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Pattaya report 2016

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Surely the 20 baht tips are just given to people on stage more or less for them putting a bit of effort, not for any service ?


Once they sit with you for a while, we're into the 100+ tipping range.


Of course, now we're in the holiday season, some farang just hand out 100s like confetti. As they are entitled to do with their own money.


When I am in a gogo bar and the performers leave the stage and make their way to me in search of a tip I may or may not give one.  I visit many bars every night and I will be broke if I throw around 100 baht tips to everyone who asks.  For those that give freely and generously I say thank you.  For those like me that are a little more tight with their money and give respectable tips, I say good for us.


My last trip, I gave away more money than I did the prior trip when I purchased 2 samsung phones.  One for a Bangkok friend and the other for a Pattaya friend.  (Note, I got a better deal for the phone at the MBK Samsung store than I did at the Tuk.com Samsung store.)


What did I learn from that trip.  I learned that spending more money didn't make my trip anymore fun or improve my friendship with people.  It did elevate their expectations from me when it came to my generosity.  On my next trip, I will go back to my normal level of spending and stretching my money.  I may need it when I retire.


:: edit ::


So when I go to boys boys boys, I go with about 200 baht in 20 baht notes.  When I see the b-boys perform for the 2 or 3rd time that night, I give 20 to 40 baht tip but they get a minimum of 20 baht every time I see them perform that night in the other bars they perform at when I am in attendance.


When the guys come over and swing their dicks for tips, I tend to touch their dick and give them 20 baht unless it is a guy I like.  If it is a guy I like, I will give him 100 baht.


How I tip in Bangkok.  If I go to Dreamboys, I will never have a guy sit with me and buy them a drink.  That is 500 baht plus tip to the guy fetching the drinks.  Instead, if I like a guy on stage in the rotation.  I will tip him 100 baht each time he comes around in the rotation.  When I do that the host always asks if I want the guy to sit with me and I say no.  by the 3rd time the guy knows i'm going to tip him and sure enough I get up and hand him another 100 baht.  When his 4th rotation comes around.  If he is still on stage, I will give him another 100 baht.  Then I pay my check and head out.  More times than not the guy will jump from the stage and stop me on my way out to talk.  Since it is rare that I off anyone from a bar, I don't need to sit and talk since it won't lead to anything anyway.

  On 12/27/2016 at 1:53 PM, DThump said:

When it comes to paying to cop a feel kokopelli knows what he is speaking of as I've read that he spends 10 months every year in Pattaya.

I don't doubt for a minute that what Koko says reflects the expectations of the boys. It's just that I have different expectations in that I usually expect the guy to actually do something to earn his tip.


Unless, as bucknaway says, the boy is particularly hot - then I'll make an exception and tip 100 baht or more.


I'm not a charity. I believe money should be earned. Afterall, nobody gave me money for nothing. The guys should not be encouraged to expect money for nothing. That won't get them very far in life.


I have a favourite male dancer at BBB - the guy who dances in the first act on the right hand side of the stage. Not only is he gorgeous, he puts a lot of effort into his dancing so he gets more than 100 baht. Every time he comes off stage he smiles at me and touches me on the shoulder (I always sit in the front row). I've been tipping him for years.


For me cost never comes into the equation, only value for money.

  On 12/27/2016 at 7:00 PM, bucknaway said:

When I am in a gogo bar and the performers leave the stage and make their way to me in search of a tip I may or may not give one. 


  On 12/27/2016 at 7:28 PM, a447a said:

t's just that I have different expectations in that I usually expect the guy to actually do something to earn his tip.


Unless, as bucknaway says, the boy is particularly hot - then I'll make an exception and tip 100 baht or more.


I'm not a charity. I believe money should be earned. Afterall, nobody gave me money for nothing. The guys should not be encouraged to expect money for nothing. 

I don't want to create a controversy but  way I look at the issue is that boy allows me to touch his privates, erect or not,  he already did plenty  to earn a tip.


Fact that he is a bar boy doesn't make me thinking I can put my hand everywhere I want unless he is prospective off and I just want to check wares but I do this only at boys invitation or indication.


So when big cock show participants are going into audience I have an eye on one of them and when he approaches I get a feel and he gets 100. 


Other boys I neither  touch nor tip.


Fuck show couple gets a 100 as well just for making fool of themselves . On recent trip in both Screwboys and XBoys Pattaya it looked that boys were soliciting  100 each , I stood my ground but in a future I may need to make a decision  in such a case tip 200, stick to 100  or not tip at all, we will see.


I still stick to my habit of tipping 100  boy on the stage   who did not get tip from me for other reason and I like the most  when leaving a bar.

If boy is sitting with me on my invitation  , he gets 100, unless I do a bit of exploration then it may be 200 or 300 depending of discovery and length of time. 


I find deliberations whether to tip 50 or 100 not worth of trouble although I'm pretty sure lots of boys would rather get 50 than nothing as such and even 20 baht tips may add to something but I leave that level of tipping to those who are there for longer time


Probably boy would be happier with me coming daily for a week and tipping 20 for  a feel than once  a year and . tipping 100 but really unless we talk to him we can only speculate  about their preferences. 



As for z909 confetti comment I recall few years ago a Oriental  client in one of bars literally throwing money at boys like that and having fun watching commotion. 

  On 12/27/2016 at 8:26 PM, a447a said:

I decided to wait till the midnight show and took a look insude Cupidol.

Wow! Very nice. Lots of guys and very modern. Soft drinks 160, alcohol 180. As I left Iran into number 53 outside. Gorgeous. Another boy to pencil in.


The sexy boy show was nothing special, if you've seen it before. Add in the past, the highlight for me was Mr Every Gay Man's Wet Dream. He's still gorgeous and still has that body to die for. And as always you never get to see his impressive hard-on, as it's always kept in his pants or covered up.


He took part in a new act - simulated fucking. I just kept telling myself it was real.


The sexy boy show was spoilt by a group of Chinese women who had obviously never seen anything like it. Their piercing screams during the big cock show gave me a headache and, of course, merely encouraged more guys to show their junk in their faces.




I had no idea Cupidol did a show - is it daily and if so at what time(s) please?


I don't judge anyone on how they tip.  For me I look at it this way.  I am in Thailand for a little over 2 weeks.  I will visit 4 bars at minimum every night often going into the same bar if I enjoy it there.  So I have to ask myself how much money am I going to throw down the hole?  If I go into an expensive bar the drink will be 400 for me plus the tip to the server.  Then the tip to the performer.  Then it's off to the next bar for 300 baht drinks plus 100 baht tip to the server and tips to the guys and the performer.  Then it is off to the next bar with 200 baht drinks with 100 baht tip to the server and tip to the guys.  Then onto the next bar or 100 baht drinks and 100 baht tip to the server and drinks and tips to the guys.  This will be repeated every night.  So when I read tip advice I just look at it as if it does not pertain to me.


Besides, you show me 100 guys and I will show you 100 guys that tip differently then the other for their own reasons.


Some may not want to give 20 baht tip thinking it is too small, but it may feed a guy that would consider the unthinkable for a little something to eat.  Then again, maybe not hahahaha


100 tip to the server I consider veryyyyyyyyyyyyy generous unless you are scheming to bed him in a future. 


Don't read me wrong though, over generous doesn't mean wasteful, as you noticed everybody has own tipping habits including those who don't tip at all.


What I'd call unfair were 100 baht tip to server and say, 50 or 20 to one presenting his cock for a feel. 


For me is a bit easier since I generally don't do much of bar hopping usually settling on one or two

  On 12/27/2016 at 7:28 PM, a447a said:

I don't doubt for a minute that what Koko says reflects the expectations of the boys. It's just that I have different expectations in that I usually expect the guy to actually do something to earn his tip.

For me, the go-go boys are doing something to earn their tip; nothing like a bevy of almost naked boys smiling, winking, flirting, dancing, groping and sometimes exposing themselves!  I don't go to go-go bars to drink but rather to gawk at the guys. So do try to spend as much on tips to the boys as I do on the drink to the house. So maybe 5-20 Baht tips or 2-50 Baht tips or 1- 100 Baht tip all depending on the bar and the boys.   Of course this is in Pattaya and not Bangkok!!

Having one sit with you, or as with a447, a lot more than just sitting, well then that is earning his keep and deserving of greater largess.  ;)


"I don't want to create a controversy but way I look at the issue is that boy allows me to touch his privates, erect or not, he already did plenty to earn a tip."


Don't get me wrong. I agree he deserves a tip. It's just a matter of how much. I would never touch a guy without giving him a tip.


Vessey, Cupidol doesn't have a show. I was referring to BBB where I went after sitting in Cupidol waiting for their (BBB) midnight show . Sorry, I should have been more specific.


"For me, the go-go boys are doing something to earn their tip; nothing like a bevy of almost naked boys smiling, winking, flirting, dancing, groping and sometimes exposing themselves! "


Unfortunately, at least in the case of BBB, those guys are now directing their full attention to the Chinese girls. We are but an afterthought ; someone to off them when their girls have left the bar without them.

  On 12/28/2016 at 6:17 AM, a447a said:


........... those guys are now directing their full attention to the Chinese girls. We are but an afterthought ; someone to off them when their girls have left the bar without them.

look at bright side, in such a case they may appreciate your custom even more, I had one such a womanizer from there recently and in the morning clearly he was not in a rush to leave. 


My massage boy led me upstairs to our usual room. Today he had a surprise for me - a sex position involving a chair. Unfortunately, the room was already occupied so we moved next door to a room with no chair. Oh well, I wasn't particularly disappointed, given that I think the position required me to be something of a contortionist.


The massage place ran out of massage cream and only had oil, which I hate. They refused to buy a new supply because they are about to close down. So today I turned up to find my masseur had gone out and bought some cream, just for me. The only problem is, it was really cheap - 100 baht - so who knows what's in it. Something tells me I should have bought my own and taken it along.


Straight over to Goodboys after dinner with some members of another board. Tonight Nuu performed beautifully and again feel asleep with me on the sofa after the deed.


Chet was supposed to be next but he was taken by a couple of guys while Nuu and I were busy. I looked through the screen behind me and there was one of the guys rimming him. What's with all this rimming all of a sudden??


In the meantime a new guy came and sat with us and watched the action. It was obvious what he wanted so Nuu got up and changed places. The new guy's name is Ben and he's from Isaan. You know the rest.


Then over to Eros. The place was practically deserted.


An Asian guy sat down, grabbed a boy and started having his way with him. He didn't want to buy the boy a drink but was eventually told it was the custom to do so. He left the bar without tipping the boy! Unbelievable.


My plan was to spend some time in Eros while Chet recovered but one thing led to another and I came to a sticky end.


So over to BBB. I arrived around 11 but there weren't any seats in the front row so I hung around till the 10:30 show finished.


The highlight of the evening was not the show. It was a guy who looked like he was in his fifties who came in dressed in white spangled hot pants which continued up to his chest to form a kind of bra. He had a white garter on each leg and was wearing flip-flops and carrying a white fan. He's obviously a regular in the bar as none of the boys batted an eyelid.


What can I say? Good on him! That's his way of expressing himself and he's not harming anyone. I wonder if he walks around during the day dressed like that.


May I ask simple query ?

What is special servis in GoodBoys bar ?

I move several times around and not have any reason seat there. In chair seats in general two boys and bar looks as dead.


On most trips I try to plan out my nights to make the most of each day.  This last trip to Thailand I found my time in Pattaya was turned upside down.  I didn't get to spend the time in Eros as I had planned.  I visited one night while showing a guy I met around Sunee but after that I never did get to go back and have fun with the guys.  I hope to fix that when and if I return.





  On 12/28/2016 at 9:26 PM, Myboby said:

May I ask simple query ?

What is special servis in GoodBoys bar ?

I move several times around and not have any reason seat there. In chair seats in general two boys and bar looks as dead.

you need to go behind partition, choose a boy and he will make a private chuck-wow show for you for consideration of 300 baht.


Boys are friendly , fun to be with and some of them  equipped rather very well.

  On 12/29/2016 at 4:33 AM, vinapu said:

you need to go behind partition, choose a boy and he will make a private chuck-wow show for you for consideration of 300 baht.


Boys are friendly , fun to be with and some of them  equipped rather very well.

300 baht plus a boydrink or 300 baht only ??


Do you really think the bar will let you just give the boy 300bht, no no the owner Nui wont have that, you will buy the boy a drink and one for yourself too.

  On 12/29/2016 at 1:56 PM, DThump said:

Do you really think the bar will let you just give the boy 300bht, no no the owner Nui wont have that, you will buy the boy a drink and one for yourself too.

That's right. But if you chuck wow 2 or more guys in one session you don't have to buy more drinks for yourself, only for each boy.


Goodboys has really taken off since I was last here. Plenty of boys and there have been customers every time I've visited this trip - a far cry from the times when I was the only customer. In those days you could drop in any time and chances are the boys would be up for it. But not any more.


An observation. I saw a world map showing all the various cock sizes of guys, country by country. Thailand was, from memory, towards the bottom. I find this very difficult to believe.


Why? Well, if you go into any gogo bar which has a big cock show you will see that a large proportion of the guys who stand on stage in their undies re-appear in the show. Last night in BBB I counted around 28 guys, which is around 50% of their boys. Same for the bars in Soi Twilight. They don't bring in hung guys for the show - they just use their own guys.


And all the guys I've had the pleasure to know in Goodboys have massive members. Way more than half, I suspect. The others I have yet to get intimately acquainted with.


I know one can't extrapolate from those figures that a majority of Thais are hung.


But is over 50% just a coincidence? I'm presuming here that the gogo bars do not stipulate a big cock as a prerequisite for employment. I'll find out what BBB requires of its boys when my "special friend" comes back to visit me tonight. He knows.

  On 12/29/2016 at 3:35 PM, a447a said:


And all the guys I've had the pleasure to know in Goodboys have massive members. Way more than half, I suspect. The others I have yet to get intimately acquainted with.

I know one can't extrapolate from those figures that a majority of Thais are hung.


But is over 50% just a coincidence? I'm presuming here that the gogo bars do not stipulate a big cock as a prerequisite for employment. I'll find out what BBB requires of its boys when my "special friend" comes back to visit me tonight. He knows.


The stories that the Thai guys have small cocks and are lazy lovers is party of the fantasy that all the girls sell to their falang customers to make us feel good about ourselves. "Oh! you so big", "why you make me cum" - all pleasurable bullshit of course. 


In the real world there are some whoppers out there (thankfully).


I'm glad you fell into familiar embraces. Butterflying has it's advantages  but hugging  familiar body is like homecoming and if unexpected , with lottery winning feel.


He probably felt the same, hence the size of eruption, congratulations ! 


Yes its the same for me, at the start of each trip half of me is dying to explore new opportunities, but the other half of me is equally desperate to fall into the arms of my favourite(s).


Inconveniently my three favourites from last trip are now all working in Toy Boys, and apart from the sheer expense of rounds of drinks there, there will need to be some delicate footwork about who is coming home with me afterwards LOL

  On 12/29/2016 at 11:51 PM, Vessey said:



Inconveniently my three favourites from last trip are now all working in Toy Boys, and apart from the sheer expense of rounds of drinks there, there will need to be some delicate footwork about who is coming home with me afterwards LOL

Just rotate them openly and in meantime see if some of them, would be for a threesome. Easier life and possibly more fun.

  On 12/30/2016 at 12:19 AM, vinapu said:

Just rotate them openly and in meantime see if some of them, would be for a threesome. Easier life and possibly more fun.


What is your common experience?


If I take off two boys from one bar what is outcome - boy enjoy openly each other or I need search real boyfriends?

My last visit in Pattaya I ask on GR boy from ToyBoys to bring his friend or him selected company for threesome but he prefer individual visit - so I not push him more because I afraid of effect - I do not want persuasion in room.

I tested also two real boyfriends in 4hand massage in room but  - one boy was dressed and suck to end naked one and I get happy end.

Again is not best result    :-)    :-(    I expect little cuddling also.

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