Guest samebb Posted January 16, 2017 Posted January 16, 2017 So I have been informed I am a butterfly. Oops! There are just to many boys! I met a moneyboy and we get on really well. I have been in Bangkok 5-6 weeks and I want a change of scenery for a few days. I am looking at booking the Ambience in Pattaya. This boy really wants to come with me, sure he knows he will be paid well, but what if I met another boy in Pattaya I wanted a short time with or something? Do these boys sometimes get jealous? Or is it always all about the money? I am not even trying to be greedy here. If I take him with me I am helping him and his family financially. Hes Cambodian. Does anyone have any experience with this kind of thing? I really don't want to sound like a slut here... Thanks Quote
DivineMadman Posted January 16, 2017 Posted January 16, 2017 ... Do these boys sometimes get jealous? Or is it always all about the money? .... Yes they can get jealous, even when they know it's all about the money. It's easy and fun to travel with one of the guys. I frequently do. As long as you're clear ahead of time about what your expecting, I say go for it! Most likely everything will be fine. An episode of drama -- that's just part of the package of hanging out with bar boys, bound to happen to you at some point soon, if not already. Quote
Londoner Posted January 16, 2017 Posted January 16, 2017 Is his desire to go with you due to his hope that this will become a LTR? And is that something that you are considering? Or is he just looking for a holiday (nothing wrong with that) and perhaps to meet-up with some friends- many Cambodians are in Pattaya. Will you book two rooms at Ambiance? If you plan to "off" other guys, this would make it much easier. But be up-front with him. Tell him honestly (as far as the language problems allow) what you are offering. It's not fair to raise expectations that cannot be met. If you tell him, he may prefer to stay in BKK....this is high-season, after all. And, of course, be sure the money angle is explained....and then fulfilled. Quote
Alexx Posted January 16, 2017 Posted January 16, 2017 Personally, I'd consider taking someone along to "bring your own boy" destinations. Going to Pattaya, on the other hand, I'd prefer to go alone. Just to avoid potential drama. Phet and ChristianPFC 2 Quote
Guest DThump Posted January 16, 2017 Posted January 16, 2017 Fist understand that money is the sole motivation for him wanting to travel with you and money all the time as is a LTR is a very attaractive thought, as for jealousy it has little to do with you sharring your affections and everything to do with you sharring your money. Quote
Gaybutton Posted January 16, 2017 Posted January 16, 2017 If it was something such as a trip to his hometown, no problem. But you're going to Boyztown, not to mention the other Pattaya gay venues. Of course you're going to be attracted to other boys and this is your holiday. My advice - don't take him. If you take him, you're asking for trouble and trouble is what you'll get. If you want to help him financially, give him some good farewell money, maybe even buy an airline ticket for him to go to Phnom Penh or wherever to visit his family, say goodbye, and have a fabulous time in Pattaya without having to worry about a boy you brought along - no matter what his motivation might be. ChristianPFC and kokopelli 2 Quote
floridarob Posted January 16, 2017 Posted January 16, 2017 just tell him you like 3 ways,,,if you do.. and see what he says, you'll def find others in Pattaya you'll want to be with... Quote
gerefan Posted January 16, 2017 Posted January 16, 2017 If, as you say, you're going to Pattaya with the intention of offing other boys then leave him in BKK. There WILL be trouble otherwise! ChristianPFC 1 Quote
ggobkk Posted January 16, 2017 Posted January 16, 2017 I've taken a boy to Pattaya, we had a good time...but it was inhibiting with regard to offing someone else. How to handle the room situation, the "diplomacy" involved, etc. Based on that, I suggest a possible alternative to what's been said above, all of which is good wisdom from personal experiences. My alternative is to go to Pattaya for several days, the first days by yourself, invite your friend to join you for the last day or two. And as Vinapu always stresses, be upfront about expectations and compensation. And, whatever, make sure YOU have a good time. vinapu and kokopelli 2 Quote
Guest Posted January 16, 2017 Posted January 16, 2017 This boy really wants to come with me He want's to go, but you are paying for the trip, so what do you want ? As you are paying for the trip, it is what you want that matters. Unless he's the best company and the best sex ever, go to Pattaya alone. This boy really wants to come with me, sure he knows he will be paid well, but what if I met another boy in Pattaya I wanted a short time with or something? Do these boys sometimes get jealous? Or is it always all about the money? Remember, in many of the cases, the jealousy is because they think other boys will take over the revenue stream provided. If there was no more money, what would the outcome be ? Incidentally, I think bringing a boy along is a much more attractive proposition when going somewhere that is quiet with little or no gay scene. Quote
Guest ryanasia Posted January 16, 2017 Posted January 16, 2017 Personally, I'd consider taking someone along to "bring your own boy" destinations. Going to Pattaya, on the other hand, I'd prefer to go alone. Just to avoid potential drama. Alex is right, there is absolutely no reason to take a boy to Pattaya. Quote
DivineMadman Posted January 17, 2017 Posted January 17, 2017 i think if the op likes the boy and enjoys his company he is free to make the decision to bring the boy with him without criticism. Quote
spoon Posted January 17, 2017 Posted January 17, 2017 It is really up to op if he wants to bring or not, but the question nkw is he is asking advise whether he should bring, considering he want to sample the meat at pattaya night markets. For me, i had to agree that he is more worry about your pocket rather than other things, but dont let that ruined your holiday, the boy knows u wanted the bf experience, so he play his role perfectly, the good and the bad i guess lol. But as from what ive read from the many reports here, if u can ignore their acting, u can always bring him with you. There are times that u just want familar faces around rather than new boys. Quote
ChristianPFC Posted January 17, 2017 Posted January 17, 2017 Do these boys sometimes get jealous? Or is it always all about the money? Does anyone have any experience with this kind of thing? I really don't want to sound like a slut here... Taking a boy to Pattaya is like bringing owls to Athens. Depending on the boy, there can be all kinds of drama and pouting, could ruin your entire trip. I once did bring a boy from Bangkok to Pattaya, and regretted it. And he didn't like it either! I thought I just take him there and back and provide a free separate room for him (it was low seasons and I got a deal from the owner of the place where I stayed regularly - two rooms for the price of one), and we go separate ways (i.e. I go to bars and take other boys), but he thought we would spend the time together (but apart from sex, we have no common interests). Anyway, what do you want to do in Pattaya? If you want to enjoy the gay bars, you would have to drag him along, which will be expensive (always drinks for two), and you might get tempted to take someone else. Taking a boy to the provinces is recommended. If the boy is clever, the trip for two can cost the same as for one, when he knows where to eat and stay and how to travel like locals (compared to you as a tourist, always relying on English being spoken) - but your Cambodian friend probably cannot read Thai. Nothing wrong with being a slut. vinapu 1 Quote
vinapu Posted January 17, 2017 Posted January 17, 2017 First understand that money is the sole motivation for him wanting to travel with you and money all the time as is a LTR is a very attractive thought, as for jealousy it has little to do with you sharing your affections and everything to do with you sharing your money. My advice - don't take him. If you take him, you're asking for trouble and trouble is what you'll get. a little bit too much doom and gloom here I've taken a boy to Pattaya, we had a good time...but it was inhibiting with regard to offing someone else. How to handle the room situation, the "diplomacy" involved, etc. And as Vinapu always stresses, be upfront about expectations and compensation. And, whatever, make sure YOU have a good time. For a risk of repeating myself since both adventures were described in my reports on this forum ( if somebody is interested and has problem finding them PM me and I will send you linsks to the archives) I tried both options - taking Pattaya boy to Bangkok for 5 days and Bangkok boy to Pattaya for 2 days. Both times it was their idea of which I made stamp of approval. In both cases I sensed that while compensation was expected , their primary motive was to get a bit of short vacations at my expense. Pattaya boy even come on his own with novelty idea that I can have other boys every night and he will be happy to sleep on the floor, honestly ! Ever gentleman I did not allow such indignity renting him cheap room in Sunflower Place around the corner from Nantra which was full at the time. He used it twice , other three nights we spent together , one of them with an additional boy. There was no jealousy but we had some friction over his complaint that I tipped that third boy too generously in comparison to him. Ever an asshole, I solved it fast by reminding him how well he did financially during that trip / before Bangkok I offed him 4 nights in row in Pattaya /. Before we left Pattaya we discussed everything in detail and he knew that he will be paid daily stipend and of course all expenses but will be tipped only for nights we spent together of which I guaranteed him 2 out of 5 but we finished with 3. The same story was with Tawan boy I took to Pattaya and his expectancies were even lower , he wanted me to pay his off fees and expenses but stressed I don't need to tip him at all and repeated it few times and likely he meant it because he was a bit reluctant when I forced his tip on him upon return. There were nor monetary issues at all neither jealousy . Again , we discussed all in detail before departure and we agreed that for both nights we will be bringing companion which we did. I secured right to threw him out of room if I will need some privacy but it turned out unnecessary. He could have some long time relationship expectancies but those were dispelled before we even went since I offed on his watch quite a few ( 4) of his bar friends before we went so he knew. To summarize with advice to OP and others, if inclined go for it and take boy with you but set out rules about compensation and other boys beforehand and stick to them. Be prepared for some friction but as z909 said above " As you are paying for the trip, it is what you want that matters" but be fair keeping in mind it may be actually YOU who has bad day today , not boy. And since you will be spending lots of time with boy before you go , off him long time at least twice. Quote
Guest samebb Posted January 17, 2017 Posted January 17, 2017 Thanks for the replies everyone. Many different opinions but most importantly you have all been very helpful. Some perspectives here I didn't even think about. I think, to avoid the problems I will leave this boy here. I will be back in Bangkok after a few days or a week and he can see me then. Chances are I will postpone my trip now till the first weekend in February, and I believe this boy is in Cambodia that weekend doing his VISA. Thanks again everyone. I feel you have saved me from unwanted stress! Have a great day.Sam Quote
vinapu Posted January 17, 2017 Posted January 17, 2017 1. .....I thought I just take him there and back and provide a free separate room for him........................ we go separate ways (i.e. I go to bars and take other boys), but he thought we would spend the time together .................... 2. Nothing wrong with being a slut. 1. it's why it's important to discuss and set out the rules beforehand 2. can't agree more 3. forgot to mention above, when proudly presented my Pattaya boy to Christian when we met in BKK, what did he say ? " boy is too fat", oh boy ! paulsf and ggobkk 2 Quote
Guest ryanasia Posted January 17, 2017 Posted January 17, 2017 Thai guys will only cost more money on a trip they aren't savvy travelers. As far as planning trips or booking hotels go they wouldn't know how. If you want to stay with their family that is different. Quote
Guest abang1961 Posted January 18, 2017 Posted January 18, 2017 Although I have never "book" a Thai guy before, I have done numerous trips with the man-of-the-moment in these past years. He may be a new boyfriend-of-sorts and despite all the pre-trip reminders and rules and regulations, expect DRAMA to the max. Even though he said it was ok for me to go out with any Western farang I 'd favoured, there is always that sulkiness. So if you are smart and adventurous, leave the wonderful body..hmm, I mean that wonderful boy alone in the place of origin. Give him some "Bonus" (not "boner"alone will suffice) and tell him to expect your return in a couple of days. This way you can go to another destination without any baggage/guilt. You can be as butterfly as you can be, bed-hopping, bar-hopping and boy-hopping as much as you want. **There are still many "interesting" fishes in the sea for your fat wallet/bait! Quote