ChristianPFC Posted June 17, 2017 Posted June 17, 2017 In my long experience of visiting gay saunas in many cities around the globe, including BKK, I have never found a place where customers felt free to bring cameras into the sauna and take pictures of each other to preserve memories of their encounters. Mobile phones or other recording devices are forbidden in all saunas I have been to.
steveboy Posted June 17, 2017 Posted June 17, 2017 For me it's academic anyways since I very rarely take pictures of people, any people. I mostly take or pose in pictures of people who are or were important in my life. I have a very good memory of the past but I spend most of my time in the present. The majority of my photo records were taken to show to others where I was and what I have done, but this does not include my sexual experiences, which are MY privacy. My emotional involvement with casual sex partners is very short lived. After the fact I don't need to remember their detailed image but the sexual experience and their personality. Like ChristianPFC wrote, photos in gay saunas are prohibited for obvious reasons. Also in sex encounters with guys at their place, my place, or in the bushes, taking mutual pictures there never crossed my mind. If a short friendship ensued, the picture was of a friend, not a sex partner. But I still need to gain experience in offing gogo boys and I am open minded, so now carrying my smartphone with a good camera I will see if I feel the need to use it. Meanwhile, I can always go to my picture collection of A+ models and imagine remembering that I met them and we had great sex.
vinapu Posted June 17, 2017 Posted June 17, 2017 My problem with pictures is that I don't read them well. Whet I see in the picture and in reality is often two different things, specially when it come to people. With boys quite often I see somebody unattractive in the photo while in the flesh he IS SOMETHING. It's why I don't take many pictures if any at all. Specially misleading are ones posted in various websites. In now defunct UNIMAN there was boy named Art, one of most handsome Thai boys I ever had contact with and yet , his picture on their website was showing him extremely unattractive for my eyes. It's why I prefer face to face experience in massages or bars to picking company on websites or apps. .
Alexx Posted June 17, 2017 Posted June 17, 2017 I'm in the no photos camp, but I think I get numazu's point. People are different, some like to dwell on the past or recall past experiences, others are more focused on the future and/or have no time for extended trips down memory lane. I don't think there's anything wrong with taking photos as long as it's agreed on, and many Thai guys are definitely just like numazu described himself in that regard, they document their lives in photos as well.
Travellerdave Posted June 17, 2017 Posted June 17, 2017 Going back to my earlier post in which I talked about the difficulties before digital cameras. I think it was maybe 12 years ago when I acquired my first one and I found that having the capacity to take large numbers of shots to be a big advantage which I readily exploited. I took pictures of everything but my favourite subject was money boys that I had offed. Some of course refused, but one boy was particularly co-operative and I took a number of pics of him naked, wearing jocks and g-strings and generally looking horny. I tried to get shots of us both in bed but somehow these were never any good. I tipped him well but a condition of the photo shoots was for him to have prints of the ones he liked such as on the beach or on the boat to Koh Larn. We went to a print shop on Soi Buakhow with the card and I thought that I would be able to select these shots, not the naughty ones However the guy in the shop displayed the whole lot on a screen in front of other customers to the intense embarrassment of the boy who virtually ran out. I did get the prints he wanted but the episode upset both him and me for the rest of the day and I still regret it. An example of FACE - so important to the Thais. kokopelli and ChristianPFC 2
vinapu Posted June 17, 2017 Posted June 17, 2017 However the guy in the shop displayed the whole lot on a screen in front of other customers to the intense embarrassment of the boy ... no surprise here
ggobkk Posted June 17, 2017 Posted June 17, 2017 It may be a generational thing, as Numazu speculates. This past trip, I was surprised by the number of boys wanting to have a photo taken of them! I tell them I'll take the photo with teir phone. I checked my iPhone after I started reading this thread and find that I have several thousand photos in the cloud. Looking at the earliest ones, I find that what's in the photo doesn't always match my memory. I prefer the memory to the actuality. Yes, it's generational.
steveboy Posted June 17, 2017 Posted June 17, 2017 Yes, it's generational. Yes, it is generational, the new generation does not need to remember photos they took 40 years ago. But I think the difference is mostly technological. Previous generations didn't have digital cameras and smartphones with automatic settings. It used to cost money in film, processing, prints and some skills to get decent photos. The cost of a photo today is zero. And all it takes is to press a button. The older generations we can take photos as good as the youngest generation. What may be different is that we are more selective, and we don't like to deal with so many photos. Then came Picasa and later programs that do face recognition and organize tons of pictures. Again, seniors we can play with these programs as good as juniors. But we recognize that life is short, and we have more interesting things to do. PeterRS 1
vinapu Posted June 18, 2017 Posted June 18, 2017 Then came Picasa and later programs that do face recognition and organize tons of pictures. Again, seniors we can play with these programs as good as juniors. But we recognize that life is short, and we have more interesting things to do. +1
jason1975 Posted June 18, 2017 Author Posted June 18, 2017 Thanks very much for all your sharing. One thing i've fantasized about is being photographer for a porn film hence the creation of this post. My big wish is to get two or three boys in a photoshoot with a storyline. Now that i find out that many boys nowadays are not camera shy, i shall go recruit willing boys. Probably need a mamasan to help ask the boys if they willing to do it. Not sure about getting boys from same bar or different bars. If you were me, how would you do it? hanan 1
rollingstone Posted June 18, 2017 Posted June 18, 2017 I am not into taking pictures of others or myself, especially nowadays when I am getting older. Have been to many places in the world and kept hardly any pictures of places visited. Come to think of it now, I did take quite some pictures of the boys I liked in now defunct happy boys (they were shirtless at 'best') with their agreements (but we were pretty tipsy anyway:)). Some boys wanted to take photos together with me (no naughty pictures of course) which I always declined. I don't want to see my pictures appear in some social media. At any rate I am not photogenic in the first place. kokopelli 1
hanan Posted June 18, 2017 Posted June 18, 2017 Probably need a mamasan to help ask the boys if they willing to do it. Not sure about getting boys from same bar or different bars. Getting the mamasan involved will probably double your spendings. Just ask some boy if he wants do do it and if he knows some more boys that are up for it. vinapu and ChristianPFC 2
Guest samebb Posted June 18, 2017 Posted June 18, 2017 Thanks very much for all your sharing. One thing i've fantasized about is being photographer for a porn film hence the creation of this post. My big wish is to get two or three boys in a photoshoot with a storyline. Now that i find out that many boys nowadays are not camera shy, i shall go recruit willing boys. Probably need a mamasan to help ask the boys if they willing to do it. Not sure about getting boys from same bar or different bars. If you were me, how would you do it? Your fantasy maybe, but keep in mind that production of pornography is strictly illegal in Thailand, even for personal use. It is also heavily enforced. A quick search on google will show you many news stories of westerners rotting in Thai prisons thinking they can get away with it. I suggest any photography you do decide to produce in Thailand contains no nudity, or at least nothing sexual. I don't know the actual wording of the laws, so best to be as safe as possible. You never know if that boy might run to the local police and grass you up for a bit of money. The Thai's love a good news story catching a Westerner breaking sex related laws here. Makes them look good internationally, in their eyes. There is actually no country in this part of Asia that allows pornography. That being production or consumption. While I don't think anyone should be breaking the laws in any country they visit, if you really plan to do anything along these lines in Asia, Thailand is likely the worst place to do it. Try Manila..... Sorry to "piss on your bonfire" so to speak. I think we would all love to see more gay porn coming out of Thailand. Stay safe and have fun!
jason1975 Posted June 18, 2017 Author Posted June 18, 2017 Very sensible advice, samebb. Thanks much. Shall drop idea of taking photos and just enjoy time with the boys.
PeterRS Posted June 18, 2017 Posted June 18, 2017 My big wish is to get two or three boys in a photoshoot with a storyline. I think if you had ever gone as far as trying to fulfil that fantasy youd have found the whole business more than boring (pun intended!). With a story line, you need characters. You need somewhere to shoot (pun intended!). You need a camera, a light or two and some makeup. (Ever seen movies with guys with shiny faces?) Then you need different camera angles if you are not going to bore the pants off the viewers (oops!). So it will be a constant stop, start, stop, start, why cant the boy get erect again, perhaps a pause for some bodily function appearing unexpectedly., quick shower, cant get it up again ... Then you sneeze at the exact same time as the cum shot and the camera is out of focus! Try getting him to cum again without hanging around for half an hour or so. Glad you have dropped the idea. Leave it to the pros. Enjoy the boys. vinapu and steveboy 2
Guest samebb Posted June 18, 2017 Posted June 18, 2017 I think if you had ever gone as far as trying to fulfil that fantasy youd have found the whole business more than boring (pun intended!). With a story line, you need characters. You need somewhere to shoot (pun intended!). You need a camera, a light or two and some makeup. (Ever seen movies with guys with shiny faces?) Then you need different camera angles if you are not going to bore the pants off the viewers (oops!). So it will be a constant stop, start, stop, start, why cant the boy get erect again, perhaps a pause for some bodily function appearing unexpectedly., quick shower, cant get it up again ... Then you sneeze at the exact same time as the cum shot and the camera is out of focus! Try getting him to cum again without hanging around for half an hour or so. Glad you have dropped the idea. Leave it to the pros. Enjoy the boys. Have you produced before? This is horribly accurate and reminds me why I don't miss porn production.
vinapu Posted June 18, 2017 Posted June 18, 2017 you both are on the roll with your advises in this thread , 110 % agree with you , leave whole thing to the pros.
abidismaili Posted June 18, 2017 Posted June 18, 2017 Your fantasy maybe, but keep in mind that production of pornography is strictly illegal in Thailand, even for personal use. It is also heavily enforced. A quick search on google will show you many news stories of westerners rotting in Thai prisons thinking they can get away with it. I suggest any photography you do decide to produce in Thailand contains no nudity, or at least nothing sexual. I don't know the actual wording of the laws, so best to be as safe as possible. You never know if that boy might run to the local police and grass you up for a bit of money. The Thai's love a good news story catching a Westerner breaking sex related laws here. Makes them look good internationally, in their eyes. There is actually no country in this part of Asia that allows pornography. That being production or consumption. While I don't think anyone should be breaking the laws in any country they visit, if you really plan to do anything along these lines in Asia, Thailand is likely the worst place to do it. Try Manila..... Sorry to "piss on your bonfire" so to speak. I think we would all love to see more gay porn coming out of Thailand. Stay safe and have fun! Do I understand this good that is is illegal to make a photo of the boy where he is naked? That law is really enforced against foreigners? If so then I have been extremely lucky because every trip I do take pictures of the boys I off. They are naked. But since everyone has a smartphone now-a-days, I think that law is broken by many gay and hetero Farang many many times a day. They can arrest thousands daily when their search their smartphones when the Farang is on the airport waiting to go home. I don't believe for a second this law is enforced. I think only official pronography is combatted, not these nude shots we all take. I am sure many Thais who have sex with fellow Thais do film themselves also or make a pic of their dick. It is so very common.
spoon Posted June 18, 2017 Posted June 18, 2017 Enforcement is a bit tricky but if the boy decided to blackmail u for what ever reason, that is the more likely case where u could get caught. It is much more dangerous if you like those people of questionable age, and have kaed pictures of them. Even if u check their id, they could easily have a fake one and then they can easily blackmail u for money. Yes you have been very lucky indeed. Not because of the lack of enforcement but the boys you took pictures with doesnt resort to blackmail.
Guest samebb Posted June 18, 2017 Posted June 18, 2017 Do I understand this good that is is illegal to make a photo of the boy where he is naked? That law is really enforced against foreigners? If so then I have been extremely lucky because every trip I do take pictures of the boys I off. They are naked. But since everyone has a smartphone now-a-days, I think that law is broken by many gay and hetero Farang many many times a day. They can arrest thousands daily when their search their smartphones when the Farang is on the airport waiting to go home. I don't believe for a second this law is enforced. I think only official pronography is combatted, not these nude shots we all take. I am sure many Thais who have sex with fellow Thais do film themselves also or make a pic of their dick. It is so very common. As i suggested google it. By all means carry on. Nobody here will stop you. Its illegal. Break the law and go to prison. I don't support criminal behaviour. It would just be sad to learn members here ignored advice from people who actually know about these things and end up in trouble. Thai boys and their smart phones are one thing. Happens sure. I have seen the line groups the money boys use. Hot stuff. But they are not farangs. They cant be bribed for money. And it scores political points catching them.
Guest samebb Posted June 18, 2017 Posted June 18, 2017 Oh. They would arrest 10s of thousands a day if they could. And bribe the shit out if them. Dont mistake luck for lack of enforcement.
vinapu Posted June 18, 2017 Posted June 18, 2017 I don't believe for a second this law is enforced. keep in mind , there's also your own country where you can be asked where you are coming from , what you did there and can we please see your camera / phone ? One may have a lot of explaining if they found some pictures of boys who may be 24 but to officer's eye may look 17 like many Asians KhorTose 1
abidismaili Posted June 18, 2017 Posted June 18, 2017 So it is quite rare that hetero and gay farang make pictures of the women en men they off? I don't believe that for a moment. Regarding black mail there is nothing really to fear if the boys you off are legal age. So a 20 year old boy who works in a go go bar threatens (for blackmail purposes) to go to police when you make with his agreement a photo of him? I would risk it. I would laugh at him. If he is legal age the police will laugh at him too, they not go arrest foreigners. It will give Thailand bad press if they start arresting Farang because they make a photo of a nude legal age person by his own free will. Can someone please point me to a link of an article were a farang is arrested for having made a nude picture of a legal age Thai? If no one can give such a link then the above story is utter nonsense.
KhorTose Posted June 18, 2017 Posted June 18, 2017 So it is quite rare that hetero and gay farang make pictures of the women en men they off? I don't believe that for a moment. Can someone please point me to a link of an article were a farang is arrested for having made a nude picture of a legal age Thai? If no one can give such a link then the above story is utter nonsense. You are dangerously naive. It does not matter if they are legal, it matters what customs and the PD think. The least you will get is one heck of a background investigation. Hope all of your friends and neighbors think you REALLY are attracted to adults. ChristianPFC 1
abidismaili Posted June 18, 2017 Posted June 18, 2017 None of these links are on topic. The first 2 are about child porn. The last two are just that customs in your own country can search your phone. The question was: show me a link where Thai police arrest a Farang who made a nude pic of a LEGAL age boy he offed from a go go bar or beer bar. None of your links give that answer. (And not an article where it says the arrest hapened because police thought he was underage, I mean an article where the arrest happened even when the police knew he was legal age and that the reason for the arrest was the pornography law, show me such an article. I think never ever has a Farang been arrested for that) If I do not see such a link here before end of next week then this whole topic is scare mongering. You have then nothing to fear when you put your off for the day on a photograph (of course - but is it really necessary to point this out? - provided he is legal age). Just always check ID, let hotel check it too and you are save.