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Pattaya has a thief in it!

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There is an Indian guy in Pattaya trying to pass himself off as being thai. He is a thief and a day after I earned my friend with his photo, my friend got taken for a ride by him.


So if you come across a slim indian guy with curly hair and a missing tooth on the right side if his mouth, beware..


I did my part to warn my fellow posters.

Thank you. If the offence was severe enough, directing us to his Grindr profile would also be appreciated.


I am sure there are many thieves in Pattaya. But thanks for the warning.


The cigarette would cross him off my list. I often find young South Asian men very hot. The older I get the broader my type. But there are still some dealbreakers.


He got me for 1000 baht last year and I managed to get it back this trip which helped me to declare this trip my best vacation in Thailand so far since everything was working out so well for me. But he got over 100 usd from a friend i made in Thailand who was on vacation and it was his first trip to Pattaya. What makes it worse is that i warned him before hand and he still got taken.


I am sure there are many thieves in Pattaya. But thanks for the warning.


The cigarette would cross him off my list. I often find young South Asian men very hot. The older I get the broader my type. But there are still some dealbreakers.

I think this guy not from south indian but from north..they are difference race you know..


I said South Asian, not South Indian

LOL...south asian is south indian + sri lanka...we not refer north indian as south asian..plus guys in north indian is hot like latin guy..if you see hindi movies than you will know what i mean..


I don't know who "we" is, but the accepted definition seems to be India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives and sometimes Afghanistan.



it all depends accepted by whom?


lots of our definitions used in the West are remnants of colonial era and are hardly universal.


Russians are Europeans , even those from Vladivostok which is further east than Korea , easternmost continental Asian country.

For Vermontians , Georgians  southerners but is a case for Floridians ?


West refers to Middle East but some Central European languages are using term Near East  but what kind of east Saudi Arabia is for Malaysians? Very western east I guess. 


Georgians  southerners but is a case for Floridians ?


Vinapu, I can help you. Here in Florida, we say that "the farther North ( in Florida ) you go the more south you get." You see South Florida ( south of the Highway that runs between Tampa and Orlando is filled with Millions who have moved to the sunshine from the north, especially on retirement. North of Orlando ( closer to Georgia ) is as southern as you can get.


These are the pics of the accused. I had to crop them to remove his erection haha

Thank you. Thankfully he would have failed to get a date with me on 3 criteria already & now 4, with your warning.

Too bad vinapu, middle east in malay is timur tengah, a direct translation of middle-tengah east-timur. For me, south asia has always been a very misleading term, not usually used here. Unless there is a coalition, we dont really custom to group countries based on area simply because there are so much variation between countries even if they are next to each other. Another two terms that sometimes used to group asian countries are east asia, and far east asia. To be honest, where is north asia, west asia, central asia? South east asia has a coalition called ASEAN, but other than that, grouping the countries isnt really a thing here.


To me, such expressions have only ever been geographic shorthand. Where exactly is Middle Europe? Logically it's Bavaria but, no - more like Hungary. Still, such contrivances, at least, allow the average person to roughly locate the area under discussion.


An Educated person need read nothing more into it. Western opinions are often wrong, terribly so, when they stray from a simple location.

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