Guest jones Posted November 18, 2017 Posted November 18, 2017 Jones, I hope you're successful in ridding your belongings of bedbugs. But if you bring them home with you, it will cost you at least $1,000 to TRY to rid them front an apartment. If you have anything larger, cost balloons. Forget insecticide treatment. Best option is professional super heat treatment that may have to be repeated. If it was me I'd dump everything but you passport in los and be glad you didn't bring the critters with you. Clothes I can dump, even my case! The problem is my more expensive items such as drone, music speaker, watch etc. Apparently it only takes one bug in my luggage to travel with me to cause a spread back home. Clothes have been cleaned by Sansuk and I have kept them sealed, Will See how that goes for now. I have a week left Here To monitor the situation and if at the end i have to dump most stuff before I go, so be it because I'm not going through this ever again! I am however looking for a suitcase cover which completely seals the case if anyone knows where I could get one in either Pattaya or BKK? Plan is to seal everything and at least then I can get it back home and leave it outside. Then I can either steam it or throw it away but at least I can assess the valuables one by one. I also went to a pharmacy last night as I think I react badly to the bites and he gave me some antihistamines and cream which has left me completely free from any bites today. Quote
spoon Posted November 18, 2017 Posted November 18, 2017 I believe u can have your luggage and everything inside shrink wrapped at the airport. Probably that would be enough. Quote
reader Posted November 18, 2017 Posted November 18, 2017 I live in a large condo complex and we had three owners who experienced bed bugs over a two year period. I cannot overstate the the issues that ensued that included involvement by local code enforcement, condo board, migration of infestation to adjacent unit. In two of the three cases, occupants had recently returned from international travel and third had a guest from India for a week. All three, following two heat treatments to their units, ended up tossing all bedding and mattresses. Know that you're faced with a dilemma but nothing will compare to the one you'll be saddled with if they infest your home. Good luck with whatever you end up doing. ChristianPFC 1 Quote
ct2005 Posted November 18, 2017 Posted November 18, 2017 My family & I have experienced with bed bugs & cat fleas issue before. For the bed bugs issue, it happened during one of the warmer months when we tend to sweat a lot. A few of us noticed that my dad has lot of skin "bruises" with blood stain on his arms, legs and that he keeps scratching his body due to itchiness. We too felt that our body were itchy at times. Then we saw some bugs crawling on our living room sofa and realized that it was bed bugs. We managed to trace it to my dad's bed which was infested with bugs & its eggs (literally armies of bed bugs crawling at the edges of the mattress & under it, all over the wooden bed support), blood stains all over the beds & smelly too. Apparently, due to old age & other health issues, my dad was not even awared that he has been bitten by bed bugs repeatedly for a few months. When he felt itchy, he will scratch, sometimes crushing the bugs & leaving smelly blood stains, but mostly his scratching action caused his "fragile" skin to tear & bleed. What we did was that we threw away his bed & mattress, spray the corners of his room with some chemicals, vacuum his room as well as the sofa, washing the clothes with warm water ... did the trick to rid our house from bed bugs. What I believe is that the bed bugs need to eat human blood to survive & will stay close to its food source. The warm weather & the smelly sweat will activate & attract the bed bugs. Some bed bugs might actually be from the wooden furniture (its eggs activated by our sweat). IMHO, throwing away everything that you suspect might have bed bugs is just unnecessary & wasteful. The cat flea issues (originated from my workplace) was actually more frightening that the bed bugs ... 'cos the flea can jump around. Hence, spraying chemicals at the room corners is not useful. Chemical fogging is suggested by the internet. But what we did was basically washing clothes with hot water, wearing socks & jeans that cover our legs, daily vacuum of our house. Of course, I observe the basic common sense of going directly into the bathroom, shower & change of clothes immediately after I step foot into the house & before I enter my room. Again, we do not panic by throwing away clothes or things. Quote
steveboy Posted November 18, 2017 Posted November 18, 2017 Plan is to seal everything and at least then I can get it back home and leave it outside. Then I can either steam it or throw it away but at least I can assess the valuables one by one. There is even a better plan. Get a bag of diatomaceous earth (white powder) in advance of you entering your home (have it bought at Home Depot, Walmart, Amazon by somebody if possible, or dump everything you are carrying outside or in storage until you have it). Find a floor space in your home, like the garage, and have it surrounded it by a generous barrier of this powder. Quickly place all the items you brought within this area. Any bugs in these items and those who hatch from any eggs will have to migrate sooner or later to feed, and they will perish in contact with the white powder. You can even entice them to move with a CO2 trap. Quote
steveboy Posted November 18, 2017 Posted November 18, 2017 Know that you're faced with a dilemma but nothing will compare to the one you'll be saddled with if they infest your home. Good luck with whatever you end up doing. Hopefully you will never have to face a bigger dilemma in your life than dealing with bed bugs in your home. If you don't panic and fall in the hands of "experts", it is perfectly manageable with smartness and patience. Quote
reader Posted November 19, 2017 Posted November 19, 2017 By all means follow steveboy's advice and avoid consulting professional pest control experts if your home becomes infected. Steveboy I'm sure will drop everything and come and manage the problem for you. And if I know Stevie, he'll also provide weight control advice and encourage you to rid your home of any male jewelry you might have about. Rather than risk bringing them home with you and then trying a do it yourself project using chemicals you really don't understand after effects of, do some quick math and ask yourself how much it will take to replace the clothes if You toss them compared to the inconvenience, costs and unforeseen events that you can expect if you do bring them back. An ounce of prevention, someone smarter than most once observed, is worth a pound of cure. It's isn't going to be the drone that will cause you the problem. It's the clothing and the suitcase. And if you are still experiencing new bites, you still have live bugs with you. P.S. Stevie advises smartness and patience. If I had to choose who's smartest between Stevie and a bedbug, I know I'm going with the bugs because they've been successful for thousands of years. And patience is the last thing you want to have. These critters have been known to engage in sex and multiply when given any free time just like the breeders they are. A man has to know his limitations. colmx, Jasper, vinapu and 1 other 4 Quote
Guest dale1 Posted November 19, 2017 Posted November 19, 2017 There is a shop immediately next to the bus station for the bus to the airport at Foodmart Jomtien with a machine that wraps luggage in plastic... have no idea if the is equal to hermetically sealing, but may well. Quote
Guest jones Posted November 19, 2017 Posted November 19, 2017 There is a shop immediately next to the bus station for the bus to the airport at Foodmart Jomtien with a machine that wraps luggage in plastic... have no idea if the is equal to hermetically sealing, but may well. I think I will take this option if I don't find another cover for the case Quote
steveboy Posted November 19, 2017 Posted November 19, 2017 Rather than risk bringing them home with you and then trying a do it yourself project using chemicals you really don't understand after effects of, do some quick math and ask yourself how much it will take to replace the clothes if You toss them compared to the inconvenience, costs and unforeseen events that you can expect if you do bring them back. An ounce of prevention, someone smarter than most once observed, is worth a pound of cure. P.S. Stevie advises smartness and patience. If I had to choose who's smartest between Stevie and a bedbug, I know I'm going with the bugs because they've been successful for thousands of years. By all means follow readers' advice and do some math. Ask yourself how much you are worth now that you have bed bugs, and decide quickly if to change your return flight to another city. If you never step into your current home again you will protect it 100% from any infestation. An ounce of prevention? But if you still value yourself, then follow Stevie's advice and avoid making a much bigger fuss than necessary. Although reader has found that the bugs have been successful for thousands of years, so he must have lived with them for that time. He has not lived with me for any time, and I haven't even noticed that. Quote
Guest jones Posted November 19, 2017 Posted November 19, 2017 As you guys have been a great help I wanted to run a few points by you along with what's happening now as it has left me a little confused as to whether I have bed bugs with me in my luggage or if I'm free from them but just having bad reactions to the bugs saliva which i have read can happen or reacting to something else. 1. We know I have been in contact with bed bugs which has been confirmed by evidence of bed bugs under the mattress of the bed I was sleeping in and another occasion seeing 1 adult bed bug running over me in the middle of the night and so bed bugs are 100% confirmed. 2. Since taking action and moving on I've seen no evidence of bed bugs whatsoever, not inside any of my luggage or bed at my new hotel, neither am I seeing evidence of them shedding skin or excrement (Which was witnessed at the first hotel). 3. I have had daily rashes even when wearing cleaned clothes, in fact when checking into a new hotel I immediately put all luggage (absolutely everything) on the balcony still inside sealed bags, took off my current clothing which had been previously boiled and also put this on the balcony in fact I stripped on the balcony. I then went straight into the shower and only then, laid on the bed (in the new hotel) only to get more rashes! I even said to myself that it's impossible for a bed bug to have touched me. 4. Regarding the situation above in no.3 I have read that bed bug bites can show up to a week later. I'm unsure of this in my case because when I have put on clothing which may have been infected, I came out in rashes immediately. 5. No blood spots. I have read that you can see blood spots on your bed sheets where the bugs have bitten you. I have seen none from the very start. Just red welts / rash which is itchy until treated. 6. Went to the beach for the day, made a point of not taking my bag encase it was infected (it's been sealed in a plastic bag). I went swimming, relaxed on the beach yet on the boat home I came out in the rash yet again! The rash is always in the same places. 7. I've been taking antihistamines and since taking them I wouldn't know that I had any issues with bed bugs, no bites, no rashes. Only when the antihistamines wears off 24 hours later do I begin to see the rash coming back in these specific areas. This is what happened when returning on the boat as described above in no.6 I got back to my hotel, took another antihistamine and all settled down again. This scenario has left me confused because I could put the rashes (bites?) down to heat or a reaction to something. The ONLY thing which has me thinking it's to do with bed bugs is simply that I had confirmed bed bugs in the begging. As stated already, there had been no evidence that bed bugs are still with me now, no marks on sheets, no shedded skin etc. If I continue to take antihistamines then I wouldn't be aware of a problem whatsoever. Unless the bed bugs are no longer with me and I just happen to be reacting to something else in exactly the same places as I had issues when sleeping with bed bugs which is obviously highly unlikely. Any input on the above is much appreciated. Quote
colmx Posted November 19, 2017 Posted November 19, 2017 Bacterial infection perhaps? Have you tried Nizoral? Or could scabies be an alternative diagnosis? Alternatively may be paranoia? (especially now that your effective hatchet job on sansuk is complete!) Quote
vinapu Posted November 19, 2017 Posted November 19, 2017 Looks as allergy if antihistamine helps, hope it's not an allergy to our advises here reader 1 Quote
reader Posted November 19, 2017 Posted November 19, 2017 Putting Stevie's trademark jibberish aside, your physical symptoms should be addressed by a dermatologist who sees this stuff every day. I say this even if it violate s Stevie's advice to avoid those with expertise. Manly69 and ChristianPFC 2 Quote
reader Posted November 19, 2017 Posted November 19, 2017 He has not lived with me for any time, and I haven't even noticed that. Like your wife learned much too late, living with you is an option neither man or animal should consider. I'd make one exception in the case of a parrot who repeat your jibberish back to you at random moments. Quote
Guest jones Posted November 19, 2017 Posted November 19, 2017 Alternatively may be paranoia? (especially now that your effective hatchet job on sansuk is complete!) Paranoia causes large red rashes? Damm I'll have to check that out Quote
Guest jones Posted November 19, 2017 Posted November 19, 2017 Looks as allergy if antihistamine helps, hope it's not an allergy to our advises here It's been the same reaction from the very start so nothing to do with the great advice given here. It also look exactly like certain bed bug bites on the internet where it can resemble a rash and as the bites are close together they mould into one. Quote
Guest jones Posted November 19, 2017 Posted November 19, 2017 (especially now that your effective hatchet job on sansuk is complete!) If this was my intention I could have created reviews in every place possible such as Google and trip advisor of which others have left their own reviews as they are entitled to do. Let's not get carried away now... Quote
PeterRS Posted November 19, 2017 Posted November 19, 2017 As with any medical condition, go and see a doctor. Would you consider making specific investments on the basis of financial advice from forum posters? I think unlikely. The same should go for medical advice. Quote
spoon Posted November 19, 2017 Posted November 19, 2017 My guess is the bites u got will last for a while, maybe a week or so, it might be worsen when it got irritated by say heat or clothing rubbing against your body. And a link to a website that seems to agree with this Quote
zombie Posted November 19, 2017 Posted November 19, 2017 My post(#12 dated14 November) suggested to you to seek urgent medical treatment from a specialist, others here are now agreeing and suggest a dermatoligist. I cannot understand why you have not done so; blood, skin and other tests ought to quickly be able to determine the cause and give the appropriate treatment etc and perhaps advise on what is needed for your clothes and personal property. In Thailand easy to get a specialist doctor same day . Not expensive. Try Bangkok Pattaya Hospital if you are in Pattaya or Bumrungrad if in BKK. You owe it to yourself (and others that may get infected from you) to do everything to sort out the problem and simply surfing around the internet or seeking 'advice' from forum members-who are in many cases using guesswork- and who are often clueless has just made your problem worse. I am starting to lose sympathy..... PeterRS, Jasper and rollingstone 3 Quote
Nasherich Posted November 19, 2017 Posted November 19, 2017 Another plead for you to go and see a doctor now. If there's no evidence in your new bed, you must have something that needs treatment - and probably quite straightforward treatment too. Don't wait another day. Quote
ChristianPFC Posted November 19, 2017 Posted November 19, 2017 This story more and more reminds me of a Canadian who has gone blind (insider joke, only those who follow other gay Thailand forums will understand) vinapu, reader, kokopelli and 1 other 4 Quote
steveboy Posted November 19, 2017 Posted November 19, 2017 This story more and more reminds me of a Canadian who has gone blind (insider joke, only those who follow other gay Thailand forums will understand) Please explain to us who don't follow other gay Thailand forums. Quote
steveboy Posted November 19, 2017 Posted November 19, 2017 Like your wife learned much too late, living with you is an option neither man or animal should consider. I'd make one exception in the case of a parrot who repeat your jibberish back to you at random moments. WOW! You must have felt harmed very badly to be able to write such a nasty post! Quote