a447a Posted April 19, 2017 Posted April 19, 2017 And please stop using this thread to bash SN. I know you and your buddy above are bitter about not being able to strong arm the moderators there to do your bidding and have left in a huff but please do not unload your venom here. Please do not turn this into an "us and them" feud when it is really about you and your need for control....... 1. I didn't leave in a huff - I signed off with 'No hard feelings " or something along those lines 2. I haven't left the board 3. No member of any forum has the ability to 'control " anything ; it is the started rules and regulations which "control" what happens. "it is really about you and your need for control." All members of the 3 forums have a right to expect that : A) the rules will be enforced when someone transgresses (as you did when you posted under 2 handles. The moderator can check the ISP addresses m and I presume he discovered you were both using the same address. Also, he had access to a map showing where people are posting from) B) the rules will be applied consistently and fairly, without favour That didn't happen. End of story. So not one of your points is correct. Not a bad start! I have been to Singapore a number of times and I can tell you that the locals do not speak perfect English ; far from it. So I was immediately suspicious when I read your posts written in perfect English. Not one grammatical mistake. Not one spelling mistake. So your "stalker" was correct; you are not a Chinese guy from Singapore. He also pointed out your lack of knowledge of the Chinese customs relating to New Year. So who are you? 'Sugargrandpa' offers us a clue. As for SN being brought up, what did you think would happen when, after being banned from there, you appear here using the same handle?? Quote
sglad Posted April 19, 2017 Author Posted April 19, 2017 Good morning, a447a! You're up early. I haven't slept and needed a bit of distraction from my work and you came along, my favourite comedian and mature pornstar. Thank you for your comments. I must first apologise for saying you left SN in a huff - that was my mistake. You left in a few huffs - what was it that Brad said...you had more farewells than Sinatra had concerts. Ouch! And even then no one begged you to stay. You said earlier that no one "jumped up and down" when I was "thrown off" SN. Only spoilt little girls jump up and down and stomp their feet when they can't have their way as they go running to moderator...oops...Mommy. Thankfully, there are sane posters like arsenal and Jellybean who said some kind words and a couple of others who gave me their support via PM when I was being harassed by my stalker. Speaking of lack support and farewells without fanfare, it must have really hurt when after having made almost 2,500 posts in 11 years, there was barely whimper from the gallery when you made your final, final...and again very last (is it really? how can we be sure?) farewell. 11 years and 2,500 posts later and not even a moderately soiled handkerchief - I was only there for a month! That must have hurt indeed. Double ouch. Rules are open to interpretation; if they work for you, you demand compliance. If they don't, you cry foul. A poster is good if he agrees with you; he's a troll if you don't like what he says. I see the pattern here... Your comments about Singaporeans are racist and ignorant and not something I haven't heard before. It's like saying all Thais are cheats. You met some Singaporeans and you myopically assume that they are representative of the entire population. I agree that some Singaporeans have spoken English skills that can be improved but there are many, especially among the professional classes, who have an excellent written command of the language. I assume you just don't know them as they do not constitute your social circle or more likely, you are not part of theirs. Our education system is consistently ranked among the world's finest and factors like socio-economic background and whether English is the primary language at home also come to play. Incidentally, I take little comfort and no pride in you saying my English is perfect. Yours isn't so how would you know mine is? I don't seek perfection because it would mean I no longer have anything to strive for. Many times now we've heard of my stalker's omniscience in his knowledge of Asian practice and custom, mostly from my stalker himself and I can totally imagine him "jumping up and down" as he's saying it. Let's for the sake of argument say that I agree. But his is just one outsider's perspective. Chinese culture is broad and is divided by regional, social, economic, religious and class differences, urban versus rural settings and is continuously evolving within itself and viz a viz other cultures. No one can claim sole authority on its many facets. I'm trying to recall what I said about CNY that he disagreed with? Is it about one of my cousin's wearing black? Yes, she did and my grandmother didn't say anything. We were travelling and she was also wearing dress shorts. So was I. It's oookaaayy, stop jumping. Take a chill pill. Some families are OK with wearing black during CNY, some are not. My family is generally cool about such things - two years ago we had our reunion dinner at Chili's Bar & Grill instead of a Chinese restaurant. Shock! Horror! Call the ambulance, my stalker has had a stroke! Chinese culture isn't what it was 70 years ago! Truthfully I wasn't quite sure what to expect when I joined this forum. It seemed fun (and I like checking out the cam whores) but I had my doubts because my stalker had warned me about how boring and repetitive this forum was and something about Person A playing out Person B in order to get rid of Person B when Person B was moderator here - I didn't understand what he meant and I wasn't interested enough to ask him. To me he was like the office gossip - lethal and best avoided; if he could say those awful things to poison the mind of a newbie like me, then who's to say he won't say the same about me to others. Anyway, I'm beginning to enjoy my stay here. Replying to these queries are tedious - I'd rather be posting on other stuff - but I guess it can't be helped. I have to get back to my essay. Have a nice day! Quote
aussie_ Posted April 20, 2017 Posted April 20, 2017 Here we go again. Stop feeding the troll. kokopelli 1 Quote
sglad Posted April 20, 2017 Author Posted April 20, 2017 Here we go again. Stop feeding the troll. I did but my stalker still wouldn't go away. Quote
a447a Posted April 20, 2017 Posted April 20, 2017 The simplest way to know conclusively if someone is a native speaker of English or not is to just look at the use of the definite article "the." Although there are specific rules regarding when and when not to use it, there are many instances when it comes down to a feeling or simple intuition. It's something you learn growing up as a native speaker. You obviously grew up as a native speaker of English. So let's cut the bullshit and just "post on other stuff." Saying someone from Singapore does not speak perfect English is not racist. What a ridiculous statement. If a local told me my Thai was crap, he also wouldn't be being racist; he'd be just being honest. There's a big difference. P.S. I wasn't aware you had access to my PM'S over there. Lol Quote
PeterRS Posted April 20, 2017 Posted April 20, 2017 What happens at SGT stays at SGT. I could give a rat's ass what went on there. All are welcome here to participate as long as they stay nice and friendly. I see Michael's welcome comments havent made much of an impression! I must first apologise for saying you left SN in a huff - that was my mistake. You left in a few huffs - what was it that Brad said...you had more farewells than Sinatra had concerts. Ouch! And even then no one begged you to stay. You said earlier that no one "jumped up and down" when I was "thrown off" SN. Only spoilt little girls jump up and down and stomp their feet when they can't have their way as they go running to moderator...oops...Mommy. Best just to look to the future and not let whatever happened in the past spoil your initial impact here. The comments on another thread about gay bars in Chiang Mai are useful. Thanks. Quote
TotallyOz Posted April 20, 2017 Posted April 20, 2017 I see Michael's welcome comments havent made much of an impression! What kind of impression were you expecting them to make? My comments were the same as I have said for years. I have not changed my tune at all. Quote
PeterRS Posted April 20, 2017 Posted April 20, 2017 Sorry if my post was not clear. I was referring to your comments and how they related to the posters comments in post 27 which followed. Your comments were very clear but seemed not to have been taken on board. TotallyOz 1 Quote
TotallyOz Posted April 20, 2017 Posted April 20, 2017 Sorry if my post was not clear. I was referring to your comments and how they related to the posters comments in post 27 which followed. Your comments were very clear but seemed not to have been taken on board. Thank you for clarifying so kindly. Some people just say eat me and be done with it. But, I appreciate your patience. Now, I understand kind sir. Quote
ChristianPFC Posted April 20, 2017 Posted April 20, 2017 Troll or not troll, sglad writes good English and his posts are a pleasure to read. I hope some day he puts this skill into use to post interesting, useful, accurate, verifiable information about gay life in Thailand (and I wouldn't mind tourism, hotels, public transport, food). vinapu 1 Quote
emailbroken Posted April 20, 2017 Posted April 20, 2017 Jesus even reading this thread is exhausting. vinapu, kokopelli and britstar 3 Quote
TotallyOz Posted April 20, 2017 Posted April 20, 2017 Jesus even reading this thread is exhausting. Isn't he the one that asked for patience or was that Job? emailbroken 1 Quote
vinapu Posted April 21, 2017 Posted April 21, 2017 (and I wouldn't mind tourism, hotels, public transport, food). and boys and bars etc Quote
PeterRS Posted April 21, 2017 Posted April 21, 2017 Some people just say eat me and be done with it. But, I appreciate your patience. Now, I understand kind sir. Oh please no sirs. Makes me feel like a lecturer again. But maybe Lord would be quite nice As for eating me you would need to starve for a few days first as I am far from trim! TotallyOz 1 Quote
kokopelli Posted April 21, 2017 Posted April 21, 2017 Oh please no sirs. Makes me feel like a lecturer again. But maybe Lord would be quite nice As for eating me you would need to starve for a few days first as I am far from trim! Is that Lord as: a. a ruler by hereditary right or preeminence to whom service and obedience are due b. God TotallyOz 1 Quote
PeterRS Posted April 22, 2017 Posted April 22, 2017 Is that Lord as: Good Lord! Not the second. No, I was referring to the English ranks of chivalry above the title Sir. The five degrees of enoblement starting with Baron and ending up with Duke. These men are entitled to the prefix Lord. Decades ago someone in England legally changed his first name to Lord. So instead of being plain John Doe he became Lord Doe. That went on to his passport, driving license and all official papers relating to him. When flying with British Airways someone would pick this up between check in and boarding. Being a class conscious society he quite frequently was upgraded for free! ChristianPFC and TotallyOz 2 Quote
TotallyOz Posted April 22, 2017 Posted April 22, 2017 Good Lord! Not the second. No, I was referring to the English ranks of chivalry above the title Sir. The five degrees of enoblement starting with Baron and ending up with Duke. These men are entitled to the prefix Lord. Decades ago someone in England legally changed his first name to Lord. So instead of being plain John Doe he became Lord Doe. That went on to his passport, driving license and all official papers relating to him. When flying with British Airways someone would pick this up between check in and boarding. Being a class conscious society he quite frequently was upgraded for free! The Brits are a weird lot! Quote
Guest ryanasia Posted April 23, 2017 Posted April 23, 2017 it that's the case you are welcomed here , at least by myself as long as your fever leads you to chasing boys , not girls Is there anything wrong with chasing girls? What a bizarre comment. Quote
vinapu Posted April 23, 2017 Posted April 23, 2017 Is there anything wrong with chasing girls? What a bizarre comment. No , it's not, the same way nothing is wrong with collecting stamps or sharing receipts for best strawberry cheescake. Just probability of having captive audience for fans of those here is low. Quote
sglad Posted April 23, 2017 Author Posted April 23, 2017 Good Lord! Not the second. No, I was referring to the English ranks of chivalry above the title Sir. The five degrees of enoblement starting with Baron and ending up with Duke. These men are entitled to the prefix Lord. Not quite right. They are generically referred to as "lords" being members of the peerage. Barons, viscounts, earls and marquesses are formally addressed as "My Lord" but dukes are in a special category, being just one step below the monarch and immediate royal family and are formally addressed as "Your Grace". A duke is not addressed as Lord XYZ; the appropriate style is the Duke of XYZ. Of course some dukes are members of the royal family for eg the Duke of Cambridge which carry the royal title HRH. A-level English lit. Check the source you copy-and-pasted from, Stalker. By the way, in case it wasn't clear, I'm very impressed by your "knowledge" and its relevance to this thread. Five more copy-and-paste paragraphs, please. Quote
sglad Posted April 23, 2017 Author Posted April 23, 2017 Jesus even reading this thread is exhausting. Sorry you had to go through that, emailbroken. I cleared it with Scooby and it's OK for me to address these spurious allegations as long as I confine it to this thread (which I volunteered to do). People can quickly skim through and skip the thread altogether if they find it exhausting and irrelevant. Quote
sglad Posted April 23, 2017 Author Posted April 23, 2017 I hope some day he puts this skill into use to post interesting, useful, accurate, verifiable information about gay life in Thailand (and I wouldn't mind tourism, hotels, public transport, food). Those are highly subjective and onerous requirements! Even Stalker with his considerable plagiarism skills wouldn't be able to fulfill them. On second thought, he just might as that poor soul lives and breathes on and for these forums. I don't know about you but I joined this forum for fun and not to perform a public enema as a result of any constipation issues I might have. Morever, after 3 1/2 months this year and 5 weeks last year I don't think of myself as a tourist anymore even if the Thais still think of me as an outsider. I'm trying my best to integrate and IMHO trip reports, as fun and as useful as they may be, further cultivate that "us and them" mentality. I'm not remotely suggesting how you and others should post or behave on this forum but all I'm asking is to just let me be. The broad preamble to this forum says This is the main forum for all things gay in Thailand including Gay Pattaya, Gay Bangkok, Gay Chiang Mai, Gay Phuket. Post information here on events, places, activities, questions, and comments. Keep the topics related to information on Thailand. I'm sure there's room for me in there somewhere. Quote