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Bangkok Trip Report: To Butterfly or not to Butterfly Part 2 – The Devil and the Angel

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  On 6/4/2017 at 4:10 PM, GWMinUS said:


I can just see Steveboy riding his White Horse down Surawong.

To free BurBoy from the clutches of Numazu!


Of course BurBoy does not want to be Saved...



OMG GWMinUS this is the best reply ever. I love you!


  On 6/4/2017 at 2:08 AM, GWMinUS said:


So you also have some Tales of the Philippines...


I think you did well to fly on Thai, but they are much more expensive.

I am flying on PAL from MNL to BKK.

Departing at 09:45 and arriving at 12:05.

Here's hoping all goes as planned.

With the unrest on Mindanao and now the strange Incident at Resorts World Casino, I do not know...



Well yes I have some tales to tell from the Philippines. I definitely had a lot of fun while I was there, both with sex and just enjoying the country. I think my friend samebb said it best, that I can get away with more when I visit Thailand, or the Philippines. I can blend in for the most part, with my Generic Asian looks. The sex tourism in the Philippines is just paltry compared to Thailand, but there is enough free to go around as well. Its just a different experience, not better or worse than Thailand.


Thai Airways enables me to get my miles into my United account. So does EVA Air, which is my airline of choice for US to Asia trips.


The current unrest in the Philippines is pretty troubling for sure, but I didn't feel it while I was there. Are you currently based in the Philippines?


  On 6/3/2017 at 3:28 PM, spoon said:

For me, a blog doesnt have to be updated as frequent, but serves as a safekeep of all your adventure writings in one place for easy access. It will also void of all the rules and regulations in some of the forums that u dont like or agree.


It is true that I can put anything I wanted in my own personal blog. Currently tho I am fine with posting here for now. The readership here (for the most part) seem pretty chill and enjoying the reports. And i can just disappear for a few months, not worrying about how my blog has been doing, because of the built in readership and (not as much now as before) steady set of contributors.


  On 6/3/2017 at 3:57 PM, JimmyJoe said:

Numazu, I’m so happy and very pleasantly surprised to see that you have resumed your trip reports. Your experiences, so eloquently and thoughtfully reported are always enjoyable to read and so full of useful information for the newbie to Thailand that I am. I look forward to every installment.


Thank you.


And do report on Mexico!


This is why I take time to go through a lot of detail in most aspects of my trip, is for newbies like you. I talk not just about the boys and the gogo bars, but also my experience in the airports, taxis, food, and hotels. I have gotten some good feedback, as well as more questions, about these other peripheral activities, so as long as it is useful information, I'll write about it.


  On 6/3/2017 at 4:40 PM, emailbroken said:

No idea how you find the time to both have this experiences and write them up too.  Nicely done!


Its not hard writing these up, and the experiences are still so vivid and memorable in my head. The fun of writing about them again is I relive my experiences all over again, perhaps identify some mistakes I've committed along the way, and be able to learn from them and correct them in future trips. As for having the time to post, I do spend a lot of time at airports, and plane rides, so thats where I get most of the writing done.


  On 6/4/2017 at 7:14 PM, Boy69 said:

Numazu,I do enjoy your thread it's like reading a novel!Great stuff !


Unfortunately, this has turned out to be as long as a novel too. Hope everyone is patient with reading it.


  On 6/4/2017 at 5:57 AM, spoon said:

Cant wait for the anticipated 3 boys off  :)


LOL. Is it 3 boys? Is it 2? Is it 4? Maybe its no boys!


  On 6/4/2017 at 3:00 AM, Alexx said:

Excellent, numazu... you're not only back, but back in top form indeed!  :)


Thanks Alexx. As you will find out, in the trip, I am also in my bottom form as well LOL.

  On 6/5/2017 at 1:02 AM, numazu said:

LOL. Is it 3 boys? Is it 2? Is it 4? Maybe its no boys!


His creative mind is checking out his audience to see how he will continue his novel. 


Love the pacing of the reports.


It's understood that the boys in a club talk about their customers. And that's a benefit is you receive a good grade. Bad grade = shun-vile.


I've personally learned that the boys from, say Vietnam, talk cross club. Last visit, my regular Van learned that I'd offed another Viet, Nuguyen, from Screwboys. All was not lost as Van decided to put the three of us together.


Why do I mention this...well, Numazu is hinting that he has intent to dazzle some boys from Myanmar but keep BurBoy out of the picture. All I can say is good luck.

  On 6/5/2017 at 11:24 PM, ggobkk said:

Why do I mention this...well, Numazu is hinting that he has intent to dazzle some boys from Myanmar but keep BurBoy out of the picture. All I can say is good luck.


After all the time, it is hard to imagine that BurBoy wouldn't know his friend in and out already.

He probably prefers to keep his eyes and ears shut.

  On 6/6/2017 at 3:55 AM, GWMinUS said:

Well, here in the US we have seen how "Don't Ask Don't Let" was not good...


Right, "don't ask don't tell" lost its significance since in the US gays are accepted in the military and society recognizes our rights.


Similarly, BurBoy should freely accept that his friend is affected with pathological promiscuity... or something like that.


Steve is just a bit special; maybe the filtered water he enjoys drinking at home has gone to his head. Nothing to worry about, quite harmless... ;)

  On 6/6/2017 at 2:43 PM, Alexx said:

Steve is just a bit special; maybe the filtered water he enjoys drinking at home has gone to his head. Nothing to worry about, quite harmless... ;)


Thank you Alexx.  I don't think I'm anything special, and the filtered water is just H2O.  

Everybody should be assured that I am harmless.



  On 6/6/2017 at 1:48 PM, spoon said:

He is a born troll. Dunno why scooby hasnt ban this guy yet. So many people have put him on ignore, i suggest u do the same


You use "troll" like someone who does not have anything bad to say about someone he does not like, but still wants to bash him for who knows what reason...  To call someone a "troll" is in itself an abject immoral attack.



  On 6/6/2017 at 1:43 PM, Creditisdue said:

Why is steveboy so down on Numazu? I bet most of the men who log on here are here for the boys. Numazu has been kind enough to share his experiences with the boys. Steve just puts him down calling him pathologically promiscuous. To him that would describe more than half the people who log on here. Is it Jealousy?


Oh... I'm no saint.  I like the boys too, and although I have paid for sex only a few times in my life, I am warming up to the idea of doing so and in my next trip to LOS I will indulge like the best.  I think that now in my 70s I can perfectly justify this :)


About Numazu,  I am not a moralist and in no way I condemn him.  He is promiscuous like most we are here in different degrees.  It must be in our genes.  I don't judge him but I DESCRIBE him.  There is an element of excess that stands out, although "pathological" may be a little strong.  He says he is 36 y.o. but his obsession with sex fits more a teenager, not an adult at an age where one is normally focused on work and career and eventually family and children (even gays we can have family and children, haha.)  If now he is so desperate to run around the globe in search of sex workers to pay,  what... what will he have left for the time he is twice his age like me?  I think there is time for everything, and to become a sex tourist is best for people who have done their duty, are retired with little or no responsibilities, with plenty of time and money to enjoy... like me!


But he should not change his lifestyle for me!  I enjoy his stories like all of you do, and he should definitely keep writing if this is what he likes.  And I should keep commenting like any member here is free to do.  


(Sorry for the digression Numazu but it needs to be answered)


-Your psychobabble, steveboy, is just a way to try to hide that you are moralizing

-You can't "DESCRIBE" someone you have not met

-I know why I want to bash and, without going as high as "troll", the reason is the majority of your posts are just nags, annoyances and bothers. If you were keeping to the thread of the threads (!) your "commenting" would then be "like any member here is free to do."


If you feel you need to answer me, please do so in a PM so that Numazu can get back to his report which we enjoy waaaayyy more.



  On 6/7/2017 at 2:02 AM, worldatlarge said:
-Your psychobabble, steveboy, is just a way to try to hide that you are moralizing

-You can't "DESCRIBE" someone you have not met 

-I know why I want to bash and, without going as high as "troll", the reason is the majority of your posts are just nags, annoyances and bothers. If you were keeping to the thread of the threads (!) your "commenting" would then be "like any member here is free to do."


If you feel you need to answer me, please do so in a PM so that Numazu can get back to his report which we enjoy waaaayyy more.


You are too late for that.


If you cared so much about Numazu, in the first place you would have PM-d me this post with your psychobabbles I am answering now, so as to let him go back to his report.


Of course you can DESCRIBE someone you haven't met.

Classrooms are full of professors who DESCRIBE Napoleon, which none of them have ever met.

Churches are full of pastors who DESCRIBE Jesus Christ, whom no one has ever met.


At least you are sincere in that you want to bash me. If you find my posts nags, annoyances and bothers, which they are not intended to be, all you need to do is ignore them instead of being driven to hate. 

  On 6/6/2017 at 8:49 PM, steveboy said:

There is an element of excess that stands out, although "pathological" may be a little strong.  He says he is 36 y.o. but his obsession with sex fits more a teenager, not an adult at an age where one is normally focused on work and career and eventually family and children (even gays we can have family and children, haha.)  If now he is so desperate to run around the globe in search of sex workers to pay,  what... what will he have left for the time he is twice his age like me?  I think there is time for everything, and to become a sex tourist is best for people who have done their duty, are retired with little or no responsibilities, with plenty of time and money to enjoy... like me!


I reckon most people who believe they shuold ration their sexcapades until they reach Steve's venerable age are nuts! Life is short and I for one enjoyed a lot of sex at that age where and when I could find it even with a full-time job. Perhaps a straight marriage dulled your appetite, Steveboy. No offence intended.

  On 6/7/2017 at 3:06 AM, PeterRS said:

I reckon most people who believe they shuold ration their sexcapades until they reach Steve's venerable age are nuts! No offence intended Steve. Life is short and I for one found sex at that age where and when I could find it even with a full-time job


At that age you had a full-blown job.  Me too. And most of the people who are responsible have this too at 36 y.o.  And without being nuts we also ration the amount of food we eat.  Otherwise we end up morbidly obese or with bulimia. We ration the amount of alcohol we drink or else we end up alcoholics.  All these are not moral issues but PRACTICAL issues.  At that age I traveled the world as much or more than Numazu, not as a sex tourist but working for a multinational company in the oil industry. I had my sexcapades but I was not obsessed with them like I wasn't obsessed with food or booze.  My fascination with the guy is the time and effort he dedicates to his sexcapades and the writing about them. Doesn't he have a life... besides sex?  There is a long way between that and "rationing".  

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