Popular Post CurtisD Posted January 15, 2018 Popular Post Posted January 15, 2018 After almost three decades of visiting Thailand this is the first time I have made it outside Bangkok. So far, if I was forced into the artificial choice of "pick one only, Bangkok or Pattaya", I would pick Bangkok. Artificial, as they are two quite different flavors. Bangkok is sophisticated and urban to an international standard (in parts), Pattaya is laid-back beach party town. However, so far, I prefer the gay scene in Bangkok over Pattaya. This could just be the result of a lot of experience in Bangkok - good and bad - versus a single snapshot of Pattaya. From experience I know the scene is very changeable, so I plan to visit both in future and see if first impressions change. Within Pattaya, I like Jomtien but do not like Pattaya. Pattaya is too crowded to be my idea of a beach vacation. I am very happy to be staying in Jomtien. I started this trip with a visit to XSize in Bangkok where I have had the best and the worst of my experiences. Start with a dice roll. Last time XSize had so few boys there was a crackdown on non-Thais, so I assume this is happening currently. So on to Dreamboys where one of the boys was discretely eyeing me. My experience is that discrete attention is often a better sign than very overt attention grabbing. Asked the mamasan's opinion and got a very positive response, so asked him over. Very charming guy. Then he asks for 4000Bt long time. A little surprising as the bar is busy but not crowded and while I think he is attractive I am not sure he will ring the bell for everyone. However, at least he is up-front and he is the one I like, so we settle for 3500Bt. I ask him if he is hungry and he is, so ask him to pick a restaurant and he picks a good Thai place and, when I ask, selects the food. After the initial 'up to you' he can make decisions. I like that. Over dinner he tells me he only works when he needs to raise funds for his studies. That is why he is very direct about what he needs. Good for him. We go to Jupiter2018 as it was not open last time I was in Bangkok and I am keen to see it. We arrive after the show. Modest crowd. Excellent female vocalist performing. About 8 boys 'backing' her look like commuters hoping to catch the attention of the next taxi rather than cold fashion models. I feel a little sorry for them. Each is very attractive and I think if these are the guys that are left, the ones that have gone must have been stellar. Another visit is in order. I like this guy and we have agreed to meet when I return to Bangkok. (Yes, there is a gap in the narrative here, fill it in with whatever makes you happy and want to meet a guy again). TheLimoPattaya collect me the next day. They are very good - thanks for the recommendation. I check into the condo in Jomtien, get a bite to eat watching the sunset by the beach and then jet lag kicks in brutally and ends the day. Rise early, swim a few lengths in the pool and them walk as far as I can by the beach around the headland towards Pattaya until the path ends and I am forced to take to the roads. The beaches around the headland are gorgeous with multiple rows of shade trees, no traffic and fewer people. Pattaya is an ugly shock. Crowds, traffic, narrow beach, far fewer shade trees. I pass through Boystown to familiarize myself, walk as far as the Hilton and have a caprina at the roof bar. From this elevation Pattaya looks wonderful. if only I didn't have to go back down to ground level. In the evening after a nap and more laps in the pool back in Jomtien, I head to Boystown arriving around 9.40pm. Cupidol is the first stop, Five boys and me staring at each other. One has a sense of humor about it. Mamasan says come back later, some boys running late. I cross over to BoysBoysBoys. One guy is stunning, a couple not for me although I can see why others will like them and the rest, the vast majority, are so far outside my taste range they are U3C - Unfortunate Third Category. This never happens. I am very selective - my friends tease me mercilessly about it - but this high a proportion is rare. Now I wonder if the stunning guy is really a diamond or, by association, must be zirconium. He was checking me out discretely, a good sign, but no need to find out now, I want to explore all the bars on this first visit and what I find is more cases of me staring at five guys, or only finding two guys (Dream Boys) or a further disproportionate U3C representation (XBoys and one other place). The show at XBoys had my hopes up but when it ended the performers I liked were nowhere to be seen. So back to BBB and there they were! A traveling troupe. The next part of the BBB show featured the stunning guy. We talked when he came round collecting tips after the act and he was a very sweet guy. It was an amusing conversation. He was a little wary of what two tops would do, possibly he has encountered a few overly insistent customers, but we cleared that up. I returned to Jomtien pillion on his motorbike, a new and very nice acquisition of which he was proud and consequently drove very carefully (also my impression is that he is a very reliable guy). None-the-less as I went up the Jomtien hill at some speed sans crash helmet it crossed my mind that it would make for an interesting obituary. And now another discreet gap in the narrative for you to fill with your own happy thoughts. traveller123, Vessey, ChristianPFC and 9 others 12 Quote
vinapu Posted January 16, 2018 Posted January 16, 2018 Thank you for an interesting report, gaps for imagination included. Reading if I recalled my first impression of Pattaya which I visited only on my 9th trip to LOS. It was not good at all , perhpas even worse than one you expressed but urged by some members - firecat , anonone and 1moRussian to give her a chance decided to do and on next visit I liked her better. In time number of days spent there increased to a 50/50 last trip. I agree Bangkok is world class city , never boring for a moment and scene is more varied , blessed with great massage places but Pattaya has some advantages, everywhere is close , breeze from the sea helps reduce stifling heat and prices are more user friendly although I had 4000 requests for long time there as well but boys were more inclined to reduce it fast. So , like other said to me , give her a chance. waitng for next installment faranglaw 1 Quote
zombie Posted January 16, 2018 Posted January 16, 2018 OP: the dispatch is entertaining and informative, thank u. Quote
faranglaw Posted January 16, 2018 Posted January 16, 2018 Thank you for an interesting report, gaps for imagination included. Reading if I recalled my first impression of Pattaya which I visited only on my 9th trip to LOS. It was not good at all , perhpas even worse than one you expressed but urged by some members - firecat , anonone and 1moRussian to give her a chance decided to do and on next visit I liked her better. In time number of days spent there increased to a 50/50 last trip. I agree Bangkok is world class city , never boring for a moment and scene is more varied , blessed with great massage places but Pattaya has some advantages, everywhere is close , breeze from the sea helps reduce stifling heat and prices are more user friendly although I had 4000 requests for long time there as well but boys were more inclined to reduce it fast. So , like other said to me , give her a chance. waitng for next installment You had 4,000 requests for long time? Wow, you are a popular guy! What gifts have you been hiding from us? ^^ Quote
vinapu Posted January 16, 2018 Posted January 16, 2018 You had 4,000 requests for long time? Wow, you are a popular guy! What gifts have you been hiding from us? ^^ just let it go Quote
Popular Post CurtisD Posted January 16, 2018 Author Popular Post Posted January 16, 2018 The next morning after a pleasant farewell to stunning guy I did a few laps in the pool and then set off down the beach for the day's Big Expedition. The plan was to walk down the beach to Glass House restaurant for lunch, about a two hour walk according to Google Maps. Perfect day to stroll along and enjoy the changing beachfront landscape. Some areas are definitely better than others and at some point the beach disappears - at a final and very optimistic deck chair concession with waves lapping around the umbrellas - and residents gain Ocean Access rather than Beach Access. Fancy new condos along the Ocean Access strip made me wonder to whom they are selling - Chinese who buy off a brochure and are rather surprised on their first visit? Fishermen? The beachfront road finally ran out at a restaurant. I had not checked the details of the route carefully enough and had just assumed the road went all the way. Out with the iPhone and I see the important detail I had missed. While I was very close to the Glass House as the crow flies, without wings the route required a 40 minute walk inland around new developments with direct ocean access, part of which required walking along the highway and, without footpaths, this had no appeal. Hoping to find a local walking track I opted to cut through the developments to a village by a small fishing harbor where the locals told me sorry, no track, the only way is back to the highway. I went to the local restaurant to regroup over a beer and the owner said he would call me a cab to complete the trip when I was ready. It was a very restful place to sit with a slight breeze, the fishing boats gently rocking and a view to the ocean beyond. Absolutely quiet. Some locals came in for lunch and when the smell of cooking reached me I wrote off the Glass House and asked for a menu. Really great fresh seafood - whole fish baked in salt and 'seafood seafood' soup which turned out to be small octopus, calamari and shrimp in a delicate clear vegetable broth. If you have transport to get there and want a quiet restful break I can recommend it. It shows up on Google Maps with a Thai label only, at the end of Na Jomtien 6, a rating of 4/5 mostly by Thais. Back to Jomtien by local taxi and a long nap so I can explore the Jomtien Complex refreshed. I walked to the Complex a little before 10pm. The place was lively but, with no experience of host bars, I found walking past trying to identify interesting boys a little awkward. How do you stare into a bar full of both boys and patrons without appearing gauche? After a couple of laps there were two guys who I thought I would like to talk to. Backtracking to the first bar I was greeted by the boy who interested me and his colleague seated me. The boy I liked then ignored me and his colleague, not my type, tried to make conversation. More awkwardness as the colleague was very slow to take the hint that it was not him with whom I wanted to speak. 'My boy' and I exchanged glances, but he did not come over. Bait and switch? Other boy's turn? It can't have been the latter as the first colleague got the hint finally, only to be replaced by another boy who was very much not my type. Another patron walked in and 'my boy' greeted him, took his order and sat with him! The penny finally dropped. The 'colleague' who had seated me was not a colleague at all but a wily opportunist from the neighboring bar with almost identical furniture who had intervened to misdirect me to the wrong side of the aisle. Lesson learned. I paid the tab, exchanged mutually regretful glances with 'my guy' who clearly understood what had happened and departed for the more familiar territory of GoGo bars in the hope that the first night's experience in Boystown had been an aberration. Start with Cupidol again. I met the guy with the sense of humor outside on his way out. With a cheeky grin he told me too late tonight, come back for me tomorrow. Inside it was the same story as the previous night but now down to four boys. The mamasan told me 'many boys off already'. It was about 10.40pm, so combining her stories from both evenings Cupidol has a tight window of 10pm to 10.35pm between the arrival of the boys and their being offed. Special boys in high demand. Over to BBB and the same group as the previous night. Stunning guy was there but I felt like a change of pace from two tops. After two repeats of the previous night's disappointment I did not feel like visiting every bar and experiencing mass deja vu. Taking a seat on a terrace with a coffee I decided to watch the World go by and see what came along. What came along after about 30 minutes was an apparition in gold sequined shorts, soon followed by two further such apparitions out of the bar behind me. I had taken a seat on Castro's terrace and the cougar dancers were taking a break after warming up the crowd for the show. I had missed this the first night. I asked the waiter to move me inside. The place was packed and I had a stroke of luck when a cute young guy who was part of a larger group called to the waiter and gave me their spare chair to save me sitting at the back. Lip-synching shows are not usually my thing. They have to be really good to hold my attention for more than a minute. This one was really really good. Excellent costumes and choreography, a mix of humor and truly professional performers who understood how to work the crowd. The crowd that night helped. Front row were two young Chinese guys and their female friends who were totally and hilariously into the whole thing and their antics energized the audience so soon everyone was into it, giving the performers a lot to work with. During a bathroom break I came across the initial sequined apparition at the bar and exchanged smiles on the way back to the table, thinking I would catch up with him after the show. Experienced readers will spot the error here. At some point during the show he delivered a bottle of spirits to the Chinese group and they asked him to join them. At the end of the show the cougars started dancing again and it was clear that while the Chinese had not offed him, and I suspected probably would not, there was a party in progress that seemed a bit mean to break up given how much amusement their antics had provided. So happily back to Jomtien for sleep in my own company. Alexx, Manly69, ChristianPFC and 5 others 8 Quote
vinapu Posted January 16, 2018 Posted January 16, 2018 thank you for a lesson of choosing proper sitting in adjacent bars, worth taking note. Stunners are rare species and I'm surprised you did not grab him again but obviously you know better. I, for one rather sleep with a stunner than my own company but sometimes , early in the trip with jet lag not entirely healed it may be better just to catch up with good night's sleep without any antics. waiting for next installment again Quote
Boy69 Posted January 16, 2018 Posted January 16, 2018 Don't lock your self to Cupidol and BBB there are other bars at the area you can choose from,pay a visit to Sunee plaza as well . Castro bar has very cute dancers but I don't think they can be off they quicky disappear after their show end. Quote
Travellerdave Posted January 16, 2018 Posted January 16, 2018 Rather a disappointing visit to Cupidol with offable boys in short supply. About this time last year it was a prime source of twinks and I offed several from there. However when I visited during my September trip it seemed to have changed and I found no boys attractive to me. I’m due in Pats next week and intend to stay in the Complex, although I have yet to make a reservation. CurtisD did not interact with boys during his visit. I suppose it now being high season attractive boys will be in demand so if you find one you have to act quickly. Quote
Guest Posted January 16, 2018 Posted January 16, 2018 Agreed. On my visit to Cupidol last month, there was not a single cute twink on the stage. Terrible deterioration since last year. It was so bad, I should have spotted this before sitting down & therefore saved the price of a drink. However, I really did not expect such a poor display, so was on autopilot. The bar has also gone from being packed to having very few customers. I think that is connected to the selection of boys. Quote
Londoner Posted January 17, 2018 Posted January 17, 2018 Is it fair to suggest that those who prefer twinks prefer Pattaya? Quote
Popular Post CurtisD Posted January 17, 2018 Author Popular Post Posted January 17, 2018 In the morning, after a lazy start and laps in the pool, I head into Pattaya to give it a second chance. After walking the full length of the beach, pausing for a bite for lunch, it is definite: Pattaya is not my kind of place. Too crowded. Deciding against taking refuge on the Hilton roof top I return to Jomtien and spend the afternoon in a deck chair on the gay beach people watching and reading a book. Late in the afternoon I swim more laps and then sit on the balcony with a glass of wine, watch the sun set and consider the options for the evenings entertainment. The cougar dancer from Castro is top of the list of possibilities. I also do not like my failure to connect at the Complex and want to try again, being more observant where I sit this time. Stunning guy is also a draw, but I want to keep things light and butterfly which, for me, requires focus as being as selective as I am I typically end up going down one of three roads: (a) I do not see anyone who really draws my attention and go to bed by myself, which is fine with me as I rate quality way way above quantity; (b) I see someone interesting, sleep with them, and it is ok but nothing more than ok, so no repeat; © Things click and then I tend to stick with them and explore no further. Stunning guy is definitely in group © but on this trip for various reasons I want to stay out of the mold and keep exploring. Walking slowing through the Complex a little before 10pm I get to the bar opposite @Home and the guy I missed last night is not to be seen. Then someone is pulling at my right arm and I turn to see that it is the other guy who I liked the look of last night but who had disappeared by the time I realized my mistake at the first bar. He really is gorgeous. Sweet face, naturally muscled compact torso and bubble butt and darker complexion. In the moment I decide that my mission tonight is the cougar dancer and smile him away and all the way to Boystown I am thinking 'that may have been a massive mistake'. I sip a coffee on the terrace at Casto and watch the performers arrive. The cougars start dancing at 11pm and the show starts at 11.30pm. I get a smile of recognition from 'my' cougar as he arrives and the waiter repositions my chair so I can watch them dance from the terrace. I want to be out there when they finish so I can catch him after the show starts. 'My' cougar is really working it and keeping an eye on me. A party of young Chinese arrive just before the show and sit in reserved seats in the front row, very similar to last night. The show starts. 'My' cougar maintains flirtatious contact but does not get close and I realize that the arrival of the Chinese group has altered the dynamic. He is keeping me warm while waiting to see if this group turns into a party-time like last night. He can make a lot in tips from a party group. Fair enough, the party may or may not happen, but I do not need to sit and wait through it. I signal to him that I will be back and leave to explore other bars for the next hour. Earlier from the terrace I had seen a fresh group of guys coming out of BBB, so I go to investigate. Yes, they have new dancers and they are more to my taste! This gives me an incentive to visit the other bars and see if they too have improved. As I step out of BBB I pause to decide which way to go and the door guy from Cupidol calls me across. I don't want to waste time, so I ask how many boys tonight. He pauses and thinks, moving his fingers, 'fifteen'. Ok, I need to check his maths and when I enter the bar I see he did indeed major in mathematics. An attractive group too. Humerous guy is there and waves to me. He is a little outside my taste range, very striking looking but a little fem. However he has a sense of humor and that goes a long way, so I ask him over for a drink thinking I might enjoy the conversation until I return to Castro. He is very amusing. I begin to think that the fem thing is an overlay that he has adopted as clients think it goes with his looks and over time it has become a type of second nature. Beneath this is a serious poultry breeder (his current objective is another house for chickens) who is versatile (I believe him) and very much all about business (am I here alone? do I have a boyfriend? etc) in such a charming way that I can't take offense. He sees me looking at the other boys, particularly a couple of more swimmers-build guys, and reading the situation quickly tells me that if I like them I should call them over, he will be happy with a drink, no problem, but if I like him then it is only him. No groups. Breaking the mold, I ask humorous guy to come with me. This guy is entertaining, cougars can wait. As we leave I find the image of him with his manicured nails and very sharp dress-sense down in the chicken house breeding poultry quite surreal. However, an image of him organizing his mother and siblings in the work I can believe. Back in Jomtien he surveys the apartment (I took a lot of trouble to find a well designed apartment) and the view from the balcony and tells me, very much in the way of David Attenborough appraising a tribal society, that I am wealthy. I tell him I wish that was so, but I am not at all. No, with great authority, he begs to differ. Why,I ask? Europeans do not have this type of apartment. What type do they have? He gives me a very detailed answer - if his market knowledge of poultry is anything like his knowledge of Boystown clients I am in the presence of the future head of the Thai version of Tyson Foods. Now I am intrigued to know what type of accommodation different nationalities have, but a warm, sensuous and enthusiastic mouth covers mine and stops further conversation. He has bagged and tagged his catch and now intends to enjoy it. Again I must ask you to create your own visions of whatever makes you happy, albeit this time at a rather fast tempo which should lead to exhausted sleep. However, much later in the morning, I am tossing and turning and feeling strangely apprehensive as though I have had unrecalled bad dreams which have left an emotional residue. I find one indicator of compatibility is how well you sleep with someone. Bangkok guy and I slept deeply and entwined in each other, stunning guy and I slept lightly always in body contact and aware of each other. Humorous guy and I are quite apart from each other and tossing and turning. In the hazy dawn light he wakes me as he goes out on the balcony. He is beautiful. The dull pain at the back of my eyes indicates I am very short of sleep and I still have the strange apprehensive feeling. I join him on the balcony. Ever a quick read, he sees plans made last night for morning 'boom boom' will not happen. He is concerned. I tell him I am just very tired. He slept well, it was me who did not. Ever the professional, he tells me to come to the bar tonight, no need to pick him, he will be happy to talk and if I want other boys he will help organize whatever I want. We say a fond farewell and I give him a very generous tip (we had not discussed up front) and suddenly David Attenborough is back: You are wealthy he declares, his pleasure in having his analysis 'vindicated' lighting up his face. And I think, 'well, the price of tonight's entertainment just went up'. I dozed fitfully until mid morning, skipped laps in the pool and had a light meal at the Sketchbook which perked me up a little but still not back to normal, so back to bed and slept until late afternoon. I finally got up and went out to the balcony, only to make a sudden dash to the bathroom. Something from lunch yesterday was bad and had been slowly passing through my gut, probably explaining the poor sleep and bad dreams. With it expelled, all my energy returned and I went to the pool to swim many laps. vinapu, Manly69, Vessey and 6 others 9 Quote
Boy69 Posted January 17, 2018 Posted January 17, 2018 Thai boys tend to estimate our wealth based on our accommodation their logic can't accept that sometimes non wealthy tourists prefer luxurious accommodation to enjoy their vacation.Sometimes it can make difficulties for example at my last vacation I took very luxurious suite room and invited a stunning boy from Hornet, he by mistake thought that I am a very wealthy person and want to stay with me for whole of my vacation I stupidly agreed because he was very attractive and charming and then the troubles began... Quote
Travellerdave Posted January 17, 2018 Posted January 17, 2018 Boy69 I agree there is some truth in what you say. One of the first questions boys ask in bars is “where you stay”. As we all know it’s “Money Number one” for Thais in tourist resorts where sex tourists both gay and str go to enjoy. I suppose it’s a gauge for them as to the size of their tip, although I suppose there could be disappointment when after a night in an up market hotel they receive 1000 baht. Can you tell,us about “the troubles” ? . I have had a lot of these over the last 17 years visiting Thailand. Quote
reader Posted January 17, 2018 Posted January 17, 2018 Humorous guy's interest in your accommodations back home reminds me of a BKK guy who had similar inquiries. "You send me photos of your apartment?," he asked. I ignored the question and, like you, pretty much accurately predicted the next questions and where he was headed. Quote
Nasherich Posted January 17, 2018 Posted January 17, 2018 I too have suffered based on the perception of my wealth as measured on holiday spend. They don't get that a holiday budget is only that and not replicated for the rest of the year! Quote
Alexx Posted January 17, 2018 Posted January 17, 2018 I think you cannot really blame them, the concept of working a regular job and saving up for a holiday is quite alien to many if not most - and so is the concept of having a budget. Quote
vinapu Posted January 18, 2018 Posted January 18, 2018 , he by mistake thought that I am a very wealthy person It's no mistake, for those boys very fact that we can afford vacationing in their country , not to mention returning years after year makes us very wealthy by comparison, doesn't matter how feverishly we will be denying that. For us Trump may be very wealthy but for Warren Buffet perhaps he is just glorified pauper paulsf 1 Quote
CurtisD Posted January 19, 2018 Author Posted January 19, 2018 After swimming I pour a glass of wine and sit on the balcony to watch the sun set. This is my last evening and I have the luxury of too many possible ways to fill it. I would like to finally meet guys at the Complex; having a drink with humorous guy and seeing what he can 'arrange' with the swimmer-build guys is intriguing; my coyote dancer fixation still needs to be worked out; and another evening with stunning guy would be fun. Logistics, logistics! I decide to prioritize the Complex and humorous guy's 'arrangements', with stunning guy as the back up plan. The coyote dancer is I think a very long shot, now that I have thought over the Castro's likely business model. My guess is that the coyotes are available for take-out, but not in the same way as go-go dancers. They are incentivized to stay to 2am closing by the significant tips they can make. My guess is that their first dance set is to get them noticed by the pre-show crowd. During the show they are asked to join tables and get tipped and also, I suspect, get paid by the club for the alcohol they encourage their tables to order and offer as toasts to the performers. Some of the groups order multiple bottles of spirits. During their second performance after the show the remaining crowd is well-liquored and very free with tips and invitations to join tables. By 2am they are well-tipped, tired and possibly a little tipsy from offered drinks, so the prospect of an off at that point may not be attractive. However, I have seen customers handing their iphones to the coyotes to enter contact details, so I suspect the idea is to arrange a rendezvous during the day. If I am right about this, I have understood the model a day too late to be of use to me! I go to Poseidon for dinner - squid ink spaghetti and seafood sauce (excellent) and a carafe of Nero d'Avola. I am very happy to find this Sicilian favorite on the list. A little before 10pm I walk slowly through the Complex. It is less crowed than the previous night and it is easier to watch the guys. When I get to @Home I am mobbed by five guys, one of whom is the very cute guy I had smiled away last night. We sit together. He is small town Cambodian, here two months, very little English and has clear boundaries: 'chuck wow'. He is also a little nervous and I think I will need to relax him if this is going to be fun. Back at the apartment we sit on the balcony with the silence of the language barrier and his nerves between us. He goes inside to his backpack and comes back with a laser pencil and now the ice is broken as he fires the beam at distant buildings and lights up the balcony ceiling with disco patterns. He pulls off his t-shirt and declares 'shower'. In the shower I massage him and admire his naturally muscular compact torso. In bed he is initially shy but I find ways to make him laugh - his smile radiates joy - and as a further ice breaker ask him if he knows massage? 'A little'. His 'little' is quite a lot I think. Its a great massage and as he gets into it he relaxes and his smile becomes permanent. We spend a slow, relaxing and sensual time together, respecting his boundaries. Why am I only spending time with him now, on my last night! He smiles at the larger-than-expected tip and as we leave the apartment together, he to the Complex and me to Boystown, I realize in his arms I have lost all track of time. It is after 12.30am. Arriving at Boystown around 1am I decide that there is little chance that humorous guy or the pair of swimmers will still be at Cupidol and head to BBB. But as I pass Castro the coyotes are in full dance and like a moth to the flame I take a seat in the bar. It is clear the coyotes have been talking. As I sit they nudge 'my' coyote and begin to gesture that I should ask him to join me, which I do. Face-to-face he has magnificent bedroom eyes. He has been dancing for two months. Before that he worked in a hotel. He would be happy to join me at the apartment - 5000Bt. Ok. But now with a screech the needle skids across the LP of life and the music stops to heavy silence "but tonight I can only do one hour". He is not surprised that I do not think this is a good option. If I give him my contact details he can Line me and we can arrange something at a better time. With great regret I tell him this is my last night and give him a generous table tip for the pleasure he has given my eyes over several nights. He escorts me to the door with a deep wai - he is completely confident he has a fish on the line who will return at some point to be reeled in. He might not be wrong. Flipping a mental coin I go to Cupidol. Humerous guy is long gone, but one of the swimmers is still there and is all smiles. (to be a touch cynical at 1.50am I think he would be all smiles to a three headed loch monster). Back at the apartment I decide to go for quality in the morning rather than tired second-shot-of-the-night fumbling and after a little light mutual exploration we fall asleep. vinapu, reader, Vessey and 1 other 4 Quote
ggobkk Posted January 19, 2018 Posted January 19, 2018 CurtisD - I have been enjoying your reports for their ease and stylistic grace. You find ways to depict the live of a visitor to Pattaya with the realities and the fantasies, the temptations and the transport. Thanks. vinapu 1 Quote
Boy69 Posted January 19, 2018 Posted January 19, 2018 The boy wanted 5000 Baht for one hour wow it's a new record in Pattaya. Quote
steveboy Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 For us Trump may be very wealthy but for Warren Buffet perhaps he is just glorified pauper Interesting comparison. And so is the life style of the two. Buffet lives rather modestly, while Trump... well, you know. Bill Gates does not throw his wealth around either, and he and Buffet are big philanthropist, while Trump... well, you know. Quote
vinapu Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 Why am I only spending time with him now, on my last night!...................... ................. - he is completely confident he has a fish on the line who will return at some point to be reeled in. He might not be wrong................. it happens with surprising regularity that best boy of the trip is found on our last day / night, no surprise here because this is how it works, LOL as for returning to a boy next trip , I found and no doubt other as well that sometimes boy we were dreaming about in farangland upon return turns out not to be as attractive as our first impression and following dreams made him. On another hand at times upon return we notice familiar face of boy we previously saw but just glanced over and now we wonder how it was possible to miss such a stunner. Vessey 1 Quote
vinapu Posted January 20, 2018 Posted January 20, 2018 The boy wanted 5000 Baht for one hour wow it's a new record in Pattaya. my reading that was all night proposal , still very high even for Bangkok but I 'd be surprised it it wouldn't be haggable down to 3000, even for dancer Quote