ozmouse Posted February 19, 2017 Posted February 19, 2017 Happy new year!!! great read... both the departure from BKK and the trepidation of arrival in PTY and happy ending... ggobkk 1 Quote
Popular Post ggobkk Posted February 21, 2017 Author Popular Post Posted February 21, 2017 "K" sent me a good night text just before I turned off the light and went to sleep. When I woke iI shook my head a bit to savor the memories of the previous night. Then it was time for the "routine", breakfast, shower, beach time. I was seated next to a couple from Australia/Britain/Thailand. The husband mentioned Donald Trump and we were off to the conversational races. No I could not explain him...then the wife, who was sitting next to me, and I had a good time sharing our world views. Wandered back after lunch to the hotel, after a shower and catching up on email and the news from home, I went back to the tailors to pick up my clothes...whoops pants ready but shirts aren't finished. Tomorrow by noon. Impossible, I leave for Bangkok at noon and need to pack the shirts. Back and forth, agree on 11. Take the pants to the hotel. Try them on...they fit quite well. It's now after 6 and the Poseidon management is hosting a cocktail party for its guests. About ten are sitting around a table on the terrace, Kaye is serving red and white wine, there is a platter of snacks. Only two others are English by birth speakers, rest find German to be the native tongue. One is a Thai boy who is with one of the other guests. Enjoyable hour and then some talking about the world, changes in the hotel business, the chef joins us and eats some of the snacks...I take this to be a good sign. We adjourn the wine party, some of us go in to the dining room for dinner. Again, meal is top notch. I dined on a Dutch version of French onion soup, beef stroganoff, and creme brûlée, washed down with a red wine. After a visit to my room, I head back via baht bus to Boyztown...still want to see Cupidol and ToyBoys. As I turn into the soi, it apparent that this is the night the New Year will be/is being celebrated. Red is predominant color and Chinese clothing is worn by the staff in many of the bars. As I'm marking the difference from last night, I'm grabbed in a hug from behind. It's "K", he was hoping (assumed) I'd be back...I probably knew I'd be to see him but didn't want to admit the possibility that he might not be there/already be with someone. Not the case, clearly. He grabs by hand and takes me over toward Panorama. "K" instigates several minutes of a display of public affection that are captured by the camera phones of many tourists. We retreat into Panorama, where "K" turns his charm to full blast and I begin to melt. There is a full blown battle between two teams of Chinese dragon dancers. Each dragon enters into each bar and collects some tribute and provides a blaze of color and activity. "K" tells me there is no BBB parade tonight - it will be all dragons until show time. We head into the head (naval term - look it up) where head is a distinct possibility, but jsut some shared intimacies happen. Note, I really wanted to write we headed into the head for some head...I guess sort of did. "K" takes a ton of selfies of the two of us, shows me photos of his family, his home, and some of Pattaya. We agree to meet up after the show. I'm taking a pass on the show, give him the baht for his off fee - to keep the mamasans from booking him. He heads into BBB for the show and I checkout Toy Boys, maybe six good looking guys acting as customer bait in front, inside, it's a nice set up, comfortable seating arranged in a semi-circle/U shape around the stage, maybe fifteen boys on stage, all in white underwear. No distinct type to the undies, maybe the boys supply their own. One or two cuties, I have a drink and watch. Walkover to Cupidol which is jammed and after looking in and feeling crushed by the crowd, I go to Oscars for an ice tea wand wait for "K". He's not hungry so we head to Jomtien. Folks, it's basically a repeat of last night but on a slower get to know you better speed. I can contemplate how beautifully and classically handsome he is. "K" stays until sunup. All morning, I'll be getting copies of the selfies of us that he took. My serendipity has made for two special nights. Nights that won't just disappear as part of some trying to remember what happened on a trip. It's now Sunday, return to Bangkok...that will be in the next post. paulsf, ozmouse, splinter1949 and 7 others 10 Quote
Popular Post ggobkk Posted February 22, 2017 Author Popular Post Posted February 22, 2017 Looking at my notes for this trip, I wrote this..."said goodbye to "K", some sleep, a gentle morning." Wake, make some tea, journal the last two days (and nights), the interactions with "K" and acknowledging some powerful feelings that I thought were long gone from my experiences. After a shower, pack up, double check that everything is accounted for, leave a tip for the housekeepers. Down to breakfast where Kaye of the Poseidon seats me and takes my breakfast order. It seems that in Jomtien/Pattaya Kaye and "K" have been my special supports. As I wait for breakfast, two guys who are in the room below me (we pass on the stairs at least once a day) come in for breakfast and we share a table. They weren't at the managers cocktail party last night so there's been no chance to talk other than to say hello on the stairs. And, given that this is my serendipity trip, it's perfectly understandable that I discover they leave near me (in California 40 miles is "near"). They drive to Berkeley where I live to go to the theatre, so we share thoughts on what we've seen and they ask about restaurants in town. I try to stay current on the comings and goings of the restaurants and food trucks in my food obsessed home town. Time slips away, and it's almost 11. My new neighbors are heading out to the airport, and I need to get to the tailors. Which I do, shirts are ready. I try one on and it's a great fit. I do realize that at this point, if it wasn't a good fit there's not too much I can do. I return to the hotel, tell Kaye I'll have one bag for him to bring down, climb the 60 steps one last time, Kaye comes up and takes my suitcase down, I follow with my electronics bag and a smaller carry-all. PT Taxi is again early, I say good bye to my California neighbors, who are waiting for their driver. I tip Kaye and promise to return...hope I keep that promise...and I'm off. Unlike the journey to Pattaya, the return to Bangkok is relatively quick and I'm at The Raya by 2. Easy check-in. This time I'm in a Standard room on the 6th floor. Good size, comfortable. I'll later learn it could use another light and the air conditioning likes to revert to cold at its convenience. At check-in the clerk started by welcoming me back. Computer is definitely working. Unpack clothes that I'll (maybe) need the next two and a half days and then repack the remainder. At about 4pm, I head out to Prime for a two hour Thai massage (500 THB). Note to self: Self, when having a Thai massage, especially a two hour work-over, make sure to use the toilet before. There's sufficient pressure use in a Thai massage that having pressure in one's bladder is not an enhancement. Other that as noted to self, it was an exceptional massage. Between my grunts, I was able to let my thoughts roam over the past few days...nothing processed as a full thought, but there was a sense that my world was a bit more openly enhanced. Went for a walk, saw on my phone that Divine Madman was proposing a meet up to which I agreed. Decided to have a snack at Madrid, ordered the pizza, and observed that same women were still sitting around in their assigned sots, bar, cashier, kitchen, server inside and server outside. There were two other customers, server outside seemed to be delivering pizzas along the soi as she keep leaving with pizzas and no one was dining outside Back to the hotel, than over to HotMale Bar where DivineMadMan and I arrive at almost the same time. Noom is all over me, I act as if I can't remember him, two other bar boys join us. DivineMadman tells me that when PaulSF is in residence he is given Check bin #1. We both hope the tradition will carry on when he arrives on Wednesday. (DivineMadman PM's me that it did). I fill him in on my time in Pattaya, he is negotiating with his friend about leaving with him on his visa run and will be going to X-Boys to negotiate if there are to be off fees as that's where his friend works. He asks if I'd like to join them and go to Maggie Choo's for the show. I pass, I want to check out some clubs, maybe see if my Classic Boys dancer who I was eyeing last week is around. Note: I should have gone with DivineMadman. Go upstairs to HotMale to say hello to the mamasan, who's not there -seems it's his night off, but I'm taken to the usual seat, order a drink, note there are maybe ten customers, see one guy who looks interesting (he has a full head of hair, I realize that is a miserable description, but his hair is grown out and I think of a mop), but he's with a customer. Since there are few customers, the 9:30 show last about 12 minutes. I take my leave. I next stop in FreshBoys. The mamasans are still if full Chinese dress coming out of the new year. I order a 7-up which is delivered and spilled on my as it is set down. Apologies interrupted by one mamsan sitting down and asking for a drink and then asking if I saw anyone I liked. I said no to the drink and that I hadn't had time to check out the boys. Very few customers, so a series of boys sit down on my let side in a rotation they only understood. Mamasan is still on my right telling me about the boys. I'm not sure if I'm irritated or amused by all of this Suspect is amusing for me to see how irritated I might get to be...at somepoint after having chased away four boys, Dave, a 19 year old from Cambodia, takes his rotation. He is cute, nice body, kisses in the club, I but him a drink which sets up wails from a couple of the guys I'd sent away. (Over acting but amusing). Mamsan tells me Dave is new, does everything (doesn't everyone until they get to the room?). My resistance is worn down by Dave's smile, his kisses, my pants being still wet from the 7-Up, and wanting to get away from the mamasan. If Dave hadn't been so cute, I'd have just bailed. I didn't, I paid up (500 off, 800 for two drinks). Dave and I go to The Raya, stop at the desk where they take his ID and i double check it to makes sure he is 19. He is. Offer him a shower, he washes up but no shower, his clothes are off, underwear removed as he gets into the bed. Very nice body, good abs, he's compact, maybe 5 and 1/2 feet tall. As, I thought, he does everything, ...but. He kisses and sucks but not a bottom. I'm not a bottom tonight, still tender there from "K". We take advantage of what he will do and then he has a spectacular chuck wow. I almost wanted to applaud. Something about being 19, I guess. We stick together for maybe 20 minutes and he gets up to go, offer the shower again, no. Pay him 2000 and take him to the desk for his ID. Look at my watch it's 11:30. Dave and I were together just about an hour. I return to the room, take a shower, think about FreshBoys and activities in the room. Maybe I'm jaded but other than having somewhat intimate contact with a really attractive 19 year old , I'd have had more fun at was less fun at Maggie Choo's. Waled around, thought about Screwboys...but just retuned to the hotel, fought with the air conditioning and went to bed. paulsf, Alexx, vinapu and 5 others 8 Quote
vinapu Posted February 22, 2017 Posted February 22, 2017 . My serendipity has made for two special nights. Nights that won't just disappear as part of some trying to remember what happened on a trip. that 'K' must be definitely something and somebody, I feel kind of envious Quote
Alexx Posted February 22, 2017 Posted February 22, 2017 Nice to read that you live in Berkeley, ggobkk, I lived there for 5 years about 15 years ago and it was a great time. I enjoy reading your Thailand reports, please keep them coming. Quote
Popular Post ggobkk Posted February 22, 2017 Author Popular Post Posted February 22, 2017 Monday morning, hotel buffet...everything is the same but different. I was away 4 days and the powers that be completely reorganized the placement of the various dishes, the coffee, the tea, and the toaster. With nothing on my agenda, I decide to explore...I wind up at Central World, had ice tea, did some shopping, and lunch at Greyhound, which was only passable (660 BHT). Check my phone and find several messages from "K" and an update from Van who send me a photo of him working in the fields at his parents. After exiting the BTS I walked along Silom and found myself again at Prime and again I took the 2 hour Thai massage to release my inner masochist. After going back to the hotel and spend some private time thinking of my parents as today would have been their 75 wedding anniversary. i post a reminiscence on FB. After some quiet time, I head out for dinner at Maxi's and to see what the evening brings. I head to Family Mart so a few things, coming out as 'm going in is Dave, my off from last night. He stops me and aks if I coming back to Fresh Boys and to off him. I tell him I have other plans. He is still cute, but not cute enough for another off. As i round the corner to enter Soi Twilight, La, HotMale's man on the street. sees me and puts me (no resistance) in a chair at the bar. I tell him, I'm on my way to eat, Noom hears me and finds a menu, I enjoy the give and take with boys, so I order. I let the results pass...the food came from one of the carts and was delivered to the bar. Ask La about the HotMale show, he (of course) recommends it but is honest and says tonight is quiet. I translate this to mean it will be a short show as not too many customers. I go up, the mamasan is back from a day off, usual treatment, usual seat. I notice two boys who take my interest, one is tall with a Chinese cast to his features, the other #4 is a coyote, the one will the mop of hair I saw last night. Mamasan asks if I want to talk to him, I say, yes but after his rotation on sage ends, when it does, mamasan brings over the coyote who has taken over #4 's spot on stage. Misunderstanding. Once ocrrected, #4 joins me, his name is "T". What is is with names this trip? Cee, "K", and now "T". Early on, I seemed to always select Vietnames boys, now it's the alphabet. I also remember a prior report where I went out of my way to identify boys and forum members with code letters. Maybe this is payback. T has no English and with the help of the mamasan and Google translate, I learn he's 19 (check ID) and fresh from Issan. He is cuddly and his mane of hair - these two things combined with his youth bring to my mind a comparison with a young puppy. He is eager to please and I'm willing to let him please me. We adjourn to the hotel. Stop at reception for ID drop off, up to room, T showers and invites me to join him, he has a dancer's body, lithe, defined, we dry each other off, and adjourn to his task of pleasing me, which he does. After I am finished, he chuck wows...it takes more than several minutes and he wants me to bite his nipples and chest to bring him off. Which happens. He then cuddles and falls asleep his head on my chest. After a while, I wake him, he says he'll stay all night. Not sure why, but I said it was best to leave. I'm still trying to figure out why I decided to not have an overnight guest. T takes a shower, gives me a kiss. Leaves. A few minutes later, he knocks on the door...how does he get to reception. I tell him to take the elevator to the 4th floor. Goodbye. Another few minutes, another knock. He can't get there, elevator doesn't work (!). I dress, and we head out. He stops at the service elevator and shows me it doesn't work. I lead him further on to the hotel elevator, which he now remembers. The expression on his face was one of surprised joy. We get the ID and I take him down to Surawong. I think to myself, that was fun, maybe a repeat tomorrow. Tuesday. Last day in Bangkok. Repeat of yesterday, breakfast, Siam Paragon instead of Central World, massage at Prime for two hours. Back at Hotel "K" video calls me from his home and e proceeds to introduce me to his parents who are also on the call (!). DInner at Maxi's, meet up with DivineMadman where we share notes, joke with the bar boys. He departs to prepare for his trip and I head up to HotMale to off "T". Mamasan tells me it's T's night off and tries to interest me in another boy /boys. Not interested. It's now almost 11 and I'm scheduled to leave the hotel in 4 hours to catch my plane to Tokyo to connect with the flight to San Francisco. Decide, no new boy. T would have been o.k. as I know he's a good time but I don't want rush the last hours with someone I don't already know. Go to bed...alarm at 3. Shower, shave, check to make sure everything is packed. Down to reception, room check, all is clear, hotel gets me a taxi. Some negotiation, no meter, but says 400 THB ok. I paid something close to that for a metered trip from the airport when I arrived. Quick trip, though at at first by a different route than I'm accustomed to. At airport, ANA staff makes their bow to the passengers and I check my bags to San Francisco, security, and a really long line (it's 4am) for immigration. Clear, go ANA lounge and create a breakfast, onto plane, fall asleep, Tokyo. Get a shower and shave at the United Club, have a beer and some snacks - food not great in lounge but is better than what I will get on plane. Board and learn that I have a center row (a 4 seater) to myself. Wake up 2 hours outside of the Bay Area. Skip the breakfast offered and think about what the last two weeks has been like. Can't get my head around it...I think, well, Vinapu prods me to write a report..maybe that will make things understandable. And so ends this trip report with a hope for another visit. vinapu, DivineMadman, lilbob69 and 7 others 10 Quote
DivineMadman Posted February 23, 2017 Posted February 23, 2017 You were sorely missed at Maggie Choo's, which was packed and to my surprise had a lot of very tall guys - over 6'). As you know the guy I was with is more local average-to-short, so hard for him to see much. Maggie Choo's gay night is very loud. There was a lot of overlap with the drag show at Stranger Bar the previous Thursday night (same performers), so that's a fun alternative we should keep in mind your next visit. But at Maggie Choo's you do get top-shelf drinks. Quote
ozmouse Posted February 23, 2017 Posted February 23, 2017 You were sorely missed at Maggie Choo's, more info on maggie choo's would be appreciated. it has been on the list last 2 visits... .havent gotten there. specific night for specific entertainment/gay nights? Quote
DivineMadman Posted February 23, 2017 Posted February 23, 2017 Sunday night is gay night. The club is an interesting space - lots of exposed brick. It's not a big cavernous club, but an underground night club. For gay night it's a very crowded upscale gay bar. No go go dancers. A healthy mix of expats, tourists and upper & middle class Thais. Pretty much all ages, but obviously mostly mid 30s because it's mostly locals. Not cruisy. Pangina Heels runs the drag show. She's American. forget the names of her colleagues. Usual mix of lip sync and other maybe a little edgy performances, with some interactive bits like name the song and singer and win a shot or a condom or things like that. There can be a line to get in depending on when you get there, just because the club can only hold so many people, so later on you have to wait until people leave to free up space. I am pretty sure they let people in in order of arrival, not a "door" like some NYC clubs. It can't be that exclusive if I can get in without a problem. I think it's about 300 a person, but that gets you your first drink, which looked to be tanqueray or beefeaters or similar top shelf. Overall fun friendly vibe. I would say dress code is smart casual. I have noise issues so I carry ear plugs to take a break from the noise. They help. I believe smoking is allowed, but isn't particularly smoky. Definitely a nice break from Soi 4/Soi Twilight or DJ Station/G.O.D, and for me much more comfortable than the big clubs like Fake Club or Celebrity. ChristianPFC and ozmouse 2 Quote
vinapu Posted February 24, 2017 Posted February 24, 2017 , Vinapu prods me to write a report..maybe that will make things understandable. and he is glad you listened to his suggestion LOL Thank you for great and dynamic travel report and start preparing for a next trip , whenever it willl be Quote
ozmouse Posted February 24, 2017 Posted February 24, 2017 Sunday night is gay night. The club is an interesting space - lots of exposed brick. It's not a big cavernous club, but an underground night club. For gay night it's a very crowded upscale gay bar. No go go dancers. A healthy mix of expats, tourists and upper & middle class Thais. Pretty much all ages, but obviously mostly mid 30s because it's mostly locals. Not cruisy. Pangina Heels runs the drag show. She's American. forget the names of her colleagues. Usual mix of lip sync and other maybe a little edgy performances, with some interactive bits like name the song and singer and win a shot or a condom or things like that. There can be a line to get in depending on when you get there, just because the club can only hold so many people, so later on you have to wait until people leave to free up space. I am pretty sure they let people in in order of arrival, not a "door" like some NYC clubs. It can't be that exclusive if I can get in without a problem. I think it's about 300 a person, but that gets you your first drink, which looked to be tanqueray or beefeaters or similar top shelf. Overall fun friendly vibe. I would say dress code is smart casual. I have noise issues so I carry ear plugs to take a break from the noise. They help. I believe smoking is allowed, but isn't particularly smoky. Definitely a nice break from Soi 4/Soi Twilight or DJ Station/G.O.D, and for me much more comfortable than the big clubs like Fake Club or Celebrity. thanks for detailed reply. remains on the list then! sounds better than average. Quote
alex303 Posted February 25, 2017 Posted February 25, 2017 ggobkk - thanks for taking the time to write a great trip report, thoroughly enjoyed reading it, good balance as in not too much detail but enough to make the reader feel involved. Thanks for sharing...look forward to reading about your future adventures ggobkk 1 Quote
GWMinUS Posted April 20, 2017 Posted April 20, 2017 "In retrospect, this was not a good idea. Other than a high reading on the PSA test, I had no other symptoms. The outcome of the biopsy was two fold: one, I simply have a large prostate thus the high reading; two, the cuts and sample removals from the prostate for the biopsy reduced my ability to ejaculate. It also lessened somewhat my ability to keep my personal flagpole at attention." Enjoyed reading your post. I also is a long-time prostate survivor. Many years ago my PSA came back extremely high. And my GP at the time, a Gay Doc, admonished me to have IT removed immediately. I found out later that his Father had died of prostate cancer, so this influenced his viewpoint. I saw the Urologist he referred me to and had a long discussion about the options and the consequences. I did my research and even had a consult with a Oncologist who does the Needles Procedure. The Urologist did a biopsy and the lab could barely find any cancer cells. So now 10 years later I am still taking the Watchful Waiting approach. I am 76 yo and on my last exam my Urologist said my PSA was still high but there was no reason to perform and additional biopsies. I have not suffered any serious side effects. Other than the bleeding that goes on for several weeks after the biopsy. Yes, my libido is not what is used to be and my cum is not thick and creamy... Too bad. But I am very glad I did not jump into having surgery or radiology. Life goes on... traveller123 and ggobkk 2 Quote
steveboy Posted April 21, 2017 Posted April 21, 2017 I have not suffered any serious side effects. Other than the bleeding that goes on for several weeks after the biopsy. Yes, my libido is not what is used to be and my cum is not thick and creamy... Too bad. But I am very glad I did not jump into having surgery or radiology. Life goes on... These doctors!...When the urologist prescribed a biopsy he told me that it is a "simple" procedure, when I asked him if cancer could spread because of the biopsy he told me that this is false, and all was rosy and fine. And surgeons will think of surgery as the first option... I remember many years ago in my church group one elderly man telling another who was a doctor that he had decided to undergo prostate surgery, and the doctor CONGRATULATED him for that "wise" decision, like "welcome to the group of sheep who worship the Medical Establishment and us Gods of Medicine" ggobkk 1 Quote
reader Posted April 21, 2017 Posted April 21, 2017 The profit motive is alive and well in the MD community. Once had a doctor try to persuade me have a colonoscopy under general anesthesia! I disabused him of the notion and went elsewhere for the procedure. I've developed a healthy skepticism about initial medical opinions that has served me well over time. Quote
GWMinUS Posted April 21, 2017 Posted April 21, 2017 HAHAHA All the stories we old men have Let the younger ones here know what they have to look forward to... Take care!! Quote
PeterRS Posted April 22, 2017 Posted April 22, 2017 I also is a long-time prostate survivor. Many years ago my PSA came back extremely high. And my GP at the time, a Gay Doc, admonished me to have IT removed immediately. I found out later that his Father had died of prostate cancer, so this influenced his viewpoint. A friend in Switzerland was told he had the same high PSA. His biopsy came back positive for cancer cells. After a lot of discussion he decided the important thing was to be cancer free. So he had the operation. After recovery he found it was impossible to get an erection. He tried virtually everything but with no luck. Having been a top all his life, he simply decided if he wanted a sex life he had to become a bottom. He took to it quite easily and believes it was worth it to be free of cancer. He was 61 when he had the operation. If you are a bit older the adage always used to be that you will die of natural causes before slow developing prostate cancer does the deed. I suspect 61 is a bit young to depend on the former. Quote
steveboy Posted April 22, 2017 Posted April 22, 2017 HAHAHA All the stories we old men have Let the younger ones here know what they have to look forward to... Take care!! Yes, the older we get the more stories we can tell. And I think that the stories we older people in this forum have to tell are worth taking into account. The fact that WE ARE in this forum interested in getting as much and as good sex as we can... is proof that one can live a healthy life without abusing anything and reach old age with most of the body functioning as designed. We display a sense of humor and optimism that reveal a progressive resolution of the conflicts of life as we gain experience, gaining a healthy agnosticism about the fantasies of organized religion, social norms and medical fashions. Many of us having retired and being financially secure we have the time to dedicate to our favorite pastimes, like hobbies and sex tourism (!), The lack of stress works favorably to let us overcome the little frustrations of every day and enjoy a happy life for as long as we can imagine. Quote
steveboy Posted April 22, 2017 Posted April 22, 2017 He was 61 when he had the operation. If you are a bit older the adage always used to be that you will die of natural causes before slow developing prostate cancer does the deed. I suspect 61 is a bit young to depend on the former. Today the latest rule seems to be that men over 70 should not get a PSA test if they are free of symptoms, and to have some difficulty peeing should be first attributed to an enlarged prostate and treated accordingly. So there is no need to rush! It might not be long before a better diagnosis than this PSA may become available and then, with reduced risk of false positives and without the complication of a biopsy, one might satisfy the curiosity about what are the chances. Quote
vinapu Posted April 22, 2017 Posted April 22, 2017 generally speaking it is very unhealthy to get sick Alexx, PeterRS and ChristianPFC 3 Quote
PeterRS Posted April 22, 2017 Posted April 22, 2017 I wonder what happened to the physical examinations that were common before the PSA became routine. I twice had a cute doctor at Bumrungrad doing the exam at the end of a check up. One did seem to leave his finger there rather longer than propriety dictated! Quote
a447a Posted April 22, 2017 Posted April 22, 2017 Yes, the older we get the more stories we can tell. And I think that the stories we older people in this forum have to tell are worth taking into account. The fact that WE ARE in this forum interested in getting as much and as good sex as we can... is proof that one can live a healthy life without abusing anything and reach old age with most of the body functioning as designed. We display a sense of humor and optimism that reveal a progressive resolution of the conflicts of life as we gain experience, gaining a healthy agnosticism about the fantasies of organized religion, social norms and medical fashions. Many of us having retired and being financially secure we have the time to dedicate to our favorite pastimes, like hobbies and sex tourism (!), The lack of stress works favorably to let us overcome the little frustrations of every day and enjoy a happy life for as long as we can imagine. Well said! I couldn't agree more. Quote
sglad Posted April 22, 2017 Posted April 22, 2017 HAHAHA All the stories we old men have Let the younger ones here know what they have to look forward to... Take care!! I like stories but the stories that my grandparents like to tell are not necessarily applicable to me as times and circumstances have changed. And what is true today may not be true in fifty years' time. And sometimes older people (or even young people - a common ailment among bored foreigners in Chiang Mai) invent stories and repeat them on purpose. But, yeah, stories are fun and occasionally we can even learn a thing or two from them. vinapu 1 Quote
Londoner Posted April 22, 2017 Posted April 22, 2017 I was guilty of panic after both my father and my older brother were diagnosed with prostate cancer. My PSA rose at every test I had (at one stage six-monthly) but, now, after a full body scan cleared me, my perceptions have changed. The specialist told me he didn't want to hear from me unless my PSA reached 8.0; hitherto, a reading of 3.0 gave me concern. I now have yearly tests and my reading continues to rise but I no longer worry. By the way, I was interested to note that tests in my GP's surgery which sent to the local hospital for analysis were always significantly higher than those in two different hospitals where I saw specialists.. Quote
sglad Posted April 22, 2017 Posted April 22, 2017 I twice had a cute doctor at Bumrungrad doing the exam at the end of a check up. One did seem to leave his finger there rather longer than propriety dictated! Might it have been a dentist who mistook your ass for your mouth? Quote