Alexx Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 I'm not saying posters should misrepresent themselves, I'm saying readers shouldn't get too attached emotionally to online personas that might later prove made up. That has always been an issue - I used "bulletin board systems" (BBS) in my late teens and back then we already had "trolls" and "fakers". They weren't popular back then and they aren't popular now, but they've always been there. I wrote that I don't really care, because I think there are roughly three categories of posts on this site and the authenticity of a poster only really matters for one of them: First, opinion pieces. The actual person who expresses an opinion shouldn't matter; what matters is the way it is presented and how well it aligns with facts and with your beliefs. If sglad writes something I wholeheartedly agree with, I'm happy to give his post a "like", even if he as a person is a mystery to me. Second, storytelling. The benchmark for a good story isn't if it's true, it's how interesting it is. Fiction and suspense writers rake in bigger dollars than those who write books on quantum physics, after all. I like trip reports that are juicy and intriguing, I tend to take them at face value and don't question their veracity. Unless there are obvious blunders that ruin the impression (or illusion, in some cases). Third, advice. That's the one category where I do judge a post by its author, just to err on the side of caution. If ChristianPFC tells us there's a bus from A to B or vinapu tells us a particular massage shop is top notch, the reason why I believe it is that I trust the poster based on their track record. sglad might well miss out on ever making that list. kokopelli, vinapu and sglad 3
a447a Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 I've had my own battles elsewhere regarding posters being truthful. Call me old -fashioned but i tend to think that people should always be truthful. But we live in the real world. We have to accept that people lie, especially on the internet where you are free to be whoever you want to be. I couldn't care less about a member's age, occupation, etc, Such information is immaterial. I just want to know if what they are telling me about things I am interested in is true. And I hate it when members post using multiple handles. It reeks of deception. But I think we are safe here. "But when readers see information about Asia allegedly from an Asian perspective, they have a right to believe that what is written does come from personal experience." That's the problem for me, too. I'm basically only interested in Asia so naturally I want to read posts by Asian guys who see things from a distinctly Asian point of view. I won't get that from some farang pretending to be Asian. Although for some people it's pretty easy to spot the fakes, there are others who might be fooled. And once you get caught out lying, every post you ever make is suspect. It's hard to regain your credibility. As for trip reports, I have no interest in somebody else's fantasy. As I often take advice from posters as to what bar is worthwhile and what guys I can find in such and such bar, I expect the reports to be a true and accurate account of what took place.
steveboy Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 He disrespects the forum by introducing himself as a 24-year-old exchange student from Singapore when he's actually a farang about three times that age living in Bangkok. That makes him a 72 y.o. farang. Maybe he gets his arousal by writing "odes to my ideal me". This makes me think that I could also write as a 24 y.o. in an athletic student exchange or so. But I happen to feel PROUD of being old, and I still get aroused in the best natural ways.
sglad Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 I'm basically only interested in Asia so naturally I want to read posts by Asian guys who see things from a distinctly Asian point of view. I won't get that from some farang pretending to be Asian. Hi a447A, I'm curious to know what a "distinctly Asian point of view is". vinapu 1
steveboy Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 I'm sorry to say this but this notion of a static, finite Asian identity reeks of colonial prejudice and betrays an unfortunate ignorance of the range of diversity within this concept called Asia. Perhaps it's not ignorance but a refusal to accept that I can have point of view and stand on my own and it would be far more comfortable to just assume that I'm "just another guy like the rest of us" who's faking it as somebody said above. I see nothing bad here. I definitely like Asian slim bodies. I definitely like Asian soft hairless skin free of any imperfections, and, God forbid, any tattoos. I definitely like Asian full asses, with cute virgin-looking anuses I definitely like Asian cocks and balls, medium size and with little pubic hair around. I definitely like Asian accents speaking English like a song of love I definitely like Asian way of walking, a relaxed firm body moving with a happy stride. I definitely like Asian faces, clean hairless, soft featured with a steady smile. So why should I have anything against a "distinctive Asian point of view" ?? All I care is what I view, and my preferred view is that of an Asian without clothes.
sglad Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 ...he takes offense at misspelled words Not offended, amused. He ridiculed the two gay Indonesians sentenced to caining and then doubled down on it. Oops, she did it again.
reader Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 That makes him a 72 y.o. farang. Maybe he gets his arousal by writing "odes to my ideal me". This makes me think that I could also write as a 24 y.o. in an athletic student exchange or so. You have a point there. But if we're going to submit fiction, it should be labeled as such to eliminate confusion. So why not have a new forum for "Member Fiction." It would give members an opportunity to try their hand at creative writing and could prove quite popular. And no other board offers a similar outlet. But I happen to feel PROUD of being old As all of us oldies should be! a447a 1
sglad Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 So why not have a new forum for "Member Fiction." It would give members an opportunity to try their hand at creative writing and could prove quite popular. Watch out for my soon-to-be published short stories "My tryst with a sugar cain planter" and "I was cained for being a naughty Asian boy".
reader Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 Precious gladdy, I'm beginning to think you must be an English teacher for youngsters in the LOS. And not the sexy Asian you lured us with. Think I'm going flaccid. PeterRS 1
Popular Post Vessey Posted May 21, 2017 Popular Post Posted May 21, 2017 Sorry but I am less forgiving than some of you. I use this board to share experiences, to learn from the experiences of others and to be inspired by those experiences as I plan my next trip. Boy pictures are kinda inspiring as well of course LOL For that to work I need to believe that experiences reported here on all threads are based on reality - ok there may be occasional elements of exaggeration, and what is revealed may not be quite the whole truth. Otherwise it becomes no more that the sex stories that used to be standard inclusions in most gents. magazines - perhaps even penned by someone still living in their mothers basement whose only 'experience' of Pattaya is taken from other internet posts and fed into their own imaginations. IMHO forum fakers are nothing more than trolls and should be regarded as such. kokopelli, paulsf, baobao and 4 others 7
sglad Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 Precious gladdy, I'm beginning to think you must be an English teacher in the LOS and not a student. Yikes, now that's a real insult! You might as well call me Stalker. Take it back!
sglad Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 Otherwise it becomes no more that the sex stories that used to be standard inclusions in most gents. magazines - perhaps even penned by someone still living in their mothers basement Mother! Oh, God, Mother! Blood! Blood!!
PeterRS Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 Hi a447A, I'm curious to know what a "distinctly Asian point of view is".As a good Singaporean you will surely have been taught all about Asian values as propounded by your PM Lee Kwan Yew and his pal Mahatir Mohammed. As stated in Wikipedia - Various definitions of Asian values have been put forth. Generally, the phrase alludes to influences by Confucianism[2](p10) – in particular, filial piety or loyalty towards the family, corporation, and nation; the forgoing of personal freedom for the sake of society's stability and prosperity; the pursuit of academic and technological excellence; and, a strong work ethic together with thrift. Proponents of so-called "Asian values", who tend to support Asian-style authoritarian governments,[2](p13) claim these values are more appropriate for the region than Western democracy with its emphasis on individual freedoms.[3] "Asian values" were codified and promoted in the Bangkok Declaration of 1993, which re-emphasized the principles of sovereignty, self-determination, and non-interference in civil and political rights. They included: Preference for social harmony; Concern with socio-economic prosperity and the collective well-being of the community; Loyalty and respect towards figures of authority; Preference for collectivism and communitarianism. Values illustrated in your posts. reader and vinapu 2
reader Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 Yikes, now that's a real insult! You might as well call me Stalker. Take it back! No, we might as well call you sugargrandpa as you called yourself on SN. You could no more stack cane as you could stalk Cain. You're way out of your league, Gramps. aussie_ and PeterRS 2
sglad Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 As a good Singaporean you will surely have been taught all about Asian values as propounded by your PM Lee Kwan Yew and his pal Mahatir Mohammed. As stated in Wikipedia - Oooh is this one of your famous "traps? We know how that last one went. Hey, were you the guy they hired to get rid of the rat problem around the moat? Newsflash: still plenty of rats there! Never mind the Asian values I was allegedly "taught". I wanna hear what a447a thinks is a "distinctly Asian point of view" in 2017. He seems to think there is one. And have you forgotten your good advice that I should learn from my travels and experiences and not what I was taught? Forgotten what you preached, Stalker? Would you like me to find the post to refresh your memory? Just because one is taught something doesn't mean all of us are obliged to reproduce it verbatim without filters from environment, upbringing, social experiences, etc or even reject them outright. I'm not some German android from the 80s. Anyway, I shan't encourage you. I know how excited you get when you receive a post - any post - from me. Night night.
PeterRS Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 No, we might as well call you sugargrandpa as you called yourself on SN. You could no more stack cane as you could stalk Cain. You're way out of your league, Gramps. Is it some sort of coincidence that there is also a sugargradpa registered as a member here? You have an annoying bee in your bonnet about a man named Stalker, sglad. It has already appeared in a few of your posts to 2 or 3 posters here. Before you are tempted to use it again, I suggest you re-read in detail the posts in another forum where it is abundantly clear who those stalkers you talk about really are. Fior your information they have two heads! LOL
vinapu Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 Third, advice. That's the one category where I do judge a post by its author, just to err on the side of caution. If ChristianPFC tells us there's a bus from A to B or vinapu tells us a particular massage shop is top notch, the reason why I believe it is that I trust the poster based on their track record. Thank you but even in such case reader should understand that that's top notch by vinapu's standards , not an universal truth. So even if poster is trusted there's room for a disappointment due to different factors in forming an opinion. I always have fun visiting bars with ChristianPFC and wait for moment when I say 'I like boy # 38" and there's immediate answer ''too fat" paulsf 1
vinapu Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 All I care is what I view, and my preferred view is that of an Asian without clothes. even 72 years old? sglad 1
vinapu Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 Not offended, amused. Oops, she did it again. nothing funny nor amusing in misspelled typing , it happens to everybody and should be overlooked or gently corrected if necessary but making public issue of spelling mistake is not a friendly gesture
vinapu Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 Precious gladdy, I'm beginning to think you must be an English teacher for youngsters in the LOS. And not the sexy Asian you lured us with. nothing stops English teacher for youngsters from being sexy
sglad Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 nothing funny nor amusing in misspelled typing , It's not a typing error if it's repeated. There's nothing funny in stalking either. Or poking fun at a potentially serious issue of posting pics of underaged guys on a sex-related site. But we pick and choose as to what we find "funny" and often it is as much a political decision as it is a matter of personal taste in humour.
reader Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 nothing stops English teacher for youngsters from being sexy It's not being a teacher that caused by carnal interest to collapse. It's not being the sexy Asian that did.
vinapu Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 Please delete. I liked your post and then you deleted it ? I can use a bit of boost to my self esteem, thank you, but since you removed it we will keep out little secret. And thank you for a new word ' deadpan" . I did not know it before / English is not my first language/
PeterRS Posted May 21, 2017 Posted May 21, 2017 Never mind the Asian values I was allegedly "taught". I wanna hear what a447a thinks is a "distinctly Asian point of view" in 2017. He seems to think there is one.Allegedly? Funny! Lee insisted that Asian values were taught in all Singapore schools. Not sure if Mahatir ensured the same in Malaysia. Surely the Asian perspective/point of view stems directly from that doctrine of Asian Values. Lee was very fond of stressing the essential differences between Asia and he West as he saw them. At least some must bear a direct affect of a447as concern about Asian points of view. Or perhaps as an alleged Singaporean you do not agree.