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Moonlight Gogo Bangkok

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I was at Moonlight for the first time last night, because I had friends from Europe visiting and they wanted to see a boyshow, but something a bit more upscale than the, well, seedy fucking shows (that's what one of the guys said, from memories LONG time ago). So I figured Moonlight would fit the bill. 

It did, though one guy found everything rather ridiculous, all those half naked dance moves, and the big cock show, and all.... Well, what to expect in a place like this I said LOL.

Me personally, I thought the show was OK, though nothing outstanding. Not sure if we missed anything, coz we left after the shower show with Nicky. 

As for the boys & models: basically as expected, the models or most of them don't do it for me. Super beefy Tam? Not my type at all. Nicky, ob the other hand, looked and behaved like a really friendly, amicable and likeable guy. All smiles and friendly with the guests. 

One or two of the models didn't really have the model looks and body in my opinion. There was at least one, probably more regular boys better than that. One in particular had a VERY nice defined, muscular (but not overly so, which I don't like, see Tam comment) body with superb sixpack. Good looking too, and kept flirting with me lol. 

Bottom line: overall the regular boys looked pretty good, I would certainly be able to make my selection from them. Models, not my thing, Nicky the potential exception. 

Alas Babe was absent. Does he still work there and was just off that night? 


  On 2/27/2019 at 6:13 PM, anddy said:

One or two of the models didn't really have the model looks and body in my opinion. There was at least one, probably more regular boys better than that. One in particular had a VERY nice defined, muscular (but not overly so, which I don't like, see Tam comment) body with superb sixpack. Good looking too, and kept flirting with me lol. 


Yes I thought some of their recruitment choices for models were poor. To my surprise though mamasan said these new models were popular with farang customers, especially the dark tattooed ones. 

Would like to see more promotion of the regular boys, some are very cute.

  On 2/28/2019 at 1:10 AM, hank75 said:

Yes I thought some of their recruitment choices for models were poor. To my surprise though mamasan said these new models were popular with farang customers, especially the dark tattooed ones. 



this reminds us that in every bar  while some are salivating about this or that guy there will be others who run away screaming looking at him

  On 2/28/2019 at 10:14 AM, Paul1981 said:

Babe can be offed, he just doesn’t do much as he is totally straight. Jerking him and some sucking is his limit. I think he will eventually go further but who knowS


Super like. Finally someone has solved the mystery of Babe’s offability. Congratulations Paul1981 on being the lucky member to notch Babe on your bedpost.

  On 2/28/2019 at 3:33 AM, vinapu said:

this reminds us that in every bar  while some are salivating about this or that guy there will be others who run away screaming looking at him


was thinking exactly that while there haha, and thinking in particular of you when looking at some of them ;)

  On 2/28/2019 at 10:14 AM, Paul1981 said:

Babe can be offed, he just doesn’t do much as he is totally straight. Jerking him and some sucking is his limit. I think he will eventually go further but who knowS


@ last, Babe is finally "opening-up"...can't wait for him 2 go further, haa haa

  On 2/28/2019 at 10:14 AM, Paul1981 said:

Babe can be offed, he just doesn’t do much as he is totally straight. 


If he would be totally straight I doubt he was working in the bar with predominantly male clientele. I think all guys from our bars have at least  little bit of  knack for men 

  On 2/28/2019 at 11:27 AM, anddy said:

was thinking exactly that while there haha, and thinking in particular of you when looking at some of them ;)


very nice , after all we were there together when Jupiter was still  at that location and your company  brought me good luck as I offed famous Mekhin on your not necessarily jealous watch


Isnt it weird system to suspend the guy from work when the only way he can repay the bar from the compensation the bae had to make is for him to work. 

On the other hand, if he is driving under influence, then its definitely an offence that deserve such punishment, especially if police is involved. Sorry for his misfortune as well and hope he will learn to be more responsible driver after this.

  On 3/2/2019 at 3:24 AM, spoon said:

On the other hand, if he is driving under influence, then its definitely an offence that deserve such punishment, especially if police is involved. 


I believe that was the case. Let’s see if this suspension is really enforced or is just a disciplinary threat (and to appease customer) 


  On 3/1/2019 at 7:39 PM, hank75 said:

Apparently Nicky has been suspended from work. Around 1 month. He smashed his car into another car with a customer on board, and the customer went back to Moonlight for compensation.


Oh no Nicky!!! I hope he's okay. @ least he got other customers while he's gone.

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