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Guest samebb

Abhorrent behaviour on Twilight

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Places like Twilight are getting squeezed. I certainly would not intervene in a dispute around there. 


Squeezed how?

Guest samebb

Everybody (especially relatively young guy who permanently lives in BKK) who spends a time in a pathetic tourist trap like soi Twilight and pays 3000 baht or more for short time with a prostitute should get a life. I know it hurts to hear that. But really should not be an excuse for posting the bullshit OP posted.



You are such a bitch you pay 3000 ST ? 


I pay 0bt week time. You are pathetic. 


(troll post)

Guest samebb




The OP said long time - not short time. 3000 for a whole day rather than just one night is not outrageous for Bangkok IMO. Besides, it was not the OP who made the agreement. But whatever was decided and agreed that is a matter for that customer and that barboy. It is of no business of others. I also believe that how other people decide to spend their evenings maybe after a hard days work is also their business, not ours. Suggesting some other person get a life remains for me a ridiculous suggestion.



Thank you so much.

As I said before, this boy is not my prostitute. We spent time together before and after his work many time a week. There is no money involved. He has customers in that time and he tell me ALLLLLL about them. It's fun to hear the gory details. I just returned home now from an amazing 2 hours of food and drink with him and hit fellow countrymen.. boys? ... haha... . .. 2 of them are new jupiter boys. Read elsewhere for the numbers. They are amazing! Go spend your money :D


As I said before, this boy is not my prostitute.


Of course not.  He's not anybody's prostitute.  I would think exclusivity is not part of his job description unless a special arrangement has been made.


 He has customers in that time and he tell me ALLLLLL about them. It's fun to hear the gory details.


He does?  I would think that's not very discreet of him.  I can understand a whinge or bouquet every now and then but "ALLLLL" about them is not very professional.  And I'm surprised anyone would be interested in the "gory details" let alone find it "fun".  OK, maybe a story or two of the more outrageous encounters but it would quickly get old for me and I would change the subject.  I'm always wary of gossips; if they can say negative things about others to me, there's no telling what they might say about me to others.  I would never assume I'm safe from the gossip's dangerous tongue.  Just saying...


He does?  I would think that's not very discreet of him.  I can understand a whinge or bouquet every now and then but "ALLLLL" about them is not very professional.  And I'm surprised anyone would be interested in the "gory details" let alone find it "fun".  OK, maybe a story or two of the more outrageous encounters but it would quickly get old for me and I would change the subject.  I'm always wary of gossips; if they can say negative things about others to me, there's no telling what they might say about me to others.  I would never assume I'm safe from the gossip's dangerous tongue.  Just saying...


It might not be as bad as you think.  Unless he identifies his customers by name and passport number.  Contrary to the boys, who have numbers to be identified, the customers remain hopefully unidentifiable except to the boys themselves.


Sometimes my son who is a surgeon gossips with me about what he finds inside some of the bodies... yuck!  But he does it to advice me what not to do to my body or else...  Compared to that, what the boy and farang do in their intimacy is children's play.


 once the boy realised he had been shortchanged, why didn't he and the mamasan immediately confront his customer especially as a447a says incidents of under-tipping are not uncommon for these onsite activities.  You'd think they'd have a mechanism in place for dealing with such customers.

You'd think so, but maybe they don't want any confrontation. Not at Goodboys, however, when a group of guys chased down a farang one night who left without tipping. Goodboys is the last place I'd do that at!


once the boy realised he had been shortchanged, why didn't he and the mamasan immediately confront his customer especially as a447a says incidents of under-tipping are not uncommon for these onsite activities. You'd think they'd have a mechanism in place for dealing with such customers.

You'd think so, but maybe they don't want any confrontation. Not at Goodboys, however, when a group of guys chased down a farang one night who left without tipping. Goodboys is the last place I'd do that at!


As for being "wary of gossips", if that's the case I suggest you steer clear of the sex venues, be it beer bars, gogo bars or even massage places. The boys are incorrigible gossips!


I've mentioned a number of times in my trip reports and elsewhere how my regular guys, all veterans of the sex scene, talk about the foibles and unusual behaviour of their clients. If there's some kink involved, they'll tell me. Some of the stories are quite funny, others a little disturbing. But they never, ever identify their clients - it's about their behaviour, not them personally.


Well, maybe that's not quite true, as the boys in Eros have sometimes pointed out a customer who is hung like a donkey. If he's youngish, I'm interested. The bar's power bottom refuses to go with these guys.


"Oh, too big for me. Jep maak!"


Funny, that ; I thought by now he would be able to accommodate just about anything up there!


These days I hang out in the bars in Soi Tawan. It's been a while since I offed a guy from Soi Twilight. There are only 4 bars and 2 massage places yet the guys all know each other. Not only that, they can tell me which bars I've been to the previous night and who I offed! And which boys have a big cock. And who is top/bottom. Who sucks cock and who is "man." Saves me a lot of time.


At first, that "stalking" bothered me but now I don't care - we are all just one big family! Lol


A lot of the boys know each other because they come from the same village in Isaan. Also, the boys tend to float between the bars, so although they may work in different bars today, they've worked together in the past.


To be honest, only 1% of the comments about clients are negative. Happily, I've had nothing but very friendly treatment from all the boys in the soi, so I'm presuming I'm part of the 99%!


Steveboy said "Sometimes my son who is a surgeon gossips with me about what he finds inside some of the bodies... yuck!  But he does it to advice me what not to do to my body or else..."



Well you've certainly got ME hooked with that statement, so go on, you can't leave us hanging after that, so do tell, WHAT does he find - I'm genuinely inquisitive to know  !   :)


. People don't turn from "happy smiles" into "something else" for no reason even if that reason is not apparent to us.



usually it happens when boy learns that customer is not going to pay promised / negotiated tip using any excuse ie. '' oops, I forgot my wallet" - I witnessed such scene in the lobby of Bangkok Massage  but mercifully farang was only joking just to see boy's face I guess, sick minded but end well.


On customer side it will be when boy agrees on terms and than announces that " I need to go with another customer", this was my own experience reported on this forum  in my May 2015 report.


These boys are not food. They are people. Treat them as such and you may get the same respect in return.

While you are 125% correct in the first 2 sentences quoted, third one is  less than 100% accurate.


As one who few times was accused here by being over generous to boys and spoiling market for others  and being very understanding of their limits  when  with boys in private , at times I got the feeling that respect and generosity was taken as sign of weakness,   not  a good heart. Rare but it  happens.


While farang you described acted shamelessly and you did your bet to console   your friend,  before any crucifixion I'd like to hear other side of story. 


We may never know the other side but the discussion caused us to contemplate how we might react if we found ourselves in a similar situation.  

I'd be willing to console distressed boy even if not knowing the whole truth , if only because of hope that he will be more clingy/ huggy/kissy, win -win for both of us.


I know it first hand as actually had such an opportunity several years ago at BBB Inn when hearing  commotion in the   neighboring room and seeing boy leaving screaming. We had great consolation time but when asked , boy still did not want to tell me what the problem was.


On another had somebody  back in Nov 2013 could witness screaming boy leaving my room at Om Yim, story described in Nov 2013  trip report and when one  reads it may learn that it was just extortionate scream over complete non-performance / did not even undress in good 1/2 hour he was in my room /.


So not all of our angles are  such but glad to say 95% are.


Why attack older posters on the board with names like this? All of you younger guys will some day be older. 

ronnie , we already made it that far but those younger can only hope for now


This is my standard answer if somebody calls me old : "i'm already there and you never know", enough to silence everybody 


Asians in general are very respectful of elders, in some culture even one year older already demand some respect from the younger guys. But that doesnt mean we tolerate everything things they do. But yeah, older people can get away with some minor misdemeanors here.


. Not only because I do not understand why I should pay three times more than I used to for the same (or worse) services

you also pay three times more than you used to for gas , butter, haircut, you name it 


The Eros story is one we hear so often. I have also witnessed farang who have their way with boys and don't tip at all!! Not one single baht.


I wonder where the hell are mamasans and management in such a case. They should stand for their boys.


Steveboy said "Sometimes my son who is a surgeon gossips with me about what he finds inside some of the bodies... yuck!  But he does it to advice me what not to do to my body or else..."



Well you've certainly got ME hooked with that statement, so go on, you can't leave us hanging after that, so do tell, WHAT does he find - I'm genuinely inquisitive to know  !   :)


Oh... there was nothing sexual in that!  Just some abdominal deformities caused by obesity, cancers, gastric and vascular problems, etc.  A scary gossip to pressure his old man to have the routine tests like colonoscopy and to make him feel happy that he is free of these problems  :)


I wonder where the hell are mamasans and management in such a case. They should stand for their boys.


Maybe they should get special licences to carry weapons?

Something that the word "abhorrend" could justify?   :shok:  :o  :lol:


He does?  I would think that's not very discreet of him.  I can understand a whinge or bouquet every now and then but "ALLLLL" about them is not very professional.  And I'm surprised anyone would be interested in the "gory details" let alone find it "fun".  OK, maybe a story or two of the more outrageous encounters but it would quickly get old for me and I would change the subject.  I'm always wary of gossips; if they can say negative things about others to me, there's no telling what they might say about me to others.  I would never assume I'm safe from the gossip's dangerous tongue.  Just saying...

But what we do, talking about sexual acts performed with boys and sharing bars, names and numbers, is even less discreet. Not that I would complain about that. I'm curious to hear what they told samebb.


The Eros story is one we hear so often. I have also witnessed farang who have their way with boys and don't tip at all!! Not one single baht.


From my observations, this kind of customer can fall into several categories.


1) Newbie doesn't know what is custom. When I first came to Thailand, I made several mistakes that could have been easily avoided by chatting with someone experienced or careful reading of the forums.


2) Cheapskate knows what is custom, but tries to get away with not paying.


3) Obstinate/deluded. I know two Farang who have been in Thailand many times, reject the idea of paying for sex, but hang out in prostitution areas or chat with money boys online.


Hope this time you will file at least brief report !


Ahhhh, sorry to tell you this but I will not be writing any trip reports going forward, at least this year. And its ironic because I've changed my mind about not returning to Bangkok after last Songkran. It turns out LOS is not finished with me yet. Still lots of adventures to look forward to.


Ahhhh, sorry to tell you this but I will not be writing any trip reports going forward, at least this year. And its ironic because I've changed my mind about not returning to Bangkok after last Songkran. It turns out LOS is not finished with me yet. Still lots of adventures to look forward to.

hope springs eternal, if you changed your mind about not returning to BKK  perhaps you will change your wow of not writing more trips reports , LOL


Certainly I understand your position as I know very well of how much work putting together trip report takes.

Guest whall

How come no more trip reports? What did I miss?

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