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How to use the Ignore feature - a reminder

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For anyone who would like to avoid low quality juvenile posts, here is a reminder about how to use the ignore feature:


Firstly click on your name in the top right corner & then click My Settings:



Click "Ignore Preferences" on the left side:




Type in the name of the member you would like to ignore and tick all the boxes.   Click save changes.


Guest abang1961

This is a very nice MTV.

I always (ssem) to have a latent passion for the underdogs in the society.

This MTV is really touching and hopefully, I can find such a hardworking man in my life..

Yes he can f..k me after a long day's work....wishful thought ..


on your example, you have named the member  Q......


any reason?


any reason?


The screenshot was taken as I was in the process of adding a member to my ignore list.   If members just attack others & have nothing remotely intelligent or constructive to say, they will be added to my ignore list.

Guest ryanasia

Sometimes it is better to just do it quietly and then there is less drama.

Guest Qualityonly

A lot of you are just plain nasty to each other or childish,im not sure if its to do with never being married or havng a female type of gene?


Why do some if you persist to be nasty to each other, and once again its not the young gen doing this.


Im not sure what they call this Psychologically but some members on here reply to some posters with " I dont believe you" .... Oh its never happened to me so i dont believe it happened"


"No thats never happened to me" etc etc, just to be different or opposite to what the OP was writing about.

I often wonder how the OP must feel when some idiot has to write that he "doesnt believe you", why bother writing that post anyway? Just move onto the next post.


Why would you want to write a nasty reply like " i dont believe you " , would you say that to someone personally??




There is one particular poster on here who replies opposite to every post.


I remember once writing on another forum years ago that I found it hard to buy brown polo shirts at a certain market, his reply, he didnt believe me as he had bought several brown shirts and never seen so many there?


I imagine a lot of you to be skinny old men with feminine type features,and I think the majority of the troublemakers are over 60yo, the uneducated era .


If you dont like each other then why not confront each other with your walking sticks instead of hiding behind a forum?

We know you all hate each other, an example walk around the Sunee or gay areas and nearly every table there is a old farang sitting by himself mumbling under his bitter breath angrily ignoring the next person at another table.

Go to the straight areas and the old guys are all talking to each other jovially .


You cant even get along with each other, bitter old fools.




Love to see some younger people join in this forum instead of you wrinkly old men,a lot of you are dying off which is great.

Love to see this forum move ahead with the times instead of pretend pompous lonely old men.


There is a ignore feature please use it rather than write nasty replies to each other.


I really encourage you younger guys to join in the forum, I know a lot of you are hestant because of the nasty senior citizens on here but please I encourage you.

Your next the generation.


Sometimes it is better to just do it quietly and then there is less drama.


I don't see any drama. 


One member embarrassed himself by being very rude to another on several occasions.   I put that member on ignore & took the opportunity to remind others about the feature, just in case they need it.   


im not sure if its to do with never being married or havng a female type of gene?

Now you've piqued my curiosity, which one is it in your case? Never been married or being of the effeminate flavor? Don't be shy, do tell!

Guest Qualityonly

Thankyou Z909.

And Alex, lol I guess a lot of older gays are insecure with themselves.


I imagine a lot were close to their Mom's and were spoilt .


 ........I imagine a lot of you to be skinny old men with feminine type features 


........We know you all hate each other


........bitter old fools.


........you wrinkly old men,a lot of you are dying off which is great.

........pompous lonely old men.


It's a bit apparent that you failed Dale Carnegie's course.  You rail against what you perceive is the nastiness of others and then come out with these gems.  Are you old enough to spell "hypocrisy?" 


I've never put anybody on "ignore" but, if I ever do, you've earned a spot on the short list.


If Qualityonly is naive enough to believe that everything written on any chat room board is the truth and therefore not worthy of some form of honest rebuttal (in many cases) then he'd probably put most posters on ignore and get on with enjoying life.



We know you all hate each other, an example walk around the Sunee or gay areas and nearly every table there is a old farang sitting by himself mumbling under his bitter breath angrily ignoring the next person at another table.

Go to the straight areas and the old guys are all talking to each other jovially .


You cant even get along with each other, bitter old fools.



I'm curious what triggered such  a tirade.


You have some of good points but nothing warrants such an offensive litany.


Not everybody who doesn't agree with you it your enemy, he just has , right or wrong,  different opinion.


If we, bitter old fools,  really couldn't get along with each other this forum would be dead long time ago. 


Qualityonly:  A lot of you are just plain nasty to each other or childish,im not sure if its to do with never being married


I am not sure what never being married has to do with it, I assume the majority of gay men are not married (to a woman).


I for one, would be very nasty if my partner was a woman, it would really go against the grain


and by the way ,  I love the irony in your name Qualityonly


Are you gents actually swallowing this troll's malarkey about who he is trying to pass himself off as being?


Maybe some of you don't remember another troll who went by the screen name "Beachlover."  He tried to do the same thing - pass himself off as a young, rich, Asian yuppie who thought he was in a position to criticize everyone else.  He was eventually caught out as being nothing but a liar - same as this guy - who was in reality no younger than the rest of us, definitely not even Asian, and no more wealthy than the average farang.


It's perfectly obvious to me this guy is nothing but a troll trying to do the same thing - just some nut case who gets his jollies when he succeeds at making others angry and/or manages to get them upset.


When he actually has guts enough to personally meet some of you and identify himself - then, and only then, will he at least be credible as the young guy he passes himself off to be.


I'm still waiting for him to show up at Elephant Plaza, identify himself, and show us the waiter who was so aggressive with him.  You want that public apology from me, Qualityonly?  Show up, show us the waiter, and get it.


It would be impossible to be so blatantly hypocritical and not be aware of it. He has to be joking. I think he's some old guy with too much time on his hands.


Mildly amusing.


Maybe some of you don't remember another troll who went by the screen name "Beachlover."  He tried to do the same thing - pass himself off as a young, rich, Asian yuppie who thought he was in a position to criticize everyone else.  He was eventually caught out as being nothing but a liar - same as this guy - who was in reality no younger than the rest of us, definitely not even Asian, and no more wealthy than the average farang.


As far as I remember, beachlover just disappeared. Some pointed out inconsistencies in his tales, but no proof of him lying. Did I miss something?

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