapu cocktail - 50% of gin and 50 % of gin but Merry Christmas to you too. Broad sweep by nationality is not my idea and it doesn't matter if it's logical because of course it's not. If somebody doesn't want to deal with particular nationality in course of paid sex encounters it's his right , nonsense or not. There are people who will not deal with Vietnamese and are those who will deal only with them , even in BKK. The same with hair chest , mustache, dyed hair, you name it. Logic has nothing to do with that but lust or lack of it, may. I don't disagree with a word you have written - when you phrase it like this. On the other hand, I do have a right to point out to Hank that his attitude surprised me - I was being honest, not harsh. Merry Christmas Vinapu. vinapu 1 Quote
hank75 Posted December 24, 2018 Posted December 24, 2018 Paborn, there is no firm train of logic behind it. As far as bedroom matters go, acting on an emotional bias (one that may appear unfounded to you, but is very real to me) is good enough reason. This was a deeply unpleasant off experience, not just in the early AM greediness but boy’s very calculating attitude from start to finish (apart from in the bar where he initially seemed fine). I am definitely one of the wordier posters on this forum but I didn’t see it necessary to delve into extensive detail that my experience with Vietnamese boys in general, not in offs but during bar drinks, etc (and hearing other Vietnamese offs by friends too) have been less than stellar, compared to Thai and particularly Burmese lads. I could be totally wrong but multiple forum posts have also mentioned poor experiences with Vietnamese, and that they have rings of boys teaching the other how to get away with doing the bare minimum while taking customers for a ride. A sour taste is a sour taste and I don’t feel the need to force myself to disprove the incident by trying other Vietnamese boys. It is not my intention to be the United Nations here, only to enjoy each off experience and if I think being guided by my own rules will help, so be it. This means less competition for other Vietnamese boy lovers anyway so equilibrium continues to be maintained! ChristianPFC, santosh108, paborn and 1 other 4 Quote
Travellerdave Posted December 24, 2018 Posted December 24, 2018 As to the nationality of my offs I have only spent time in Pattaya in recent years and I cannot recall engaging a boy from Vietnam or Burma. However as most members will know there are many working there from Cambodia and Laos, especially in the Jomtien Complex bars, and my experience has been usually very positive. Long time is what I like and in fact I would go so far as to regard a night without an Asian boy in my bed as a wasted opportunity. My visits to Pats are only around three weeks so every day counts !. Over the years I have become more bottom, so a typical LT experience would be to be topped before we go to sleep, so I always fondle his cock before paying the off fee at the bar to ensure he has the appropriate “equipment”. However on waking in the morning I sometimes find I can get hard after foreplay and if this results in cumming inside him I am happy for the rest of the day, and my generosity towards the boy reflects this and I sometimes I invite them to breakfast to prolong the ambiance. However if the LT experience has been less than satisfactory I find myself scanning online for a short time at some point during the day. vinapu and paborn 2 Quote
ChristianPFC Posted December 24, 2018 Posted December 24, 2018 I had two negative experiences with Vietnamese boys, and on the forum negative reports outweigh positive reports. Hence I stay away from Vietnamese boys. Hank75 is to be congratulated to come to this conclusion after just one negative experience, whereas it took me two! Back to the OP. Sleeping and eating habits of myself and the boys vary a lot. I sleep midnight to 8, I had boys who get up 15. One of my recent overnighters got up around 10, but wasn't hungry and left 15. Whereas I had two meals when he left 15. Nowadays I do long time in my room only after positive short time, and only when I have no important plans for the following morning to early afternoon. When I'm staying in a hotel it's a different story. I tell the boy in advance what time I will leave, and if he is still sleeping I let him sleep (happened one time in Pattaya, a boy I picked up in the disco was still sleeping when I left, so I told hotel staff to let him sleep when I checked out). hank75, stijntje and 18past19 3 Quote
vinapu Posted December 24, 2018 Posted December 24, 2018 .....I would go so far as to regard a night without an Asian boy in my bed as a wasted opportunity. My visits to Pats are only around three weeks so every day counts ! that is also exactly my way of thinking . I don't go there to sleep and even less to sleep alone. Speaking of Vietnamese guys I don't find them different that other guys and never felt manipulated by them and one tattooed hunk from MyHero is my best memory from Hero in both old and new incarnation Quote
paborn Posted December 24, 2018 Posted December 24, 2018 Hank, an emotional bias is never unfounded. Anything that turns you off from blond hair to curly hair is none of anyone else's business and I did not mean to imply that I was questioning what turned you on and off. It was the terse , one boy stole so I avoid the nationality that struck me as odd coming from you. I still think your wrong but I understand. Quote
Popular Post zoomy02 Posted December 25, 2018 Popular Post Posted December 25, 2018 In recent years I have come to prefer Vietnamese men instead of Thai men. Maybe I find them more butch. Slimmer? Funnier? I'm not altogether sure - but I like them. paulsf, Liam18, t0oL1 and 2 others 5 Quote
jar1999 Posted December 25, 2018 Author Posted December 25, 2018 So if you top the guy at night, is it reasonable to expect to top him again in the morning? Is that the kind of service that you think would deserve an extra tip? This is an odd question, but after you have sex do you ever just kind of "hang out" with the guys for a few hours before falling asleep? I am considering bringing my Nintendo Switch to hook up to the hotel's TV for a few late night games. Quote
vinapu Posted December 25, 2018 Posted December 25, 2018 If you have guy long time he may expect another round in the morning but yes, he will be looking for an enhanced tip. Nothing odd with your question but there are likely as many variations as guys and members. Some guys may lose interest as soon as deed is done according to famous saying ' you cum , I go" , others may like to hang out as long as possible including sleeping for half day. Most guy have less comfortable digs than our hotel rooms without fan or A/C so may use some comfort like in case described by Christian above. Some customers may prefer to sleep alone , other's like me rather have company till morning and even longer. Guy may have other daytime chores, client may have some sightseeing to do . Generally speaking better chemistry , better chances for longer encounter if that's important. Baht power speaks too so if extension is not volunteered perhaps it may be purchased - I did it few times but always when tip was paid and guy ready to go. " do you want to stay till 10 , I give you 1000 ? ". I like that undressing again part ! on another hand occasionally you may encounter greedy type who after collected his tip will even refuse extra good bye hug or kiss if you don't tip a bit more splinter1949, 1moRussian and ChristianPFC 3 Quote
ggobkk Posted December 26, 2018 Posted December 26, 2018 All I can add to the wisdom of Vinapu is there is a wide variety of possible experiences. Several years back when I returned to Bangkok after a break of 20 years, I offed a guy from Dreamboys and while pleasant it was a rushed cum and go moment. If I had had only that experience, I'd be negative about offing anyone. Fortunately, I'd read enough on this forum and on other sites. I went out that same night and offed a guy from HotMale. It went better than well. We still see each other when I visit. The more time one spends and the more offs/massages/clubs one experiences the more I find inconsistency is the only consistent thing. If I can stop procrastinating and post my last trip report, I'll have a related tale to tell. paborn, Tintinx and hank75 3 Quote
vinapu Posted December 26, 2018 Posted December 26, 2018 If I can stop procrastinating and post my last trip report, I'll have a related tale to tell. so we hope your procrastinating is over Quote
jason1975 Posted December 27, 2018 Posted December 27, 2018 I had two long time last week. One was until 1pm. Actually, it was because boy enjoyed sleeping in bed so i let him sleep for as long as he wanted. The other was until 7am. But it's true. Most boys are reluctant for long time. 3 other boys i took back to hotel room only wanted short time. Quote
1moRussian Posted March 4, 2019 Posted March 4, 2019 Last trip two Cambodian long time cases happened to be 'until 5 o'clock' ... which left me puzzled, if there is a kind of Cambodian gathering at 5:30am? No such things with Cambo guys in previous trips... Although as Christian said some 'different sleeping habits' - a guy from BBB just couldnt sleep around 1am being at a gogos boy schedule (not THAT guy @vinapu - that guy is Lao By the way I've got his new Line account, but too late to go to BKK this trip) Another funny case with 5 o'clock and kind of long time (I had asked for a long at the first evening) - next day evening, around 9pm I got a message from the guy "i am free today till 5pm". Which with those two 5am cases, me requesting a long time and actual time being 9pm already - I happily took for 5am Not 'till breakfast' of coz, but not a short time either... Good But it happened to be just 23:00 coz it is Thai style '5 in the evening (18+5=23)'. Pity Although photo I took for him with 'Jomtien beach' sign that evening is still at FB page as a cover photo... vinapu and witty 1 1 Quote
Guest Posted March 4, 2019 Posted March 4, 2019 48 minutes ago, 1moRussian said: Last trip two Cambodian long time cases happened to be 'until 5 o'clock' ... which left me puzzled, if there is a kind of Cambodian gathering at 5:30am? No such things with Cambo guys in previous trips. Someone staying until 5:00 am is highly inconvenient, since I expect to be fast asleep at that time. This is worse than short time. When I must have long time, what I usually* do is say the tip is 2000 (for a twink in Pattaya) if they stay until after 8:30 and 500 baht if they leave before. This filters out the ones who don't intend to do long time. * Exceptions are (i) when I forget, (ii) when I meet someone who has done long time with me before and (iii) When I am besotted with someone who doesn't speak much English (or in some cases is pretending not to). The other issue I have is them waking up really late. My longest term regular tends not to surface before about 11:00~12:00 & another one doesn't wake until about 10:00. Quote