a447a Posted May 13, 2017 Posted May 13, 2017 Suspending members who have broken the rules is an excellent idea. But the rules must be the same for everyone. They should not be enforced at the whim of the owner /moderator. Contrary opinions can be expressed without resorting to threats against posters you happen to disagree with. Any member who threatens another should be permanently banned, not just suspended.
stijntje Posted May 13, 2017 Posted May 13, 2017 keep in mind there are some here with good memory , LOL or keep a list in Word
baobao Posted May 13, 2017 Posted May 13, 2017 Haha. To add to this, there's some unnecessary bomb throwing in the discussions as well, especially in the past few months. It kind of takes away the joy from posting, at least for me. I know some people thrive on this environment, but not me. I would love to continue with the reports, and there is a lot to share, and still to come. We shall see. I agree with a lot of what numazu said. The idea of people sharing their opinions on posts is healthy, as long as it's done with a modicum of respect and isn't just flat out mean spirited. I stopped posting on boards that a good friend of mine describes as "spirited and lively"; he likes that, but I found it irritating, so I left. I enjoy reading trip reports for the information more than the personal details or - ahem - exaggerations passed along as truths. NOBODY has perfect, mind-blowing sex (or encounters) every time, but hey... a story IS a story. Repeated fishing for encouragement is somewhat tiring, though. Before I let my blog fall idle if I posted a blog post I could see if it was being read... I didn't feel a need to ask for strokes. Every so often I look in on it, and the 700+ stories there still get between 200-300 visitors a day, although folks have rarely left feedback, and I never asked for it. To paraphrase the movie line: "If you post it, they will read" ChristianPFC 1
bucknaway Posted May 13, 2017 Posted May 13, 2017 Same here. I came to this board to get away from the drama, trolling attacks and the verbal bomb throwing. First they trolled the trip reports and I said nothing because I rarely post them. Next they came for the picture posts and still I said nothing because I didn't want to offend anyone. Next they came for........ a447a 1
steveboy Posted May 13, 2017 Posted May 13, 2017 Contrary opinions can be expressed without resorting to threats against posters you happen to disagree with. Any member who threatens another should be permanently banned, not just suspended. Threats against others make little sense in an anonymous forum. It is not like we are seated around the same table. Only recently have I seen anything like this here and it must have come out in the heat of the discussion. I think that more important is the ability to tolerate contradicting, disagreeing opinions that are within the confines of civility. There are so many ways to feel insulted by civil words, and in personal communications even silence can be insulting. The exchanges of information here are invaluable if one travels often and has opportunities to make use of the information. The exchanges of opinions are always useful if we think, and any judgments over the amount of controversy is subjective to the ability we have to handle it and tolerate disagreement. It is difficult to quantify how much respect, argumentativeness, "trolling", courtesy etc. is the correct one. Everyone should be happy, but also we make our own happiness. Some positive and useful discussions are argumentative, and if someone feels uncomfortable with them there is perfect freedom to stay out. But to complain and fuss about their tone only makes things worse, I think. ChristianPFC 1
numazu Posted May 13, 2017 Posted May 13, 2017 I agree with a lot of what numazu said. The idea of people sharing their opinions on posts is healthy, as long as it's done with a modicum of respect and isn't just flat out mean spirited. I stopped posting on boards that a good friend of mine describes as "spirited and lively"; he likes that, but I found it irritating, so I left. Yup you hit it right on the head. Lots of people stop engaging because of this unnecessary roughness. Yes, we can just leave the "spirited and lively" forum members to just argue amongst themselves. But the forum will be poorer for it if the guys who do post practical information stop posting because of the trolls. I just landed in Asia now, and already my brain juices are flowing with the possibilities of what I can do here. Will I write about them? Probably not, if the trolls keep on trolling. bucknaway, lilbob69, paulsf and 1 other 4
vinapu Posted May 14, 2017 Posted May 14, 2017 I just landed in Asia now....... Will I write about them? Probably not, if the trolls keep on trolling. change it to 'probably yes' so humanity may benefit more eurasian and lilbob69 2
spoon Posted May 14, 2017 Posted May 14, 2017 Numazu, your stories are good enough to be posted in a blog. Ill definitely read them. If its your own blog, u can limit/delete/block anyone who u dont like lol Aux1010, lilbob69 and eurasian 3
ChristianPFC Posted May 14, 2017 Posted May 14, 2017 A few days ago, in National Taiwan Museum. A chamber completely covered in mirrors, except the floor where enlarged microscopic pictures of rocks are displayed. The place for people who don't like opinions other than their own. steveboy 1
sglad Posted May 14, 2017 Posted May 14, 2017 Repeated fishing for encouragement is somewhat tiring, though. Before I let my blog fall idle if I posted a blog post I could see if it was being read... I didn't feel a need to ask for strokes. Every so often I look in on it, and the 700+ stories there still get between 200-300 visitors a day, although folks have rarely left feedback, and I never asked for it. To paraphrase the movie line: "If you post it, they will read" Agreed. If I were to throw in the towel everytime I got a bad grade after putting my blood, sweat and tears into an assignment or, a flop performance after having rehearsed for weeks and months or, lost a match after having put in my heart and soul into the game, then I might as well just go live in Barbie's dollhouse and play with my imaginary friends who all love and adore me. If you publish something in the public domain, there are bound to be people who like it, those who don't like it and a lot of people who simply don't care or have an opinion about it. And somebody who liked something I wrote last week, may not like what I published this week or disagree with aspects of it, and that's normal. Disagreeing with something is not trolling and one can either choose to ignore the criticism or address it. I didn't know baobao had a blog but after reading his sensible post above, I'm definitely going to check it out. Goes to show you can be successful at something by doing it bao bao without this constant need for "stroking" or "fishing for compliments". ChristianPFC 1
a447a Posted May 14, 2017 Posted May 14, 2017 Threats against others make little sense in an anonymous forumAgreed. But if I recall, the offender threatened to harm one of our members if he ever met him in public. He also said he would blow smoke in the face of anyone who rebuked him for smoking in a bar. He seems very unpredictable and a little unbalanced. I'm speaking from personal experience here. I was threatened with violence on a board when I had a run-in with the owner. I had to avoid him every time I went to Pattaya and keep my hotel a secret in case he sent his heavies around, as he threatened to do. I meet up with guys In bars, especially in Pattaya, and don't know who they are. What if they were members of a board and didn't particularly like me? If they were prone to violence, things could get ugly - for example, if I now found myself chatting to the poster in question here.
sglad Posted May 14, 2017 Posted May 14, 2017 I'm speaking from personal experience here. I was threatened with violence on a board when I had a run-in with the owner. I had to avoid him every time I went to Pattaya and keep my hotel a secret in case he sent his heavies around, as he threatened to do. You were??? Which board was this? I'm surprised you still took the risk of going to Pattaya after all that - I guess contrary to what you said in the Chiang Mai update thread, the cock does come first, you James Bondage you.
a447a Posted May 14, 2017 Posted May 14, 2017 I was threatened by Neal when he owned sawatdeenetwork.com. As he stayed at the Ambiance Hotel I had to find somewhere else, so I changed to a hotel in Sunee. That's where I met a new guy who has since become my regular. After that I gave Boyztown a miss and spent every holiday in Sunee with my guy (who, btw, is very well hung!) I only returned to Boyztown after Neal passed away.
Guest Posted May 14, 2017 Posted May 14, 2017 Suspending members who have broken the rules is an excellent idea. But the rules must be the same for everyone. They should not be enforced at the whim of the owner /moderator. Agreed, an excellent idea. Also, the owner/moderator IS entitled to suspend whoever he likes, whenever he likes. If I invited a few people to my house & one of them was extremely rude, I would be entitled to kick him out at my discretion. It's the same here. The 200 post rule for the photo post forum is an excellent idea too, although it would advisable to declare a sample of the posts would be checked to ensure the 200 limit is not achieved via spam posts.
vinapu Posted May 14, 2017 Posted May 14, 2017 A few days ago, in National Taiwan Museum. A chamber completely covered in mirrors, except the floor where enlarged microscopic pictures of rocks are displayed. The place for people who don't like opinions other than their own. IMG_2327edit.jpg Christian, if that's you in that picture are you gaining weight or it's just mirror illusion? going back to the merit I don't think disagreement is a problem.Unnecessary prolonged dwelling is as it becomes annoying and boring. If every time somebody mentions coke or soi 4 I will be declaring I don't like it I risk on being enemy of everybody , not just coke and soi 4 lovers if only for dispensing boredom and negativity. And name calling is usually invitation to a war. There's no need to call people idiots if only for well known reason that pregnancy and idiocy can't be hidden so we can form our own opinion who is and who is not without resorting to external consultation.
steveboy Posted May 14, 2017 Posted May 14, 2017 ....But the forum will be poorer for it if the guys who do post practical information stop posting because of the trolls. I just landed in Asia now, and already my brain juices are flowing with the possibilities of what I can do here. Will I write about them? Probably not, if the trolls keep on trolling. Happy you who has absolute freedom to decide if to post your practical information, trip reports in this forum or not. And to decide if you will get upset about "spirited and lively", "trolls" etc or simply ignore them. It is YOU who decides, not the other people here. I hope that the criticisms you received at the time for not having blurred the pics in your report did not cause you permanent psychic and emotional damage, LOL. It would be a pity if you are so weak. eurasian 1
steveboy Posted May 14, 2017 Posted May 14, 2017 Christian, if that's you in that picture are you gaining weight or it's just mirror illusion? He still looks far below the weight of the meaty brawny models in your pics you like so much. Could this be the illusion of having clothes on?
sglad Posted May 14, 2017 Posted May 14, 2017 I was threatened by Neal when he owned sawatdeenetwork.com. As he stayed at the Ambiance Hotel I had to find somewhere else, so I changed to a hotel in Sunee. That's where I met a new guy who has since become my regular. After that I gave Boyztown a miss and spent every holiday in Sunee with my guy (who, btw, is very well hung!) I only returned to Boyztown after Neal passed away. Wow, so much drama! Glad that you're alright and nothing untoward happened.
Alexx Posted May 14, 2017 Posted May 14, 2017 I'm amused that someone would have cared enough about Neal's threats to actually change hotels. Wouldn't a better strategy to deal with that bully have been to completely ignore his blubbering?
vinapu Posted May 14, 2017 Posted May 14, 2017 I hope that the criticisms you received at the time for not having blurred the pics in your report did not cause you permanent psychic and emotional damage, LOL. It would be a pity if you are so weak. with supporting friends like this numazu, who needs enemies paulsf 1
vinapu Posted May 14, 2017 Posted May 14, 2017 He still looks far below the weight of the meaty brawny models in your pics you like so much. Could this be the illusion of having clothes on? I know how Christian looks like having been privileged to meet him many times. I was not trying to be sarcastic, just curious.
numazu Posted May 14, 2017 Posted May 14, 2017 with supporting friends like this numazu, who needs enemies Hahaha this so funny it's kind of sad. Haven't you noticed a number of regular posters, who used to post helpful, practical, useable information have stopped posting altogether? It's not just me. If the concern trolls have won the day and have taken over the board, then it's not a mystery why those posters are now incognito and rarely even check the forum anymore. Those posters were the reason why I started contributing to this forum in the first place. At least you and Christian etc are still posting. If I was new to this board today I wouldn't be as inspired to be a regular contributor like I was. All I see now is a lot of circular BS. But again, that's just me. I'm "weak" I guess. But thanks for a good number of you who have PMed me, thanking me for starting to post again. I know these are not the posts you want to see, and I'm not interested in starting my own blog (too much work). I'll just slink into the background like these other posters and interject once in a while. vinapu, paulsf, kokopelli and 1 other 4
vinapu Posted May 14, 2017 Posted May 14, 2017 Yes, sadly my observations are matching yours. Lots of good information is coming to me via PM but very little of it finds its way to the threads and I kind of know why. I think it's like a flu season on the board and eventually it will go away to let things to return to friendly normal. At end of day this is great forum. You are not 'weak' , perhaps you lost temporarily sense of fun of contributing. Been there before but I carry on , it's like at work, sometimes you need to work with people you don't like. Often overlooked fact is that newcomers may be put off by initial reaction or complete lack thereof. My first post ever here was trip report. Because I was unknown I was afraid that it will be labelled as fantasy or so and in such a case I knew it will be my last. Instead I was encouraged by Michael, williewillie, anonone and a447a to carry on and continue. So I did. paulsf 1
faranglaw Posted May 15, 2017 Posted May 15, 2017 It gets boring. Someone creates an interesting post and in under a page the usual suspects turn it into a troll fest. This forum has provided such good information for me but I find myself not reading threads as soon as it degenerates. Soon it will be pointless reading at all. So, thank you for suspending those causing this latest spat but there are several people who continually cause issues who could do with similar treatment. Same here. If I want trolling I'll read blogs about politics in my home country, the Big Bully Who Shall Not be Named. I Stop here for the informative and entertaining posts about adventures with boys.
lilbob69 Posted May 15, 2017 Posted May 15, 2017 Numazu, your stories are good enough to be posted in a blog. Ill definitely read them. If its your own blog, u can limit/delete/block anyone who u dont like lol Very true. Of course I 'd still like to see the reports posted here