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Weaker $ = makes America Great gain

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I don't want to see this thread go off into a Trump discussion .  The correct place for this thread was in the Beer Bar section.  If there are enough Trump supporters to have a spirited but polite discussion then take it there.


Otherwise this thread is fine for exchanging  views about Exchange Rates and how it effects trip planning etc.

  On 1/28/2018 at 2:44 AM, Londoner said:

When an Afro-American praises a red-neck buffoon who has obvious contempt for non-white people across the world, I reach for my sick-bag. James Baldwin will be turning in his grave. 


  On 1/28/2018 at 8:08 AM, faranglaw said:

The tourism industry reports a loss of about 40,000 US jobs since the Odious One came into office, because fewer people want to go to the US. 

right or wrong neither us nor Trump should forget that he did not come to power by force or manipulation but was freely elected by millions.


As for fewer people wanting to visit USA , since I'm one of them I can say that in my case current president has nothing to do with my reluctance - behavior of  officials on the border is a culprit.

Having visiting many , many countries over life of travel since times of certain G.W. for me American border is positively  least pleasant to cross. My apologies to all our American friends here on the forum but this is how I feel

  On 1/28/2018 at 10:17 AM, newalaan said:

None of the above.


Since I started visiting Thailand start of 2000 the £-Pound Sterling has gone from highs of Bt70+ down through Bt60, Bt50 and with Brexit and other factors is now around Bt44+. I will still visit at least 3 times a year, month at a time and don't compromise with anything regarding trip costs.


I simply take more £ Sterling. 

good for you that you can  but this option may be limited for some , either due to earning power or self imposed budgetary discipline

  On 1/28/2018 at 3:29 PM, vinapu said:

right or wrong neither us nor Trump should forget that he did not come to power by force or manipulation but was freely elected by millions.



What you mention fills me with shame, although it may still be proven that he came to power through manipulation.  I am an American by choice, and I came to this land in good faith.  But I now understand how some Germans must have felt when with all their culture, education it was possible for one of the most abominable leaders in history to take possession of their country and launch it against humanity.  Up to the last minute I thought that Americans could not fall for that, but I was wrong.  :(  

  On 1/28/2018 at 3:29 PM, vinapu said:

right or wrong neither us nor Trump should forget that he did not come to power by force or manipulation but was freely elected by millions.


As for fewer people wanting to visit USA , since I'm one of them I can say that in my case current president has nothing to do with my reluctance - behavior of  officials on the border is a culprit.

Having visiting many , many countries over life of travel since times of certain G.W. for me American border is positively  least pleasant to cross. My apologies to all our American friends here on the forum but this is how I feel

You have forced me to reply as a member and not the Moderator.


First you have no idea what it is like to enter your own country as a foreigner , same for me as a foreigner entering the USA.


Some things to remember US still has wounds from 9/11 and steps have been taken to make sure that never happens again at least to that extent and have been mostly successful.


Next the USA has more tourist entries then any country in the world with the possible exception of Spain where most of the tourists are from EU and thus entry is like being in your own country. ( hardly comparable). Many times the number that enter Canada in any year.


Now the above are facts and then I need to comment on perception.  I find Canada to be certainly among the Top 3 in my experience for terrible experiences .  Automobile entry is fine. Airports completely different experience .  Montreal and Toronto are in a tie for my worst experiences with Vancouver usually quite a bit better.


That is not to say that I have not had less then positive experiences entering my own country because certainly I have.


This is a guess but I'd be willing to bet I have dealt with Canadian immigration many more times then you have with US immigration because based on your comments why would you bother?


I just figure it is part of the problem in entering many countries over a lifetime and would never let it deter me from visiting my favorite places in Canada or anywhere else in the world.


The alternative is to stay home which I don't find much interest in doing.

  On 1/28/2018 at 3:29 PM, vinapu said:

right or wrong neither us nor Trump should forget that he did not come to power by force or manipulation but was freely elected by millions.


. My apologies to all our American friends here on the forum but this is how I feel

.  For the record, I have been to 30 countries in  the world,traveling alone and with my Thai partner, and I completely agree with you.  Almost every American custom agent I have ever met gives me the feeling like I am standing before a judge awaiting my sentence, and I really don't get this feeling at foreign entry points.

    It an ironic way, it is kind of funny that it is probably only the USA, and North Korea that routinely searches peoples cameras and computers on entry.  Yes, make America great again, make her Euopean.

  On 1/28/2018 at 7:10 PM, KhorTose said:

    It an ironic way, it is kind of funny that it is probably only the USA, and North Korea that routinely searches peoples cameras and computers on entry.  Yes, make America great again, make her Euopean.


Why would Europe want that?  While Europe becomes more progressive, the US is moving in the opposite direction. We have millions of people who are desirable immigrants, educated in the US, a valuable labor force in demand, who are in the country "illegal" because the government refuses to make them legal. We have a long border to the south, so long that it takes 20 billion dollars to make the wall, to protect us from... what?  Immigration from Mexico is not the same as from Syria or other Muslim countries. Mexicans are Christians, not troublemakers but sufficiently docile, and... the US is vastly underpopulated. Just travel between major cities in Texas and see how much empty land is there. So a few million people more should not be a problem... EXCEPT that if they eventually become citizens they may vote against the ruling party!

  On 1/28/2018 at 6:05 PM, Scooby said:


First you have no idea what it is like to enter your own country as a foreigner ....................


...... Many times the number that enter Canada in any year.



as I mentioned in another thread not long ago - arguing with people with power  is like kissing lion's ass - doubtful pleasure but big danger but as survivor of two car crashes and eye witness of two coup d'etats I'm brave enough to try again, LOL


First , contrary to what you think , I do and do very well, even more , my statistic sample contains more than one country in " my own" capacity.


Second, I have no idea why you brought Canada to discussion as nowhere in my post I compared US entry to that of other countries, including Canada, I  was tempted to bring former USSR into equation but left it out to avoid shaming  USA even more.


Third , I clearly said that FOR ME American border in least pleasant to cross, carefully avoiding any generalizations.


Certainly leader of free world should not take any pride in having border procedures comparable to that of third  world dictatorship , no matter what excused will be used. 


I will continue visiting USA as all my American friends know since I promised to attend their funerals although not necessarily before that.


Reason I'm so tickled with USA border procedures is exactly that, going to funeral in full regalia, black suit tie etc  border officials found it  necessary to ask me with whom I'm living and if my home is rented or owned. I'm kidding you not.

  On 1/28/2018 at 9:10 PM, vinapu said:

as I mentioned in another thread not long ago - arguing with people with power  is like kissing lion's ass - doubtful pleasure but big danger but as survivor of two car crashes and eye witness of two coup d'etats I'm brave enough to try again, LOL


What makes you think it would be doubtful pleasure?  Why should you underestimate it?

  On 1/28/2018 at 9:55 AM, Londoner said:

He baited me when over a million were dying in Iraq by saying how much he loved GWB. I know I shouldn't respond but there are limits.

Wow, I supported President Bush over 9 years ago and that post you mention of my support of President Bush is probably over 12 years ago... I don't know what to say when my vote or opinion sticks with other internet posters in such a way. I bet if I tried to post something that would stick with anyone on the net for 12 or more years, I would fail....


Just goes to show you how you can never know how one person's posts can effect another.


Depending on what airport you enter the US through, the experience can differ, even for citizens.


There are two general types of questions agents ask. One type is designed to gauge your reaction and tend to be more subjective. The other is objective and used to confirm identity.

  On 1/28/2018 at 9:10 PM, vinapu said:

Reason I'm so tickled with USA border procedures is exactly that, going to funeral in full regalia, black suit tie etc  border officials found it  necessary to ask me with whom I'm living and if my home is rented or owned. I'm kidding you not.


Their logic beggars belief.   Not like that kind of question would deter drug dealers or terrorists is it ?


Slow & stupid immigration procedures do not make a country great.   If they had any sense, known people entering from their more reliable allies should be able to go through unmanned gates that scan the passport, take a photo & perhaps a finger print.   20 seconds should do it.


Try being a muslim and enters us. Ive seen so much profiling happenning in front of my eyes, random checking is just a disguise if every time a muslim in there, he will 100% got checked, harrased, all his belongings in his carry on were removed and checked one by one and then they left it for the poor guy to put everything back. And this happened not once, but twice for the same freaking flight, once at the general immigration and another right before boarding.


And yes, no other country in the world that ive been to practice such profiling and rigorous checking.

  On 1/28/2018 at 11:39 PM, z909 said:


 If they had any sense, known people entering from their more reliable allies should be able to go through unmanned gates that scan the passport, take a photo & perhaps a finger print.   20 seconds should do it.


Haven't been to the UK for about seven years. Do they have those unmanned gates now for citizens of allied nations?


  On 1/29/2018 at 12:06 AM, spoon said:

Try being a muslim and enters us. Ive seen so much profiling happenning in front of my eyes, random checking is just a disguise if every time a muslim in there, he will 100% got checked, harrased, all his belongings in his carry on were removed and checked one by one and then they left it for the poor guy to put everything back. And this happened not once, but twice for the same freaking flight, once at the general immigration and another right before boarding.


And yes, no other country in the world that ive been to practice such profiling and rigorous checking.

What country did this happen in? Was it in the USA or headed to the usa?

  On 1/28/2018 at 11:45 PM, bucknaway said:

I wish Thai immigration would use a fast and simple entry system


This being my 16th year of traveling to LOS, I've always found entry process remarkably simple although albeit a bit slow at times. 


Once you reach an immigration station, however, processing time is 60-90 seconds.  Never been asked a question.  At least that's been my experience.


Considering there are over 50 million foreign visitors entering the US every year there are bound to be a few bumps in the road. But it is getting better as more countries get ok’ed to use kiosks. In some countries you clear customs before getting on the plane. Automation is slowly catching up. This a subject people have complained about for years and will continue to complain about for many years to come.


There are places, especially the Middle East where Americans go through a bit of profiling.

  On 1/29/2018 at 12:22 AM, bucknaway said:

What country did this happen in? Was it in the USA or headed to the usa?

In the us travelling from one state to another. Lived in the US for 4 years. Going into us, worst ive had was just need to remove shoes/laptop etc and they do ask additional questions but this apply to all passengers. When i said profiling, i mean real in front of you kind of profiling. Even before i enter the area where only people with tickets can enter, while queuing, someone will come to check out boarding pass, and if they see my name, they will immediately jotted down on my boarding pass 4 big SSSS.

Seeing mr trump did mentioned that he wanted to register all muslim in the US, im not surprised at all.


For anyone who travels even only occasionally between the US and Canada, I would strongly recommend getting a Nexus card (trusted traveller). It makes entry to both countries much easier through the special Nexus lines, and you also get a shorter line for airport secutiry, even on domestic flights. It's wonderful. Someone mentioned entering Canada through Toronto or Montreal. I agree, both are horrendous, but much better with a Nexus card. $50US for five years.

  On 1/29/2018 at 2:28 AM, faranglaw said:

For anyone who travels even only occasionally between the US and Canada, I would strongly recommend getting a Nexus card (trusted traveller). It makes entry to both countries much easier through the special Nexus lines, and you also get a shorter line for airport secutiry, even on domestic flights. It's wonderful. Someone mentioned entering Canada through Toronto or Montreal. I agree, both are horrendous, but much better with a Nexus card. $50US for five years.


Is there any advantage in having the Nexus card if you have Global Entry?


There's only one place where I have  had regular problems getting in....and even more so, getting out; Israel. Friends have been imprisoned in Tel Aviv airport's underground prison because they are involved  in political  and Christian organisations.  Others strip-searched for the same reason. I'm questioned by Immigration as to where I plan to go in Israel- obviously I  don't admit to travelling in Occupied Palestine- and as to whom I know. I don't mention Palestinians in case they are arrested.

My Christian background makes me an expert on Christian and New Testament history and so I can answer all the questions I am  asked about the Holy Land well.

I carry a Bible so that it is the first thing that is found when my bag is searched. I stopped daring to take a camera, or a lap-top for fear of arrest. I took some videos once  in about 2005 (cassettes) and felt constrained to take two different "editions"....one of tourist sites in Occupied Jerusalem, the other of life under military occupation for Palestinians.  I kept the first in my camera for examination and hid the latter.  I was lucky and got away with it. I was too nervous during later trips.

The visits were between 2004 and 2016. I can no longer travel there due to the banning of Christian and Socialist groups. We  are  blacklisted.

  On 1/29/2018 at 3:25 AM, Londoner said:

There's only one place where I have  had regular problems getting in....and even more so, getting out;

Good news about USA and Canada is, on departure one doesn't go through and sort of formalities other than luggage security check 

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