Popular Post Vessey Posted November 9, 2016 Popular Post Posted November 9, 2016 Vessey's August Adventures: Part One – In and Around Sunee Plaza I have decided against putting a full trip report this forum for this holiday. Two reasons, first there was much that would be of little interest here I think, and secondly I was hero-ed last time with one of my favourite boys and although 'relations' were restored with him and I was indeed to see him many times this trip – I don't want to put that at risk a second time. So instead I shall post two or three cameos – mini trip reports where I shall take extracts from my daily diary that relates to particular areas. This, the first, is an easy one; Sunee Plaza and it's wider environs. Next one next week. (Google Images) Day 2, Wednesday 17th August I had arranged to meet an American friend at Retox Bar in Soi Honey 7pm for dinner. It was a pleasant and comparatively inexpensive meal and just gone 8pm when we said our goodbyes and I decided that I would go and spend an hour or two in Sunee Plaza before returning to Soi 6. So going back to Second Road I took a taxi-bike to Soi VC Hotel. Alighting I walked up Soi VC until I got to the right hand turning into Sunee Plaza. There just up on the right is Good Boys. It is a poorly lit little soi and although there were four or five boys sitting outside at Good Boys, you needed to get quite close to see what they look like. Most did not appeal, but one boy did. I have been to this little bar a couple of times before now and knew what the routine was. In the centre of the bar is the bar itself and behind the bar are some screens that shield a couple of largish plastic covered (easily wipeable LOL) sofas facing each other separated by a low rectangular table. We both sat down together on the black sofa and introduced each other; his name was Ched. He asked what I wanted to drink, San Miguel of course and I offered him one. Ched returns a short while later and sits back down next to me, we clink bottles and he sits up, unbuckles his trousers and slides them and his pants down to his ankles and bloody hell what a monster cock this lad has. This is the typical M.O. for this bar, you buy the lad a drink he gets his cock out. You wank or suck him off and then you give him a 300 baht tip. But it was going to take some effort to get Ched off, I leaned across to take the head of his cock into my mouth and I almost needed both hands on his shaft. I came up for air and hinted that my cock needed attention. I asked if it was ok for me to get my cock out – yes apparently that was quite ok. So I was stroking my cock with my left hand and Ched's with my right hand and leaning across to suck on the head of his monster cock. I come up for air again and this time he uses his left hand to take over on my cock. Great fun but no sign of a cum for either of us. He gets out his phone and is soon watching porn (hetro porn!) and taking over wanking his own cock. After a couple of minutes he indicates that he is about to cum – I lean across and open my mouth. He wants to know if I want to cum – and actually I don't really – not yet. So I check bin, 300 baht for the two drinks and 300 baht tip to Ched for which he seems very happy and wants to see me again (and he does!). Meanwhile I am all zipped back up again and good to go. Not that I went all that much further, I was heading to Eros Boys, the 'Windmill' of Sunee Plaza. Twelve months ago I had had a fantastic experience in here and was keen to replicate it again tonight if I could – and, as events unfolded, indeed I could! It was around 9pm when I approached Eros Bar and there were only two or three boys sitting outside, but one flashed me a nice smile and led me inside and round to the left to a screened seat facing across the bar. There were two or three other customers in there but each with a single boy with them. I sat down and 'Outside Boy' asked me if I would like a drink and so I offered one to him too, then four more baht hungry boys come and stand facing me each with those over large, baggy, nylon pants. They were each either stroking their cocks inside their pants or had whipped their cocks out and were stroking them, and they included the blond lad, Ray, from last year. Ok so get them drinks as well then. Drinks arrive and clink glasses and then all the boys have their cocks out apart from Outside Boy. I am invited to stroke each one in turn. I make to straighten my own cock under my trousers – the hint is appreciated and soon the boy sitting on my right is undoing my trousers and taking out my cock, and now they all want to take turns stroking my cock. There is a grunt and one boy cums – just missing my trousers; he slides back and the others close ranks around me. (Outside boy is on the front left in white pants, Tao is on the far right leaning forward and in yellow pants) One of these boys has a nice thick cock and a killer smile and is trying to encourage me to stroke his cock while he strokes mine; I like him. So when the boy on my left goes to the toilet, I invite this other lad to come and sit next to me, his name is Tao. I lean across and suck his cock a bit and then he leans across and starts to suck mine – he is good. So now I am sitting there with one boy sucking my cock while I wank two others. Then Tao sits up and starts to kiss me, he is a smoker, but wow does he kiss, with his tongue half way down my throat. At the same time, Outside Boy, still with his cock hidden away, moves to kneel in front of me and take over the BJ and he is very good. Another guy cums messily over the back of Outside Boy but he seems not to notice and continues with his task. Swap around again as a third guy cums, its just Tao and Outside Boy left to cum now. Tao takes over sucking my cock while outside Boy strokes my shaft and plays with my balls. One of the other boys has taken over kissing me while another plays with my nipples. Did I cum?, of course I bloody did. My first spurt hits the back of Tao's mouth and he pulls back while Outside Boy keeps stroking, and consequently the bulk of my cum sprays across Tao's face. That was intense and something I had been dreaming of doing again for almost a year. If anything this was even better than the first time. Lots of tissues to mop-up, meanwhile I get Tao's phone number and promise to ring him (and I do!). My knees were still trembling slightly when I called for check bin. I think I ended up buying seven drinks which was just over 1 k baht. I wanted to tip 500 baht to Tao and 300 baht to the other boys. So the whole of that session in Eros Boys took just under an hour and cost around 3k baht; and for me the experience was worth every single baht of that. With that I totter out of Eros and through Sunee Plaza itself, mostly quite dead but a couple of half open bars – saw at least one other cute boy. More to do in Sunee Plaza I think! I walk down Soi VC and across to the soi that leads down past JP Bar and onto Walking Street. I call in briefly at Sugar Baby to say hello to manager 'Mr Egg' and catch up with his gossip. Day 3, Thursday 18th August. So back up to Buakhao and as evening falls I get a taxi bike to Sunee Plaza; thought I would try my hand again (so to speak) in Good Boys, but no signs of Ched and nor of anyone else that piqued my interest. Ok so up to Eros to see if that boy from last night, Tao was there. Yes he was but he was 'busy' with a customer. He saw me and came out briefly to apologise and suggest that I wait for him. But by this time I had proper got the hump and told him that I would phone him soon (which I did). Day 7, Monday 22nd of August - the end of my first week So at 1.30pm I go down to Horny Bar for a quick drink of water and to catch-up with mail. Then a taxi-bike to Sunee Plaza, I want to explore the massage shops around there a little more. Sunee Plaza was even more dead this time of the day that it has been at night, but I was able to take some pictures of places – except Good Boys, that little soi remains in shadow even when the rest of the area is bathed in daylight! LOL (never seen this vehicle about?) I couldn't see any massage shop around Sunee Plaza, so I wended my way through unfamilar streets until I found myself on Pattaya Tai, I turned right and walked the relatively short distance towards Tukom and then turned into the little soi alongside it and up to Condo's old shop. I didn't dwell here or even look in, he still has friends here and word would get back to him quickly. I carried on past and then had a meander around, there were one or two small shops, but nothing, or rather, nobody that caused me to break my step and pause. I was beginning to despair, this was new territory and I was feeling horny with anticipation. Then I came across a name that I recognised from Forum discussion, Royal House Massage, 'massage by men' as the sign said. It was, from the outside at least deserted, although a door to the side was ajar. Now given that it was just past 3pm it was always entirely possible that it just wasn't open yet. But as I had heard good things about the place I decided to venture through the open door and see what was inside. It was fairly dark inside but the odd table light suggested that there were signs of life, but I proceeded cautiously, there was a large square open bar area set about with unoccupied tables and chairs. A guy appeared and I asked if they were open?, yes they were. I could see another guy stretched out asleep on a bench and then a third guy appears from the stairway leading out a customer. The first guy fetches me a glass of water, it was a very hot day and I was dripping with sweat by now, and he tells me that there were the three of them here now if I wanted a massage. I looked around; stay or go? The sleeping guy was the only one who in any way approximated to a 'boy' and then only because of the poor lighting I suspected. But I was here now, the rest of this little expedition had been a disappointment and I was still feeling horny as hell. I nod towards the sleeping guy who comes over. The first guy tells me that its going to cost me 1k baht for the sex and 400 baht for the massage, apparently the guy that I have chosen speaks no English, but instead smiles at me: I agree! So he leads me upstairs, its quite a wide grand old staircase, indeed I suspect that this was quite a posh building in its heyday. Up one flight of stairs and then another, to a small room with toilet and a pair of showers outside just off the landing. We go into the room and each strip off and go shower, separately. Being new to this place and having phone and money in my trousers I leave the shower curtain open, but I need not have worried, we were alone up here. Back to the room and try and establish his name, Giff or Gipp I think – I shall choose Gipp. I take off my towel and lie face-down on the massage table, Gipp keep his towel wrapped around him and begins the oil massage of my legs. He is good, not in my usual massage boy's league, but good. As he gets to the top of each leg, he is massaging around my bum and oiling my bum hole at the same time. Then my back, and a good, strong relaxing massage. He motions me to turn over, my cock is hard of course; he ignores it and does the front of my legs and around my groin and balls and then I feel him oil my cock and start to give me a HJ. Actually his HJ was really good, almost like my regular massage boy's, light fingered teasing around the head of my cock and playing with my pre-cum. Then I feel him oiling my bum hole again at the same time and raising my knees. Now at this point (he had no English remember) it dawned on me that we hadn't discussed who was going to be doing what to whom. Then I saw him open a condom, but as it wasn't me he was fitting it on, it confirmed that that was something of an omission on my part. And keep in mind in the half-light of the room it was difficult to see more than silhouettes and that he had kept his towel around him up until now, so I had absolutely no idea how big his cock was, but I realised that I was about to discover how big it felt. Oh well I was majorly horny and the uncertainly and unfamiliarity of it all was only adding to my sexual tension. I parted my legs a little further and tried to relax. And bless him, Giff proceeded very slowly and with lots of oil, wanking me gently as he did so. It was difficult, even painful at first, but he was gentle and patient, and actually once he was inside it started to feel real good. Indeed although initially I felt grateful for the legendary smallness of Thai cocks, in the end I was pushing back hard to get him in a little deeper. OMG what is happening to me! LOL Being fucked and wanked at the same time I did not last long and I cum with flashing stars in my eyes and trumpets in my head. A short while later, he is slowly slipping out of me, condom off, sitting across my chest, wanking furiously and a few seconds later spraying cum all over me. Now for the first time I get a good look at his cock, not quite as big as Vits and with an upward curve. I suspect that, given the curve of his cock, that the head of his cock had been in contact with my prostate as he fucked me, perhaps explaining why it felt so good. But given his tiny balls, lord alone knows where all that cum of his came from. He mops me up and we shower. I pay him his tip and then give him 500 baht for the massage. Downstairs I am given my 100 baht change and I give it to the guy that got me the glass of water. Overall that was a great experience, especially given the limited choice of masseurs and the limited sex options. I am out into the sunshine and the searing heat, and get a taxi-bike back to Soi 6 and am back in my hotel room by 4pm. So something new done today. I stretch out on the bed and doze for a while. Day 8, Tuesday 23rd August Follwing a ball-emptying Short Time with my friend Vit whe had gone together to the Jontiem Complex to drink with one of his friends. Check-bin time and walking back up to the main road Vit suggested a Songtaw and indeed there were three other farang waiting and within a couple of minutes a Songtaw hoves into view, sees us and indicates to pull over. As we journey I ask Vit if he has been to Sunee Plaza, no and he would like to go. So we ring the bell as we approach the VC Hotel and, braving crossing the road, we head up to Soi VC towards Sunee Plaza. Looking back, quite why I thought this was a good idea I shall never know. Anyhow, as ever most places were in darkness, but there was a gaggle of boys outside Eros, I suggest a drink in there; again quite why I thought that a good idea I don't know. The lads outside seemed unsure what to do when they saw me approaching with Vit, and only a couple followed me inside. Seated they looked hopefully for a drink, I disappointed them saying I was only here for a quick drink. Blond haired Ray was not to be put off, he comes over and introduces himself to Vit first before greeting me; ok he gets a drink. So I am sitting closely next to Vit while Ray sits opposite us on a small padded platform. We clink drinks and Ray gets his cock out and starts to stroke it, Vit looks a little stunned. We keep drinking, Vit wants to go to the toilet, Ray seizes his chance and comes to sit next to me and places my hand on his cock. Damn this could so easily all go wrong. I slip him 100 baht and say not today, maybe tomorrow, he takes the hint and is back on his seat with his cock put away before Vit returns. We drink-up and I pay-up and we go. Taxi-bikes to X-Boys again, for their midnight show. Day 14, Monday 29th August So 8pm arrives and Lee and I go our separate ways. Now I really have no idea at this point in time about what I want to do for the next few hours. I am seeing Vit at about 1.30pm for long time tonight when his bar closes, but until then? Perhaps I will try my hand again (so to speak) at Goodboys off Soi VC?. So I get a songtaw to Walking Street, have a wander up Walking Street taking a few pictures as I go, up past JP bar and out up to Second Road and across to the VC hotel and up soi VC. Sadly at Goodboys there were only a couple of figures standing outside as I approached, neither of which could, with any honesty, be described as boys. So I passed by and into Sunnee Plaza itself. I looked briefly into Eros, to see if Tao was there - he wasn't so I moved on from there too. I was walking forlornly though a largely closed and unlit Sunee Plaza until I was walking past Ting Tong Bar on the left, and across opposite just on the other side of the soi were a few old sofas and the sign Ting Tong Beach scrawled on a board. A number of boys looked up hopefully, but not my type. One sitting down playing with his Iphone looked a little more promising. He looked up, saw me staring at him, smiled and got up and came over to me. Close-up I am not sure he was my type either but it would seem rude now not to offer him a drink and I could do with a sit-down myself I suppose. So we walk the couple of steps over to his bar and sit in some of the light seating out front. There were a couple of other customers there who briefly eyed me up and then got back on talking to their boys. This lad introduces himself to me as 'Chun', he is friendly and personable, but if I am honest at the far end of my acceptable 'twink spectrum'. He tells me how pleased he is to meet me as he hasn't had a customer for several days now, which, given the generally moribund, depressed air of Sunee Plaza at the moment, might actually be true. Now I am feeling a degree of guilt because I was intending to drink up and go, but here was this lad hoping I would feed him for the next few days. Oh well, I ask about short-time, yes he would like very much, and yes they have short-time rooms above the bar (it's Ting Tong 'Bar and Guesthouse'). Ok, barfine 300 I think it was and 400 for the room – the total was certainly 700 baht and he would want 1k baht as a tip. Was he gay? – yes he was, ok so top or bottom?, 50:50 he does both. Ok so we finish our drinks and check bin, which, with drinks, was fractionally under 1k baht. And so we head upstairs to our passion palace for the next hour, or more accurately Room 3 on the Second Floor. I shower, as does he and he proves friendly and accommodating, and, huge plus for me, he kisses properly. HJs together, and BJs together, his cock is quite big, as long as mine but not quite as thick as mine – still quite a mouthful! Boom Boom time and I am going to fuck him, and I have a falang sized condom that I have now taken to carrying about in my wallet. I stand him up and bend him over, and apply plenty of lube. And actually his ass opens up without too much difficulty and I can not only get balls-deep inside his ass I can actually give it the best pounding I can and he is pushing back onto me all the time. We try different positions until my condomed cock starts to loose its hardness and I cannot get back inside him any more. I do manage to get him to cum however, but I cant. We both shower again and he is paid and just before 22.00 I am leaving his bar and discovering that it has just started to rain again. Ok, at the end of the Soi I get a taxi-bike. I ask for Soi Diamond. Soon we are crossing Second Road and down the back entrance into Soi Diamond scattering tourists as our bike ploughs its way down the narrow walkway. It deposits me close to the steps up to 'Heaven Above agogo' . From there I retrace my steps into Windmill for an hour of happy, hands-on debauchery there. Day 15, Tuesday 30th August It has past 7pm when I surface, shower and find a change of shirt for the evening. By 7.40pm one of the hotel the taxi-bikes has dropped me off a little way up Soi VC and I walk the short distance to Sunee Plaza. Why I don't just get the bike to drop me off at Sunee Plaza I don't know; by now they all know where I would be heading. I had had an exchange of messages and then a phone call with Tao who I met at Eros early in my first week. I was fed up of looking in for him and him not being there. So yes he would be there tonight and I would meet him at 8pm. So it was slightly irritating when I past alongside Good Boys that I saw Ched standing outside. He recognised me and was trying to get me inside. I made my excuses and said that I would try and look in later if I could. I kept going around the corner and then turned right towards Eros, it wasn't quite 8pm and there were a gaggle of boys stood outside. I asked if Tao was there, he was, standing right in front of me with his back to me. He turned around and I instantly recognised the slightly untidy shock of hair and the big lazy smile. He takes my hand and leads me inside. Other boys recognise me and start to gather around. In vain to I try to explain that I an here to barfine Tao for a short-time. Drink for Tao and myself – lots of kisses (why is it the smokers that are the most willing and best kissers). The other boys are being persistent, even with the lack of a drink, most have their cocks out now, stroking them hopefully. If I don't watch it I shall get trapped here. Ok so check bin now with barfine. My bin is 500 baht (not sure how that worked out), but I give 1k baht and ask that the 500 baht change is shared between the 5 boys busy wanking in front of me at the moment. Everybody looks confused, but Ray shows up, understands and tell the boys who are now all smiling happily. Ok so Tao is now mine for a couple of hours. I am not sure that I want to take him back to Soi 6 and parade him through the Queen Victoria. Are there short-time rooms available here – 'yes have' he says brightly. By that he means that if we walk together to the end of the plaza there is a hotel on the corner who will rent us a room for 400 baht. Forget the name of the hotel, but, a bit like the Carlton, there was a sense of a posh hotel that has fallen on hard times. The receptionist looked bored and disinterested in us, she took the money and handed Tao the key without even seeming to look up. The room, when we found it, lived up to the rest of the hotel, clean and tidy but tired looking. And talking of tired looking, I noticed that Tao seemed to be struggling to stay awake. We undress, the room has a shower and toilet but the water is cold and there is no soap. At least the cold water refreshes Tao for a while and onto the bed we fall, he is a passionate kisser and his body is lean and hard and – so too is his cock. Its as long as mine but not quite so thick. I can get his cock hard for him, but I can't keep it hard. He is a top rather than a bottom, but he is never going to get a condom on that cock unless it can stay hard. I do my best and he is receptive and willing, but sadly his cock isn't. He does his best to give me a BJ and makes a good start, but blow me he is starting to fall asleep as he does it. The condom resting on the bed starts to look superfluous. I try and get him to talk, he is very sorry but he had almost no sleep last night and has been changing rooms today. He says he is 21 and married, but just separated from his wife and young child, and he is now trying to hold down three jobs at the moment to support them and make ends meet in low season. Most worrying is his first job; he apparently is hired to drive an airport taxi during the day. From 8pm he does a stint at Eros and then at 1am when Eros closes he goes to work in a Thai Karaoke Bar. He only had two hours sleep yesterday. And yes he has taxi bookings for tomorrow! I was disappointed, but how could I be angry with him. I offer to pay for the room overnight for him and let him sleep but he says he cannot. We don't bother with a shower but I have to help him dress as he is almost 'gone' to the point of collapse. I pay him the 1k baht I promised which gets me a large sleepy kiss and then I help him downstairs, hand over the room key and steady him as he totters back to Eros. I shall not go inside with him – I would be trapped if I did and fun though that would be I had other plans tonight. So I pass Tao into their care and head back in the general direction of Good Boys. My luck was in, although Ched wasn't immediately visible, when I asked he was behind the bar. So in I go to see him. He takes my drink order and prepares one for himself as well. Meanwhile I go to the couches hidden behind the back of the bar and sit in the middle of the black one. Ched brings the drinks over and before he sits down, he unbuckles his trousers and fishes out his cock, large, fat and flacid. I lean across and attempt to give it the kiss of life; it works and so his anaconda swells and stiffens – it is enormous. It takes both hands to stroke him properly and my mouth is at stretching point. Then his friend shows up and stands watching us, I break free to do introductions and shake his hand. He tells me that he is just as big, and to prove it drops his trousers and pants – actually he is not as big as Ched, but no far off. Good job my cock is safely tucked away as it would be feeling very inadequate right now. Ok so a drink for the friend as well, I forget his name, and now I have one hand on each cock and am switching across, first sucking on one cock and then the other. Ched has his phone out with his 'hetro' porn showing. Ched is the first to cum and I almost gag; he passes me a handful of tissues and then goes to the toilet to tidy -up. Ok so now I can concentrate on the friend, who is only a couple of minutes behind him in cumming. Ched has returned to watch. Ched's cum tastes sweeter! Ok I pay for the drinks and 300 baht apiece for Ched and his friend and both are happy with that, so total cost fractionally under 1 k baht – which I leave as a bar tip. I try to get a picture but they are friendly but firm about no photographs at all – and actually I can understand that. I walk back down Soi VC and slowly and cautiously negotiate crossing Second Road, endless traffic in both directions and motor-bikes zipping in and out in all directions. Eventually I cross and down past JP Bar and into Walking Street. Day 17, Thursday 1st September. It was 7pm when I left Horny Bar to go back to the hotel to rest a short while, baht-up, and plan the evenings entertainment. Perhaps another visit to Good Boys to start with? The end plan was to collect Vit for another long-time; but you know what they say about Pattaya and 'plans' LOL (Google Images) Ok, so first a taxi-bike to Soi VC, and no shame now, dropping me off right outside Sunee Plaza. The short walk along the gloomy little soi to Good Boys. Ched is there and rises from his chair to greet me and in we go, the other guy appears from nowhere to join us again. Drinks all round and then both sit either side of me on the sofa and drop their jeans and pants to their knees. Both cocks are soft, but not for long. For some reason the light is a little better and taking their cocks in each hand I can now better compare the two. Ched's is the longest and thick and totally bigger than mine. Others guys is not quite so long, but a little thicker than Ched's, although Ched has the bigger 'head'. There; I thought you needed to know that. So there I sit, stroking a cock in each hand while they drink their beers, but other guy, lifts my beer to my mouth so that I can drink and continue to stroke them both – now there's thoughtful! LOL Ok, now the tricky part is to be able to lean over and suck on one while still stroking the other – and actually I couldn't. So each took over their own cocks while I was busy with the other. Naturally I was as horny as hell, so I unbuckled and unzipped my trousers and took my own cock out. I could stroke mine while I sucked on one of their cocks, no problem. So three of us and three cocks on the go – this could get messy LOL And it did! Ched was the first to cum, I was busy with Other Guy at the time but quickly swapped my attentions and just in time too. He goes off to clean himself up while I concentrate on Other Guy, and he takes a while longer meanwhile Ched has returned and strokes my cock as I finally get Other Guy to cum, then they both together focus on my cock, Ched on the cock itself and Other Guy on my balls and bum. I tell them I am close and they quicken the pace and bingo!, there it goes, all over their nice leatherette sofa and table. Much wiping down of us and the furniture. And then with a clink of glasses we finish our drinks. Zip myself up again and check bin, that was the best session I have had there yet! I pay for the drinks and then hand Ched a 1k baht note and indicate that it is to be split between him and Other Guy; they both understand and smile and nod in thanks. I suppose I could have gotten away with 300 baht each again, but they had successfully gotten me off as well and that deserved a little extra I thought. I was also thinking that this maybe the last time that I get to this bar this holiday as I was now coming to the last few days and Condo would be here again soon. Out of Good Boys and onto the corner onto Soi VC and a taxi-bike to Boyztown to barfine and collect Vit for Long Time again as arranged. halfhansum, vinapu, Up2u and 9 others 12 Quote
abidismaili Posted November 9, 2016 Posted November 9, 2016 Finally its there! Please continue. Quote
kokopelli Posted November 10, 2016 Posted November 10, 2016 No doubt the authorities will love your detailed reports and photos. You do know that, in the past, some venues were raided by undercover police for prostitution and heavily fined. emailbroken 1 Quote
Guest DThump Posted November 10, 2016 Posted November 10, 2016 Wonderful report, and the pics added alot. Quote
a447a Posted November 10, 2016 Posted November 10, 2016 Koko, I made a similar detailed post, albeit without photos, on another site and got a pm from one of the members. He also had the same concerns and told me the owner of one particular establishment was "very angry" with me. On my next visit I spoke to the boys in the bar about it but they already knew. They were flattered by what I'd written about them but then told me the owner was far from angry; it was he who had shown them my post in the first place and he thought it was good publicity for his bar. However, on a subsequent visit to Pattaya, I toned everything down and didn't even mention the bar in question just in case, even though every night I was enjoying the talents of the boys working there. I did this in spite of not believing for a second that the bib do not know what goes on in the bars. I mean, that's what they collect their tea money for, isn't it? If everything was legitimate there wouldn't be any tea money. And if they really read these boards, why haven't the bars been either closed down or else raided every night?? The gay sites have been reporting about the shenanigans in the bars for years. BTW, I trust vessey has the boys' permission to post their photos. ChristianPFC 1 Quote
Guest DThump Posted November 10, 2016 Posted November 10, 2016 Koko, I made a similar detailed post, albeit without photos, BTW, I trust vessey has the boys' permission to post their photos. Sounds like sour grapes, its obvious looking at the photos that none were surprised; again the best trip report I've seen. Quote
kokopelli Posted November 10, 2016 Posted November 10, 2016 And if they really read these boards, why haven't the bars been either closed down or else raided every night?? The gay sites have been reporting about the shenanigans in the bars for years. BTW, I trust vessey has the boys' permission to post their photos. Wait and see I suppose. Just makes no sense to me to publicly divulge everything including photos. I do wonder if the owner of a certain guest house will like the publicity you provided. And did the boys in your encounters also give permission for you to post nude photos of them? Quote
kokopelli Posted November 10, 2016 Posted November 10, 2016 Sounds like sour grapes, its obvious looking at the photos than none were surprised. Only photo that was not fully revealed was that of Vessey. Guess he doesn't want his face exposed to one and all. emailbroken 1 Quote
a447a Posted November 10, 2016 Posted November 10, 2016 Sounds like sour grapes, its obvious looking at the photos that none were surprised; again the best trip report I've seen. In what way is it "sour grapes"?? That comment doesn't make sense to me. It's one thing to agree to have your photo taken, but another to have it plastered all over the internet, wouldn't you agree? I know some of those guys and I'm sure they wouldn't mind . I was just asking, that's all. kokopelli 1 Quote
Vessey Posted November 10, 2016 Author Posted November 10, 2016 No doubt the authorities will love your detailed reports and photos. You do know that, in the past, some venues were raided by undercover police for prostitution and heavily fined. Wait and see I suppose. Just makes no sense to me to publicly divulge everything including photos. I do wonder if the owner of a certain guest house will like the publicity you provided. And did the boys in your encounters also give permission for you to post nude photos of them? Only photo that was not fully revealed was that of Vessey. Guess he doesn't want his face exposed to one and all. Ok, I give-in, I am out of here. End of Trip Report! Quote
Guest ryanasia Posted November 10, 2016 Posted November 10, 2016 Ok, I give-in, I am out of here. End of Trip Report! Don't worry about it. I have taken some risks myself. Don't let anonymous people on the net tell you not to post your thoughts. They have more to hide than you do. It is actually quite pathetic how many people who live in glass houses throw stones. Especially on a site such as this one. These kind of people will kill all new content. Nobody here is going to be arrested for these kinds of reports. There isn't one person here that would know how to report it anyway. If they did what do you think the cops are going to say? Some guy comes to Thailand and likes boys? Now is the time to stand up for your sexual freedom, don't shy away. I am amazed at the amount of criticism given online on sex tourism sites that is judgmental. We aren't doing anything wrong and as such continue to speak your mind. These days the feelings of paranoia seem to be internalized homophobia and there is no need to bow down to it. Be selective in what you post and use your discretion but don't be afraid of these assholes. There is not one single Thai person or cop that would give a fuck. Don't let a handful of losers censor your posts. Quote
Popular Post TotallyOz Posted November 10, 2016 Popular Post Posted November 10, 2016 I thought that the report was wonderful and the photos excellent. The boys who allowed you to take photos knew they were allowing this. I have added photos to many of my threads in the past about boys as well as massage places and never any issue. Don't listen to the naysayers. IMHO, there is no need to listen to them.I do hope you continue as I thought that the photos were truly excellent and your reports full of amazing detail. I not only enjoyed it, I felt like I was involved. Thanks you! monsoon, firecat69, jacquet and 4 others 7 Quote
Guest ryanasia Posted November 10, 2016 Posted November 10, 2016 I thought that the report was wonderful and the photos excellent. The boys who allowed you to take photos knew they were allowing this. I have added photos to many of my threads in the past about boys as well as massage places and never any issue. Don't listen to the naysayers. IMHO, there is no need to listen to them. I do hope you continue as I thought that the photos were truly excellent and your reports full of amazing detail. I not only enjoyed it, I felt like I was involved. Thanks you! I agree. Quote
forrestreid Posted November 10, 2016 Posted November 10, 2016 I want to add my voice to those who love your trip reports. I thought it was a brilliant report and I hope you ignore the stupid trolls and keep postings them! TotallyOz, TMax and dozzie 3 Quote
Guest 2guys Posted November 10, 2016 Posted November 10, 2016 I can only add to the last 3 replies that all boys seemed more than happy with the tip they got paid and I don't think they have any reason to complain or be mad. If everyone was tipping as much as Vessey, the boys would be very happy. About the pictures, I don't mind them and liked them and I guess Vessey asked/told them why he wanted to take the pics, so don't see much problems. If they boys don't like their pics places, I guess Vessey would delete them when asked. So Vessey, keep writing ur report.... Quote
calluna15 Posted November 11, 2016 Posted November 11, 2016 I love his reports and and happy to know The boys are getting business. They wet my appetite for my upcoming trip. Vessy seems like a guy who really knows How to enjoy himself. Quote
kokopelli Posted November 11, 2016 Posted November 11, 2016 First of all I am not an anonymous or a stupid troll nor a naysayer, nor an asshole as has been posted above. I have made over 2000 posts in the past 9 years . Here is a history lesson for some of you who may not be aware of some facts. A year or two ago a farang, undercover agent aka snitch, acted as a customer in Eros Bar to observe the activity. He observed one boy servicing a customer and then alerted his Thai police colleagues to raid the bar. The boy who was serving the customer was detained and fined. He, by the way, was one of those who Vessey posted a photo of. The bar owner also received a substantial fine. In addition another undercover farang snitch was at another bar close by and "offed" a boy and took him to an upstairs, short time room. This agent also alerted the police and that bar owner was heavily fined. All about prostitution. So do some of you think it wise for Vessey to post his titillating adventures along with photos and names and locations of where he took his conquests , including what floor and room number in what Guest House? Some of you even claim the boys knew what his intent was with their photos? How can you say that? And Michael, you mentioned that your added photos to your posts. Really, I never, ever saw you post anything as lurid as that posted by Vessey. As for myself, I am a frequent customer at Eros on a weekly basis for years and drop a lot of money on tips for the boys. Thus I would hate to see it go the way of many of the other go go bars in Sunee just because someone lacks discretion in what he posts. williewillie and vinapu 2 Quote
a447a Posted November 11, 2016 Posted November 11, 2016 I have also heard that story. Apparently it was overzealous farang "tourist police." And I've always presumed it was a true story. But something doesn't quite add up. I refer to the farang telling the police he took a boy upstairs. That in itself is hardly proof of prostitution unless, of course, the Thai policeman also took a boy to the upstairs room. More than likely it had something to do with underage boys and not prostitution per se. The reason for the upstairs room -and I know the bar you are referring to -was because the boys were too young to gain entry into any hotel. I also would hate to see Eros go. But I wonder if any gogo bars have been closed because of prostitution. If they have, then why is Eros still open? Quote
emailbroken Posted November 11, 2016 Posted November 11, 2016 Ok, I give-in, I am out of here. End of Trip Report! Not a question of giving up, giving in or getting out. People are just suggesting in quite a gentle and fair way that you maybe need to consider these guys and their privacy. Nobody here is being unfair to you. Nothing wrong with the detail of the written report at all. People are just pointing out that while the guys knew you were taking their pics, they may not have expected that they would appear on a forum. And given that you blanked your own face out, clearly you have some understanding of why an individual may not want a photo like that distributed widely. Don't forget that even though the forum is members only simply right clicking and saving would allow any member take the photo from here and post it anywhere. Maybe you told them you were posting them online? If so of course there is no issue. vinapu and kokopelli 2 Quote
emailbroken Posted November 11, 2016 Posted November 11, 2016 Don't worry about it. I have taken some risks myself. Don't let anonymous people on the net tell you not to post your thoughts. They have more to hide than you do. It is actually quite pathetic how many people who live in glass houses throw stones. Especially on a site such as this one. These kind of people will kill all new content. Nobody here is going to be arrested for these kinds of reports. There isn't one person here that would know how to report it anyway. If they did what do you think the cops are going to say? Some guy comes to Thailand and likes boys? Now is the time to stand up for your sexual freedom, don't shy away. I am amazed at the amount of criticism given online on sex tourism sites that is judgmental. We aren't doing anything wrong and as such continue to speak your mind. These days the feelings of paranoia seem to be internalized homophobia and there is no need to bow down to it. Be selective in what you post and use your discretion but don't be afraid of these assholes. There is not one single Thai person or cop that would give a fuck. Don't let a handful of losers censor your posts. I think the idea is to think a little of the guys feelings. Clearly the original poster didn't want his own image out there so perhaps he should afford the guys the same dignity? Of course, if he told them he was going to post the pics online there is no issue. Quote
emailbroken Posted November 11, 2016 Posted November 11, 2016 I thought that the report was wonderful and the photos excellent. The boys who allowed you to take photos knew they were allowing this. I have added photos to many of my threads in the past about boys as well as massage places and never any issue. Don't listen to the naysayers. IMHO, there is no need to listen to them. I do hope you continue as I thought that the photos were truly excellent and your reports full of amazing detail. I not only enjoyed it, I felt like I was involved. Thanks you! Or course it is great to get such reports. However the issue is that even thought they guys knew their photo was being taken, did they know that it was going on the internet? If not, given that the poster hid his own identity, it is unfair that he has not afforded the guys the same dignity. kokopelli 1 Quote
PeterRS Posted November 11, 2016 Posted November 11, 2016 The issue of photos and identification is covered under the Terms and Conditions of posting. Unfortunately these are just one long chunk of text so its a real pain to work them out. But I reckon this is the right part All GoGo and Host work-related information is exempt (i.e. "it is permissible") provided the guy, with intent, has made that information publicly available or has given tacit approval for such information to be made available So if the boys did not specifically agree to their photos being made available here on this site the rules haven't been followed. Michael seems to have greater knowledge about their having given their specific consent to appearing here. Isnt Vessey the only one who can say that? kokopelli 1 Quote
TMax Posted November 11, 2016 Posted November 11, 2016 Well I enjoyed the reports immensely, reading them has given me a bit more enthusiasm for my next trip which, unfortunately isnt until mid next year. I too am hoping you will continue to post them. TotallyOz 1 Quote