Alexx Posted June 24, 2017 Posted June 24, 2017 Another - more recent (2013) - movie that deals with the plight of those POWs who were forced to build that railroad is "The Railway Man". I agree that the railway track and the bridge aren't very impressive from today's point of view, but considering the primitive machinery available, malnutrition, lack of even the most basic healthcare, climate and terrain, it must have been a living hell for these poor souls. Quote
ggobkk Posted June 24, 2017 Author Posted June 24, 2017 Kanchanaburi is west of Bangkok. Going to Kanchanaburi in style would be by train (but van or bus is faster and more frequent). The novel is "The Bridge over the River Kwai", the movie is "The Bridge on the River Kwai". Thanks, ChristianPFC...prepositions make for interesting thoughts. The bridge, or part of it, was on the river only after it was bombed. Then it was "in" the river, another preposition. Quote
bobsaigon Posted June 24, 2017 Posted June 24, 2017 Interesting that the novel was written by a Frenchman: The Bridge over the River Kwai (French: Le Pont de la Rivière Kwai) is a novel by the French novelist Pierre Boulle, published in French in 1952 and English translation by Xan Fielding in 1954 Quote
vinapu Posted June 24, 2017 Posted June 24, 2017 Whatever it is , bottom line is Kanchanaburi is interesting and affordable side trip for those vacationing in Bangkok and everybody should be encouraged to treat himself with it. Sobering thoughts putting our comfortable lives in a perspective but also nice scenery and a lot of greenery provides nice reprieve from concrete jungle of Bangkok. I'd not take boy with me for such day trip though as chances he will be interested in cemetery and museum are none. Quote
Popular Post ggobkk Posted June 25, 2017 Author Popular Post Posted June 25, 2017 Railroad to River READER WARNING – this part of the report is a bit dull, deals with my being very grumpy, and touches on a hope dashed by reality… I’m awake, sun is just up, breakfast is an hour away, so I dress and walk to the bridge site. I have bit more perspective after yesterday afternoon’s visit to the cemetery and my late night reading. On the way, I notice one courtyard with Japanese flags at the entry way. I venture in and find that it’s a memorial built by, and still cared for by, the Japanese. It’s a memorial to all those who died building the railroad. Back at River Kwai Resort, I have my basic hotel breakfast (tea and toast), Pancakes and eggs on offer and a variety of cereals and rice offerings. Ya comes down and we go over the day, which means I’d better shower and pack soon. I do and we are met by a Tricycle, the driver isn’t the cute boy from yesterday but his Mom! She takes us to a temple that has a mock-up of a POW camp on its grounds. There is also a film that recycles a lot of the photos that can be seen inside the mock camp. The Tricycle Mom has waited for us and she gives us (really me) a tour of the town and shows its more than the bridge area. Tour ends at the railroad station as we will be taking a train ride over some of the terrain where the railroad was built during WWII. We are early, Ya tells me that the railcars waiting in the station will be filled by travelers coming from Bangkok and that train is due to leave in 30 minutes. We have assigned seats (300 baht for non-Thais) on The Trans-River Kwai Death Railway – that’s what it says in the ticket. Once on board, I find I am also entitled to a cushion and a snack lunch…cookies and some fruit. I am also given a nicely printed “Certificate of Remembrance”. The train passes over the River Kwai and through some open fields, then wraps around some sheer cliffs. We disembark one stop before the end of the rail line. Ya has arranged for a driver to meet us. Transport is a version of a Pattaya baht bus. We ride to lunch which I remember as pleasing and the restaurant having some of the cleanest toilets in my Thal experience. I should have written down more about this spot as the food was good, the dining room was large and airy, open on the sides and a carved roof overhead. All of the woodwork was of high quality. I’m a bit vague here as my experience jumbled when loading my backpack into the truck, Scrapeing something, I seriously cut my right forearm and tore back an inch of skin. I put pressure on it and we stopped at a local pharmacy where Ya found a disinfectant and a plaster (band aid). This stopped the bleeding and we continued on to Krit Raft Lodge. When planning this trip, I became caught up with the idea of two days at a floating hotel with the promise of quiet relaxation. So, we arrive at Sai Yok National Park, arrange with the driver to see him in two days, and walk from the parking lot about a quarter of a mile to the river, cross the river, climb a bit to look at the perfect view of a water fall, then go down a steep hill to the Krit River Lodge. A collection of floating lodge dwellings knitted together and floating on the river. Going down a steep hill is also a metaphor on how my envisioning of this perfect environment deteriorated. It was 37C when we arrived around 2pm. The rooms weren’t air conditioned which wasn’t a surprise. Each room had a fan…but the power wouldn't come on until 6pm. No internet and no phone service (at least on my phone), Ya had limited connectivity. No hot water for a shower (maybe when power is turned on). Wash up in the basin, faucet is interesting as once the water begins to flow it moves from the center of the sink to the right and dumps the water on the floor. Every three floating houses/rooms had use of a barge which was supplied with ice and soft drinks. Our barge h was pulled near to and then under a waterfall. Ya and I share our barge with a group of 3 young Thai couples. One of the three girls has a small miniature dog. Once we near the waterfall she puts into a small carrier bag which she zips closed. The dog is then ignored for the next two hours. As we return after the trip to the waterfall, I learn that one of the other girls has an even smaller pet that she never let out of its carrier. Something in me says this is cruel. The time at the waterfall is enjoyable and as it occurs just as the days torrential rainstorm hits, all the falling water seems natural. I relax in a hammock and enjoy the moment…for which there is a penalty. Before venturing out, I had doused myself in mosquito repellant. I’ve always attracted mosquitoes. As a youth, I’d come back from camp in the summer looking abused – but actually just covered in bites. This “gift” of attraction has only increased with age. By the time the barge returned across the river, some announcement must have gone out on the mosquito internet that there was a banquet buffet to be had and go for it. I was covered in bites when we docked. Power was on, I turned the fan on in the room, Ya cautioned me not to open the windows to keep out the mosquitoes. We ordered some food, chicken with fried rice for me, and I occupied my time charging my electronics using the one plug in the room that wasn’t taken by the fan – there were two plugs. Itching but not scratching the bites and finding them everywhere (well almost everywhere) and nursing my torn forearm, I knew that my dream break on the river was turning into a purgatorial nightmare. I talked to Ya and asked him to be creative and get us out of here in the morning. He used his phone and called his driver, arranged for a car rather than the truck we’d been using. Fitful semi-sleep as my bites had to deal with the bedding which was scratchy. Again, I’m now incredibly grumpy, it’s mostly, if not totally my fault, and… Awake before anyone, including the mosquitoes, I lounge in the hammock on the barge and watch and listen to the sounds of the waterfall across the river. If only the rest of the day could be like this…but the mosquitoes will rise, the power will go off, and… Ya wakes, says he’ll be ready in an hour. I attempt a cold-water shower. I’m packed, actually I never really unpacked. Driver is at the hotel desk, no charge for the unused 2nd night, with the food and paying for two rooms, it was just about 2,000 baht. Driver helps me up the steep hill by taking my backpack. Ya tells me that he booked us back into the River Kwai Resort. On the drive, we check out some temples, including one that is underground. Also, a visit to the Hellfire Museum – which shows the same film as the Temple POW museum we visited yesterday. This museum has exhibits of the tools used by and clothing worn by the POWs who build the railroad. It is situated in a part of the rail line that was constructed on the face of a steep hill. It also has air conditioning, my first in 30 some hours (I know I suffer so…). When I’m grumpy I’m a bit whiny. After another temple or two, they blend together in my mind, we arrive back at the River Kwai resort. I take a hot water shower, plug in all my electronics, turn on the television to catch the news, log into the internet and admit I should not venture too far from the comforts I rely upon. I go for a swim; my forearm does not think this is a good idea. I change the plaster and realize that Thai plasters are tougher than USA band aids and take the skin up with them when they are being removed. Still some bleeding, torn skin is beginning to die, I’ll procrastinate a bit more on getting professional treatment. Later, Ya and I walk into town, check out the local tourist market, I buy a T-shirt so everyone at home can ask where I was even if the shirt tells them. Stopped at a coffee shop for an icy drink and then cross the road and check out another Death Railroad museum. Notice that most of the farang trade is directed to the British and Australians with a little bit of Japan. How do I notice this? The souvenir shops sell miniature flags, those countries are the ones for sale. No Stars and Stripes in sight. We have a non-memorable dinner at the hotel over looking the river, with mosquito candles surrounding the table. Back to Bangkok Next morning (Saturday), driver is at the hotel at 8:45 am…same driver who picked me up in Pattaya (!). Ya and I settle up on the tour costs, very reasonable and a bit less than I’d anticipated. We stop for breakfast at a coffee shop, then on to Bangkok. We drop Ya off at this home as he has to unpack and pack again for a Bali tour tomorrow (Sunday). I’m at The Raya at 12:45 – room is not ready, it’s not 2pm. Leave my backpack with my previously left luggage and head out. Check in with the tailor (Excelsior in the Siam Heritage hotel), like the fit of the pants and add two more pair to the order. Trial fitting of the top coat. Next fitting on Monday. Head back to the hotel, stop into Tony’s Leather, which is between The Raya and Twilight. On an earlier visit, Van and I discovered after a day of looking for a leather jacket and failing that Tony’s was for more than shoes and that making leather jackets was a specialty. The place had a good vibe and I was looking for some slip-on semi dress shoes so reintroduced myself. Found the shoes I wanted, Tony’s manager checked out the fit and improved it. While waiting for the adjustment I noticed a piece of suede leather that might make a nice jacket for me. I suspect I was feeling sorry for myself after my floating hotel fiasco. After much back and forth about timing, fitting, pricing, too much, still too much, no you tell me what you want, no, how about, what about…done, measurements, let’s talk about where the pockets will go, the lining, zipper, buttons? comeback Monday for a fitting. Having got that out of my system, back to the hotel, room is ready. Not as large as the previous one (no kitchen) but still large and overlooking the Rama Road side, there’s BBB Inn down there. I go to the internet and check out options for tending to my forearm. The forums are not too helpful, the care facilities that specialize in treating farangs all have comments about feeling ripped off and inaccurate diagnoses. Not helpful. There are good words about the hospital on Convent Road. Too much to process…decide I need to go to Arena for a massage and deal with this later (very much in my line with my tendency to procrastinate). Cutting thought to Silom from Surawong, I pass the Bangkok Christian Hospital and see a very BIG “Emergency” sign. Now another part of my personality comes forth, this is part that makes up its mind on the spur of the moment (I use this at massage places when deciding on whom to choose). I follow the emergency sign and arrows. This is dumb as I walk around the entire building on the roadway for emergency vehicles…I should have just gone through the main entrance and I’d have been at the emergency waiting room in maybe 50 steps. Eventually I get to the Emergency Room, redirected to registration. An English speaking nurse asks me what I need, asks for my passport, it’s at the hotel, my California driver’s license will do, please sit for a moment. My identification bracelet is attached to my wrist, now back to Emergency room waiting area, blood pressure, weight, and height taken. After about twenty minutes, I’m taken into the emergency room itself, brightly lit, very clean, nurse has me sit on a treatment bed, doctor checks in, looks at arm, says “necrosis”. The skin flap is definitely dead and needs to be removed, wound needs cleaning and disinfection, etc. He asks if I have a current tetanus vaccination. I start to babble about my medical provider told me I was current, he asks do I know that tetanus vaccination is current? I do not, best to have the shot. He smiles, departs, and the senior nurse comes over and does the work. Very impressive and compassionate, she is assisted by two others. Someone slips in asks my name, asks if I authorized a tetanus shot, and when I say yes, administers the vaccination. Wound is dressed, I’m given a pile of bandage material and waterproof dressings to keep the wound clean while healing. Nurse tells me to wait for a moment as the doctor signs a form I can give to my insurance. Then someone will take me to the pharmacy for medication to fight infection and fight off pain. This happens, and the pharmacy is next to where I’m to pay. Cost for all of this is 1,995 baht. $58 USD. I was impressed with the quality of care, the caring shown, and the efficiency of the whole thing. I also knew my arm wouldn’t rot away from my procrastination. I ask for directions to the exit and this is when I learn that I was only a few hundred feet from Silom. I’m hungry and want something sugary. I hate to say this but I went to the McDonalds across from the hospital and had two pieces of chicken and a large coke. Shame with all the choices…but I didn’t want choice at this point in time. Back to the hotel, fall asleep. I hadn’t told Van when I’d be back but indicated it would be Sunday, the next day. When I wake, it’s about 8 pm. I dress and head to Hot Male Bar 2 to look for PaulSF’s friend, he’s a fellow board member but as we never met up, I hesitate to use his Forum handle. The boys in the bar are incredibly attentive. I am the object of the affections of Nit. A few and very touchy-feely lad from Thailand. He asks me to off him, I say not tonight as I want to visit the new Jupiter and then catch the midnight show at Screwboys. Andy from Australian, a gentleman of my age, is sitting across the walkway from me and hears me mention Jupiter. He asks about it, what can he expect. As it’s the new Jupiter I tell him what I’ve read here in the Forum. He is already with two boys from the bar and isn’t sure what he wants to do. I tell Nit some other time, he pouts, I give him 100 baht. Numazu in his report captured the look of the New Jupiter, I took his advice and arrived around 9:30 for a 10:15 show. Given a seat at the end of the runway. Only one row in front of me, but it will be filled as there is a drink order in place. Unlike Numazu, I’m not sure who is who(m)? Just know the guys are very handsome even in the pre-show rotation they look alive…maybe they have to be to avoid the laser pointers. The waiters and mamasans (captains) are sharply dressed. This is definitely a class production. Much easier to see the stage (no enter stair as in the old place). Production numbers are well choreographed and there are NO lazy body singers…this is a plus. A bit after I sit down, the seats next to me are occupied. It’s Andy and his friends plus one they met on the way. To my left on the other side of the end of the stage, an Asian woman with a full bar and bartender in attendance is entertaining three of the best looking boys. Around the stage, the first row of seats in empty until 5 minutes before show time when a contingent of Chinese arrive and fill all the empty seats. By show time at least one fire code has probably been breached. Enjoyed the show, several boys look promising. At ten minutes to midnight, show is ending and I head over to Screwboys. Hoping a Viet, I met two trips ago might be there (foolish of me), the one I met last visit has texted me to tell me he’s in Hanoi and I should join him. Screwboys and I have a decent relationship. In the last three visits, I’ve had two great offs, and one time I felt used as they only had two boys on stage. In that case I asked for my drink money back. I got half back. This time as I enter the stage is filled with boys in the bar’s signature briefs. I’m seated, my beer arrives, the boys leave the stage, a mamasan backs into my table and knocks over my drink, mostly onto me. New drink comes, but so does the surprise, almost all of the boys are now dressed. Only the lady boy singers are on stage. An attractive boy seats himself next to me and if he hadn’t been a smoker I’d have given him lots of thought. No one seems to be shedding any clothes, decide to go back to HM2 and see if Nit is available. No, he was offed an hour ago, I’m told. Several others indicate availability. I pass on the chances for bliss and go to the hotel and sleep. vinapu, Moses, reader and 12 others 15 Quote
vinapu Posted June 25, 2017 Posted June 25, 2017 Good, fast paced report and easy to follow. Too bad you derailed to the hospital on your way to Arena but most likely it was smart move. Our bodies tend to catch nasty things in the tropics faster than at home. Big change to the midnight show at Screwboys compare to my visit in December and not for good one , I guess boys in brown had said something to tone show down big time. Hope happy days will return. Quote
Guest ronnie4you Posted June 25, 2017 Posted June 25, 2017 I went to the bridge many years ago. A friend and I hired a Mercedes sedan that came with a guide and a driver. They were wonderful and the whole day's cost was only $60US. On returning, we rented the movie and were so surprised to find that it was nothing like the true story. Even the bridge wasn't the same., But it was interesting being there and knowing how many had lost their lives. The cemetery was quite moving. Thanks for your report, ggobkk, as it brought back some good memories, even if they aren't accurate! The main reason we rented the movie was due to the fact that our suite at the Dusit Thani came with a butler, very cute. We had nothing for him to do, so he was pleased to get the movie for us. Quote
worldatlarge Posted June 26, 2017 Posted June 26, 2017 Good report. Thanks for it as I am learning about Jomtien area which I did not visit while in Pattaya. Good tips for a future trip! Said before but so sad about removing the trees on Dongtan. I assume we will have to wait to know for sure if the chairs and shops are coming back Quote
Jasper Posted June 26, 2017 Posted June 26, 2017 A bit dull and grumpy? I loved it! Thanks for the refreshingly honest report. Quote
Popular Post Moses Posted June 26, 2017 Popular Post Posted June 26, 2017 There are plenty of floating hotels with AC and non-stop el.power on the Kwai river. I never book hotels near waterfall - they are too crowded and have not best service. Usually I book hotel 3-4 km from waterfall up the river. At evening in 20-30 min before sunset I'm renting the boat, then take safety vest from them and just jump to the river and float down with stream till waterfall where boat/raft is waiting for me. It are amazing feelings when you laying on the water alone, listening nature and watching sunset first then stars. At the end - swimming and massage by falling water under waterfall Some hotels have big bamboo rafts powered by motors, with WC and bar onboard and they do tours to waterfall as well, and tourists may also jump to water and float down with steam, staff from raft will pick up you near waterfall. ChristianPFC, 1moRussian, aussie_ and 3 others 6 Quote
Popular Post ggobkk Posted June 27, 2017 Author Popular Post Posted June 27, 2017 Check-off list day Up in time to catch breakfast, decide to substitute eggs and French toast for my usual tea and toast. Lots of small things to get done today. Reply to messages from Mac of Siam Roads who is devising some touring plans for me for Wednesday and Thursday, I note that I’m interested in Thai history and its connections to modern Bangkok. Head out by BTS to Chatuchak market. First time I’ve gone close to opening hours, weather is cool and not going with a boy should make for an efficient and less costly visit. This is my opportunity to pick-up souvenirs for friends and some birthday presents. All that is taken care of rather quickly and I roam around the market for about an hour finding sections I’d never before visited. Probably only covered half the market. Head back, text Van that I’m in Bangkok. Reply from work that he will see me at the hotel around 5pm. That leaves time for a power Thai massage at Prime. No escapades but my body has been recharged. Had to caution the masseur about the bandage on my arm and to avoid the area. Van arrives at the hotel shortly after I return. I have him register rather than leave his ID. It’s easier and I know he will be with me most of the remaining nights of this visit. We catch up on the last few days, he asks about the bandage, shakes his head (out of concern or that I do stupid things). After some cuddling on the sofa he suggests we go to MBK. He needs a new charger for his phone. Sound like an idea but before we leave I text my British friend who is in town on a teaching assignment about meeting tomorrow. Time and meeting point set. Leaving the hotel, Van signals for a taxi. In the past, he’s always waited to see if I was going by BTS or taxi. In the taxi, he tells me that he knows I need to make a phone call to China this evening and a taxi is quicker. Hard to argue with something done for my benefit. At MBK ascend the multiple escalators to the electronics area, I step back and watch Van negotiate. A couple of years back, he really didn’t bargain, that hesitation is now gone. He’s very good at walking away to see if the price will drop. Eventually, he finds what he wants at a price he’ll pay. We wander around the mall, nothing catches my fancy. Ask Van if he needs anything…I know an open-ended question like that in MBK could lead to a massive currency transfer…not this time. Van says he could use a pair of pants for work. After lots of wandering around…he finds what he wants at a price of 1200 TBH for three pairs of pants. We get some food in the MBK food court, very forgettable. Heading back to the hotel, he tells me that he will need to leave at midnight tonight. Lots of words about helping a friend – to whom he’s lending his phone. My grumpy side starts to emerge…but realized I have an opportunity opening up when he departs. Back at the hotel, he charges his phone while I WeChat with a friend in Beijing. I’ll be heading to China in late August and he’s coming to US in early August and we coordinate schedules to meet up. Van and I head out to Hot Male Bar. I see Nit at HM2, go over and tell him, I’m didn’t see him when I came back last night. It’s time for Van to leave and he asks for some money for food to eat with his friend. I don't mind giving him 500, but am wondering if I am being used (more than usual). I look around the Hot Male bar and HM2, Nit has been off’d – popular boy. Think about offing Boy from Hot Male upstairs or going to Classic, putting up with the mamasans, and seeing if the dancer I fancied last trip is available. Finally decide to give Screwboys another look. It’s Sunday night, at time I visited on a Sunday, there were two boys in rotation and I had to ask for a refund on my drink. Tonight, there are eight boys on stage. One has a chiseled swimmer’s body. Mamasan is quick to bring him over name is Uyn. Little English but his hands speak for themselves as they move my hand over his body. An agreement is reached, we depart. Hotel, ID at desk, room, shower together, his body is better in the full light of the room. Very pleasant two hours. Trade contact info (Line). Old Friend… Monday. Find message from Van telling me he’s at work (message time stamp is 5:30am). My usual boring breakfast. Go to ATM to replenish my cash. Meeting with my Brit friend is confirmed, meet up at the foot of the escalator at Terminal 21. We will then catch up with his Thai girlfriend and have lunch. Sounds like a plan. I realize that I committed to a fitting t the tailor and one at Tony’s Leather. Tony’s is open and when I go in I’m told they can do the fitting in ten minutes, the tailor/cutter just needs to come to the shop. While waiting, I go the pharmacy and get some more waterproof bandages for my forearm. Fitting at Tony’s for my suede jacket goes well, talk about a few style points and making sure I’ll be able to wear a heavy sweater under the jacket. Then to the tailor, pants are ready for fitting. Shirts and topcoat later today but not to worry about time, they will be there until 8. Back to hotel, shower, clean up, head out to Terminal 21 - we use the foot of the long escalator as a meeting point. I met my friend a decade or two back when he was appearing in the West End in a show with Michael Crawford, he’s been a principal dancer with an international ballet company, and was for a brief period a “protégé” of Freddy Mercury. He’s the choreographer’s police for a number of shows and travels teaching dance. We tend to meet up in some corner of the world or another. Like a number of the boys on Twilight, his sexuality is as fluid as the situation but he prefers women. This has not tarnished our relationship. We walk a few blocks to Baan Khanitha, a spectacularly beautiful Thai restaurant with food to match. I meet his current companion, a stunning beautiful woman who is a professional dancer (surprise). She taches me how to make an appetizer from a leaf and a selection of options presented by the restaurant. We laugh, gossip about folks we know, I was just in the UK and was able to catch up with many who are mutual friends to both of us. Two ours fly and we need to go. I tell them not to worry about me, I can get back to the BTS. While that’s true, I also want to make a stop at Banana Club which is just down the street from the restaurant. I haven’t been to the new location and was actually surprised to come across the sign (it’s a big sign) on the walk to lunch. Entering, remove shoes, don't see Kevin the mamasan of legend, the ground floor seems to feature foot massages and there are many therapists available. A host/manager inquires as to what I’d like. Massage. Male? Yes. Follow me. We go upstairs (watch the head) and enter a large lounge with seating around the entire room. Whoops! Came at a bad time, only two boys. I’m told the others just left for lunch. One of the boys, is tall, smiles (Vinapu rule), and why not. He leads me up more steps, watch your head. We go to the shower area and he gives me a key for a locker and a large bath towel. He strips, stores his clothes, and leads me to a shower. He is from Chiang Mai; his name is Kit. Very hands on shower with encouragement for me feel free a to touching. He leads me to a massage room. Elevate table, air conditioning, mirror on a side wall. Kit takes my towel and hangs mine and his on a hook. Massage begins and it’s enhanced by my being able to see him as he massages me…he has a sleek refined body and the mirror adds a level of sensuality. At the end, Kit lifts me legs and pulls me to him, seated on the massage table. I usually don't describe the “extras” this time however, Kit surprised me as he “edged” me for several minutes, bringing me near to then away from release several times. It made what was an average massage in terms of strength and style a memorable one. I gave him 200 over the required tip of 1300 for a 90-minute massage. We shower together and get out clothes from the lockers (Kit continued his ministrations with a full-service shower cleansing). The shower and locker area is now full of guests and their masseurs. Business is busy. On the way out as we go down the stairs, Kit stops to go into the lounge where I selected him, it is now filled with boys. Downstairs, Kevin is now at work and greets me as an old friend. He asks how I liked the new place, I did like it and mention the mirrors adding to the time in the room. He smiles, says it’s important to him. Back to Surawong and run errands, final fitting at tailor; stop at Tony’s leather to have an adjustment to one of my shoes, manager says good fortune as my jacket was finished. Try it on, looks great, he offers to package it and creates a very tight package that will help when I finally pack. Van texts from work, he’ll be at hotel soon but closer to 7. Turns out closer to 9. He tells me, and I believe him, that he has to finish a certain number of garments to get paid. Somedays its quicker, today was more difficult. He ate at work and I’m still processing lunch. We stop at Hotmale Bar, PaulSF’s friend not there. We head out to Boys 66 (old Jupiter location). Definitely not crowded, show has the same outlines as the old show. One very cute boy in the rotation, think about offing him but he leaves at the break without anyone (at least that I can see). Nothing special and the reviews in the Forum are worth a read. I can only add that after so many visits here in the past when the room was always crowded, it’s very different with more on the stage than in the audience. Van and I go back to The Raya. He makes me some tea, we shower together. We know each other well (maybe too well) and use the shower to improve the knowledge. In bed, some “married” sex. Sleep in spoon position. lilbob69, Moses, alex303 and 8 others 11 Quote
Guest samebb Posted June 28, 2017 Posted June 28, 2017 Yup! Nit at hotmale 2 is very popular hehe.... too hot for words! Haven't known him by that name or a while, had to think! Thanks again for the great report! Quote
vinapu Posted June 28, 2017 Posted June 28, 2017 Came at a bad time, only two boys. One of the boys, is tall, smiles (Vinapu rule), and why not. while its good to have a choice in reality whether it's bar or massage we need only one boy so as long as whoever is present fits in our dreams we are winners. Once in Fundoshi spa in north Bangkok I arrived to be told that no boys are available , only sole guy manning reception. Since it was too far to return empty handed I took up his offer and it was one of more memorable massage experience I ever had. I'm glad to hear my advice about smile served you well. Banana is another place along with Arena , Senso and Bangkok Massage soi Twilight I never left disappointed Quote
Popular Post ggobkk Posted June 28, 2017 Author Popular Post Posted June 28, 2017 Tuesday – change of plans When I was putting this trip together, today, Tuesday was to have been a travel and tour day of the countryside outside of Bangkok, Mac, SiamRoads intrepid guide, convinced me to see the Ancient capital on one day, and then see its influences in Bangkok the next. Sounded good and I trust Mac’s ability to create an interesting experience so ok it's a plan. Last week, at some point while in the River Kwai area, Mac used Facetime to talk with me suggest that we move the two tour days back by one day. So instead of Tuesday and Wednesday, we’d tour on Wednesday and Thursday. Not really a problem but I’d had in my mind to use Thursday to finish up odds and ends as I’d be leaving at 3am on Friday to get to the airport. Van had left for work at 5:30 this morning and I went back to bed for a couple of hours. When I went down to breakfast I was the only one in the breakfast room…that’s a first. I text Mac, he Facetimes so he can talk. He’s an excellent guide, but is – sometimes – hard to pin down. This is, I think, due his being Thai and not wanting to do anything the client might not want. So, we begin a dance about when we will leave for the tour tomorrow. I make things difficult for Mac as I ask if he would like to have breakfast before we leave. First response “not necessary.” Then I say but I’m entitled to myself and a guest for the buffet. Mac, now hesitant, goes back to asking about what I want to see, I say, depends on how much time we have and there’s no charge for breakfast. Now, Mac answers that he’d enjoy having breakfast with me. Tells me he’ll call me later on about the departure time (he has to arrange a car). I think through what I want to do and what I need to do. Change bandage. Done. Get haircut, o.k. – off to Cutey and Beauty. Having less hair than Van, my haircut and shampoo takes all of 15 minutes. Mac Facetimes to suggest that I might want to have a hat and long pants for tomorrow the weather will be very hot and we will be in temples. I reply that I understand the pants and a respectful shirt but I don’t like hats. Mac, who does his research, mentions that my Facebook photos from Peru have a hat on my head and I look very good. So, Forum reader, don’t think SiamRoads doesn’t know about its clients. Leaving Cutey and Beauty I wander in the golf area and see a hat the brim of which is slightly bent. It could work for tomorrow and at 200 THB, cut to 140 without much fuss, the price is low enough that I can leave it behind when I depart without feeling guilty. It will, I will learn tomorrow, serve as a way in photos to reduce the size of my mid-section. I head now to Terminal 21, when I was there in Monday waiting for my meet up, I noticed that there was a new restaurant Tim Ho Wan. I’ve eaten in the branch in Hong Kong and really liked it for dim sum. A branch has just opened in New York City and got a decent review in the New York Times. Short story, my favorite items were not available, three tries and “so, not today”. What I did order turned out to be small bones wrapped in chewy muscle. Need to try Hong Kong again sometime…this didn't work for me. Get a text from Van. He tells me he’s not feeling well. I respond that if he’s not feeling well, not to come by after work as I don't’ want to catch a cold before I get on a plane for twenty hours. Back to Silom, walk to the Pilot Pen store. I use Pilot’s 1.0 gel pens and, I suspect I can get them at home or via Amazon; but, I like going to the store when I’m in Bangkok. I ask for help and see the sales staff test each pen to see that the ink isn’t dry and the pen flows over paper. She then gives me a 50% discount. Cut back to Surawong, stop at Everest tailors, shirts won’t be ready until tonight. Topcoat needs one more adjustment. Pants are ready do I want to take with me. Why not? Take the pens and pants to the hotel. OK. Now time to go to Arena. It’s going to be a challenge to see if Arena will surpass yesterday’s visit to Banana Club. Once someone’s been to Arena. It’s easy to find. First timers need to negotiate the building entry way and the escalators. Been there done that, the only frustrating thing now is to wait for the traffic lights to signal it’s ok to cross Silom and any adjacent street. This can take several minutes. Arena has moved up a floor – usually there is a gaggle of boys in front of the shop. No one in sight. I waited until after 3pm so I wouldn't show up during the lunch hour like yesterday. I wonder if I screwed up my timing…maybe, it’s just too hot to be outside. Up until this moment, I’ve believed that Prince had the most masseurs available to choose from. No longer, as I stepped through the door, at least three dozen guys stood up and began offering themselves for my selection. No one of the candidates was more than three or four feet from where I was sitting with the mamasan. Wow, what choice, different forms and faces, sculpted torsos…so many boys that I truly could not count so my “three dozen” is a guess and probably on the low side. Somehow, I made decision (Vinapu rule in play – I use our fellow Forum member’s guide to look for who’s smiling as a way to select. If someone smiles they at least know how to market themselves and probably please the customer). Three good smilers in this crowd…I choose the tallest. Tallest seems to be a theme this trip… 90-minute cream massage. He takes me up a flight of stairs to a room with a massage table and a shower. I didn’t see a safe but I only carry enough baht to pay for the massage, tip, and have a bit left over. His name is Dic (which he spelled out) and pronounced “Dish”. My brain attempts to absorb that a Dic can be a Dish. (sorry, I had to do that – it won’t translate but there is a visual picture to be had here). Anyway, Dic and his dick, which was out before I was undressed, were impressive. His body is classically sculpted, since he was already naked, he adjusted the water temperature in the shower, then helped me finish undressing. I had slowed down as I was taken by this handsome beauty. In the shower between the kissing and the intimate touching, I asked where he was from and was not surprised when he said Issan. He adjusts me on the massage table, asks if the air is ok. His massage skills are very good, not as good as Prime, but given all that’s going on, make the early going relaxing. His manhood continues to grow and is fairly constant contact during the massage portion…the afters are extra special and we both finish up covered in ejaculate. Dic does not rush us off to the shower, but tells me (his English is decent) that he wants to continue the massage for a bit and uses his hands to renew their acquaintance with my body. He finishes with a neck and head massage, kisses me full on the lips and then leads me to the shower where he maintains his standard of care. After we have showered, he insists on helping me dress, including tying my shoes for me. I’m able to view his extraordinary body as he dresses himself last after he helping me. Did I say that those who smile know how to market themselves…Dic has the whole thing down. I give him a significant tip as we leave the room. I get a bow and another kiss with tongue. Wow. Current rankings for me for massage, Arena, Banana, and Prince. (Prime is a different story). Take my time walking back. Van texts, he got some medicine, and some rest. He’s feeling better. He’ll see me at the hotel by 8. That’s about two hours away, I stop in at the tailors to see if the last of my order is ready. No, but if I wait they’ll be here in ten minutes. Ten minutes in Thai time is probably 30 in my time. (It was). That’s ok as the shop is air conditioned, the guys there give me some water, and we talk about the business and where the clients come from. Australia, UK, USA, Singapore (which surprises me), China – but China is mostly shirts. My topcoat is still in the shop, I try it on, and really like it. I probably don’t need it – but I had one many years ago and loved it…so I’m just making my own souvenir. While the guys make a small package of my large coat, I see they have bow ties and mention that. They say they have them but no one in the shop knows how to tie one. My shirts still on their way, I give a class. It’s sort of a success but we agree the YouTube video will be of more help. Shirts arrive, try one on…all is well. Take my packages and say goodbye until next visit. Back to the hotel, pack my stuff into the extra collapsible bag I brought, and Van arrives just before 8. We talk. Talk about what he should do. He can just get by with what he makes at work. He will go back to Hot Male and keep the day job. Needs more money. He doesn’t seem to want my feedback, nor is he asking me for money; he just wants to say it out loud. I respect that; and would, anyway, avoid giving advice as it’s his life. The closest I come to a comment is to ask if he will have time for himself. He says he’s thought about it and he will. He’s eaten at work, (he and his co-workers chip in for food, and so he ate with them not to waste what he paid). He doesn’t think I’ve had enough food (I’d mentioned that failure of my Tim Ho Wan lunch). We cross over to Andaman Thai-Italian Restaurant. I will let the dining experience pass with only one note: Van ordered a watermelon drink…he was served a Margarita. That may have been a high point. Some friend chicken from a street vendor resolves my diet) Back at the hotel, he insists that we take a shower. We do, I go to bed, he joins me, I’m not sure who fell asleep first. reader, Manly69, paulsf and 8 others 11 Quote
Popular Post ggobkk Posted June 30, 2017 Author Popular Post Posted June 30, 2017 Tours / an Off / explore relationships / home Looking over my notes – I’ve decided to summarize a lot of what went on during my last two full days in Bangkok…at least half of my waking time was caught up with touring or riding in a vehicle to a tour site, and then walking when there. I decided it is best if I only reference where I went. Wednesday morning, Van is up at 5, his waking wakes me as we needed to disentangle the bedding from ourselves so he could get up. He tells me he will go in at 6 so that we can have tea together, which he prepares. He asks what I will be seeing today and asks me to say hello to Mac for him. Van departs for work, I take another shower and clean myself up. Siam Roads Mac is on time at 7am. We have breakfast in the hotel’s buffet. He is a good eater and I encourage him. The driver is waiting and we depart for Ayutthaya before 8am. I bring the hat Mac told me I’d need. Mac has prepared some written information on what we will be seeing. It is helpful and distracts me from the driver negotiation morning traffic in Bangkok. Spend most of the day in and around Ayutthaya, visit several sites, museum, etc. Back to the hotel by 5pm. Arrange to meet tomorrow morning for a tour to see how Ayutthaya influenced Bangkok. Van has texted that with his late start at work this morning, he can’t get to the hotel until close to 9pm. I take a quick shower to wash off the dust and sweat of the day. Around 7, I head over to Hot Male 2, it’s been in the back of my mind to off Nit since the night I passed on the opportunity and went to Jupiter. The arrangements took all of five minutes, spent more time being sociable with the co-workers and the staff at HM2 and Hot Male bar. Nit was delighted to get an off this early and off we went. Nit is enticing, very young, a slight element of femininity in his way of wrapping himself around those he is walking with and no hesitation (at least in the Twilight environs) of deep kissing. He also has a killer smile. At the hotel, after dropping off identification, we adjourn to the room, which impresses Nit by its size, we drop our clothes, cuddle on the sofa, take a shower together, and… Nit is frisky in bed, shows that he’s experienced but still new, when we are nearly finished, he releases a geyser of cum. Definitely a benefit to having an early evening off. We clean each other up as we wash down in the shower. I thank him, he gives me a deep, deep kiss. We leave together. Back in Twilight, he offers to sit with me while I get some food at Maxi’s. I tell him to take a break. He does. I enjoy my burger, beer, and fries at Maxi’s. IMHO Maxi’s has the best French fries in the neighborhood. That’s not saying much but it’s something. Back to the hotel, have new towels delivered, Van arrives. He has a plan for us and I let him have his way and do his thing…we do not leave the room. Up and almost away Van up at 6 this morning, makes tea for us. Off to work. I catch the news which is focused on the apartment tower fire in London. Tragic. My usual breakfast in the buffet but add some cereal. Mac arrives at 9, we start with a visit to Wat Po, a circumference of the Grand Palace, the Amulet market (amazing), a National Museum visit, a tour of the National Theatre, and venture into the National Dance school, where the students are preparing for graduation performances. Head to Chinatown for a late lunch, but it’s so hot and crowded, that we head back to Silom Complex and have lunch on the lower level at Jeffer’s. Back at the hotel, Mac and I talk about a range of things and I listen as he talks about how he’s doing on his career. He is still studying to learn more about other destinations so he can give tours in in a variety of locations/ areas. He reminds me that I was his first client, he was a student then filling in for another guide who had become ill. Then, I’d admired his energy and the research he’d do to make things understandable to the client. I appreciated his willingness to change plans to meet the challenges of weather and/or his clients. Good back then, he continues to improve. We talked about possible tours for my next visit. A note: he is aware of his past clients as well as one’s he’s with. Last fall, I was in Pattaya with Van. Mac saw this, was in Pattaya giving a tour, and made time to find me to just say hello. I say goodbye, pack, and Van arrives at 5pm – he took a half day off from work as he knows I’ll be leaving at 3am. We head out to MBK for bowling (something we do each visit) but decide to get some food at Siam Paragon’s food court instead, we get there just as what seems to be all of Bangkok converges there for food. Fun choices and decisions. Then, we have to find a table. We do - near to the foot of the escalator where a veritable river of humanity flows down into the food court. Back to Surawong, hang out at Hot Male bar, Nit comes over, meets Van, gives me a kiss. Van knows me, has encouraged others to be with me, is not surprised, and we enjoy the scene. One of the waiters / bar boys tells me all about my liaison with Nit last night – more elaborate in the retelling than as I remember it, and says, “you have a good heart”. Nice compliment, good for the reputation, and I immediately tell myself “you over tipped”. I visit Hot Male upstairs, say goodbye to the regulars, the mamasans, the waiters I know, Peter and Boy (give each a 100 baht). Leave. Van has waited downstairs as he doesn’t want to get into a conversation in the club about his going back while I’m with him. Back to the hotel, more conversation about his going back to be a gogo boy – which he doesn’t like, but he has to send money home and he only gets enough from work to live day to day It’s after midnight, we take a quick shower, Van wants to shave me so I’ll be ready to leave at 3. I let him, not bad, fairly sure he needs to improve these skills. We then adjourn to bed where he is more skilled. Alarm at 2:30am. While I clean up, Van makes tea. Double check the room, nothing unpacked. I give Van the hat I bought to tour, looks good on him. One photo. Check out…note, either Van or I had cracked the seal on a bottle of water that wasn’t one of the free water, 100-baht charge. Not a big deal, but a 400% mark up from 7-11. Security guard has a taxi for me, one last goodbye to Van. Taxi driver starts to bargain about going to the airport, I just say “500 baht”. He has some English and we talk about California, I like my State, but he has a better impression of it than I do. Airport, driver finds me a cart, I head in, see the ANA check-in, huge line at 3:45am! No line for Star Alliance Gold. Yea! At 3:50, ANA staff bow to all of us waiting, and check us in. My luggage (now two bags) gets stickers that say “HOT”. Then on to security and immigration. At this hour, everything is quick. ANA lounge for breakfast and some last internet. Two “miss you” messages from Van. We are destined to be distant friends with benefits. Fly to Tokyo, short lay over, then on to San Francisco. In line for entry immigration when the computers go down…that’s a first for SFO on my travels. Finally, the line moves, talk to the TSA agent about visiting Thailand which will be her next trip. Find, the luggage from the flight has arrived but it’s all jumbled together…grumble, grumble…out of the terminal, onto BART. Home… END of REPORT, but Some thanks: PaulSF, Numazu, and Vinapu (who’s name I tend to mis-spell when I type too quickly), without your encouragement in the Forum and in PMs, I’d not have written a report. You guys reminded me of how much others’ reports helped me when I was starting back to Thailand after decades of being away and paying back with a report is a way to acknowledge and appreciate that. Scooby, thanks, for bringing back/keeping order in the Forum and making it a friendly place. Thanks, Moses for the support you give to the SiamRoads guides. And, thanks to you who have been reading my ramblings. So long, farewell, until next time… ChristianPFC, TMax, traveller123 and 17 others 20 Quote
vinapu Posted June 30, 2017 Posted June 30, 2017 I get some food at Maxi’s. Perfect vantage point for shy types. One my have a meal and under that disguise survey boys available at Bangkok Massage , just across the soi without any pressure. Everybody who is not comfortable with selection process can treat that as training exercise. Dick's beside Bonny's further in the soi is good as well. reader 1 Quote
TMax Posted July 1, 2017 Posted July 1, 2017 Hmmm Nit sounds very nice, thanks for the reports, only 3 more days and I head off to Bangkok Quote
ChristianPFC Posted July 1, 2017 Posted July 1, 2017 Taxi driver starts to bargain about going to the airport, I just say “500 baht”. That just encourages them to try again. I have paid a fixed rate only twice: when I first came to Bangkok in 2009 (didn't know better) and in 2013 in an emergency situation. Alexx 1 Quote
rollingstone Posted July 1, 2017 Posted July 1, 2017 Yup! Nit at hotmale 2 is very popular hehe.... too hot for words! Is hotmale 2 the open air bar downstairs Hotmale? There is also one opposite on the right side, or they both are hotmale 2? Been to Soi Twilight countless times; still need to learn sitting out in an open air bar, BKK is always too hot. Nit sounds like my kind of boy (also recounted by ggobkk's later post). Quote
bobsaigon Posted July 1, 2017 Posted July 1, 2017 Soi Twilight map (2013) vinapu and TMax 2 Quote
vinapu Posted July 1, 2017 Posted July 1, 2017 Soi Twilight map (2013) map is actual one , only new thing is replacement of Balls bar at end of soi with some open air restaurant. in 2013 Zeus bar beside Dicks / shown as grey area on the map / was still operational, it closed at Christmas time in 2014. Zeus is still standing at front I guess Quote
paulsf Posted July 1, 2017 Posted July 1, 2017 Restaurant that replaced Balls is owned by Hot Male owner. Quote
Guest ronnie4you Posted July 2, 2017 Posted July 2, 2017 MBK...that reminds me. Last time I was there, I bought a dashcam. The price I negotiated is about what I would pay to buy it on Amazon, and the instructions would have been in English. So far I have not figured it out. They gave me this packet with two little items, one is 16GB. They don't seem to go into the camera, so I don't know what to do with them. Anyway, thanks ggobkk for the reports. I enjoy them, especially when I am far from Thailand and needing a fix! Quote
steveboy Posted July 2, 2017 Posted July 2, 2017 I also have been tempted to buy electronics at MBK, roaming around the countless stalls and thinking of all the bargains that must be there... but no. Prices are no better than in the US. Amazon usually offers free returns for a month or so, and other online stores have even better deals. Quote