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Guest Qualityonly

Propositioning a member of Hotel Staff

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Guest ryanasia

I also don't do that but don't go out of my way to judge those that would. Nirish could have kept his comment to himself. It doesn't contribute anything of worth to the site and side tracks the thread and turns it into a meaningless off topic debate such as this, that simply isn't necessary here. I say some things that are a bit harsh but normally somebody will say something first or attack another person. Sometimes saying nothing is the best policy if you want this board to remain relevant.



If I am wrong correct me and tell me what the comments from Nirish accomplished. 

Guest ryanasia

unless they show some interest first.


Then all bets are off-I'd go in for the kill!


At the end of the day, to each his own.


Yes, because nobody would ever get mixed signals. That comment negates every comment above it.  That is a good thing. so you will hit on guys outside of the gay scene. You do know that guys working in hotels are disproportionately likely to be gay and cruisy right?

Guest ryanasia

Onr final thought on the matter is straights don't limit where they meet potential partners to gogo bars or whorehouses. So to suggest gays should is to say that gay people shouldn't attempt to have normal relations in anywhere outside of the gay scene? How many straight people have met at a hotel or department store or their wife was a waitress? This isn't actually a gay specific issue.

Guest ryanasia

One is not exclusive of the other however.


If I am wrong correct me and tell me what the comments from Nirish accomplished. 


1 The comments from N Irish don't accomplish much.

2 Your response (above) certainly doesn't accomplish anything either.  Was it intended to ?   If so, what ?

3 My response doesn't accomplish anything either (this one). 


The on topic responses writing about people's experiences are at least interesting, which is something of an accomplishment. 

The bickering adds nothing. So why bother ?

Guest ryanasia

My comment was intended to demonstrate the fact that we should make less judgmental remarks on this site. It probably didn't accomplish that goal.  i think we are in agreement. :) 


Spare us the self righteousness. You are after all active in more than one forum where the topic of the day is how much a piece of ass costs. No wonder we all have such a bad reputation. 


No self righteousness there at all, as A447 has quite rightly pointed out I'm happily to conform and confirm the slut label if that's what people chose to think,  I've no problem with that whasoever. 


You also went on to suggest " I bet you don't tell people at home what you get up to in Thailand" etc and you couldn't be more wrong there either, I have no secrets in my life from anyone and anyone who knows me or cares to ask gets told EXACTLY and sometimes in too much graphic detail Im told "what i get up to" when in Thailand.


My point, as A447 quite rightly picked up on, is the vast difference between us all shagging the ass off as many sex workers as we feel like when in Thailand (not a thing wrong with that in my book) versus our going up to some total stranger in perhaps their place of employment where they can't answer back as they might like to) and handing them a card which basically insinuates " hey, you're Thai so lets face it you're possibly / probably a prostitute / money boy on the side so hey I'm offering 1000 baht to fuck you". leading to my orginal comment as to "and we wonder why Thai's think some / most farang are slimeballs.


And as for what has my post added to the board ( aside from it being my opinion which of course I'm fully entitled to) it has also added to and created further discussion re what this very thread was about i.e "propositing a member of hotel staff" so I cant think anywhere MORE appropriate to post it perhaps.


As A447 has already stated in my view there's a world of difference between normal every day flirting and chancing your luck with an every day person out in the real world ( i.e non sex scene) hotel staff or not, to see where that gets you, compared to walking up to them and handing them a card basically saying " hey, you're Thai so on the law of averages you're probably a hooker so here's my number and I'll pay you 1000 for a fuck, so call me if I'm right" 


I'm not sure what else I can say to explain the difference between those two things for those that share a different viewpoint.


And lastly I am NOT "judging" the person as I fully accept we're all roughly cut from the same cloth when it comes to fucking around, but I am flagging up the differnce between negotiating with sex workers and how we deal with the rest of the world's everyday population enmasse without at least "appearing" to be the creeps that a lot of Thai's already think / know we are.

Guest Qualityonly

Thankyou to Gaybutton and a few others for the advice.


I think better we close the thread thankyou Moderator.


Handing a card to a potential friend is totally acceptable.

Instead of writing the amount you're willing to share with him, it would be plainly clear to him of your intention if you just scribble on your card your planetromeo or LINE id. He will contact you if he's interested.

Guest ryanasia

Hit on anybody you want anywhere you want but be decent about it. /thread


Thankyou to Gaybutton and a few others for the advice.

I think better we close the thread thankyou Moderator.

Close it? Why?


We are having a rather civil exchange of opinions.


We can do that on this site.

Guest ryanasia

the close thread sign is sort of a joke /thread. 

handing them a card which basically insinuates " hey, you're Thai so lets face it you're possibly / probably a prostitute / money boy on the side so hey I'm offering 1000 baht to fuck you".


Do you actually believe the Thai boys, whether they work in a hotel or not, would interpret it that way?  I don't.  I haven't used the "card trick" very often and I've never used it on a boy who didn't set off my "gaydar" and gave some sort of prior indication, verbal or non verbal, that he might be interested.  I've never had even a hint of a negative reaction. 


Did you think I was suggesting to just walk up to a total stranger, someone you've never seen before and have never had contact with of any kind, and hand him a card?  If that's what you were thinking, Wrong.  I wouldn't do that either.  Common sense does apply.


But if I've at least had some sort of contact and got the impression there is a good chance he would be interested, but couldn't bring myself to talk to him, then I see nothing wrong at all with handing him the card - with or without the offer written on the back.


The OP made it clear he can't work up the nerve to simply talk to the boy and see if it leads to anything.  That's what I think he should do if he is really interested in the boy.  I wouldn't do it in a way that could embarrass him in front of other people,  but I see nothing wrong or sleazy about trying the "card trick" as an alternative.


I also don't know where you get the idea that they stereotype us as creeps, sleazy, or any other negatives.  I've neither seen nor experienced anything to back up that idea.  Not ever.  There might be a few who see us that way, but as far as I can tell, that would be very few.


Yes, for me there would have to first be a sign he was interested.


I wrote in my last trip report about a waiter in the Tonkotsu Ramen restaurant, just past the Patpong market on the way to Soi Twilight who came on to me in a big way. I didn't make a move as I wasn't sure he was my type. But had he been, I certainly would have invited him to get to know my wallet better.


I've also written in the past about the gorgeous waiters I met in the restaurants on the river in Phnom Pehn. I was desperately looking for a sign - any sign at all - that they may be interested in catching up after work. Unfortunately, they weren't, so I left it at that.


I was bitterly disappointed, but at least I got to eat my meal with a raging hard-on whilst surreptitiously ogling them. .


And food tastes so much better with a hard-on!


For clarity, you're quite right GB and I totally agree that there's absolutely nothing wrong with using the old "card trick", in fact it could almost be considered quite quaint in this day and age, it was just an amount of money being noted on the back of the card that I think would leave us open to the accusation of bad judgement as it could ( and would) have projected  a clear message as to what one was assuming about the person you were handing the card to in the first place.


Actually from my limited experience in such matters cough cough I would suggest that one might in fact have a much BETTER chance of success at pulling said cute guy with OUT adding any money figure to the card and simply handing it over and letting the chips fall where they may. If the guy is monetarily minded he would no doubt broch that issue early on with you. However, if he's NOT and is out for some fun / a date / a BF then you could just have found yourself a very willing and available guy ( for free) who actually thinks we're a nice guy too for handing him a business card and saying you're interested in knowing him more.


And glad to see the "close the thread" was a joke as of course there is absolutely no need too as we're all thick skinned enough to handle such nice innocent discussions as this one I trust :-)


I also don't know where you get the idea that they stereotype us as creeps, sleazy, or any other negatives.  I've neither seen nor experienced anything to back up that idea.  Not ever.  There might be a few who see us that way, but as far as I can tell, that would be very few.


And if anything the above is maybe a great post to start our next thread about "Are we delusional as to what we THINK Thai people think of us / most farang or are their happy smiles and regular Wai's all throughly meant and that they think that in general most of us farang are actually the lovely chaps that we all surely know ourselves to be :-)  


My view just for the record is that we're tolerated rather than accepted or appreciated and if we all went home tomorrow they wouldn't lose a wink of sleep over it ( after they worked out how to replace their National / personal short term drop of income perhaps).

Guest ryanasia

Maybe if you live here your views would change.




Or alternatively as I do only visit occassionally I may have a more detatched view perhaps - or not, who knows.


But I do know that if the many of the conversations I've had with many bar boys I've known are anything to go by their views of us farang don't leave us projecting such a great an image perhaps, but of course that is of course only one VERY small segment of society and perhaps Thai society overall thinks farang are wonderful, but personally I doubt that, but like I say, who knows.



Mind you the one thing I think most farang DO agree on is that we farang might NEVER know what most Thai's think anyway so perhaps it's of little use even wondering.


And if anything the above is maybe a great post to start our next thread about "Are we delusional as to what we THINK Thai people think of us / most farang or are their happy smiles and regular Wai's all throughly meant and that they think that in general most of us farang are actually the lovely chaps that we all surely know ourselves to be :-)  


My view just for the record is that we're tolerated rather than accepted or appreciated and if we all went home tomorrow they wouldn't lose a wink of sleep over it ( after they worked out how to replace their National / personal short term drop of income perhaps).

Maybe we are delusional but under your precept I must also think that all of Ireland thinks that way about all the US Tourists.


Maybe they do but I doubt it.  I think most countries who have large numbers of tourist visitors have some countries that they like less then others.  This could be for a variety of reasons and most times tourists will not feel that negativity.


People who deal with tourists understand the importance of the money brought into the country.


Even a 99% homogeneous society such as Japan recognizes that Tourism is important in their powerful economy.


And yes 1 jerk can color how a Thai boy thinks of  a possible customer from that country.  But that can also work in a positive way .

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