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December trip (20 to 24)

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  On 12/20/2017 at 5:59 PM, jason1975 said:

We walked to Jupiter. We reached there and were seated before Paulsf and friend. The Jupiter boys were doing their catwalk introduction. Show starts. 3 boys doing gymnastics with ropes hung from ceiling. Impressive.

So it seems they’ve brought back the rope show which I only saw at the old location in March. At the time, Mekhin and Mr A did gymnastics and like you, I was very impressed by their skill and strength. It shows their muscles aren’t just for viewing only. lol


Good to hear you have a fun there as always. 


Offing boy , going with him to bar and leaving him to his devices  in order to produce report for us  is just too much of forum devotion.


Not  a bad idea to hook up with boy one likes instead of risking disappointment butterflying. Teaches boy that it pays to be of good service.


Waiting impatiently for next installment but no rush - entertaining boy should come first

  On 12/21/2017 at 2:18 AM, jason1975 said:

T and I went back to the hotel. We cuddled, hugged and played a bit before I decided to call it a night. He stayed up a while longer watching his favourite drama serials on my Ipad. Woke up at 6 and we had a proper session. After we washed up, we had a chat. I had originally planned to only see T for one night this trip but I had such a good time with him that I decided that I wanted to see him every night of my four nights this trip. But it would be only after 11pm at the earliest. I wanted to see boys from other bars short time. He agreed and left. My itinery for today - shopping at Terminal 21, maybe a movie, then a visit to Nine Men massage as recommended by DivineMadman. As for gogo bar, it's either Jupiter or Screwboys or X-Boys. Or maybe all three!


quite a nice way to 'bait' offed boy to watch his favourite drama series for overnight stay, woah. for me, since my off'ed boy mostly muscle builder, obviously they will said 'owh, i have gym training tmrw'... so only short one night stand, sigh...


I didn't bait boy with Ipad. He is already inclined towards long time because he is Vietnamese and has to share a room with 3 other boys. Staying overnight in a hotel room with king size bed, sofa and spacious toilet is a definite welcome change away from his roommates.


I am wondering to myself. Does the fact that i see the same boy 4 nights in a row make me his boyfriend / sugar daddy? How do the other boys perceive this? As we are all aware, word about customers spreads quickly among the boys.


Wow.  I am very happy it worked out for you.  I'm a bit terrified to recommend places in case one of you guys has a bad experience....


I'm heading over to see my regular -- not Aek  ;)  -- at Nine right now, especially happy it worked out well for you.

  On 12/21/2017 at 5:05 AM, jason1975 said:

I am wondering to myself. Does the fact that i see the same boy 4 nights in a row make me his boyfriend / sugar daddy? How do the other boys perceive this? As we are all aware, word about customers spreads quickly among the boys.


Don't think it makes you his sugar daddy because you're both engaged in an exchange: his service for your baht. If you were just dispensing baht without receiving service, it's clearly a gift that would fall under the SD category.  In any case, what ultimately matters is that you were satisfied with the outcome.


The boys are quick to compare is the amount you pay for massage, ST or LT. So it's good to be aware that you'll be judged that way but I wouldn't let that push me to overpay for inferior service (beyond, of course, the minimum if one applies).  When i look back on what I paid during a trip, it's usually on LT where there's the most divergence. 

  On 12/21/2017 at 5:05 AM, jason1975 said:

I am wondering to myself. Does the fact that i see the same boy 4 nights in a row make me his boyfriend / sugar daddy? How do the other boys perceive this? As we are all aware, word about customers spreads quickly among the boys.

Taking the same boy 4 nights in a row doesn't make you a sugar daddy at all .

How do the other boys perceive this? -It doesn't really matter the most important thing is that you do enjoy the boy company for LT,If I were you I wouldn't care how other boys perceive this.

  On 12/21/2017 at 5:05 AM, jason1975 said:

I am wondering to myself. Does the fact that i see the same boy 4 nights in a row make me his boyfriend / sugar daddy? How do the other boys perceive this? As we are all aware, word about customers spreads quickly among the boys.


Since your main off is aware that you are having short times before meeting him at 11, the word will be out that you are available to others.  It may mark you as generous, but that will only increase interest in you.  As I've reported, I usually off the same boy for my stays in a similar way...he has put out the word and often suggests friends to me for some of the short times.  He doesn't appear to look at me as either boyfriend or sugar daddy, merely as a break in routine and a larger bed fora few nights.

  On 12/21/2017 at 4:31 AM, manuelmendez said:

...his favourite drama series for overnight stay, woah. for me, since my off'ed boy mostly muscle builder, obviously they will said 'owh, i have gym training tmrw'... so only short one night stand, sigh...

don't lose hope , I recall such an excuse used only once to reject Long time off but few times it was mentioned by the boys when I asked about day time meeting ' no I need to got to the gym". Only polite part of me stops me  from asking 'How much gym tips you ?" 

  On 12/21/2017 at 11:04 AM, DivineMadman said:


I'm heading over to see my regular -- not Aek   ;)  -- at Nine right now, especially happy it worked out well for you.

have fun

  On 12/21/2017 at 5:05 AM, jason1975 said:

I am wondering to myself. Does the fact that i see the same boy 4 nights in a row make me his boyfriend / sugar daddy? How do the other boys perceive this? As we are all aware, word about customers spreads quickly among the boys.

no, but boy may try to insert in your mind an idea of being your boyfriend, been there done that so keep it in mind.


Yes boys are talking about us , perhaps even more then    we about them but from me experience they understand that you may not pay them the same his friend got as you like another boy / service better.


Where you are stuck is that whatever boy was paid , he will expect then same next time and from time to time they may try to take an advantage by lazying  a little bit . Not a big problem but existing in nature.


I headed to the first bar on right. X-Boys. I was looking for P, a boy-next-door tall Thai boy with a shy demeanour. I had taken him off 3 times previously last December, March and September this year. He wasn't at the bar. I found out that he was coming at 10 which was an hour away but the ever helpful mamasan called him on his phone and promised that I would see P in 30 minutes. Mamasan got tip from me straightaway. As I waited for P, I surveyed the 8 boys on stage. Not as twinky as Screwboys but also not as desirable as Jupiter. I would say that they are your typical Asian types. One boy, number 80 kept smiling at me non stop. Several others were also trying to get my attention. There was a group of guys and girls celebrating birthday so they got attention of most of mamasan and waiter. The boss, Mama was seated with a customer wearing a cap. And there was me. P arrived and we were both glad to see each other. We hurried out and went to hotel room. We were familiar with each other so we wasted no time. I timed myself to finish our session at 10:45pm because I had arranged to meet T at 11pm. While P was showering, T texted me. It was 10:50pm. "I am ready to go."


I went back to Soi Twilight. T was waiting outside in casual clothes. I passed him money for off fee then we went to his friend's bar again for drinks - I ordered hot tea to fight the chilly 18 degrees weather. After our drinks, we picked up supplies at 7/11 then went back to hotel. Just as previous night, we did some light playing before fatigue overcame me and I went to sleep. T, as usual, stayed up to watch Youtube. But enventually he also slept at about 3. We both woke up automatically at 7 and had an enjoyable session. T washed up and left at 8. I lazed around in my room before going out at 10 to Siam Paragon to watch the latest Star Wars movie in 4DFX.


After the movie, I headed off to Arena. None of the massuers who had serviced me previously were around but there were plenty of other guys (about 30 to choose from). I picked a tan and well toned guy. He said his name is Sam and he is from Isaan. He had strong strokes but he didn't have the sensuality that I got from Nine Spa's Aek the previous day. Nevertheless, I enjoyed his impressive body and tool. Tipped him 1000 baht for 790 baht massage. I would have tipped 1200 if he had showered with me after the massage but well, he didn't.


After the massage, I met a friend from Singapore at MBK then we had dinner and we went to Soi Cowboy to watch the girly go go shows. It was his first time stepping into a gogo bar. He thoroughly enjoyed it and we only left at 11:15pm


I took BTS back to Sala Deang. Went to X-Boys to ask about P. Glad to know that he got taken off by a customer. The previous night, he had asked me for another session and I told him I couldn't confirm because I was going out with my Singapore friend. Anyway, I asked mamasan to help me message P. I will definitely take him off on my last night in Bangkok on Saturday but he has to come in earlier at 9.


After settling arrangements for P, I went to pick up T from Freshboys. I apologised for being late. As we walked out the Soi, the guy from Hotmale pleaded with me to go to his gogo bar. For the past three nights, he had approached and I always said,"Tomorrow night I come" but I never did. I felt so bad and I gave him a 100 baht. He was so happy! The expression on his face was priceless.


T and I decided we would go for massage tonight. We chose the massage shop just outside Soi twilight and beside The Raya. I went for foot massage while he went for Thai body massage. He requested for a "girl massage". Sure. After one hour, we were done. I paid for everything and we headed back to the hotel.

  On 12/22/2017 at 7:22 PM, jason1975 said:

 Tipped him 1000 baht for 790 baht massage. I would have tipped 1200 if he had showered with me after the massage but well, he didn't.



I follow same rule. It's just about impossible to get the oil off your back without another pair of hands.


I think it may be a cultural thing for some guys (showering with another guy) while others have no problem showering with you (which is SOP at Banana Club--before and after) and have found that most Arena guys to shower with you after.


Nice reports, thanks. Looks like I will have to put Nine Spa on my radar for next trip

  On 12/22/2017 at 7:56 PM, reader said:


I think it may be a cultural thing for some guys (showering with another guy) while others have no problem showering with you (which is SOP at Banana Club--before and after) and have found that most Arena guys to shower with you after.

it may as well be cultural thing, I have boy in BBB Pattaya I offed many times including short vacation time in BKK , doesn't show any sign of inhibitions but clearly is uncomfortable showering together so after couple tries I gave up trying to convince him to his great relief. No idea why but I let him to have it.


I'm surprised Arena boy did not shower with Jason , it would be my first there but again , cultural thing perhaps. I think even their website says that shower is part of service including in minimum tip.


The rest of the afternoon was spent wandering around. I visited Silom Complex and Thaniya Plaza, discovering interesting shops. At about 4pm, I went back to the hotel room to nap. I woke up at 6 and went to have dinner at Foodland Patpong. It was still early to go back to Soi Twilight so I just hung out at the bar outside the Pink Panther and watched live football on TV until 9pm.


The minute I stepped into Soi Twilight, the Hot Male gogobar promoter greeted me. I had to say sorry to him for not going into Hot Male even though I had said on previous nights that I would.


I walked into X Boys. I had asked X Boys mamasan to get P to come in at 9pm. However, I was disappointed that P had not arrived. (There's a reason for that and it involves an interesting story but I shall recount it later) I sat down and ordered a drink while mamasan tried to call P.


There were around 10 boys in white briefs on stage. Number 80, who had been smiling at me when I was there two nights ago, was there. I immediately motioned him over to me and asked him to order himself a drink. He introduced himself. He was from Laos, gay and had been working for only a few weeks. He spoke pretty good English - better than many of the Thai boys.


I explained that I was there to take P and Laos boy seemed disappointed. Laos boy then asked me if I would consider taking him and P together. He held out two fingers to me. I was intrigued. Just then, mamasan came to me. He couldn't reach P on the phone. The phone rang but no one picked it up. Mamasan said P could still be asleep. Still asleep at 9pm? But because I really like P, I decided I would wait till 10 for him. Laos boy and I chatted and he moved closer to me, letting me see and feel him up close. At about 9:45pm, P arrived. I asked him if he was ok for a threesome. 'No problem. Let's go,' he said. Now you know why I like P so much.


The bill came out to 1700 baht - 1000 baht for off fees and 700 baht for drinks. I paid with two 1000 baht. The change of 300 baht, I tipped mamasan and a waiter. As I walked out of the bar with Laos boy and P, there was some applause from the boys on stage. Walking out of the soi, I was stopped by the Hot Male promoter. He smiled and congratulated me after he saw the two boys walking behind me. I was in a really good mood. I took out my wallet and tipped him 100 baht.


The threesome, unfortunately, didn't turn out as great as expected. The Laos boy, who had promised much, was a dud. P and I had a good time as usual. The Laos boy was a spectator and did very little. Eventually the session ended after everyone had cum. Laos boy went to shower. P and I took this opportunity to play a bit further. We had to end after Laos boy came out of shower. It was P's time to shower. After he showered, I paid up. I gave Laos boy short time rate but I gave P a bonus. They left and I tidied up the room to get ready for T for the rest of the night.


I shall sidetrack now to reveal why P slept for so long on Saturday. On Friday night (11 plus towards 12), a Chinese customer had gone into X Boys and invited interested boys to drink with him. He would pay their off fees to the bar but he would not pay any short time or long time because no sex was involved. It was just drinking. 6 boys ended up with this Chinese customer and P was one of them. They went to 3 different bars (one in Thaniya and two in Patpong) from midnight until 6am. P said he had never drunk so much whisky in his life before. He was drunk but could still go home at 6am. He proudly revealed to me that he didn't puke. But he had a massive hangover and had to sleep the hangover off the entire day hence he was late and couldn't meet me at 9pm on Saturday night.

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