colmx Posted January 28, 2017 Posted January 28, 2017 Great report so far! $200USD seems like a huge price for a tour in a third world country... Did you find it value for money? We did something similar in Phnom Penh earlier this month and the all in cost for 3 people was less than 100USD Quote
Popular Post numazu Posted January 28, 2017 Author Popular Post Posted January 28, 2017 Day 3.0: Coughing my way back to Bangkok Before we retired for the night, we talk about the next few days. I am going to Bangkok tomorrow, to spend two nights there. After Bangkok, I will be meeting with him in Mandalay, to continue our Myanmar sojourn. I know where I will be staying in Bangkok, but BurBoy does not know anyone in Mandalay. We both look at Agoda and survey the hotels there. BurBoy did not want anything fancy, just somewhere to spend the night. I tell him to treat himself, so I start looking at fancy hotels. BurBoy is taking the bus to Mandalay, so we decide on a hotel that was close to the bus station. After arguing about which one for a while (he really didn’t want an expensive one), we settle on the hotel Hotel Myat Nan Taw Win. It look decent from the photos: and it was $31 a night, hardly something that would break the bank. It had free breakfast and it was a 7-minute walk from the bus station from google, so it was perfect for BurBoy. The beauty about booking from Agoda is that you can a) prepay the whole stay and b) put the reservation in someone else’s name. BurBoy calls the hotel to confirm that there are no credit cards needed on the stay (he doesn’t have one), so we make the reservation and print out a copy of the Agoda Booking Voucher that shows the whole stay is prepaid. I wake up at 6:30 AM feeling refreshed from the very deep sleep I got the night before. Its rare for me to not wake up at 2AM or 3AM while getting over jetlag. Nothing like a tiring day of touring, eating, and sex to combat the time adjustment. I untangle myself from BurBoy’s embrace and head for the French doors that accesses the balcony. I take a photo of the sunrise: I quietly try to start packing for the flight. BurBoy begins to wake up anyway. He gets out of bed, fully erect, and gives me a big bear hug from the back. We both look at the sunrise as his hardness presses on my back. “I fuck you na?” thrusting his pelvis onto me, simulating fucking. I laugh and tell him maybe when we are in Bangkok. I don’t like bottoming but I fully intend to do it for him, at least once. He has been asking for it since Phuket 9 months ago and I think it was time. But not right now. I wasn’t ready, more mentally than physically. What I was ready for is to take care of the huge boner that BurBoy had. I kneel down to put it in my mouth. I work on it for a while before both of us head to bed to finish each other off. We kiss, give some more oral, and then chuck wow together. We kiss for a while and then see BurBoy dart into the bathroom to pee. I follow him and he says “Cannot pee pee if cock strong.” I laugh. We shower together as per usual. We have breakfast again at the Emporia restaurant in the hotel. We finish and decide to check out the other hotel features we did not have time to enjoy because of our compressed schedule. We look at the grounds and see that the hotel had a lovely pool: We go back to the room to pack and then check out. They had a maid inspect out our room to see if we used anything in the minibar (I didn’t even check if they had a minibar). We get the all clear and I tell the concierge we need a taxi to the airport. We wait at the front till the taxi arrives. When it does, we put our bags in the trunk and pile in the back. BurBoy tells him some things about our destination and off we go. He told the driver that our first stop was the bus stop so he can get catch his Mandalay bus, and then dropping me off at Terminal 1 at Yangon Airport. The driver quotes 9000 kyat for the whole trip. As we drive off, I hear the car’s engine barely keeping up with the road. After 5 minutes the driver pulls over at the roadside, telling BurBoy something in Burmese before leaving the car to get some water. He gets the water, opens the hood of the car and puts water in. BurBoy strokes my arm while we wait. Not a good thing to happen when your trying to make a flight. The driver quickly gets back in, apologizing profusely and then we kept on driving. After a few minutes the driver and BurBoy talk for a bit in Burmese. The driver then gets in a raging coughing fit but still kept talking. I squeeze BurBoy’s hand. Its funny that both our car and driver were in poor health right now. In between coughs, the car also sputters forward. The driver then stops again to open the hood of the car to put more water in: Lots of apologizing, lots of coughing, and then we were on our way again. We stop for a third time for a water break for the car. I turn to BurBoy and I tell him maybe we should get another taxi. He says “I think OK. Wait please.” I trust him. The driver gets back in, cough and all, and we speed away. BurBoy talks to Typhoid Mary for a little bit. After a few exchanges BurBoy smiled. Pretty soon we get to BurBoy’s stop and the driver gets out to get BurBoy’s bag. BurBoy finds my lips and gives me a kiss. He tells me the driver is cutting the fare by 1500 kyat because of the stops. Now that made me feel bad for thinking bad about the driver. People just trying to make a living of course. BurBoy takes his bag and then heads off to the sidewalk to the bus station. We head off to the airport. On the way the driver decides to chat me up. In broken but understandable English he asks me where I am from and how I liked Yangon. I said - American and - thought his city was charming and beautiful. He then talks some more, before asking me how did I feel about our then new President-elect. I told him I really did not care for him. He laughed and then coughed and then laughed-coughed again. He says that is what everyone says when he asks about the then president elect. He has asked Americans, Europeans etc. He feels that no one likes our soon to be president. I told him there were enough people that liked him to vote him into office. He says Democracy is not always great. I agreed with him. Typhoid Mary/survey-taker made a great point. They are struggling to make Democracy work here. We get to the airport with 2 hours to spare. I give him the previously agreed upon 9000 kyat. He smiles and shows me his bettle nut stained teeth and shakes my hand. He takes my luggage and offers to carry it in but I told him there is no need. I point to my own throat and say “Take care ok?” He makes the OK sign with his right hand and he speeds off. Check-in was a breeze. The male airport employees were in longyis so that was a nice touch: I was informed that the flight was an hour late. The blight of travelling in high season. I did enjoy checking out the new Yangon airport terminal. Very modern, high ceilings, nice lights: Going through immigration was also a breeze, and so un-Bangkok like. Inside the facilities were modern as well, and could be found in any other decent airport terminal in the world: Whie waiting for my flight I decided to get an iced coffee at Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf, because I am an ugly American consumer, and because it was next to my gate: While I wait I open up my Grindr. I have been opening my Grindr discreetly in various points of my Yangon stay, just to scope out the lay of the land and the available boys and get a feel of the numbers. I have received a bunch of messages, probably 70% from free boys who just wanted to hook up, and probably the rest money boys. I’ve gotten far into the conversations with some, even to the point of meeting. I could not meet of course: I even received a message from a Money Boy who greeted me a “Sawadee krub,” though he was Burmese: Maybe he thought my Generic Asian Face™ was Thai (even if it was clear in my Grindr ad that I am American). We go on a back and forth and I really just wanted to know what he was willing to do and for how much. We exchanged some photos, and he was very good looking from the photos. He said that he can do everything, and he said that the tip was up to me. I told him I won’t be able to see him today but will keep his contact on Grindr when I do go back. So it’s nice to know there is always gay company in the city if I found myself back here. Online (and from fellow members) you can find that Yangon has quite a few gay massage places as well ( Coupled with the one gay dance night per month ( you can probably manage a somewhat gay stay in this not-so-gay place. Its probably not the first thing to come to mind when thinking of gay hotspots, but Yangon is a city hard to miss if looking to go on a quick getaway (or a visa run, or a quick jaunt with your Burmese boy longing for a trip back home) that is close to Bangkok. So I get on my flight. Bangkok Airways, same gross meal, same old plane, same decent service. Pretty soon we are descending onto Suvarnabhumi, an airport I have come to know very well. Let’s see what this short, two-night detour brings. Next up, wasting no time at all… paulsf, Creditisdue, eurasian and 8 others 11 Quote
numazu Posted January 29, 2017 Author Posted January 29, 2017 On 1/26/2017 at 9:31 PM, spoon said: High number of hits from limited number of reader only means we all keep checking up on your thread to see if youve read something new lol Haha OK. I like pacing the posts so the individual days don't get lost in the shuffle. And I feel that the post length that i strive for is ideal for editing the post for an average of 15 minutes. Anything longer will require longer editing, and there are only a finite number of minutes in the day. Hopefully my post pace is not too slow for most of you guys. On 1/27/2017 at 10:00 AM, spoon said: Worse than expected, byogok market were out of electricity the for 2-3 days and its really hot and sweaty inside, not to mentioned its hard to see things in the dark lol. The traffic is bad, but mostly not because of too many cars, but rather poorly manage traffic light and road system. The cars there is a mixed of left and right hand side drivers, while the road follows US system, while the driver there dont follow traffic rules lol. But i dont like most cities for this very reason anyway, and i have low expectations on hygiene and cleanliness when visiting many asian cities, having lived 1 year in ho chi minh myself lol. I love this Wall Street Journal article about the uniqueness of the existence of right hand drive cars in roads that have cars drive in the right lane in Yangon: Of course the traffic and chaotic driving is a general problem for big cities in developing Asian countries. It will probably only get worse in time until they figure things out and have a cultural shift to more discipline to obey basic traffic laws, or get more money for traffic enforcement, lane and road signage, and traffic lights and other tech advancement. As chaotic as it may seem, the Bangkok traffic gridlock is still, to me, much much worse. Too bad you had those power outages when you went to Bogyoke Market. There were some power surges in Yangon Airport when I was there, and the lights turned off and on four times while I was waiting for my flight. But that was the only hiccup in an otherwise stable power while I was there for a few days. On 1/27/2017 at 4:17 AM, vinapu said: I think you should tip Kyaw a bit , just to keep with Christmas spirit. Tour could be expensive but likely he did not get much out of 200$ you paid. Glad that even in moment of passion you did not forget yourself and remembered about playing it safe. Certainly your Christmas Day of 2016 was one to remember for long time. I fully intended to tip him and the driver but they just high-tailed out of there. One of my regrets this trip. The other big one is in Mandalay. To be posted. I always play safe, even with the BF. Especially with the BF (to protect him). I am sexually active with multiple partners so even if I am on PrEP, I still use a condom. I also have a gay doctor back home who I have regular visits to for STD testing and my annual physical. On 1/27/2017 at 9:16 AM, Vessey said: I confess that your last installment bought the odd tear of sentiment to my eye; wonderful and heartfelt reporting. Thank you Vessey. There was a lot of emotions in this holiday for me. It will show up in my writing for sure. On 1/28/2017 at 2:26 PM, Dalewood said: Is that you wearing the "Pattaya" shorts at the right edge of one of the photos? I also noticed the bright colors at the picture of the Great Pagoda. I envisioned Burmese as rather drab dressers. That is not me in the Pattaya shorts. Remember I was wearing a longyi the whole time I was on the pagoda level. That's not my style anyhow. The shorts I wear usually are in a drab Neutral Farang Hue™, and not in the color scheme of "I went to Pattaya and all I got were these garish-looking shorts." The bright colors were a delight to see. Mostly worn by the women folk. The men's longyis are usually more muted in color. You do get the occasional red or green colored longyi though. On 1/28/2017 at 2:38 PM, colmx said: Great report so far! $200USD seems like a huge price for a tour in a third world country... Did you find it value for money? We did something similar in Phnom Penh earlier this month and the all in cost for 3 people was less than 100USD So I've found out that to rent a car and driver for the whole day in Yangon is usually $80-$120, depending on what you are doing. So with a $100 car and driver, lunch for both of us, fees to ride or enter things, and the salary of the tour guide, I'd say it is more or less fair. We covered a lot of ground, and the guide was full of facts and was really knowledgeable. I'm sure as the country gains more in popularity with tourists, the cost will go down with more business and possibly more competitors that will cover the demand. On 1/28/2017 at 6:49 AM, Alexx said: No worries, it's hard to imagine that anyone is bored! I love your reports so far, all of them. I just haven't had anything of interest to add to this series yet, so all I can offer at this point is a hug and some words of encouragement: please keep them coming! Encouragement is good! Thanks Alexx. I do want to know once in a while what you guys think about my tour so far. From the hits, I know you guys are reading it. So please guys, keep the feedback/questions/discussion coming! Moses 1 Quote
vinapu Posted January 29, 2017 Posted January 29, 2017 On 1/28/2017 at 3:25 PM, numazu said: After arguing about which one for a while (he really didn’t want an expensive one), I'm not surprised, for poor boy splurge on expensive one may seem as waste of money. I realized it once when invited semi-regular boy to a bit flashy Japanese restaurant / it was Christmas Eve /, he did not seem comfortable and I thought it was food he did not like. Only later in hotel when asked he opened up and told me that I should not be wasting so much money. I got what he meant immediately as it was not even that expensive . Quote
spoon Posted January 29, 2017 Posted January 29, 2017 $200 for a private tour in a private car all inclusive is actually ok value. Not cheap but for a private tour, its reasoable to me. But if you feel that u can make the tour yourself, with taxi, and just hire the guide, go for it. Thats what ill do if im on a budget. Quote
ChristianPFC Posted January 29, 2017 Posted January 29, 2017 Thank you very much for sharing, I especially liked the train, colonial architecture, and temples. Only thing that is missing is the date. Quote
Guest Posted January 29, 2017 Posted January 29, 2017 Thanks for another excellent report. Precise dates are largely irrelevant & anyone who does not want to be identified by work colleagues should be vague about such details. Quote
ggobkk Posted January 29, 2017 Posted January 29, 2017 Just to note that I Whenever you use the farang TM. Quote
vinapu Posted January 29, 2017 Posted January 29, 2017 On 1/29/2017 at 7:28 AM, ChristianPFC said: Only thing that is missing is the date. On 1/29/2017 at 9:19 AM, z909 said: Precise dates are largely irrelevant & anyone who does not want to be identified by work colleagues should be vague about such details. can I point out that Christmas Eve ( see 'Christmas Yangoon Eve ' post ) is day before Christmas , and Christmas is Dec 25 so only vague thing is an actual year but from other numazu's reports we can safely assume it was last year. Hope it helped DivineMadman, anddy, paulsf and 1 other 4 Quote
billyhouston Posted January 29, 2017 Posted January 29, 2017 15 or 20 years ago at Mingaladon they used to park the transfer buses (there were no air-bridges) in front of the very dirty windows of the 'Departure Lounge'. This was to make it difficult, but not impossible, to see the Mig-29s taking off. You couldn't miss the noise though. Unfortunately there is a proposal to build a new 'Yangon' airport just outside Bago. Quote
Guest Posted January 29, 2017 Posted January 29, 2017 On 1/29/2017 at 12:27 PM, billyhouston said: Unfortunately there is a proposal to build a new 'Yangon' airport just outside Bago.Bago is about 90 km away. An airport there might work in countries with Shinkansen & Autobahns, but in the less developed SE Asian nations, that's going to be to long a journey. Quote
Popular Post numazu Posted January 30, 2017 Author Popular Post Posted January 30, 2017 Day 3.25: Gentleman’s Intermission Gentleman's Intermission - When a middle-aged man or older takes a break from his marital duties and spouse and acts like he is single without any responsibilities or obligation to his family or spouse. That’s the definition in Urban Dictionary. Thailand has always served as my Gentleman’s Intermission. Though not yet middle-aged (unless I die at 70), I do use Thailand as a break from my duties as a loving BF of 8 years. I do not hide anything from him, and he knows why I go here. No shame. Just fun. It has worked for 2+ years now. Now that I find myself in a relationship with BurBoy, the angelic, innocent, 23-year-old Burmese boy, I yearn for another Gentleman’s Intermission (G.I.). I have successfully "Inceptioned" my relationships (have you seen that movie?). I am about to embark on a G.I. from the Burmese boyfriend that is in my G.I. from my American boyfriend. This time though, BurBoy does not know. It would break his heart if he knew. I told you I am not a good person. This intermission is brief, lasting only two nights. So I am making these two nights count. No time to waste! My flight gets me to Bangkok without a hitch, and I immediately turn on my Thai phone and activate my internet for 399 baht a month. I have talked about this in a previous trip report. I have given my Thai number International roaming so I can top off my SIM card using my American credit card before I get to Thailand. I really only need 400 baht per trip to get internet, and I get it right away once my plane is on land and within cell service. I have signed up for a “blind date” courtesy of vinapu, one of our invaluable forum members. He has recommended and fixed me up with a massage boy. He was in Bangkok earlier in December and when I asked for a boy that could knead away my troubles, he recommended Tao, the massage boy from BBB Inn. I don’t normally give out the names of my hires, but since this has been discussed in my massage thread before, I feel that the cat is out of the bag. Please do not harass him about this report. I call it a “blind date” because I am hiring the guy sight unseen, except for a few photos (some racy) in Line, that Tao has sent my way. I am basing my faith on this boy from the glowing reviews from vinapu. While he was in Thailand, vinapu got Tao’s phone number and I plugged it in my Line, and pretty soon I set up a massage date with Tao at my condo, 1 week before my arrival. After my successful AirBNB stays in the past, I decided to keep staying in condos this trip, at least the stays in Bangkok. I lucked out that I happened upon this 20% offer for AirBNB gift cards that expired December 17: I decided to buy a $1000 gift card, paying only $800. That meant I got 20% off stays that were already $40 a night. It really means I got 20% additional stays. With $1000 in AirBNB, booking my 10 total nights in Bangkok would mean using a lot of AirBNB. Usually before any Bangkok trip ends, I always make sure I had at least 2000 baht saved in my wallet to keep for the next trip. This 2000 baht will be useful for the taxi ride to Silom (usually 500 baht), as well as the occasional bottled water or bite to eat. I do not want to waste time getting my money changed, or using an ATM, at the airport. So from immigration, passing through baggage claim with all carry-ons, and zipping through customs, I get down to the 1st floor and get to the taxi line and press the button on the little machine to get the ticket that tells you which taxi to take. I say three words to my taxi driver: “Silom Soi S̄ām” to get to my AirBNB condo on Soi 3 on Silom Rd. More on my condo later, but I get to the condo without much traffic on a mid-afternoon Monday. 500 baht later I am meeting up with my host for my condo unit. I have rented from him in the past so everything was fast and efficient and pretty soon I was shoving all my dirty laundry in the washer/dryer unit in the condo. I made it a point to only get condo units with laundry this time because of the small amount of clothes I took this trip. I set it to wash and dry cycle, and it looks like it will be done in 5 hours. I leave the condo to get a haircut, badly needed for nicer tour photos and the White Party, I check Cutey and Beautey in Thaniya Plaza, my usual go-to, and see that they were busy. I get down to the 1st floor and see that the haircut place there had a few spots for me. I walk in and get my 300 baht haircut, giving a 20 baht tip. I then go to the closest Krungsri Bank ATM, very recognizable by its bright yellow color, and withdraw their limit for the day (30,000 baht). Getting as much cash as possible limits the amount of 200 baht fees I have to pay. I shouldn’t worry though: my Charles Schwab ATM enables me to get money around the world and get those 200 baht fees refunded anyway. And my bank does not charge anything for those withdrawals. While this was happening, I have been Lining Tao. I tell him to meet me at the condo at 3:30 PM. I walk back to my condo and go by the 7-11 closest to the condo building to get some toiletries (soap, shampoo), waters for me and the boys, and some snacks I have come to love when visiting Thailand. I go back to the condo unit and unpack the groceries and take a hot shower before Tao got here. He will be here in 15 minutes and I wanted to be ready, even if “Thai time” meant he will be here a little bit later than that. At 3:30 PM Tao Lines me to tell me that he is leaving BBB Inn to get to my condo. So he is probably 15 minutes out. I get a Line message from Tao, telling me he is at the lobby waiting. The condo is designed to require a key card to get to the elevators, operate the elevators, and then of course to enter the unit. It was not like most hotels where visitors can just go directly to the room door. Also, most Thai hotels require unregistered visitors to leave their IDs with the guard at the lobby. No such checks at the condo. You are treated like a resident and can have anyone you want in your unit. I meet Tao and find a pretty pleasant young guy waiting for me at the lobby. The photos he sent were pretty accurate. He was a little bit taller than I am, lean with strong legs, and a great smile. I shake his hand and lead him back to the unit. I offer him a bottled water which he gladly accepts, and we talk for a bit to break the ice. He asked me about my plans for Bangkok, I told him about Yangon and the White Party and all that. I asked him about his employment at BBB Inn. I ask him if they knew that you were with a customer. He said yes, outcalls were part of the job. I then tell him that I have showered already, but if he needed to shower, to feel free to use the facilities. He disrobes immediately in the living room, carefully placing his pants and shirt on the side of the chair, to expose a healthy and nice looking ass. His cock swings out of his briefs and looks good enough to take care off. Oh the possibilities. He goes in the bathroom and I hear the shower turn on. I wait for him to finish before I disrobe for the massage. He finishes and emerges wrapped in a towel. He takes his oils, as well as condoms and lube, to the bedroom. I go in the bedroom and start taking off my clothes. He positions one of the bigger pillows at the foot of the bed as my chin and head rest while I get the massage. He asks me to lay on the bed, lying on my front, and resting my chin on the pillow. He applies oil on his hand, rubbing them together to warm them up, and applies oil on my back. What follows is an outstanding massage, with a lot of pressure, and concentrating on some problem areas on my thighs, lower back, and forearms. At certain points I would almost fall asleep, because his massage was very relaxing and soothing. I usually do not like massages, because I am very ticklish, especially in the groin, lower back, and feet. But the amount of pressure he applies was such that my ticklishness went away, and was taken over by relief and relaxation. And then the “yoga” portion of the massage was next. He sat me up to bend me and to crack my joints. He folded me to bend me all the way back to the bed. He remarked that I could bend very far. He tested how bendy I was and was impressed that I could put my forehead all the way on the bed while on a cross-legged position and my arms up, intertwined with his arms. He proceeded to bend me every which way, since he knew I could do it. It was fun to get intimate with his body while getting my own body a workout. I get laid back down and he continued massaging my back. He sat on the small of my back and I could feel his cock settle on my back. He sat on the bed and worked on my right arm, and then he guided my hand to his cock so I can squeeze it. I worked on it, my hand admiring its shape and texture, and then felt it grow in my hand. He worked on my other arm and I did the same thing. I felt it grow to a full and respectable size and enjoyed playing with the foreskin. I felt that I was getting hard as well. He asks me to lay on my back to continue the massage. My cock was in full attention, as his was as well. He works on my arms, hands and thighs, but there was no denying that the sensual part was coming soon. There was no question that sex was going to be involved. It was agreed upon beforehand, that sex, and what type, was preferred by me. He knew what to do, and in hindsight took out the guesswork on his part on what I liked. He starts by licking my nipples, both of them. He takes his oily hands on my cock and expertly strokes it. He must be a master at this, because I almost came as a result of his efforts. He kisses me, tentative at first, but deeply eventually. It stopped being a massage and it turned into a full on sexual encounter. I rimmed him, for a while, before it got out of hand. We rolled around, covered in oil, kissing, touching, grinding. The oil added an extra dimension to the usual thrashing around that sex required. Such thrashing cannot be done on a regular massage table. He took a condom and put it on my cock. He applies more oil on my cock and oils himself up. He sits on my cock, and does enough thrusts for me to quickly cum. He has done a good job priming me beforehand, so it took almost nothing to make me cum. He chuck wows himself while I am still inside him. He cums all over my chest. We both laugh at the mess we made. He tells me that we should shower together, so he can get rid of all the oil that can be trapped in the nook and crannies. After the shower I put on some underwear and a shirt while I watch him put on his clothes. We talk some more about my plans for the next two weeks in SE Asia. I tell him that I will have my Burmese boyfriend over the next time I am in Bangkok in a few days, but there might be some time tomorrow if I needed another massage. He said to just Line him. He then told me that there might be a farang that needed him tonight. I tell him he is getting a lot of work this high season and congratulate him. I give him 3000 baht, the agreed upon amount. The housecall, the tremendous 2+ hour massage he gave me, the great sex afterwards, I’d say he was worth every penny. He kisses me in the cheek and then realize that I need to escort him downstairs to operate the elevator. I put on shorts and see him on his way. On to the next boy… Alexx, Vessey, traveller123 and 7 others 10 Quote
Guest 777ckl Posted January 30, 2017 Posted January 30, 2017 These reports are getting addicting! Love them! Quote
ChristianPFC Posted January 30, 2017 Posted January 30, 2017 Quote He took a condom and put it on my cock. He applies more oil on my cock and oils himself up. He sits on my cock, and does enough thrusts for me to quickly cum. There are reports that oil should not be used as lube because it weakens the latex. My only personal experience is from a disco, where in a safe-sex show condoms were blown up to about 10 liter volume and when you gently rub massage oil on them, they explode, whereas lube has no effect. DivineMadman 1 Quote
vinapu Posted January 30, 2017 Posted January 30, 2017 On 1/30/2017 at 1:22 AM, numazu said: when I asked for a boy that could knead away my troubles, he recommended Tao, the massage boy from BBB Inn. Great and entertaining report knowing Tao pretty well I had funny feeling reading your report like I'm hiding somewhere in the room and being voyeur of your adventure LOL. I'm glad you don't feel misled by this recommendation. I only hope no gossip about me was exchanged By the way ChristianPFC, if you recall we were dining few years ago at Wat Hualampong and I stopped Thai boy passing by. That was Tao of the above post fame. Quote
Guest Posted January 30, 2017 Posted January 30, 2017 Thanks for another excellent report. On 1/30/2017 at 1:22 AM, numazu said: Usually before any Bangkok trip ends, I always make sure I had at least 2000 baht saved in my wallet to keep for the next trip. This 2000 baht will be useful for the taxi ride to Silom (usually 500 baht), as well as the occasional bottled water or bite to eat.I tend to do the same, maybe with larger sums. In the era of low interest rates, it is both cheaper and convenient not to change excess forex back to GBP, if I'm going to go back within a year or two. If I'm not planning to go back to a country for several years, I might still keep the foreign currency until any other trip and for example change Japanese Yen direct to Lao Kip, which saves one set of charges compared with always changing back to my home currency. On 1/30/2017 at 1:22 AM, numazu said: I check Cutey and Beautey in Thaniya Plaza, my usual go-to, and see that they were busy. I get down to the 1st floor and see that the haircut place there had a few spots for me. I walk in and get my 300 baht haircut, giving a 20 baht tip.…I'm also a Cutey & Beauty customer. Was the alternative one you used the fairly new place on the Sala Daeng BTS side ? Were they good ? Quote
numazu Posted January 31, 2017 Author Posted January 31, 2017 On 1/29/2017 at 3:58 AM, vinapu said: I'm not surprised, for poor boy splurge on expensive one may seem as waste of money. I realized it once when invited semi-regular boy to a bit flashy Japanese restaurant / it was Christmas Eve /, he did not seem comfortable and I thought it was food he did not like. Only later in hotel when asked he opened up and told me that I should not be wasting so much money. I got what he meant immediately as it was not even that expensive . I get this with BurBoy all the time. I wanted him to get a taxi for us to get from Mandalay to Bagan and he wondered why I wanted to waste money on a taxi when a bus would take us there. Also he told me he wanted to visit Hua Him because he has never been. I was about to book a taxi from Bangkok to Hua Hin but stopped when he said we can take a bus for 5% the cost. We never made it to Hua Hin. I told him that sometimes the extra time we spend on public transport is something I do not have when on vacation. I don't mind spending money to capture the time I would rather use for fun. I can understand economizing on hotels though. We could have probably stayed in a $30 a night Yangon hotel and it would be the same, since we were out touring most of the time anyway and did not spend too much time in the hotel. But really, its a vacation. Life is too short. The Starbucks coffee I get everyday probably adds up to way more per week than what I could save with not getting taxis or nice hotels. On 1/29/2017 at 5:17 AM, spoon said: $200 for a private tour in a private car all inclusive is actually ok value. Not cheap but for a private tour, its reasoable to me. But if you feel that u can make the tour yourself, with taxi, and just hire the guide, go for it. Thats what ill do if im on a budget. I would probably save money if I shopped around the Yangon tour companies. But a) the tour was great, b) we were not sure if there will be tours available and c) I did not know then what the taxi hire/guide situation was in Yangon. When I was younger I would just trust tour books and explore a place by myself. It probably will take more time to discover the must-sees, and I would probably miss out on places that local tour guides only know. If I find myself in Yangon again I will tour by myself without a guide for sure. On 1/29/2017 at 7:28 AM, ChristianPFC said: Thank you very much for sharing, I especially liked the train, colonial architecture, and temples. Only thing that is missing is the date. On 1/29/2017 at 9:19 AM, z909 said: Thanks for another excellent report.Precise dates are largely irrelevant & anyone who does not want to be identified by work colleagues should be vague about such details. On 1/29/2017 at 12:13 PM, vinapu said: can I point out that Christmas Eve ( see 'Christmas Yangoon Eve ' post ) is day before Christmas , and Christmas is Dec 25 so only vague thing is an actual year but from other numazu's reports we can safely assume it was last year. Hope it helped Thanks ChristianFPC, vinapu and z909. This was December 2016, just a month ago. On 1/29/2017 at 11:55 AM, ggobkk said: Just to note that I Whenever you use the farang TM. I was born in Farang Land™ but yes I am not white, so I am not farang per se. I am still looking for the correct Thai term for Asian-Americans. On 1/29/2017 at 12:27 PM, billyhouston said: 15 or 20 years ago at Mingaladon they used to park the transfer buses (there were no air-bridges) in front of the very dirty windows of the 'Departure Lounge'. This was to make it difficult, but not impossible, to see the Mig-29s taking off. You couldn't miss the noise though. Unfortunately there is a proposal to build a new 'Yangon' airport just outside Bago. On 1/29/2017 at 6:31 PM, z909 said: Bago is about 90 km away. An airport there might work in countries with Shinkansen & Autobahns, but in the less developed SE Asian nations, that's going to be to long a journey. I do wonder why they constructed the new international terminal in Yangon and still planned on building the one in distant Bago. This is almost like Mandalay Airport being as far as it is from Mandalay. I guess from this article (, I see that as Myanmar grows in popularity, that the current airport will have difficulty containing the demand. I read that the airport will be 77 km away, which is still far away. I hope they figure out the transportation situation. On 1/30/2017 at 2:10 AM, 777ckl said: These reports are getting addicting! Love them! Thanks! More to come! Its only Day 3! vinapu and TotallyOz 2 Quote
Popular Post numazu Posted January 31, 2017 Author Popular Post Posted January 31, 2017 Day 3.5: The Score is Boy: 1, Bar: 0 After escorting Tao to the lobby so he can leave the condo, I head back to my unit with a sense of glee. My muscles and joints were humming with the melody of renewed energy, having just had a great and relaxing massage. A mixture of hormones was coursing through my veins, a combination that can only be produced when you just had a deep and erotic tissue beatdown, satisfying and explosive sex, and the jitter hormones that can only be produced at the nervousness and excitement of meeting a cute boy for the first time. There was no other feeling like it in the world, and I was feeling that right now, all at the same time. I quickly get back down to earth when I get back to the unit and go into the bedroom and see the bed. The sheets and pillowcases where all smeared with massage oil! I quickly gather the sheets and lay it next to the washer/dryer. My clothes weren’t done drying yet so I had to wait. These sheets need to be cleaned before my next boy, whoever he may be. It was 6:30 PM and I had two hours to wait for laundry and relax before dinner time. I had plans with anddy, a forum member, to get dinner and then see a gogo boy show. He was going to pick me up at the condo because he wanted to see what the condo building looked like inside. Soon my clothes are done drying and I put in the bed sheets for a wash. I fold my laundry and tidy up a bit in the unit. Finally I take a shower and get ready for dinner. anddy Lines me to say that he is at the lobby. I pick him up downstairs and we shake hands. I have been messaging with anddy on Line months before, but this is the first time we are meeting. As a farang local who does not usually visit the gogo bars, he has a unique take on Bangkok and partying. We are going to hang out later this week at the White Party. But now some introductions and some dinner. We get up to the condo unit floor and he remarks how big the condo actually is from the inside, since it looked like just a narrow mid-rise building from the outside. My unit was one of the 1-bedroom units on the corner so it was larger than the other 1-bedroom units I’ve stayed at in this building. I give him a tour of the small unit. We finally head out to dinner. He brought his motorbike with him so I just hopped in the back to get to our dinner destination. anddy uses backroads away from Silom to get from Soi 3 to Soi Convent, where our restaurant was, the Hai Somtam Convent: It is ranked #336 out of 9433 Bangkok restaurants on TripAdvisor, so if the reviews are to be believed, it is a top 5% Bangkok spot, which is good. anddy thought I needed some authentic food, so from the looks of this place, that can be definitely be found here. I let him order. Since it was later in the night, certain items were not available anymore (including steamed rice). He chooses fish, a corn salad and a pork salad: We were brought some sticky rice in lieu of the regular kind. The fish was kind of boney, the rice tough, but the conversation was lively and interesting. I learn about his life here (which I told him I envy, to a point). He learns about a few things about me, mostly about work and the Myanmar trip. I was supposed to meet him last April, after my Phuket week with BurBoy, so it was funny that he was supposed to meet BurBoy even 8 months ago. But I told him he will have his chance in a few days at the White Party. We finish dinner and pay up. We consider our next steps. Since it was only 9:45 PM, we decided to go to Silom Soi 4 to get a pre-gogo bar drink. He parks his motorbike on the side of the road and we walk our way to Soi 4. I am partial to Telephone Bar (which is on the left side when walking in from Silom) for no apparent reason other than the name, so we get sat down by the numerous staff waiting for us there: I order my usual, the Espresso Martini, which is coffee mixed with your usual martini mix, with some coffee beans in the drink for garnish. anddy decides to try it as well. Like I’ve always said, the Espresso Martini is my pick-me-up before hitting the gogo bars and possibly having some romp in bed with the boy of the night. anddy seems to like the drink. We talk and people watch and wait till it was time to head over to Soi Twilight: There was really one bar in my mind tonight: X-Size. If you recall I was in this bar last September, unable to off this Viet boy: On 11/6/2016 at 2:24 PM, numazu said: We talk for a bit while the show was happening. He smiles a lot, and the smile was very nice and sexy. His body was amazing. Not too worked out, just naturally youthful and fit. He was a little bit shorter than both BurBoy and myself, which made it a little bit more of a turn on when I thought about it. He had a treasure trail that started from his navel and then disappeared in his speedos. I really wanted to follow that treasure trail down and find out what he was about. I ask him if he was a top or a bottom. He tells me the magic word: “Everything.” So handsome, great body, does everything. If this was a regular night I would be thinking about offing him. I tell BurBoy about VietBoy doing everything. BurBoy laughs and talks to VietBoy for a little bit about it. Would BurBoy be open to a threeway? This is something I didn’t think was possible with BurBoy. He is fiercely territorial, and does not like me offing boys, even if I wasn’t with him. But he was engaging VietBoy and both boys are smiling a lot so maybe there is hope. VietBoy takes a gulp of his drink and he then puts his hand back in mine, and then puts his other hand and holds BurBoy’s hand. He is definitely trying to make a sale. I see BurBoy looking VietBoy up and down and looks at me and smiles. I ask BurBoy if he wants to take VietBoy home. He stands up and sits on my side opposite VietBoy. He says “I no sure. Maybe no.” I ask him if he likes VietBoy. He says he is cute, but he doesn’t think tonight is the night for a threesome. He says he “want only you tonight.” That was sweet, him only wanting me, but now I was hoping he wanted me a little bit less and more VietBoy. VietBoy had the young, handsome face and rocking bod and the willingness that could probably make a nice off. But not tonight I guess. BurBoy goes back to VietBoy’s side and we continue to watch the show. I stroke VietBoy’s thighs and he returns the favor. He is so hot ugh. So I am heading back there, to see if he is still there. I already knew I was going to off him, so I hoped and prayed he was there. We head inside there were barely any customers. A mamasan leads us to our seats, right in the center of the non-smoking section. There were probably about 3 or 4 more customers there, so it was really dead. It was in the middle of high season, and even if it was Monday night, there should be more customers right? We get asked our drink orders, and I see that the stage was bare, so the show must be starting soon. I quickly scan the room and no sign of Viet Boy yet. Since anddy was the farang in our party, he got all the attention from the mamasan. He explains to the mamasan that I was American, so I get a handshake and a welcome as well. The boy show starts and it was sort of unremarkable. So unremarkable that I even forget what was in it. It probably had the usual things like dancing gogos, big cocks and a lady boy lip sync or two. But it was really lackluster, and due to the lack of audience, it was thankfully short. My long-time theory is that the performers get paid by the performance, so it meant if there was no audience, and no income from drinks (which is really a cover charge), that there was no money to pay the performers, and therefore fewer and shorter performances. With the show over, the boys get back onstage to advertise their wares. I waited till all the boys were onstage, and still no sign of Viet Boy. I was kind of disappointed. I had my heart (and cock) set on this boy that I could not think of any other boys to be interested in out of the ones onstage. anddy was busy admiring the boys. I asked him who were his top picks. He told me he could only think of two who were his type. He points to one, and then another boy, who I stared at for a few minutes. He looked very young, maybe 18-20. He had a very sweet face, and nice fresh haircut. He was very lean, but had some serious abs and chest definition that caught my attention. I looked at him, and he looked back and smiled, if ever briefly. I smile wider and he returns the favor. That was a cute smile. I look at anddy and tell him that his second pick was really adorable. I get a Line message from another forum member, gtnewb, who is from from a nearby Asian country and is visiting Bangkok as well. He tells me he is in the area and would like to meet up with us. I tell him where we were and to join us here. He said he would be coming in 20 minutes. I tell him we will wait for him. I turn my attention back at the boys. I hesitated a minute, kind of still disappointed that the Viet Boy was not there, but with some encouragement from anddy and the mamasan, I call on the young boy I was making googly eyes at. He heads over to our party and sits beside me. I instruct him to sit in between anddy and I, so we can “inspect” him together. He smiles at me, and smile back. He asks me for my name, and I give it to him. He tells us his name. I ask where was he from, and he said he was from Myanmar. Quelle coincidence! I guess Myanmar has followed me here as well. Maybe all the Burmese boys I have been admiring in Yangon has seeped into my subconscious, and I pick the first Burmese boy that looks my way, now I am without BurBoy for the moment. So lets call this boy… BurBoy2. Too confusing? OK, lets call this one ShanBoy. ShanBoy was a total sweetheart. He quickly takes my left hand and cradles it. He squeezes it once in a while. After a few minutes he gets comfortable with me, and he hugs me, rests his head on my shoulder sometimes, and winks at me whenever he catches me staring at him. He must be taking tips from BurBoy. And his torso is out of this world, very ripped and abs aplenty. And of course the face, which is what really sells it for me, is super cute and super sweet. When ShanBoy put his arms around me to cuddle with me, I point this demonstration of affection to anddy. I ask him “Are all Burmese boys like this?” Very affectionate and attentive. Maybe I unconsciously off the same boy, or at least the boy that has taken residence in my head for the moment. I ask ShanBoy what he does in bed, and of course he says the magic words: “Everything!” anddy approves of this boy 100% as well. Looks like the stars are pointing to me offing this boy. I ask ShanBoy to put on clothes so that he can go home with me tonight. I didn’t even ask him if he could do Long Time tonight. His actions were enough for me to know that he would stay with me as long I wanted him to. So let's find out if he does, next post... splinter1949, Vessey, eurasian and 8 others 11 Quote
khaolakguy Posted January 31, 2017 Posted January 31, 2017 On 1/30/2017 at 2:47 AM, ChristianPFC said: There are reports that oil should not be used as lube because it weakens the latex. My only personal experience is from a disco, where in a safe-sex show condoms were blown up to about 10 liter volume and when you gently rub massage oil on them, they explode, whereas lube has no effect. Yes, Was really surprised not only that the oil wasn't washed off, but additionally that it was used as extra lube. I had always understood that was unsafe. Reports are great of course many thanks. Quote
numazu Posted February 1, 2017 Author Posted February 1, 2017 On 1/30/2017 at 2:47 AM, ChristianPFC said: There are reports that oil should not be used as lube because it weakens the latex. My only personal experience is from a disco, where in a safe-sex show condoms were blown up to about 10 liter volume and when you gently rub massage oil on them, they explode, whereas lube has no effect. On 1/31/2017 at 10:43 PM, khaolakguy said: Yes, Was really surprised not only that the oil wasn't washed off, but additionally that it was used as extra lube. I had always understood that was unsafe. On 1/30/2017 at 1:22 AM, numazu said: He finishes and emerges wrapped in a towel. He takes his oils, as well as condoms and lube, to the bedroom. I agree with both of you. I quoted the entry where I did say he brought some lube. I guess with the literary flow I just mentioned that he put more oil on my condommed cock, but in fact he used lube. But there is still some oil on my cock before he put the condom on. Not a lot on it but there were some. Oil is not the best lube and incompatible with condoms I'm sure. The fucking was not intense and lengthy, and the pressure probably is not the same as 10 liters of water in balloon, but still its not 100% safe for sure. Am I worried? No. I just got tested two weeks ago when I got back, and will continue to get tested throughout the year as a a sexually active individual, and continue to take PrEP. It's not the first time I was a little bit reckless in Bangkok, and most likely won't be the last. On 1/30/2017 at 4:40 AM, vinapu said: Great and entertaining report knowing Tao pretty well I had funny feeling reading your report like I'm hiding somewhere in the room and being voyeur of your adventure LOL. I'm glad you don't feel misled by this recommendation. I only hope no gossip about me was exchanged We talked about you for a little bit. He actually asked me how I knew you. I just made something up. I can't say I know you from this forum of course. And it wasn't pillow talk, don't worry. He is a professional, as you know. And I trust you implicitly, especially your recommendations. I'll talk about this in a future post, but there was a trip to Oasis for their world famous Vinapu's Chicken and Cashew Nuts. On 1/30/2017 at 6:58 PM, z909 said: Thanks for another excellent report. I tend to do the same, maybe with larger sums. In the era of low interest rates, it is both cheaper and convenient not to change excess forex back to GBP, if I'm going to go back within a year or two. If I'm not planning to go back to a country for several years, I might still keep the foreign currency until any other trip and for example change Japanese Yen direct to Lao Kip, which saves one set of charges compared with always changing back to my home currency. I'm also a Cutey & Beauty customer. Was the alternative one you used the fairly new place on the Sala Daeng BTS side ? Were they good ? Since my trips to Thailand are about every 3 or 4 months (sometimes even 2 months) I don't bother converting any leftover baht, how ever large the sum is. I only convert (or take out of the ATM) what I budgeted for the trip. If I have some leftover I keep it for next trip, and don't miss it because it was budgeted. There was a time last year between my July and September trips that I didn't even take out the baht out of my wallet. I don't usually have actual dollars with me when in America (plastic is used everywhere, even in bars), so the baht had room in my wallet. I believe that the barber I went to was called Never say Cuts: It is on the first floor of Thaniya Plaza and close to the Silom entrance on the right side (from google maps): They were good, very reliable. They know how to cut asian hair obviously, so it was good for me. I'm sure they can take care of you. vinapu and Creditisdue 2 Quote
vinapu Posted February 1, 2017 Posted February 1, 2017 On 2/1/2017 at 5:24 AM, numazu said: And I trust you implicitly, especially your recommendations. I'll talk about this in a future post, but there was a trip to Oasis for their world famous Vinapu's Chicken and Cashew Nuts. Thank you but I wouldn't be that progressive , I report what I like and sometimes what I don't but this doesn't mean others will feel the same way Always glad when somebody tries what I recommend and is happy but wouldn't take any offence if he reports it did not work expected way. From time to time I get PM's stating that boy was not up to my accolades or , like just recently , that both Oasis and her Chicken with Cashews Nuts weren't as tasty as I seem to praise and it's pretty normal. Nobody will extract from me statement that I like Cola Zero or Diet Coke for example and still millions are gulping them as there's no tomorrow But it can't be denied , chasing recommended boys is enormous fun even if at end of day they may be a bit different than expected. Quote
spoon Posted February 1, 2017 Posted February 1, 2017 How i wish i can visit thailand as often, but hey, ill settle with the thai masseur that is working in my country for the time being once in a blue moon, the perfect thai guy comes here and i just hope itll happen more frequent lol. Just had my possibly last massage with my fav thai masseur yesterday, third time for the month. He'll go back to thai this weekend since he only comes with a tourist visa. He told me he'll be back after 1 week, but that was what he said before and he came back only after 7 month lol he work in hatyai while he is in thai, only using the apps. Quote
Popular Post numazu Posted February 2, 2017 Author Popular Post Posted February 2, 2017 Day 3.75: That One Night I Thought I was in Myanmar Again So anddy, GT forum member extraordinaire, ShanBoy, Myanmar super twink, and I, Bangkok butterfly, were sitting in X-Size, after a fairly disappointing gogo boy show. ShanBoy, my off for the night, comes back in a long-sleeved shirt and pants, and ready for me to take him back to my condo. He sits back down in the middle between me and anddy. Upon closer inspection, his long-sleeved shirt complimented his lean frame and abs. The cut of the shirt was very flattering. anddy mentioned that he looked as sexy in briefs as he did in full clothing. He tells ShanBoy this, in Thai, and he giggles in response. I check my Line and see that gtnewb, the other forum member who we were waiting on to come, has said that he was about 10 minutes away. As we wait for him, ShanBoy notices that I was a little bit of sweat on my brow, so he instructs the mamasan to aim one of the fans in the bar towards me. I tell him to not worry about it, but I appreciate his considerateness. He is more and more turning out to be like BurBoy every minute I spend with him. I signal to the mamasan that we need to settle the bill. We weren’t staying in the bar and will leave as soon as gtnewb gets here. I pay for 2 drinks (mine and the boy’s) and the off fee, totaling 1300 baht. anddy pays for his drink. I ask one last time if he was offing a boy. He said he was good for the night. After a few more Line messages, gtnewb emerges from the stairs the lead up to the bar. I stand up to greet him and tell him we were leaving so we should all head out. We all go down the stairs and back on Soi Twilight. As all four of us make our way down on the Soi and we talk for a bit. We pass by Fresh Boys and anddy happens upon one of the boy hosts from that bar and gets greeted. “Old friend?” I ask smiling. Indeed, they knew each other. We all got to talking about the White Party. The boy host, a Cambodian, said that he got tickets to one of the nights at the White Party. I told him about my plans and said that we would probably see him there. Once we leave the Soi and get to Surawong, we all bid farewell to anddy. I was a little bit tired and anddy had plans next day, so there was no DJ Station of G.O.D. for any of us tonight. As anddy headed back to Soi Convent to rescue his motorbike, gtnewb decides to walk with ShanBoy and I back to the condo. We decide to cross the street, with ShanBoy carefully guiding me with a supportive arm on my back (just like BurBoy!). We make our way west on Surawong and cut through Patpong to get back on Silom. While we walk gtnewb and I talk and make introductions. It is always nice to meet forum members, and gtnewb was a real newbie in the Bangkok boy world. As with most others I have met through the board, he has liked my trip reports, so he said it was a treat for him to see in person one of my offs as I took him back to my place. He apologized that he was late and couldn’t make the show. I told him he didn’t miss much. Before we decided to meet, I made him promise to buy me a drink over sharing some stories, but right now I was also eager to get intimate with ShanBoy, and being a little bit tired meant just going home. In hindsight I probably could have shared one drink with him before retiring. Oh well. We get to Silom and we bid goobye to gtnewb. He was leaving tomorrow so this was it for him for now. I then turn my attention to ShanBoy. It was just him and me now. I’ve offed a boy a fair number of times now, but it never gets old. Catching him looking at me, still studying me and probably trying to figure me out, as we try to make small talk, is always filled with nervousness and excitement. As we continue west on Silom to get back to Soi 3, he puts an arm around my waist. He likes to get close, even in public. This bodes well for the night ahead. I ask him if he wanted to eat. He looks at me for a minute, not understanding. I motion my hand, as if feeding myself. He smiles and says no, “I OK.” rubbing his well-abbed tummy. We duck into the 7-11 by the condo anyway. I get some waters and some snacks. I point around the aisles, and ask “You want?” He takes a frozen meal and have it heated up by the cashier. I pay up and we head back to the unit. He carries the groceries, just like BurBoy. We get to the room and I take the groceries to the fridge as I instruct ShanBoy to eat. He sits on the couch and sets his meal on the table. I take him a water bottle and he proceeds to eat. I check on the bed sheets in the washer/dryer and see that there were still damp. I curse the dryer for a little bit before I restart the dry cycle. I guess we have to wait a little longer to get to know one another in bed. I take some snacks with me and join the already eating ShanBoy. I try to make conversation with him, but his English was almost non-existent. What I could coax out of him, with the help of Google translate, motion talking, and some patience, was good. He said has only been doing this for a few weeks, so he was still brand new to the job. He said the job was “so-so” but has been overall good to him. His parents were still back home in Myanmar, but he was looking forward to going back there in a few months. His mentioning Myanmar gave me an excellent idea. I whip out my phone and quickly transfer the wholesome photos of the Myanmar trip so far in a folder in my phone. Of course I had to take out the ones I had of BurBoy. The majority of his photos were wholesome and touristy, but some were of course more risqué and sexy. When I transferred all the photos I needed, I show it to ShanBoy, telling him that I was just in Myanmar today. He enjoyed looking at the photos, especially of Shwedagon and any photo with Burmese writing in it. I told him, as well as I could with the limited mutually intelligible vocabulary we had between us, that I very much enjoyed and admired his country, and find the people really charming and a joy to spend time with, present company included. This was of course coming from a place of truth. Having already witnessed BurBoy’s caring and hospitality, as well as thoroughly enjoyed exploring and experiencing Yangon, I felt that so far, ShanBoy was living up to Myanmar’s favorable reputation in my head. He was sweet, and charming, and not to mention very sexy. For someone I did not envision offing at the start of my visit to X-Size, this turned out to be a serendipitous turn of events. Checking the dryer timer, there was still 50 minutes to wait till the sheets were dry. I try to explain this to ShanBoy and he understood. He gets up to clean up the food wrappers and containers that were left of our little meal. He comes back and cozies up next to me on the couch. I put my hand under his shirt and caress his abs. It was truly a wonder to admire his hard work. I ask him if he goes to the gym. He says “little bit” but he says he does hundreds of sit-ups a day. I wish I had that kind of discipline. But then again my job performance does not depend on how I look (I think). He certainly takes care of himself. I tell him to sit on my lap while we wait. He stands up and slowly sits on my lap. He weighs almost nothing, and fits right at home sitting on me like this. I know its kind of awkward for him to sit like this, but he doesn’t show it. Instead, He kisses me, very very deeply. I put my hands on his back and under his shirt and explore. I can feel the smooth skin, his shoulder blades, his sinewy muscles. When he comes up for air I stare at his face. He sees me staring and winks. So cute. I caress his hair. I smell his neck. I savor the boy without taking off his clothes. We had time to kill. He asks me if I wanted him to shower. I told him not yet. But I would help him out of his clothes though. I first take off his shirt. I play with him for a while and then ask him to take off his pants. The sight was pretty nice: and it feels even better. The intimate time, without having sex, was pretty nice actually. ShanBoy was the perfect boy to play because he was very sweet about it. And it was all because the sheets weren’t dry enough to use yet. It all works out in the end. The washer/dryer buzzes telling us the sheets are dry. I point to the washer and ShanBoy gets off me and we both take the sheets out of the dryer. We both put the sheets on the bed and the pillows. Its nice to see ShanBoy put on the sheets in his underwear. Even doing household chores he looked sexy. There was only one thing to do before sexy time. I was waiting to see if he was going to invite me to shower with him. He takes my hand signaling that yes he wants to shower together. He doesn’t give me the soap down that I usually get with BurBoy, but I got to at least spend some quality time with him in there. We get to bed and I get sleepy fast. The past three days have finally caught up to me. I hold him close and say something along the lines of being too tired for sex. He may not have understood me, because he takes his hand and puts it on my cock, giving it a gentle tug. He kisses me, and I surrender to the sensation. With this boy in my bed it was not possible to say no. No fucking, just the other things. It was enough for tonight. It was more than enough for tonight. This is just what I needed. We clean up and sleep to end the day. I dream about Myanmar. Creditisdue, eurasian, jacquet and 14 others 17 Quote
ChristianPFC Posted February 2, 2017 Posted February 2, 2017 On 1/30/2017 at 4:40 AM, vinapu said: By the way ChristianPFC, if you recall we were dining few years ago at Wat Hualampong and I stopped Thai boy passing by. That was Tao of the above post fame. (My underline) I don't remember whom I had sex with last week. paulsf and ggobkk 2 Quote
vinapu Posted February 2, 2017 Posted February 2, 2017 On 2/2/2017 at 7:57 AM, ChristianPFC said: (My underline) I don't remember whom I had sex with last week. whom you are kidding? I read your blog regularly so I know it all recorded, LOL Quote