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Face Book Groups

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I suspect I am far from the first to make this little discovery. But wandering around Face Book - as you do - I came across (pun intended) Hot Boy Viet Nam. A closed, but very large group where my request to join was accepted within minutes.




It contains a staggering, and ever changing, array of pictures 'live broadcasts' (and their recordings - mostly -a few get wiped mid-broadcast - they are the best ones LOL).


Nothing too salacious (although occasionally one or two the 'live' broadcasts try and get away with it), but hundreds of pretty Vietnamese boys of varying ages from too young to almost too old - but the bulk of them 20s and 30s I suspect. Each trying to impress with just how much of a 'hot boy' they are.


Window shopping at its best.


Below are some of the ones that I selected over a 5 minute period:








Anybody else suggest any FB groups to while away the cold winter evenings?


Any suggestions gratefully received.


I'd also be interested in finding similar groups.

I noticed with several bar boys and massage boys that I offed they spend a LOT of time on Facebook and Line groups. On Line groups, posting nude photos of themselves and, on Facebook, several photos of me with them (in public places). Not sure I'm entirely comfortable with that or understand why.

Can anyone help with some Thai search words or group names? How to search for Line groups anyway? The moneyboys refused to tell me, in a round about way.


Well I have been slowly going blind over the last few weeks spending far, far too much time not only on Hot Boys Vietnam but a number of other related pages.


Based on many happy hours of viewing there would seem to me to be mostly four basic types of posters who go 'live',


The first are the ones who want you to admire their physique; they have been training, they look good and want you to appreciate how good they look. Often stripped to the waist, but no more.


Then there are the ones who want to sing to you - more of these than you might think, some are ok, but most are painful LOL


The third category, and the most common of course, are the ones who are just going 'live' to chat to their friends. 


Luckily there are the fourth category ones who just who want to show-off their cocks.


Usually the screen comes up with them lying on their backs wearing a pair of loose pants with the camera focused on the swelling content of those pants. A hand-rub under the pants to ensure that their package will be seen at its most impressive and then slowly, teasingly, out it comes. Sometimes its in a darkened room so you can actually see little, other times it's just whopped-out in full light for all to admire.


The then follows a sort of cat-and-mouse game with the Facebook police to see if they can get to cum before they are shut down. Most never get to cum, but some do. The smart ones pump their cocks until they can cum quite quickly once they go 'live', then delete their posts almost as quickly.


The cold winter evenings can pass surprsingly quickly these days! LOL


Well I have been slowly going blind over the last few weeks spending far, far too much time not only on Hot Boys Vietnam but a number of other related pages.



Funny my mother always told me that doing "that" would make one go blind and yet I never believed her and there it turns out she was right all along it seems ! :-)


Funny my mother always told me that doing "that" would make one go blind ...

as always you are spot on, this is exactly what I thought reading Vessey's proclamation , LOL

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