Popular Post ggobkk Posted August 30, 2018 Popular Post Posted August 30, 2018 PreludeIt’s mid-afternoon, early evening, Wednesday. In nine hours, I’ll leave the Tarntawan for my 23 hour "commute"to the San Francisco Bay Area. I just said goodbye to Min, who has taken care of me these past two days. Well, he’s one of the guys who have taken care of me....I arrived at 11pm, Tuesday last week. That was a 25 hour travel day...when I was packing, I looked of the planes scheduled to arrive at BKK the same time as my ANA flight and found two dozen flights, the majority from China. My mind reeled with the thought of the lines at immigration. I thank PaulSF for telling me how he is met on arrival, and I decided to book a service to meet me at the plane and ease my entry. Cost was $39 USD. I only had carry-on: a small suitcase and a backpack. From the time I stepped off the plane, walked the moving walkways, paused at immigration to smile at the camera, and out of customs was about 11 minutes. A friend arranged for a friend of his to meet me at Door 3, he was there, and I was on my way to The Raya Hotel. Quick check in, my room on the newly opened 3rd floor. Since it wasn’t yet midnight, I went to Twilight and saw a number of familiar faces.The familiar faces included the “customer grabbers” at Hot Male (who now have matching shirts), the waiters at Maxi’s, and Net and X from Hot Male Bar 2. It was nice to feel welcomed - even if it was somewhat transactional. I took the steps up to Hot Male go go. There is now a post midnight show and it was about to start so I told one boy who had been dry humping me as I climbed the stairs that I’d see him tomorrow (note: I never saw him again during the visit and hope he was offed by someone deserving for the whole time).Back to HM2, some drinks with Net and X. Net and I have some history from a visit in the Spring. He is lots of fun in private and open to at least anything I’ve come up with. So we adjourned to The Raya and explored the newly furnished room and a few other things. I thanking the travel gods for the inspiration to find a way (legal) to minimize the time at Swampy. Last few visits, I wouldn’t get to town before 1am or later when even Screwboys was locking up.When I planned this visit, I knew that it would be definitely different than past visits. For anyone who has perused some of my other reports, Van, my Vietnamese companion, perpetual off, and helper in finding me other companions, isn’t part of the visit. He’s out of the business (he was part of the rotation and show at Hot Male - and is still in it’s Thai Puan ads). He’s working back in Vietnam with his own business. So, I’m a butterfly for the eight days I’m in Thailand. Three days in Bangkok, two in Pattaya, and three more back in Bangkok.One general note: I pay for services at the going market rate. So short time in Bangkok is 2000 THB, long-time 3000. In Pattaya, it’s 1500 for short time and I didn’t discuss long time, though the Toy Boys mamasan said 2000 plus.Another note is that I generally get along with the mamasans. This is something, I share with Numazu. I use them for information on the boys, where they are from, what the do or don’t do, etc. Cost is usually a drink. Caveat, there is at least one mamasan that drives me up a wall, but I solve that by not going to her club. And...this trip would have been less successful without the PMs I've had with Reader, DivineMadman, and PaulSF. Now 23 hours to home and continuing this report ChristianPFC, reader, DivineMadman and 8 others 11 Quote
Popular Post ggobkk Posted August 31, 2018 Author Popular Post Posted August 31, 2018 A few days before I left California for Thailand, I went on to the apps, primarily Planet Romeo, and indicated that I was in Bangkok. I also left a Pattaya footprint. Had several indications of interest. One, KK, in Pattaya after arranging a meet up, sent me a text saying that since we’d be meeting up on Saturday would I send him the $$$ to pay for his school exam in business.I decided that no business would happen with KK.The other fellow, Smile, could only meet on Wednesday for lunch as he worked two jobs. Which, brings me back to the narrative close to where I left off as now it’s Wednesday morning. Net left sometime in the early hours for his visa run to Cambodia and I woke up early thanks to the goddess of air travel. The Raya breakfast buffet has rearranged where some items are placed, added some (spaghetti carbonara), and purchased a coffee machine that requires graduate level training. I asked how I could get hot water for tea and the staffer, who checks the hotel roster to make sure those who eat are registered, went to the kitchen and brought out a pot of water. He said it was easier.It was still early, Smile was due at 1pm, so I went for a walk to see the new Marriott on Surawong - which I was led to believe was close to Arena. Nicely done hotel, I like the regularity of the Marriott product but at $150 a night before tax, one night would cost more than three nights at The Raya (summer rate).On the way back, I stopped at Tony Leather and ordered some slip-on dress shoes. The shop will make shoes to measure for much less than I can buy a pair off the shelf at home. They also tailor leather jackets. From there I went to Excelsior Tailor in the lobby of the Siam Heritage Hotel. I’d ordered a jacket and a suit when Sonny, the manager/owner(?) was in San Francisco and needed to have fitting. Good to see the guys who take care of the shop. Numazu has reported on his shopping there and my experience is the same. Good service and quick. Jacket was spot on, suit needed some more adjustments, I ordered some shirts and said I’d stop back when I returned from Pattaya.Back to The Raya for ten minutes before Smile arrived. Very pleasant young man from Chiang Mai. We went to lunch at a Japanese restaurant in Silom Complex. He is a property agent responsible for several apartments and works from 4pm to 1am in a Chinese restaurant. He needs to do this to pay back the people who help finance him in a restaurant which failed. We were comfortable together and adjourned to The Raya for a “nap” until he had to go to work. He never asked for money and I didn’t offer. Refreshing.I then took a nap to prepare for a butterfly evening…start as always in honor of PaulSF with a drink at Maxi’s and talking with Pau, the water who takes care of the farangs. I bought a coffee for one of the Hot Male “grabbers” who showed off his new uniform shirt and the underwriters whose logos adorn the material. Chang beer being the most prominent.Large posters up throughout Twilight and across Surawong proclaiming that the place wasn’t going out of business. Went up to Hot Male looking for the guy I’d seen the night before and wouldn’t see again. I’d no more than sat down when I was joined by two of the Vietnamese boys, I’ve known over the years. The Vietnamese ban is definitely not on anymore. Peter, who I’ve known for serval years and is one of Van’s friends, caught me up on availability and talents of the boys. There were about twenty-five working. I liked one and I soon as I said that, he was offed by someone else! Gave each of the Viet 100 THB and went across the Soi to Fresh Boys for the show.At Fresh Boys, I was one of two customers, so I was surprised that they went ahead with the show. One of the coyotes caught my attention, short, wiry and compact. Name of Let from Cambodia. We had a drink, discussed possibilities and I offed him (550 off fee - which will turn out to be the highest I paid anywhere). We were at the Raya in the usual 3 minutes. Shower together, he’s even cuter in the natural state…but while there’s action there really isn’t any chemistry, let alone any electricity. He says he thinks he knows me…and he’s right, I offed him more than a year ago and had the same in room experience. Chalk it up to nt keeping good notes like Vinapu and Christian PFC.When Let left, I was going to call it a night. But decided to check out some other places, since the goddess of jet lag was looking over me reminding me that it wasn’t even noon at home.I went to Tokyo Boys where there were no customers and one boy. I did not stay. Went to Screwboys which was packed - since I counted at least thirty boys, I’m not sure if it was packed with customers or boys, decided to come back for the 11:15 show. Fresh Boys 2 is above Screwboys, so I decided to take a look. Decent space, thrust stage with seating surrounding the stage. Counted ten boys. Talked to the mamasan, a couple of the boys appealed to me one was Vietnamese and one was a Laotian. The Lao’s game was Pet…I figured I was on a roll with Net, Let, and Pet, so I offed him. Very pleasant and uninhibited interaction at The Raya. He left around 2am. Since the same lobby security guard was won duty most of the day and had seen me with Smile, Let and Pet, I thought he might ask if I knew a Mr. Vinapu, but he didn’t. vinapu, t0oL1, stijntje and 7 others 10 Quote
vinapu Posted August 31, 2018 Posted August 31, 2018 Since Raya did not have any good deals recently I did not stay there for a while and hope my antics there are forgotten, lol. Great report, I have feeling while reading I just follow your steps, stopping at bedroom door , another thing I like about reports. Quote
Popular Post ggobkk Posted August 31, 2018 Author Popular Post Posted August 31, 2018 Pet was fun to spend a few hours with…but I slept alone…and considering the adventures of the day, I was able to sleep well. Today’s projects (it’s Thursday)– massage, MBK for personal care, and Moonlight tonight. Here’s how did I do on checking things off? Well, breakfast at The Raya with some enjoyment in watching the Japanese golfers be frustrated by the coffee machine. Do I know they are golfers? Must admit, it's a guess based on their clothes and golf gloves. Decide on MBK, so off to the BTS, 26 THB, buy two tickets to save time on the return. I’m at MBK to get some exercise walking the various floors. On the 2nd floor, I take a personal care break at Red and get the 800 THB special of a manicure and pedicure. I need to have the calluses scraped off my feet and I’m no good at this. The manicure is part of the package and allows two staffers to fuss over me. That done, I stop at the Bangkok Cultural Center, which is directly across from MBK. M first visit and I walked around the building, which has shops and galleries. The photography in the collection is quite good. Then back to Surawong. Having had a good interpersonal contact day, yesterday, I head to Prime to have my pleasures beaten out of me in the 2 hours foot massage/Thai massage special. 500 THB with a reminder to tip the staffer at least 100. I let my inner masochist take over as I’m pulled, beaten, and pummeled in the final hour of the session. In accord with DivineMadman’s suggestion, I tip 300 to the masseur – who was young and cute, by the way. While, taking my beating like a champ, the weather turned on its thunderstorm option, since I was not tempted to have another session to wait It out, I decided to walk in the rain. Soaked, but I was in shorts, flip flops, and a t-shirt…so nothing that couldn’t dry easily. Shower and nap at hotel. Over to Maxi’s to keep PaulSF’s seat warm…PaulSF has taught me that it’s fun and interesting to have a front row seat to watch the Twiight workers/entertainers/mamsans/dancers/money boys come to work and then watch those who come to interact with them do their best to slip by the Hot Male grabber team (now up to 3). Pau, Maxi’s waiter extraordinary, is off tonight. So, I settle on some satay and egg rolls – to go with my drink. Then sit at HM Bar 2 with Net and X. Around 9:30, I head over to Moonlight only to learn the show wouldn’t happen until 10:30. Decide to walk until show time. I walk and find myself at Soi 4 and decide Jupiter is tonight's destination. Usually, I’m seated at the end of the runway, tonight, I’m put on the side of the stage in the row by the wall (a place to rest my back). This seat has the advantage of having a direct line of sight to the dressing area…I can even see the hula hoop hanging on the wall. As show time approaches, all the seats are filled, some are standing, maybe 20% female audience. I may be the only Western farang in the place. The boys are in rotation and I’m immediately stuck by the physical beauty of #15. I mean really struck by his handsomness. He’s shirtless (not that common among the 25 or more boys in rotation). He notices that I’m noticing him and comes over when his rotation ends. He’s Vietnamese (translation: doesn’t do “everything”). I buy him a drink, we manage to talk using sign language. He leaves for the introduction of the boys that opens the show. He then returns and since we are in the back row there is some hands on interplay. The show has two lead dancers and two supporting dancers. They and the three divas go through various routines which have been reported by others. The next to last number of the first half is the hula hoop gymnastic routine. The guy who performs this has added more variations since I saw him in March. He get the biggest applause and he’s able to work his bows to allow fans to hand him lots of THB. One more number to close the first act and then the boys go back into rotation – each having a bow to allow the customers to read their numbers. While this is going on the mamasan approaches and tells me that 15 is done for the evening. I inquire if he will do x and/or y. Mamsan reminds me 15 is Vietnamese. Enough said…I know that I will be able to admire his body with tasting options, and he will be happy to enter me, maybe some other interplay. Off fee is 400. God, help me, 15 is ungodly handsome…one more conversation…2000 short time (I was expecting more). He gets his clothes, I pay the bill 700 (400 for off and 300 for his drink), my drink was in the entry fee. Back to The Raya…we shower together, he is even more impressive out of his clothes. The evening progresses pleasurably but within the Vietnamese limits. We finish with another shower. It was a good time, he seemed to enjoy himself as he did not rush off. spoon, JackR, Jasper and 10 others 13 Quote
Popular Post DivineMadman Posted August 31, 2018 Popular Post Posted August 31, 2018 Pet was fun to spend a few hours with…but I slept alone…and considering the adventures of the day, I was able to sleep well. Today’s projects (it’s Thursday)– massage, MBK for personal care, and Moonlight tonight. Here’s how did I do on checking things off? Well, breakfast at The Raya with some enjoyment in watching the Japanese golfers be frustrated by the coffee machine. Do I know they are golfers? Must admit, it's a guess based on their clothes and golf gloves. Decide on MBK, so off to the BTS, 26 THB, buy two tickets to save time on the return. I’m at MBK to get some exercise walking the various floors. On the 2nd floor, I take a personal care break at Red and get the 800 THB special of a manicure and pedicure. I need to have the calluses scraped off my feet and I’m no good at this. The manicure is part of the package and allows two staffers to fuss over me. That done, I stop at the Bangkok Cultural Center, which is directly across from MBK. M first visit and I walked around the building, which has shops and galleries. The photography in the collection is quite good. Then back to Surawong. Having had a good interpersonal contact day, yesterday, I head to Prime to have my pleasures beaten out of me in the 2 hours foot massage/Thai massage special. 500 THB with a reminder to tip the staffer at least 100. I let my inner masochist take over as I’m pulled, beaten, and pummeled in the final hour of the session. In accord with DivineMadman’s suggestion, I tip 300 to the masseur – who was young and cute, by the way. While, taking my beating like a champ, the weather turned on its thunderstorm option, since I was not tempted to have another session to wait It out, I decided to walk in the rain. Soaked, but I was in shorts, flip flops, and a t-shirt…so nothing that couldn’t dry easily. Shower and nap at hotel. Over to Maxi’s to keep PaulSF’s seat warm…PaulSF has taught me that it’s fun and interesting to have a front row seat to watch the Twiight workers/entertainers/mamsans/dancers/money boys come to work and then watch those who come to interact with them do their best to slip by the Hot Male grabber team (now up to 3). Pau, Maxi’s waiter extraordinary, is off tonight. So, I settle on some satay and egg rolls – to go with my drink. Then sit at HM Bar 2 with Net and X. Around 9:30, I head over to Moonlight only to learn the show wouldn’t happen until 10:30. Decide to walk until show time. I walk and find myself at Soi 4 and decide Jupiter is tonight's destination. Usually, I’m seated at the end of the runway, tonight, I’m put on the side of the stage in the row by the wall (a place to rest my back). This seat has the advantage of having a direct line of sight to the dressing area…I can even see the hula hoop hanging on the wall. As show time approaches, all the seats are filled, some are standing, maybe 20% female audience. I may be the only Western farang in the place. The boys are in rotation and I’m immediately stuck by the physical beauty of #15. I mean really struck by his handsomness. He’s shirtless (not that common among the 25 or more boys in rotation). He notices that I’m noticing him and comes over when his rotation ends. He’s Vietnamese (translation: doesn’t do “everything”). I buy him a drink, we manage to talk using sign language. He leaves for the introduction of the boys that opens the show. He then returns and since we are in the back row there is some hands on interplay. The show has two lead dancers and two supporting dancers. They and the three divas go through various routines which have been reported by others. The next to last number of the first half is the hula hoop gymnastic routine. The guy who performs this has added more variations since I saw him in March. He get the biggest applause and he’s able to work his bows to allow fans to hand him lots of THB. One more number to close the first act and then the boys go back into rotation – each having a bow to allow the customers to read their numbers. While this is going on the mamasan approaches and tells me that 15 is done for the evening. I inquire if he will do x and/or y. Mamsan reminds me 15 is Vietnamese. Enough said…I know that I will be able to admire his body with tasting options, and he will be happy to enter me, maybe some other interplay. Off fee is 400. God, help me, 15 is ungodly handsome…one more conversation…2000 short time (I was expecting more). He gets his clothes, I pay the bill 700 (400 for off and 300 for his drink), my drink was in the entry fee. Back to The Raya…we shower together, he is even more impressive out of his clothes. The evening progresses pleasurably but within the Vietnamese limits. We finish with another shower. It was a good time, he seemed to enjoy himself as he did not rush off. A great report. But, just for general benefit of the discussion, for some reason, and it's not because I pay more -- I don't -- or anything else, I have had lots of luck with VN guys being quite enthusiastic on the oral and bottoming side of things. So no one should give up hope. I am sure it is just my rigorous selection process ggobkk, paulsf, faranglaw and 2 others 5 Quote
ggobkk Posted August 31, 2018 Author Posted August 31, 2018 I agre, DivineMadman, VNs can be versatile and enthusiastic. I certainly know that from personal experience and you’ve met at least one of the VNs, I’ve been with...but, sharing reciprocal enthusiasm is often the end result of a rigorous selection process! reader, DivineMadman and paulsf 3 Quote
Jasper Posted August 31, 2018 Posted August 31, 2018 Can’t wait to see the ungodly handsome #15. ggobkk and vinapu 2 Quote
lopes Posted August 31, 2018 Posted August 31, 2018 Perfect post ggobk. As good as the ones from Vinapu ggobkk 1 Quote
paborn Posted September 1, 2018 Posted September 1, 2018 You know, as I think back on my last few trips the guys I remember most are VN - they have caused me lots of restless sleep. How bad can they be? ggobkk and reader 2 Quote
Guest Posted September 1, 2018 Posted September 1, 2018 You know, as I think back on my last few trips the guys I remember most are VN - they have caused me lots of restless sleep. How bad can they be? Did they kiss, suck you and bottom ? I have a couple of observations: 1 I frequently encounter lads from Cambodia & Laos working in Thailand, maybe about 50% of the total. I hardly ever encounter Vietnamese. 2 On the few occasions I do find them, there is a long list of what they will not do, including pretty much everything that I might part with money for. ggobkk reports of one who would just top and had other limitations on what he would do, so perhaps I am not alone in what I find. If there are Vietnamese lads in Thailand who willingly offer the full range of services, where do I find them ? Quote
vinapu Posted September 1, 2018 Posted September 1, 2018 It was a good time, he seemed to enjoy himself as he did not rush off. / my underscore /, this very thing makes boys worth effort and expense in my eyes even if they skimp on other efforts. I hate when paid help tells me ' I need to go now' ChristianPFC and paborn 2 Quote
paborn Posted September 1, 2018 Posted September 1, 2018 God yes! This is the number one issue with me - cum and go is the number one NO-NO Quote
ggobkk Posted September 2, 2018 Author Posted September 2, 2018 I've had (for me) a large number of PMs asking for more detail...one asked me about changing money during my visit.. I always consider Vinapu as the resident expert on this and he strongly recommends checking out the booths at the airport by the train departure area. Since I usually arrive too late to take a train, I change money in town. There's a lot of Forum history on this and from my checking out banks and change booths last week, the best I saw were close to Twilight, directly across the street, in fact, at CK Exchange (Red Band on front of booth). Rate was 32.4 to the USD. The green banded booth nearby was at 32.3. And, the shop to the left of the Family Mart that is at the entrance to Twilight had a rate of 32.5. On Silom it was a variant of 31. It's a quandary...do I bring cash or use my ATM? I appreciate the convenience of the ATM but the rates are lower (31.8 to the $) and they add on a 220 baht service charge (about $7). Any baht left at the end of a trip comes home with me to rest up for the return trip. vinapu 1 Quote
paborn Posted September 2, 2018 Posted September 2, 2018 Just curious. Does anyone use traveler checks anymore? I don't but I'm curious. Quote
Popular Post ggobkk Posted September 2, 2018 Author Popular Post Posted September 2, 2018 Friday Bold Face Day information is inserted at the request of a forum member who PM’d that it would help to get a better idea of my trip. I’ve taken some photos but whenever I attempt to insert them they come out sideways. If I figure out what I’m not doing right, I’ll add a photo page. Nothing special for the morning. Believing that I needed more exercise decided on a walk, since it was hot and humid, decided the best place to walk was Siam Paragon. BTS after breakfast – which was at Starbucks on Surawong as I was bored by the sameness at The Raya. My phone walking app indicated that I did 3 miles of mall walking, no purchases. Most interesting area is the food court and grocery. Second most interesting is the level with the luxury car shops. The Rolls Royce featured a Mom’s Appreciate gift of a limousine AND a convertible…as they say in the movies “Crazy, Rich…” BTS back, decide to head to Madrid for a pizza lunch, on the way, I pass the masseur bench for Nakarat Massage. It’s at the entrance to soi 4. One cute guy ISN”T looking at his phone, asks if I want a massage? In turn, I think this is a good idea…Nakarat has been mentioned in some positive forum posts and, especially by Reader, who is a good and informed guide. The massage rooms are located on the 3rd floor above the Man/Woman restaurant. The restaurant wasn’t open yet, so Nim, the masseur, takes me through the kitchen and up three flights of stairs, the first two in the dark. Arrive on the 3rd floor, leave shoes, talk briefly with mamasan and agree to a light oil massage, focused on the shoulders, head, and neck. Nim takes me to an elaborately appointed room with a marble shower/tub combination. Shower alone but Nim assists in the toweling off. Massage table, Nim is talented. At the half way point he asks if it’s OK if he takes off his clothes. Smiling, I “grudgingly” consent. He then proceeds to engage in a full body to body massage. With the usual consequences. We stay attached and then he, knowing there is still time left, fills the remaining minutes with more massage. Shower alone. Nim has my shoes and hot tea waiting when I exit the room. Overall, this was an exceptional ninety minutes. Massage was 450 baht. I provided a tip worthy of a smile from Nim. Then, back down the black painted stairs into the darkness of the still closed restaurant until I reach the street and continue my journey to Madrid and pizza. Return to the hotel, catch up with the news from home. I use the iPad for the news as I’ve grown to dislike the talking head argument approach to reporting. Time for a nap. Went out around 6:30pm to Excelsior Tailor for another fitting of my suit. Still a problem, master tailor comes from wherever, sees how to make the needed adjustment. Everything will be ready when I return from Pattaya. More walking, now up to 6 miles for the day. Head over to Maxi’s where Pau is back from his day off. I learn/am reminded that there are no secrets on the Soi. Pau is up to date on how my off went with the off from Fresh Boys and from HM Bar 2 (that’s Net and Let). While I’m having a drink and talking with Pau, both Net and Let will come by to say hello and give me a kiss and hug. Decide that this is Moonlight’s night for me. The HM grabbers learning of this decide to escort me across Surawong and to Moonlight. This bit of extra attention gets me seated front and center with my own personal mamasan. I order a drink and offer one to the mamasan, happily accepted, I am now provided with up the minute information on each of the boys in the rotation (approximately 20 as some have already been claimed). I believe I was the first Forum member to visit and report on Moonlight when it opened in what had been Jupiter’s location. It is another venue owned by the boss of the Hot Male locations. Back at my first visit, the waiters and the boys on stage were wearing shirts with Jupiter logos. I’ve been back twice since that first visit and see constant improvement each time. The removal of the central view blocking stage to balcony stairway was a major upgrade. The boys in tonight's rotation are in French blue shorts and while Moonlight logo polo shorts. I’d timed my arrival to be early as I’ve learned that the boys here are claimed early. I talk to my now friend Mamsan about the attributes of the boys, she shares some iPhone photos of other boys who will come in if she calls them. We talk prices, off fee is 400, boys who aren’t stars are 2000 for short time. Stars…well, that’s “up to them”. Moonlight is starting to fill up, mamasan excuses herself to resolve a waiter customer dispute. This gives me a chance to look at the boys in rotation more carefully. I exchange some smiles, enjoy the thought of being a butterfly, talk with mamasan when she returns. I select #24 Yam, who joins me, mamsan suggests we might want to be in the back row, with a good view of the stage and the ability to be more hands on with one another. Agree and move and practice hands on therapy. I’ve bought Yam a drink by this time and the show starts. Interestingly, none of the stars who appear in the Facebook videos seem to be working tonight. In fact, instead of 5, there are only 4. None of whom is attractive to me – to each his own preferences. Show has some slight alterations since my last visit in March. Much more time spent of the star introductions as shown on the videos. There’s a Romeo and Romeo wedding number, a simulated anal rape, a school boy seduction of another, older, school mate, and diva songstress(es). Aggressive dancing, some limited dick visible, solo shower show. Announcer at the start of show said it would be an hour show…it was 45 minutes. OK by me as I’m ready and once Yam has changed to his street clothes and turned in his number we head out into a light rain. Back at hotel, Yam passes on having a shower, took one at the club when he changed. In thinking back about the night, I remember it as just so so. But when I pulled out my notes, made the next day, I find that I’ve written that Yam has excellent oral skills and gave me the best BJ I’ve had in quite a while(!). Nice guy…but he never gets very hard, makes up for it with his, overall attention to my body. Spooning and cuddles for some time. Pleasurable, fine time with Yam. Somehow, I think it was a better time with Nim during my massage. But…I’m a butterfly. I'm living in the moment. Yam leaves sometime after 1am. I fall asleep quickly with thoughts of Pattya when I wake in the morning. santosh108, traveller123, spoon and 6 others 9 Quote
vinapu Posted September 2, 2018 Posted September 2, 2018 .... he strongly recommends checking out the booths at the airport by the train departure area. And, the shop to the left of the Family Mart that is at the entrance to Twilight had a rate of 32.5. It's a quandary...do I bring cash or use my ATM? I appreciate the convenience of the ATM but the rates are lower (31.8 to the $) and they add on a 220 baht service charge (about $7). Any baht left at the end of a trip comes home with me to rest up for the return trip. it needs to be stressed loudly that while this is true- in Jun in fact I found that there were the best rates I saw in that trip everywhere, only booths on the airport's train station have such good rates. All other in the airport are using uniform rate , bit lower than train station ones although difference with city rates is not as bad as in some other countries. shop to the left of Family mart is Natty Games - pretty much my place if I need to change money in the city although their rates for other currencies than USD may not be that attractive which is also a case with gold shop in soi Thainya, another one with good rates on USD . I use ATM as last resort due to the same factor - fee on both ends and rate bit lower but if somebody has account without fees , it may be convenient. Another thing to consider when using ATM is limit on daily withdrawals one may have as well as one ATM may have for one transaction. As for leftover money I recently discovered that my blood pressure medicine is much cheaper in Thailand so I spent it in the airport's pharmacy and small change left is given to random cleaner . Can't envision having much more than 1000 something left over as I tend to change money frequently as need arises, 100 $ is one note and is more portable than say 3250 - 6 notes at least. paborn, DivineMadman and santosh108 3 Quote
vinapu Posted September 2, 2018 Posted September 2, 2018 I just noticed and it's too late to edit post , shop with good rates to the left of soi Twilight is Natty Gems , not Natty Games Quote
reader Posted September 2, 2018 Posted September 2, 2018 Just curious. Does anyone use traveler checks anymore? I don't but I'm curious. Stopped using TC's three years ago because of the combination of costs of acquiring and fees for cashing them. Although they offer security and get a slightly better than cash exchange rate, I now rely on ATM (issued by State Farm Bank) that reimburses all transaction fees from foreign banks. I use credit cards for hotels and charges in trusted locations (i.e., department stores, supermarkets). paborn 1 Quote
denny59 Posted September 3, 2018 Posted September 3, 2018 I think the off fee's and 2000 baht for the boy is getting out of hand..too much in my eyes...for the visitor..ok,,have money in the budget..but for residents...this is getting expensive for them to enjoy as much as they would like to.. ChristianPFC and aussie_ 2 Quote
spoon Posted September 3, 2018 Posted September 3, 2018 Tips is market driven especially in bkk. For residents, u can always wait it up during low season where the boys are more flexible on the tips. Thats something visitors cant do hence they let their penis do the talking lol DivineMadman, ggobkk, biguyby and 1 other 4 Quote
Popular Post aussie_ Posted September 3, 2018 Popular Post Posted September 3, 2018 I think the off fee's and 2000 baht for the boy is getting out of hand..too much in my eyes...for the visitor..ok,,have money in the budget..but for residents...this is getting expensive for them to enjoy as much as they would like to.. I am resident in Pattaya and 1000 ST is accepted from go go and host bars. I don't go to Bangkok much or BBB bar in Pattaya where the big tips are expected. I never have paid 1500 ST but have given extra for taxi, food etc. Regulars from the apps in Pattaya are 700 to 800 baht ST and some of them work in go go bars. Most guys are not greedy and happy to have a regular customer. If you are here on a short vacation spend whatever you like and enjoy. ChristianPFC, witty, vinapu and 2 others 5 Quote
jason1975 Posted September 3, 2018 Posted September 3, 2018 Agree with OP about Jupiter no.15. Very very good looking. And Freshboys Patpong no.8 Pet has a nice demeanour, solid body and big cock, but he doesn't do long time. vinapu 1 Quote
vinapu Posted September 3, 2018 Posted September 3, 2018 I am resident in Pattaya and 1000 ST is accepted from go go and host bars. .... Regulars from the apps in Pattaya are 700 to 800 baht ST and some of them work in go go bars. Most guys are not greedy and happy to have a regular customer. If you are here on a short vacation spend whatever you like and enjoy. nicely wrapped difference between residents and visitors. Having regulars is option not available to visitors like me so we may be inclined to pay more just not to miss an opportunity while resident may wait until his offer is accepted , if not today , day after tomorrow. I agree about most boys not being greedy if they sense possibility regular or even second encounter, they are not stupid and know that 1000 today and 1000 tomorrow is still more than say, 1700 right away. From my experience excessive tip requests are not out of greed , rather from some business acumen as they see spark in our eyes and think ' hey , he is horny , let's try" biguyby, aussie_ and a447a 3 Quote
vinapu Posted September 3, 2018 Posted September 3, 2018 And Freshboys Patpong no.8 Pet has a nice demeanour, solid body and big cock, but he doesn't do long time. perhaps has day time job somewhere else Quote