Popular Post a447a Posted January 7, 2018 Popular Post Posted January 7, 2018 I arrived in Bangkok after a long flight from Osaka. I took a straight friend with me to Japan so there was no action there for me, but I did enjoy the eye candy - incredibly handsome guys in every direction. My friend was anxious to try the ladies so I took him to a girlie bar and left him there while I went off to a coffee shop and waited for him. An hour or so later he turned up with a huge smile on his face. No, he didn't get laid but he did get a hand job. I gave him 20,000 yen to have some fun and got less than 5000 yen change. With the girl, drinks, snacks, cover-charge and the hj it cost over 15,000 yen. And to think some complain about the prices in Thailand. We don't know how lucky we are. I went through immigration around 9pm and was surprised to see it devoid of tourists. I was expecting huge lines. Mind you, I did see a crowd heading towards immigration but managed to get ahead of them. Having experienced Bangkok traffic jams of a Saturday night I decided to catch the train. Unfortunately, I forgot to factor in the waiting times so didn't get to the hotel until after 11. I headed straight over to Soi Twilight and was surprised to see it wasn't all that busy. Certainly not like previous Saturday night visits. I peeped into Fresh Boys and XBoys and saw a lot of women customers. So off I want to Golden Cock. The guys I had so much fun with on previous visits were nowhere to be seen. A new guy came and sat with me. He had been drinking and so was very affectionate. It didn't take him long to get the goods out. Unfortunately, they had a karaoke night and the boys, including the one sitting with me, were more interested in singing then entertaining any prospective customers. My guy grabbed the microphone and sat next to me "singing". It was unbearable, so I got up and left. I walked down to Nature Boy. By now it was 12:55. I was quickly ushered in and a drink was brought over. There were only two guys working, one (fully clothed) already sitting with a customer. My regular off from NB has gone home and won't be returning to next week. The other guy approached me. He was in his underwear. Wow! What a package! It looked very familiar. I looked up and immediately recognised him - he used to work at Super A. And he's the guy with the horrible silicone cock I wrote about last time. Thankfully, it was now just after 1 am and the bar was closing. So off to Screwboys. The tout outside told me that the bar closed at 3 am but the mama-san, who I know quite well, told me it closed at 2. The bar was standing room only. The mama-san managed to squeeze me in down the back near the bar. The show had just begun. The big cock show boys were roaming among the crowd. I saw a huge appendage heading my way. I know that cock! I looked up to see the smiling face of a guy I offed last time. After the show finished he came and sat with me and we immediately made arrangements to meet tonight. But before we do, I will have to check my last Bangkok report to see if he was any good. Something tells me there was some kind of problem with him. Perhaps he's the guy who wouldn't sa-moke. I hope I'm wrong. The Big Cock show was followed by an old-fashioned acrobatic fucking show. Remember those? Well, they are alive and well at Screwboys! When they came over for their tip they gave me a very in your face demonstration of how to fuck. The top was huge! And very enthusiastic. He pulled it almost all the way out then slammed it back in again. I think he was actually enjoying it. I returned alone. Not a problem as I was really tired - it had been a long day. My regular guy messaged me that he is now back in Issan and invited me to go up there. I told him I'd rather stay here so he's coming back to Bangkok tomorrow. I've organised for him to take the next week or so off from the bar and just meet him directly at the hotel. No need to involve the bar if I don't have to. Today I went back to Golden Cock to meet up with the guy from last night. I offed him and had a pretty good time with him. But his performance can in no way be compared to the incredible talents of my regular guy. But then, most guys would pale into insignificance compared to him. So tonight I think I'll head over to Soi Twilight to take in a show and then meet up with my guy from Screwboys. In fact, Screwboys might now be my go-to bar from now on. The stage can barely accommodate all the hot guys now working there. paulsf, Vessey, Alexx and 6 others 9 Quote
reader Posted January 7, 2018 Posted January 7, 2018 A447a wrote "So off I want to Golden Cock. The guys I had so much fun with on previous visits were nowhere to be seen. A new guy came and sat with me. He had been drinking and so was very affectionate. It didn't take him long to get the goods out.Unfortunately, they had a karaoke night and the boys, including the one sitting with me, were more interested in singing then entertaining any prospective customers. My guy grabbed the microphone and sat next to me "singing". It was unbearable, so I got up and left." ----------- Was he a Lao guy, about 22? Quote
Popular Post a447a Posted January 7, 2018 Author Popular Post Posted January 7, 2018 I set off for Soi Twilight to see the show at XBoys. I was hoping for a repeat performance of the rimming and chuck-wow shows. But I never made it. I got as far as Familymart. I was waiting in line to pay for my drink when I noticed a rather handsome guy looking at me, smiling. When I went outside he was waiting for me. He took me to the stairs next door and offered me his services. No, I couldn't fuck him. Yes, he could fuck me. He was from Issan and yes, he was hung. A quick grope and the deal was done. Back in the room we sat and chatted for a while. I have a pretty good memory for faces (and a very good one for cock) and he was vaguely familiar - turns out he used to work in Soi Twilight. Onto the bed and down to business. I was intending to go through my usual three stages - suck, fuck and chuck - but it almost ended at stage one. What a talent! What a tongue! My god, how do straight guys do it? I know it's part of the job description, but some guys just do the basics; others make an effort and learn how to do it properly. This guy is an absolute pro, and actually seemed to be enjoying it. No token blow job here; he was willing to keep going until I finished. I was quite happy to just forget about stage two, but decided to move on. But there was a slight problem. He couldn't get it up. Well, he could but it wasn't hard enough to be of any use. Normally, I'd be a bit pissed off, but with this guy it didn't matter. Back to the stage one. And that's how he finished me off. He rolled over for the chuck-wow and closed his eyes. Needless to say he had no problem getting hard - virtually impossible not to get it up with a chuck-wow. Ten minutes later and I was still working on him. Thankfully, he decided to take over so I just layed there and watched him go for it. A loud grunt, one massive spurt and a few dribbles and it was all over. I also found myself in a sticky situation - I had neglected to mention the tip. So, how much? I decided 1000 should be enough and he seemed happy with that. Had he asked for more I think I would have given it to him. We are going to meet up tomorrow after he finishes work. (He's a courier during the day and freelances every now and then at night.) He promises he can fuck me tomorrow. "Sure! Can do! No probrem!" Vessey, Alexx, Moses and 4 others 7 Quote
vinapu Posted January 8, 2018 Posted January 8, 2018 He promises he can fuck me tomorrow. "Sure! Can do! No probrem!" have fun tonight, waiting for next installment Quote
Popular Post a447a Posted January 8, 2018 Author Popular Post Posted January 8, 2018 I got a message from my regular guy this morning to say he would not be arriving in Bangkok until tomorrow so I decided to drop into Golden Cock in the afternoon. As per usual I was the only customer. My off from the other night was still upstairs sleeping off the previous night's party, so while they were rousing him I was joined by a rather cute guy with a very enticing smile. As soon as the drinks arrived he pulled his cock out and put my hand on it. "Chuck-wow, chuck-wow!" "Sure. No probrem." In the middle of the action my off arrived, looking a bit worse for wear. He was forced to wait a while as my chuck-wowee was having difficulty cumming. Eventually he lifted up his shirt and came on his stomach. The day had already gotten of to a promising start. The action back at the hotel was a carbon copy of the previous encounter, except today he had to rush off straight after as he had to go and collect his laundry from the dryer. Mmmm...that's a new one. Tonight I had my street trade to look forward to. But I got chatting to a friendly German guy in the hotel lobby and completely lost track of the time. I rushed down to Family Mart but he was nowhere to be seen. Either he hadn't turned up or he had snared another customer. I'm leaning towards the latter. Still, it was my fault so I'm not complaining. Business is business. It was still early so after dinner my plan was to go to Super A before catching a Soi Twilight show. But as I was approaching the bar a familiar face came rushing up to greet me. It was Ya - one of my firm favourites (pun intended) from the old Solid bar! Some of you may remember him. We recognised each other immediately, despite many years since Solid closed. He returned to Issan and worked as a farmer until finally deciding to come back into the business. He is now 32 years old and as far away from a twink as you can get. Perfect! A real man! He now freelances at various bars in the soi. Tonight, it was Golden Cock. So in we went. The place was jumping! I've never seen anything like it at GC. I'm just about always the only customer but tonight I counted 6! That has to be a record. And they had 10 boys on duty - surely another record. Most of them are apparently freelancers. Ya and I sat alone as a farang had opened a bottle of whisky and so, as expected, monopolised all the boys. But that didn't matter. A quick drink then back to the hotel to reminisce. In the Solid days I always stayed at the Rose and he remembered that. He also remembered exactly what I like - in those days it was just suck and chuck as we were both tops. He still is, and was pleasantly surprised when I told him he could fuck me. He told me he was a little apprehensive add he's been out of the business for so long. But as soon as he went down on me it became obvious he hadn't lost it ; if anything, he was even better! He's one of the rare breed of straight guys who have perfected the art of oral. Unfortunately, I couldn't bottom for him as it was too painful. He is from Issan, afterall! I'm still recovering from my hectic Japan trip. I'm really exhausted and getting a bit confused with the days and times. That may explain why I missed out on my street trade meeting. I was intending to stay in Thailand for only a few days, but I've now changed my mind. He's booked solid for the next week (presuming I can last that long.) Which means he'll have a steady income. Win, win situation. So from tomorrow I'll be set for the remainder of my stay - afternoon session with my regular and evening entertainment with Ya. And dinner together. And I will bypass the bar; I no longer have to sit and drink. As a non-drinker, that's a godsend. Alexx, Moses, reader and 3 others 6 Quote
Popular Post a447a Posted January 9, 2018 Author Popular Post Posted January 9, 2018 I got a call this morning from by regular boy. He's still in Issan and can't make it to Bangkok until Sunday. I told him not to bother as I don't even know if I'll still be here. Damn! So I decided to give Golden Cock another visit, looking for some afternoon fun. But it was completely deserted! Not a single boy had bothered to turn up for work. Not surprising considering last night they are all hovering around a bottle of whisky. "I call your boy now. He come to bar," I told him not to bother. And this is GC's problem. It's a party bar but only for the boys. All they are interested in is having a good time, drinking, chatting and singing karaoke, leaving customers to basically fend for themselves. The last two trips I had Eros-type fun there every day and night but those guys have now left the bar and have been replaced with these guys who party into the early hours of the morning. The other day the party finished at 5 am! They don't seem to care whether or not they make any money; it has become a place for them to hang out with their friends. If they are lucky a farang will turn up and ply them with alcohol, otherwise I guess they pay for it themselves and hope they'll get a tip every now and then. So I decided I'd have a massage instead. I checked out the boys at Indra and Sun but there were only three guys in total, all absorbed with their phones. So off to Bonny in Soi Twilight. I was intending to have a drink next door and take my time choosing someone suitable when a farang sitting outside with the boys called out to me - in French, of all things. So I started chatting to him whilst eyeing off the boys. He asked me when I got to Bangkok and I told him I had just arrived from Japan. With that he broke into fluent Japanese! WTF?? It turns out he spent 19 years teaching English in Tokushima. He's a regular customer at Bonny so we were able to freely discuss the ins and outs of the Bonny boys. I had by now chosen my guy but the farang beat me to him. Never mind, there was another handsome guy there so I chose him and upstairs we went. The manager tried to push the 2 hour massage (1000 baht) but I told him I only wanted an hour. Undaunted he tried to get me to take the 90 minute one instead. He wouldn't let up and I thought it better to just leave. Eventually he gave up and I took the 1 hour cream massage for 600 baht. I was told the minimum tip is 1000. We showered together, which enabled me to admire his beautifully toned body. Then back to the room. I was a little concerned that when we went for our shower the door was left unlocked. He was naked from the beginning. The back massage seemed to go on for an eternity. Should I say something? We were in danger of running out of time and never reaching the pointy end which was hanging out for some action. Eventually he asked me to turn over and he went straight for the goods. With his finger on my tip, he started talking about the other kind of tip. He wanted 2000 to cum. I offered 1500 and he accepted without any further discussion. I asked him to sa-moke me but he said he couldn't. However, I could sa-moke him but considering his cock was covered in massage cream, I declined the offer. He lay down beside me for the chuck-wow. He wanted to do it himself, which was a bit of a bummer, but I got to enjoy the spectacle of a handsome young guy doing what young guys do best. He kept swapping hands whilst writhing around in ecstacy on a world of his own, contorting his body, twisting first this way and then the other. He'd pause every now and then to apply more cream then off he'd go again. There's nothing better than watching a hot young guy pleasuring himself with such enthusiasm. Awesome! He came on his stomach then got up and walked out naked to the shower to collect his towel which he used to clean himself up. When I had finished I asked for some tissues. 'No have. You have towel." But...but...that's the same towel I'm going to use for the shower! I don't want to dry myself with a cum-covered towel! So he cleaned me up with his own towel then proceeded to use it to dry himself. Oh, dear! Are tissues really that expensive? I went downstairs and the farang was sitting there. On the way down his boy asked me to take him tomorrow and I agreed. I asked the farang what the experience was like. Just so-so, he said. I stayed a bit and chatted with the boys. There were about 7 or 8 on duty and all but two are from Laos. And they are the good-looking ones. I'll make a return visit tomorrow. ct2005, DivineMadman, reader and 4 others 7 Quote
a447a Posted January 9, 2018 Author Posted January 9, 2018 My guy turned up right on time for our evening session. It was a repeat performance but again his Issan girth meant I couldn't bottom. We spent the best part of an hour 69ing, resting in between, before the finale. He told me he would be at Golden Cock later in the evening so that's where I headed after dinner. He wasn't there yet so I "entertained" all three guys who managed to turn up for work. As I was the only customer it was a free-for-all. Pants around the ankles and cocks at the ready. The guy who first came and sat with me started servicing me enthusiastically. At the start I told him I wasn't horny but I'd happily take care of him. But it was hard going because he couldn't get it up. And it was very, very small. The other two came and joined us - both hung and horny. After a bit of groping they asked me to chuck-wow them. A sensible decision, given that the chance of earning anything was slim, as no other customers are in sight. Both were hard right from the beginning but needed to watch porn on their phones in order to cum. Suddenly I was horny again so didn't resist the hand that found its way back into my shorts. His oral skills were sadly lacking, but I have him points for trying. I decided I didn't want to cum again. Besides my friend was due to turn up any minute now. But he didn't. So I decided to go back to the hotel. As I walked past Super A he came rushing over; he'd been sitting on the kerb drinking. It turned out that tonight he was freelancing in Super A, not GC. He introduced me to his friend, also ex-Solid bar. They had returned together to Bangkok to get back into the business. His friend was also from Issan and told me what I already knew - "I have big cock." And with that he started to unbuckle his belt. "No! Not here! I believe you!" So I had a quick grope instead. I thought about taking one of them back to the hotel but they were quite drunk so I quickly changed my mind. I doubt either of them would be able to get it up. As it was still quite early I went to Screwboys - not intending to off anyone; I just wanted to see the show. As happens so often, a familiar face beamed at me from the stage. I recognised him immediately as a guy I had offed a number of times in the past. I had a feeling he was in the Big Cock Show, so I got him to sit with me. His package was rather disappointing so I was wrong about the Big Cock Show. But he had a lovely smile and cuddled up to me so I bought him a drink. Suddenly, he got up to leave. "I'm in show now." I was right! He WAS in the show! I should know by now never to judge cock size from the package. But the transformation was amazing. How is that physically possible?? I paid the bill - 600 for 2 drinks, plus 500 off fee - and off we went. He performed admirably and I was even able to bottom for him. The chuck-wow ended rather spectacularly. The first spurt landed on my cheek and forehead. Oh, to be young again! I went to the toilet to take a piss and when I returned 30 seconds later he had already changed and was ready to leave. Incredible. I gave him a very good tip and he literally ran out the door. He was meeting friends from the bar. I'm going to take it easy tomorrow. I think I'll just take the day off. Moses, vinapu, Alexx and 1 other 4 Quote
vinapu Posted January 11, 2018 Posted January 11, 2018 and all but two are from Laos. And they are the good-looking ones. somehow for me it goes without saying, always good luck with them Quote
Popular Post a447a Posted January 11, 2018 Author Popular Post Posted January 11, 2018 I didn't go to Bonny massage yesterday, but by 5 o'clock I was climbing up the wall so I called Mr Solid and told him I needed to see him now. Right now! It turned out to be a very hectic session indeed. He must have wondered what the fuck had hit him! But he was a very enthusiastic participant and quickly rose to the occasion, no doubt helped my the fact that I'd got him early before he had time to start drinking. After dinner I returned to Golden Cock for another round with my three chuck-wowees from the previous evening. Two were waiting for me, but one had not turned up for work. Not to worry; I got the cute guy from the other day to sit with us. He was eager for another chuck-wow. As I the only customer the fun started even before the first drinks arrived. An evening of debauchery had begun. Another customer came in and was joined by the only other boy in the bar. That meant the fun had to stop. Damn! And then another customer arrived. Oh, no! He sat by himself. Having been in the situation where one customer monopolies all the boys I knew how he must feel so I suggested that one of my boys go and sit with him. But they were worried they'd miss out on their promised chuck-wow and the accompanying tip. I told them not to worry; we could do it later. Besides, they'd get some drink money and they may even score an off. But no, they wanted to stay. Good for me but certainly not for the bar. Eventually, he got up and left. Who can blame him? He was shortly followed by the other customer. The cocks quickly re-appeared and we got down to work. Suddenly I heard the bell outside the bar ring., announcing a new arrival. Fuck! A customer walked in, accompanied two women (!) and a guy. It was the farang owner of Nature Boy and GC! The boys rushed up to greet them with hugs and kisses all round. "What about me? It isn't fair!" started playing in my head. And who is that guy with them? I couldn't quite make him out. He was smiling as though he knew me. It was Mai. My Mai from Nature Boy! Can things get any worse? They could. And they did. They sat on the sofas directly opposite us and out came the bottle of whisky. With that, two of my boys excused themselves and went to join them, just after they had ordered more drinks for themselves. Talk about being pissed off. I was furious. I told the guy still sitting with me that he was free to go but he insisted he wanted to stay. "Tonight have big party. I can go later. No problem." What a sweetie! Big party? What an understatement. Along with the whisky they were drinking tequila shots and before long the guys were roaring drunk and the farang's wife had dragged the guys onto the dance floor. The manager was furiously phoning the guys who hadn't bothered to come to the bar to quickly get their arses over here and before too long they started to arrive. My boy explained the situation. The owner lives overseas but comes to Thailand every now and then to party with the boys from both bars. I remember later year when he turned up one evening to Nature Boy, and the same thing happened - it was party time. The boy I was sitting with at the time told me he often takes boys from the bar on a holiday where all kinds of "activities" take place. Lucky bastard! And I now know why two of my guys suddenly deserted me. Apart from plying them with copious amounts of alcohol, he tips each boy 1000, plus another 1000 if they dance with his wife. So I fully understand what they did and am ok with it . Business is business and there was no way they'd be getting that kind of money from me. I no longer had a problem with them. I watched Mai flirting with the wife and I must admit to feeling a little jealous. He was my Mai! My regular guy! Keep your hands off him! I felt terrible. But I still had my sweetie sitting with me. He was in no hurry to leave. And he still had a hard -on and encouraged me to play with him over his shorts. It was time to leave. My night was well and truly over. I couldn't bear watching Mai carrying on with the woman. But I felt happy for my guy because I knew he'd get his 1000 baht tip, plus he was still sober enough to dance and thus earn his bonus 1000. I'm not sure about the others, though. I mean, dancing involves remaining upright, doesn't it? I don't think rolling on the floor counts. Before I left I managed to speak to Mai to arrange a session. He'll probably be occupied for another night or so but we agreed to meet at Nature Boy as soon as the farang has gone home. He wasn't sure when that would be. Mai is a smart boy. He was drinking very slowly as he knew he'd have to perform later. And that is one lucky woman. Mai is hung like a donkey. I gave my guy an extra large tip, equivalent to the chuck-wow he missed out on, thanked him profusely and left feeling sad and sorry for myself. One thing is for sure. There will be nobody turning up for work this afternoon, as the party was destined to go on until the early hours of the morning. On the way I ran into Mr Solid who was standing on the road outside Super A. I immediately invited him back to the hotel for round two. As we were walking to my room I wondered if I'd done the right thing. He'd been drinking and this might have an adverse affect on his performance. But he got it up quickly and we enjoyed another torrid session of 69. Oh, his cock is magnificent! And it was a hard as an iron rod. His cock was hard when I had my lips wrapped around it giving him constant stimulation. But when it came to the fucking stage he had trouble keeping it up. The iPad! Show him some porn! That will do the trick! I watched on in awe as his cock suddenly stood to attention even though he hadn't chosen a movie yet. Just the thought of seeing porn had made him horny. It worked a treat. I got over the initial pain and he slid it all the way in. At last! I can do it! Afterwards we sat and chatted as he drank his way through the mini-bar. All ended well. Today I'm going to start with Bonny. Moses, Alexx, ct2005 and 3 others 6 Quote
reader Posted January 11, 2018 Posted January 11, 2018 At the risk of repeating myself, GC is as much a social club for the guys as it is a hands-on bar. But happy to see that your evening ended in bliss. Quote
a447a Posted January 11, 2018 Author Posted January 11, 2018 ....GC is as much a social club for the guys as it is a hands-on bar.Yes, you're spot on. It's a party bar for a bunch of mates who are sometimes rudely interrupted by farang who walk in off the street. That's why it's important to form an ongoing relationship with a couple of guys there who take your fantasy. If you turn up on a night when those guys are working, you'll be fine. The others will probably ignore you in favour of chatting amongst themselves or sharing Facebook pics. But I still think they are a lovely bunch of guys. Quote
vinapu Posted January 12, 2018 Posted January 12, 2018 . Just the thought of seeing porn had made him horny. that's very funny sentence Quote
a447a Posted January 12, 2018 Author Posted January 12, 2018 I've been spending a lot of time at Golden Cock - so much for my intention to bypass the bar! I've got a bunch of regular guys there now and when there are no other customers, it's full on. One guy is a very eager sa-moker and is happy to work on me the entire time I'm in the bar. But they still tend to ignore any other customer who comes in when they're with me. I've told the manager I'm happy if one goes and sits with a customer if there are no more boys in the bar but it appears he hasn't mentioned it to them. Having fun in Thailand is not cheap and my daily spend in the bar is substantial. Apart from the open bar I offer the guys ( but they still check with me before ordering themselves another whisky), I also have to tip them, plus pay an off fee for every boy who cums. So I think the manager might fear somehow upsetting me. Of course, he won't, as I still get to have my fun. But at the end of the day, it's not my job to tell them how to run their bar, so I won't mention it again. The other night I finally meet up with Mai. The farang who commandeered the bar the other night went home the next day. Having got ridden of his braces Mai is even more handsome than ever. Although he works at Nature Boy, in reality he's hardly there these days. So I just contact him outside the bar and he comes to the hotel. Mr Solid has disappeared from the scene. Normally he'd be waiting outside Super A. I've got no idea where he's gone. But I've got Mai so it doesn't matter. After my afternoon session I took the guy out for dinner. Then tonight I went to see the show at XBoys. I was in for a shock. I'm not talking about the show which, btw, was pretty pathetic. I'm talking about the clientele. In the past, the bars in Soi Twilight were full of crusty old farang, many struggling to stay awake or dribbling into their drinks. Tonight, apart from the odd farang, it was full of young Asian guys who, incidentally, I found much more interesting than the show. There was a cute young Chinese couple sitting near me and I couldn't take my eyes of them. But I felt totally out of place. Drinks 350 baht. Despite it being Friday night, the Soi was rather quiet. It's been ages since I saw drink prices as low as 350 baht. Maybe the penny has finally dropped and they now realise that when numbers are down you decrease, not increase, prices to encourage prospective customers. After the show I went back to GC and spent an hour or so of hands-on fun. Whilst there, a customer came down from upstairs and there was some 'discussion" about his bill. As he left he warned me that "they cheat you here." I don't think so. My bill has always been correct on the odd occasion I've checked it. And considering how much fun I have, I think it's a bargain. I'm actually ready to go home. I'm tired and think I've had enough fun for a while. There's only so much your body can take. Tomorrow there will be no sex - I'm taking the day off to enjoy some retail therapy. I think I've earned it! Moses, Alexx, reader and 1 other 4 Quote
reader Posted January 12, 2018 Posted January 12, 2018 Then tonight I went to see the show at XBoys. I was in for a shock. I'm not talking about the show which, btw, was pretty pathetic. I'm talking about the clientele. In the past, the bars in Soi Twilight were full of crusty old farang, many struggling to stay awake or dribbling into their drinks. Tonight, apart from the odd farang, it was full of young Asian guys who, incidentally, I found much more interesting than the show. There was a cute young Chinese couple sitting near me and I couldn't take my eyes of them. But I felt totally out of place. Drinks 350 baht. Despite it being Friday night, the Soi was rather quiet The presence of young Chinese guys on Twilight (and also on 4) certainly drew my attention on last trip. They come alone, in groups and are a far cry from the package tourists who occasionally pass through behind a flag bearer. They appear to be seasoned travelers and very much at ease. Thanks for an entertaining report. Now go out and pamper yourself. Quote
vinapu Posted January 13, 2018 Posted January 13, 2018 Having fun in Thailand is not cheap and my daily spend in the bar is substantial........ Tomorrow there will be no sex - I'm taking the day off to enjoy some retail therapy. I think I've earned it! you may find that it was better to stay in bar, cheaper and no stuff to carry home you don't really need santosh108 1 Quote
Popular Post a447a Posted January 14, 2018 Author Popular Post Posted January 14, 2018 Yesterday I started off at Golden Cock. A new guy - well, they are all new since my visit last year - came and sat with me again. He's new in the sense that he only started in this line of business 2 weeks before I arrived. He has only had one customer and apparently it didn't go well. When he first sat with me the day after I arrived I could see he felt very awkward. One of the guys explained the situation to me - that he was very shy and uncertain as to what he should do. He told the boy to get his cock out but I asked his friend to tell him it was ok if he felt in any way uncomfortable; we could just sit together and have a drink. But he took it out and got hard quickly. Actually, I was the one feeling uncomfortable but he took my hand and placed it firmly on his cock. He had a chat with his friend who told me the boy wanted to go to my hotel. I was very apprehensive as he would clearly be out of his comfort zone. But no, he was very willing to come with me. And I was kind of interested to see what would eventuate. I didn't have high hopes. So off we went. Now, experienced boys you off from the bars know the routine. It's always the same - get on top of the customer, start at the nipples then work your way south. But this boy just lay there, obviously not knowing how to proceed. I always let the boy take the initiative but if I realised if I didn't take things in hand, nothing would happen. As soon as I touched him he got hard. After a while I suggested he work on me, which he did with some enthusiasm. I asked him to fuck me and on went the condom. Then he just sat there. Perhaps he was waiting for the next round of instructions, or maybe he was waiting for me to assume a favourite position. I suggested he get between my legs so he could fuck me missionary style. Now, as many bottoms will tell you, you have to ease it in slowly, but this guy just rammed it home. Ouch! I got comfortable and he started. Predictably, there was no finesse at all; he just slammed away as hard as he could. "Cha cha! Slowly, slowly, " I said. So he stopped. Oh, dear. But once I put two hands on his beautiful butt and controlled his movement he was ok. He rolled over for the chuck-wow and finished in spectacular fashion. After we had finished I asked him if he was ok and he assured me he was. "Ok. Good. I enjoy." I offed him a second time and all I can say is he is a quick learner. Much better this time. And in the bar where he at first wasn't willing to do much, he's now loosened up. He even asked for a chuck-wow, and of course, I happily obliged. His gay friend in the bar who is teaching him the ropes let's him practice on him. Lucky bastard! Later in the evening i went to see the show at Hotmale. I was surprised to see the changes they've made since I was last there. The stage has now been moved right to the back where customers used to sit. The customers now all sit in front of the stage. There were about 10 boys on stage and a number sitting with customers. The bar was about half full, which is disappointing considering it was a Saturday night. There were 3 very hot guys. One was a tall, handsome coyote dancer with a very impressive package. Numbers 6 and 7 also caught my attention. You can clearly see the outline of the boys' cocks under their tight white briefs. Number 7 kept smiling at me and rubbing his crotch. He appeared to have a very fat member. He did, indeed! He was in the Big Cock Show and he possesses one of the thickest cocks I've seen in ages. When the boys moved into the audience he came straight over and I was able to examine it. He wasn't wearing a condom. I had a good grope while checking to see if it was real. And it was. Nothing artificial about this one. He leant over and told me he could fuck me. But such a thick cock, whilst very impressive indeed, is useless to me. He'd split me in two. He moved on to other customers. Soon I heard a commotion in the bar. I turned around to see a large group of Western women crowded around him, ooh-ing and ah-ing. Such shameless behaviour in a bar! LOL First drink 450 baht. Second drink 400. I then went back to GC to end the evening at the hands (and mouth) of one of the guys. The bar was in full party mode. The music was deafening and all the boys were crowded around the bar singing karaoke. It was unbearable. Three regulars came and joined me. One of them sitting beside me looked like death warmed up. He looked terrible and his whole body was as hot as a furnace. He was shivering uncontrollably. "Sorry. No chuck-wow tonight. I sick." Well, thanks a lot! Have I now contracted some exotic Asian disease? And what about his co-workers? Despite all this he had a raging hard-on. In fact, I've never seen it flaccid - he appears to have a permanent boner. He must have been really ill if he didn't want it serviced. The other two guys put in a sterling performance and my night ended with a bang. vinapu, Alexx, santosh108 and 2 others 5 Quote
spoon Posted January 14, 2018 Posted January 14, 2018 Most probably that hard on is from using some sort of drug, he needs to get it up for the show. Poor guy, cant afford to take a leave even when he is sick. Quote
Boy69 Posted January 14, 2018 Posted January 14, 2018 Most probably that hard on is from using some sort of drug, he needs to get it up for the show. Poor guy, cant afford to take a leave even when he is sick.Yes they must take substances to maintain long hard on . Great report a447a please keep us update! Quote
a447a Posted January 14, 2018 Author Posted January 14, 2018 I doubt drugs are involved as they would be too expensive and would need to be used every night. Before they come out they stand around wanking while watching porn on their phones. Once they get it up they tie a condom tightly around the base to maintain the erection. Some also put a condom on - I don't know why - but my favourites are the guys who appear without one. Quote
Jasper Posted January 14, 2018 Posted January 14, 2018 Once at Jupiter, mamasan was passing a big bag of rubber bands to #69 I asked what’s that for and #69 told me that is for keeping the erection. So probably the simple rubber band then. Quote
vinapu Posted January 15, 2018 Posted January 15, 2018 Once at Jupiter, mamasan was passing a big bag of rubber bands ....... and #69 told me that is for keeping the erection. So probably the simple rubber band then. one can see if often in bars particularly during big cock show but I find it unsightly and don't like it. One of BBB boys with an impressive tool when asked why he never takes part in big cock show cited need to use rubber band to make sure he maintains rigidity and he doesn't want to, being afraid that it's not good for his cock in long run. If fact he said "I like my cock better than this tips" , no surprise considering he is married . Quote
spoon Posted January 15, 2018 Posted January 15, 2018 The guy i off last trip also didnt join the big cock show, in fact he didnt join any of the show. He just dont like showing it off in the bar, and of course he is definitely worthy of the big cock show. I recalled he said theyll get 200 baht for joining the big cock show, plus tips. Well, i guess he isn't desperate enough to do the show since he does have a day job to attend to. Quote
a447a Posted January 16, 2018 Author Posted January 16, 2018 I'm now sitting in Singapore airport waiting for my flight home. I'm totally stuffed! Drained, you could say. Last night was supposed to be the big finale - drinks all around interspersed with copious cum. Alas, it was not to be. Instead I settled for 2 drinks and one guy who asked for, and got, his nightly chuck-wow. Pathetic. Customers were coming through the door in droves, but one customer had 5 boys sitting with him. With no boys available, they all had a quick look and then disappeared. Talk about lost opportunity. I'm planning a return visit for Songkran. vinapu, Alexx and DivineMadman 3 Quote