rollingstone Posted October 10, 2017 Posted October 10, 2017 my favorites if you ask apart from Bangkok are Istanbul, Paris, London , Berlin , Toronto, Rome and New York Haven't been to Istanbul nor Toronto. Liked Berlin (albeit the visit was short) and maybe New York (the visit was very short many years ago). Been to London many times (10+ and counting) but it is not on my top city list...not yet anyway. Quote
rollingstone Posted October 10, 2017 Posted October 10, 2017 Time to return to BKK ... I decided to return by Jomtien airport bus instead of my usual Ekkamai one from North Bus Station.... Train to Phaya Thai and BTS to Silom ... You must be travelling very light with all these transfers. Quote
Popular Post vinapu Posted October 10, 2017 Author Popular Post Posted October 10, 2017 as for travelling light, answer is yes , here's my main luggage and daypack which works as carry-on on the plane as well. Luggage weight on departure was 9.4 kg secrets of travelling light are minimum number of souvenirs and doing my laundry daily myself The Economist just for size comparing as it's well known paper of standard size I also like travelling by public transit and use taxis as last resort, even in Thailand where they are of great value. Savings realized that way are going straight to pay those inflated boy tips. biguyby, reader, santosh108 and 4 others 7 Quote
vinapu Posted October 10, 2017 Author Posted October 10, 2017 But now DH wants to go to Spain and Portugal, and has Prague on the list too. And DH always seems to get his way. Funny thing about marrying a Thai man... nothing wrong with Prague, Madrid , Barcelona or Lisbon rollingstone 1 Quote
Popular Post vinapu Posted October 10, 2017 Author Popular Post Posted October 10, 2017 You have "UP" the game so to speak. I just hope the 4000 LT off fee wouldn't be the standard rate for other clients from now onward. OMG 4000 BHT and off fee and drinks not included... You're certainly a marked men at Tawan ,the wet dream customer for every Tawan boy . Many of us are willing to pay for what we want, and some aren’t. No right or wrong. I was expecting accolades of how beautiful Wat Chelo is or being scolded for not posting more pictures / no idea why but can't upload them into post after initial two / but I'm on the way to be public enemy #1 instead We should not forget we are operating in market economy, if price is too high we can easily find another supplier or try to bargain existing one to reasonable level. Boys tips are not different. I doubt I spoiled market for others that much, not in fact even for myself. Rate becomes standard only if overwhelming majority will pay it. Nothing stops anybody , including me to pay what one considers fair, just make sure boy agrees. Some don't discuss price beforehand and pay what they think they should, other like me like to have money matter cleared and fix it beforehand. It's all between boy and you / me/. Sure at Tawan I may be marked , in fact I was first to use that phrase but with exception of first instance when I paid 4000 LT all other 5 cases including 3 this trip were money very well spent according to source in the know first hand i.e. me. Sure I could stand by my standard 3000 LT tip but I did chose not to spent much effort bargaining down as It would take lot of fun from me. And I was rewarded nicely. In few cases I was taken for a ride a bit, in other few I sensed choice was to have dream boy with me or look for cheaper replacement. Men I'm chasing , older and well built are not as ubiquitous like boy-next-door and twink types and by virtuet of being in the business a bit longer know their worth and in fact can out wait clinet so I don't assume that they will all be so grateful if they get 2000-2500 LT and my advice to others is not to make such assumption either. Some , perhaps most will but it will be those who don't. I already told you story of being dumped mid-bar even if generous fee was negotiated. As Paul remarked above it's our choice to get what we want or to pay what we want, no right or wrong and in fact it may even change from day to day. If boy is too demanding try to bargain price down , if you think he is taking you for a ride, just say ' no ' or ' no, too much ' and see if he will be more reasonable or simply walk out, lots of fish in the sea but for some of us not all of them taste the same - hence differences in rates we are willing to fork out. paulsf, williewillie, santosh108 and 2 others 5 Quote
ggobkk Posted October 10, 2017 Posted October 10, 2017 No, not a public enemy more of a public utility. I appreciate and am grateful for your reports. My visits to Thailand are usually time constrained. If I really want to spend time with some special some one, price is not necessarily the deciding factor. I’ll split my late November visit between Pattaya and Bangkok and plan on using what you’ve noted, and others commented upon, to refine my venue visits and expectations. Looking forward to your end if visit reports and will wait for your future visit. vinapu 1 Quote
vinapu Posted October 10, 2017 Author Posted October 10, 2017 Looking forward to your end of visit reports and will wait for your future visit. soon, perhaps as early as today or tomorrow as for future visit - for now great unknown, need to slave a bit and there are some clouds on horizon in this respect ct2005 1 Quote
santosh108 Posted October 11, 2017 Posted October 11, 2017 vinapu: "there are some clouds on horizon in this respect" Many times the clouds part and the sun shines through! May it be so with you. traveller123 and vinapu 2 Quote
Popular Post vinapu Posted October 11, 2017 Author Popular Post Posted October 11, 2017 Day 14 Before I left home I had really only one thing firmly planned for this trip – to visit Bank Of Thailand Museum on second Saturday as first one I was in Pattaya. As noted previously during week museum is open only for groups of at last 20 and by appointment only. On Saturdays there are 4 guided tours available with 100 free tickets available for each tour at 10.30, 11.30, 12.30 and 1.30. I was prepared to wait but to minimize chances of being turned away I wanted to be there early so for change this time I was rushing my boy companion in the morning to have a breakfast together and see you later. Warned by Christian’s report from the place I took long trousers with me. Fastest way to get there is by a boat and I took Tourist one for 50 baht as it was departing right away. Boat stops at Tha Phra Athit from where there’s pleasant walk partially along river with Santiprachakan Park and Phra Sumen fort on the way. Museum is located in old palace and it was recently renovated, on the same grounds is new Bank of Thailand building. palace new building I was at the gate at 10.15 and guards pointed at my bare knees but as noted I showed them proper attire pulled from my day pack. Then I was informed that 10.30 tickets are gone but for exchange of passport I got one for 11.30 tour. With more then 1 hr to wait I walked around exploring bit of Bangalampu, very quiet compare to hustle and bustle of Silom, had a coffee and even bought decent undies for just 30 baht. Group was split in 3 . Guide we were assigned to was very talkative but since I did not understand what he was saying I had a bit more time to actually see exhibits and palace itself. He even made visitors prostrate in front of figure of previous occupant of the palace, an exercise other groups were spared- I took pains to check. As a republican I skipped that part as well . But it was interesting and a bit out of ordinary tourist experience, it was only one other farang in our 100 strong group so I can recommend this to everybody , even those not interested in banking and money matters as palace itself is interesting and being part of tour with only locals is different experience than crowding in tourist infested , more popular places. I was expecting more actual coins and banknotes will be exhibited though. Leisurely walk back to a boat, again I took 50 baht tourist one even if regular 15 baht Chao Praya Express came actually first but it was quite crowded so I opted to splurge 35 baht extra for a guaranteed seat . It started to rain and it was raining all afternoon , not that I suffered much since at 3 p.m. I was expecting Dum from last night for another few hours of intimacy. On the dot, just like Phet on day 1 , at 3 he showed up. He lavished affection, well rehearsed last night in exchange for short time tip of 2000. It was getting dark when he left for a bar and I marched slowly through a Patpong and Suriwong to soi Twilight for a massage at Bangkok Massage. Namu from there is another veteran of many massages and offs and our meeting today was 11th. When we meet first time , back in spring of 2013 he was assigned for me from rotation so living proof that sometimes blind fate can fix us somebody pleasant and exciting to be with. On top of it he is fun loving so jokingly suggested we take another boy with us and I saw a candidate right there, Lek a bit feminine boy with bodybuilders body. As usual with Namu lots of fun with massage part fast neglected but I had Lek who at least did that part. It was supposed to be 1.5 hr. but we expanded it to 2 , no overtime charge though, just regular 1000 they are charging for 4 hands it that much , I don’t remember really. Too bad it’s my last day because there’s another boy there I like , Kai , muscular with bit angelic face but he was busy massaging lady client at the moment . From there very circular walk toward Tawan getting sights and sounds of Patpong for the last time this trip. It was well before show when I arrived so boys were presenting themselves on the stage and when they saw me , wasteful spender and known 100 baht notes stuffer in their undies , they presented themselves even better so few notes were placed in their nether regions in exchange for a feel. As usual boys offed this trip got nothing as they got their share of spoils already. What I noticed it was few new boys , mostly aspiring bodybuilders , some very aspiring including # 8 , twinky twink of size never seen in that kingdom of muscle and meat. It looks Tawan is trying to catch with those who were afraid to step inside so far. Boonthon #48 , from 2nd night was making gestures of “I go with you?” kind and nothing and nobody caught with my eye better at the moment so I called him over, no drinks tonight as on the last day I need to watch my pockets and told him to dress only to be hit with news that he can stay only till 1 because is booked by somebody else after bar closes. Half night for half tip with steely muscles and great kisser on top of that is just a bargain but I can’t sleep alone on the last night for fear of missing flight. Help is never far there and Dum just happened to be standing behind and when Boon explained unfolding problem he agreed to wait until he comes to pick him up at end of his shift in my room. Off we went , Boon and me , first to Oasis for their signature chicken with cashew nuts. Owner farang recognized me and greeted with ‘ I saw you passing by few times and knew that eventually you will come. Exchanging hand shake with Boon was his nice gesture as well. Then back to the room for world peace discussion combined with flexing muscles for me , all of them. Great men specimen he is and like most of straights knows why he is in the business, no drama , no fuss, another ’you happy , I happy ‘attitude. He did not even forget to thank me for chocolates I bought for his baby last week . His appointment was calling him but he did not pick phone up until I told him he can and even then he told him he will be wherever at time agreed not before, exact words. After exchanging parting kisses he went to Tawan to pick up Dum as discussed previously and I utilized lobby’s computers to catch up with the world while waiting. Few minutes later surprise , surprise, instead of seeing Dum third time today there was some unknown soldier I recalled seeing in the bar. Well built but not overbuilt ,if given a chance probably I would overlook him but since Boon said something about Dum unable to come ( sure he can have enough of me today but after all he agreed for another repeat ) I decided to play along with all this pimping and nodded approvingly . At this time what choice I had, only yes or no , ‘no ‘ meaning oversleeping my flight perhaps. It was a bit awkward but in the room with clothes shed it turned not that bad at all , nice and responsive body , good enough to prepare for long flight specially in view of discounted , half price tip discussed. Gave him 500 extra and invited for traditional breakfast after which we parted ways with hug and still wave of arms from the distance. Day 14 was over. I returned to the room , packed and in 15 minutes was on my way to Sale Daeng, then Phya Thai, train to the airport, fast drop off a suitcase and for a change I exchanged leftover bahts for my domestic currency loosing surprisingly little on operation. 70 baht left over I took home hoping it somehow multiplies before next trip in yet unknown future . paulsf, 1moRussian, Manly69 and 6 others 9 Quote
traveller123 Posted October 11, 2017 Posted October 11, 2017 Thanks Vinapu for all the time and trouble spent writing your amazing and informative reports. Have a safe journey home and I hope the clouds on the horizon do not make a storm and keep you away from Thailand vinapu and biguyby 2 Quote
vinapu Posted October 11, 2017 Author Posted October 11, 2017 vinapu: "there are some clouds on horizon in this respect" Many times the clouds part and the sun shines through! May it be so with you. thank you , ever optimist I'm already thinking about next trip , only timing is unknown sometimes we need to take bad with good Quote
Popular Post vinapu Posted October 11, 2017 Author Popular Post Posted October 11, 2017 Final impressions All of my trips so far were either May/Jun or Nov/Dec so I decided on September one out of curiosity and sense of adventure – how it is in supposedly rainy and low season. I must say an experiment failed. While it was some rain , few times very heavy, Pattaya part, whole 7 days was sunny and pretty mild temperature wise. Rain which I suffered in Bangkok was always somewhat expected with clouds gathering so gave a chance to look for shelter and organizing time around disruption. Night when soi 6 was under water was actually quite exciting although it helped to be prepared with proper i.e. plastic sandals ( no not cheap one, I think I paid 50 $ at home . So in short , nothing to be afraid but having an umbrella and extra change of shoes and shirts will help. Since I always do my laundry , humid in the air made drying slow process. It was not as hot as I expected which was good news for me since I hate the heat. As for low season , boys were complaining but really when they don’t ? It was some difference comparing to say last December but not dramatic one . Bars usually crowded ( Jupiter, Tawan , BBB ) had good crowds. The same goes about number of boys in bars. Fame had it they may be heading home but they were working in good numbers and there was always good selection. Can’t comment on number of offs but at least I did my part. Only time when I saw low season in full swing was Dongtan Beach , almost empty at mid-day but this could be timing / lunch time/ So I definitely can recommend September trip. Most boys I wanted to see were there although two key ones were MIA, Boy from Tawan found another job and Bank from BBB took some time off but this could happen anytime. #42 from Jupiter did not show up and I had great hopes to nail him somehow but finally managed to off #60 Tam from Boy66. It was nice to see M at Senso and James in Arena back as rumors were they left for good when I was there last time. All offs with exception of one from Toy Boys were somewhere between good to excellent and even that twink was far from disaster, just bit less than OK. Nicest surprise was Art from BBB with his massage skills and M from Senso return to the field. Market economy worked perfect this trip , while some reader expressed reservations about my tipping practices there’s no doubt in my mind that quality went up with price paid. I regret Art did not want to avail himself to Long Time and I did not have time to off super handsome Cambodian I spotted at BBB at end of stay in Boyztown. Second time in row I liked Pattaya part a bit better than Bangkok one thank to boys from BBB and Copa massage in main part, not that it was anything wrong with BKK boys. It was great pleasure to meet our members Paulsf, Christian PFC, Williewillie and Aussie_, thank you guys for your time. Christian as always found some interesting , remote yet close to BKK place to initiate day trip. All in all those were fabulous vacations and even Cathay Pacific chipped in with upgrading me on return leg. I always wonder if coming to Thailand just for 1 week is worth trouble, effort and expense considering it takes me roughly 23-25 hours door to door to get there or back. Verdict is YES so who knows , I may try it next time. Thank you for reading those reports , if I bored you with too much or not enough detail send me a bill for a time wasted. Jasper, ChristianPFC, Alexx and 9 others 12 Quote
rollingstone Posted October 11, 2017 Posted October 11, 2017 as for future visit - for now great unknown, need to slave a bit and there are some clouds on horizon in this respect Could you announce the dates of your future (next) visit? I am keen to meet you although our tastes (be food or boy lol) differ a great deal. Quote
rollingstone Posted October 11, 2017 Posted October 11, 2017 nothing wrong with Prague, Madrid , Barcelona or Lisbon Prague was nice (been there still during their communist days, mind you I was a very young adult then). Lisbon nice as well. Plan to go Madrid in 2018. Quote
faranglaw Posted October 11, 2017 Posted October 11, 2017 nothing wrong with Prague, Madrid , Barcelona or Lisbon I know that but these diamond shoes really do pinch my delicate feet. Quote
Jasper Posted October 11, 2017 Posted October 11, 2017 Thank you for reading those reports , if I bored you with too much or not enough detail send me a bill for a time wasted. Dear Vinapu, The pleasure is all mine. Thank you for your time and effort to create such a fabulous trip report. I loved reading about detailed daily activities like what you ate, what you bought and of course your review of gogo bars, massages, all the information about who you offed, long/short time, tip you paid, your impression of the boys etc. However what I loved most was what you didn’t write. It was your respect for the boys and how graciously you treated them. I am happy to hear you had a fabulous time in Thailand. I wish you all the best for future trips. P.S. Did I miss your daredevil motorcycle ride to Hua Lamphong? faranglaw and vinapu 2 Quote
Nasherich Posted October 11, 2017 Posted October 11, 2017 Really enjoyed reading your trip reports Vinapu. And thanks for mentioning Bank of Thailand museum, something I had overlooked but will add to my next visit. vinapu 1 Quote
vinapu Posted October 11, 2017 Author Posted October 11, 2017 Could you announce the dates of your future (next) visit? I am keen to meet you although our tastes (be food or boy lol) differ a great deal. nothing planned right now other than I will return in the unknown future as soon as I will be able to financially / you know , all those tips/ I will be happy to meet you there as well, different tastes are no problem, we won't be eating from the same plate and bar hopping with somebody of different taste in boys is as interesting as with those with whom I share the same . I don't have any prejudices, can look at , sit with and stuff 100 into any boy briefs, just only some are offing material for me. rollingstone 1 Quote
vinapu Posted October 11, 2017 Author Posted October 11, 2017 P.S. Did I miss your daredevil motorcycle ride to Hua Lamphong? it was not dearedevil at all, Oud is proud owner of his new possession and was driving with dignity of somebody approaching retirement rather than on one wheel only. Quote
vinapu Posted October 11, 2017 Author Posted October 11, 2017 And thanks for mentioning Bank of Thailand museum, something I had overlooked but will add to my next visit. I can recommend, easy to get to and less mainstream sightseeing than all those crowds in ' must-see' places like Wat Arun or soi 4. Quote
Popular Post reader Posted October 11, 2017 Popular Post Posted October 11, 2017 Your play-by-play reports of this trip appear to reflect a more adventurous vinapu who has evolved from an old Thailand hand who primarily pursued good value at predictable venues to one who arrived with an agenda to do things with fewer rules and more open to new experiences. Your pursuits were a joy to read because of their unpredictably. Who could have expected the same guy who traditionally made Bangkok his primary base of operations would suddenly decide that in Pattaya he was having more fun, twice extending his stay there. I also sense that it wasn't simply a price-to-book calculation that most influenced you. Never a cheap Charlie, you were this trip quicker to acquiese to the asking price of the most sought-after specimens and didn't look back. However, crossing the 4,000 baht rubicon put you in new territory where few here have ventured so all the more compelling were your descriptions of those experiences. Thankfully, there's a fair number of members who submit trip reports and we devour them all. Yours, however, are unique in the sense that you often pursue otherwise straight men. Doesn't mean you don't enjoy the occasional twink but you're definitely comfortable with guys who'll will be going home to wives or girlfriends. I think you find them less complicated and appreciate that they're unlikely to view you as potential boyfriend material. No "you love me?" comments emerging from these guys. As you said more than once, "you happy, I'm happy" is music to your ears. You also managed to take us on a few road trips such as the fast boat to Hua Hina and back and brief excursions around Patts and Bangkok. These are enjoyable to read and helpful for fellow visitors. It seemes that you also turned a page with just a single visit (if I recall right) to Soi Six, previously one of your regular stomping grounds. I'm not (and know you're not) putting down the trio of bars there but you've been there, done that and spread a wider net this time around. A few random comments: Swampy to Silom -- I find getting off the airport train at Makkasan station (two stops before Phaya Thai) and transferring to MRT Petchaburi station is a better option than connecting to BTS. Transferring at Makassan is via a switchback ramp that eliminates stairs. It also avoids the BTS train transfer at Siam. Cost is about the same but there's less hassle. Watching the world go by -- I thoroughly enjoy, as do you, passing time with a beer on Soi Four or Soi Twwilight, watching the work-bound guys (they're the ones carrying their meal), tourists and waiters interact. Love it. Thanks for tip about who might be found on the streets of Soi Thaniya after bars close. Hope to pursue this. All in all, you've set a high bar for the rest of us. traveller123, vinapu, rollingstone and 2 others 5 Quote
Boy69 Posted October 11, 2017 Posted October 11, 2017 Hi Vinpu, It was great to read your reports I admire your respectful approach to the boys,you are a good man with a good heart . I learnt that treat the boys with respect and most of them will threat you well by return Unfortunately most of their clients using them as a piece of meat in the market sometimes beaten,under paid or forced to do things they don't want to. faranglaw 1 Quote
Guest Posted October 11, 2017 Posted October 11, 2017 Swampy to Silom -- I find getting off the airport train at Makkasan station (two stops before Phaya Thai) and transferring to MRT Petchaburi station is a better option than connecting to BTS. Transferring at Makassan is via a switchback ramp that eliminates stairs. It also avoids the BTS train transfer at Siam. Cost is about the same but there's less hassle. It does kind of depend on where your hotel is with respect to the stations. With the skytrain, I can see more & I think there is less walking, which always helps when with luggage. I have no idea which is quickest. Quote
Popular Post paulsf Posted October 12, 2017 Popular Post Posted October 12, 2017 Boy69, where do you get your statistics that MOST clients rip off and hurt their boys ? There is always a bad apple on both sides, but I’m willing to bet the percentage is on the lower side. ggobkk, ChristianPFC, vinapu and 2 others 5 Quote
vinapu Posted October 12, 2017 Author Posted October 12, 2017 I learnt that treat the boys with respect and most of them will threat you well by return Unfortunately most of their clients using them as a piece of meat in the market sometimes beaten,under paid or forced to do things they don't want to. I treat them with respect for shocking reason, almost universally I simply like them. Since I prefer long time I'm trying to make sure they will be happy, It's why I ask them if they are hungry , offer them drinks, buy them something at 7/11 if I sense they like it but don't have audacity to ask and treat them to a breakfast in the morning if they wish. I doubt they are treated badly by many clients, they are on their territory and it would be easy for them to organize retaliatory action against mistreating client. Often I ask them about problematic clients and they rarely complain. Truth is since I deal with more mature men they are not that easy to abuse anyways but I sense that even twinks can easy find defenders. It's small world of boys and punters . With the skytrain, I can see more & I think there is less walking, which always helps when with luggage. I also prefer BTS to MRT because it's elevated and I can see my beloved Bangkok from above. Luggage those days when even back packs have wheels is no problem but I travel light anyways Boy69, where do you get your statistics that MOST clients rip off and hurt their boys ? There is always a bad apple on both sides, but I’m willing to bet the percentage is on the lower side. I do agree, if abuse would be problem , you of all people with your contacts in soi Twilight had been complained to often. Bad apples do exist and it pays not to be too rosy glassed but my assessment is no more than 3% of my offs in the past tuned to be assholes to some degree, 10 times more were absolutely fantastic and rest between Ok and gem. Only once I was witness of commotion between boy and customer and once it happened in my own room. paulsf 1 Quote