Guest ryanasia Posted November 22, 2016 Posted November 22, 2016 you need to read his revelations more carefully as he prides himself on reducing price at every turn and will not hear and excuses from boy about what boy wants and doesn't want to do so 'valued customer ' seems overstatement. I'm not going into talk if his stories are true or product of imaginations as some suspect on that site since he is not a poster here so has no chance to respond. I have dealt with people like that. I can assure you such people exist.
Guest ryanasia Posted November 22, 2016 Posted November 22, 2016 I agree about valued customer. However I don't ever remember him bragging about paying less then the generally accepted minimum. Just maybe he expects a little more during his short time? Although I will admit I have not read that site for about 6 months. He does brag about getting it for 300-500 short time. This is insane for specialized work.
Guest ryanasia Posted November 22, 2016 Posted November 22, 2016 Okay it reminds me of Valentino boys club in Koln Germany. When you ask for work there somebody will interview you. In my case I didn't speak any German so a younger guy translated it for me. He asked if I was top or btm and told me being a btm get's around 50% more. That was rare in European locales. I was happy with that policy. He goes on to say if you do SM it is also an additional amount for me. I told him I can do it and he tells me be careful about this question. This is Germany and they don't fuck around. It is generally accepted anywhere in the world that kink pays more. so if you sign up for the job be prepared to do it. Sometimes i think Thai guys do not understand what they are getting into. but when they need to get high they will do it. That's the way it goes. Thailand is catching on to this these days. I find Latin believable in what he says he does but I think he has the Farang complex of bragging about how cheap things are. This can be flip flops, boys, taxis or anything. Anything you paid I got it cheaper syndrome. I can't imagine any savvy boy doing it for cheap and if they do then it is sort of exploitation but it is a cruel business and everybody learns this in their own time. Boys sometimes message me to ask prices for various acts. I advise for a full SM session 3,000 if you are okay with it and 5,000 if you don't really get into it. This is an okay price and still cheaper than the west in general. Again the weirder the fetish the higher the pay. Latin isn't actually into anything all that weird. Anybody that has jacked off to PBM has a bit of that in them.
Guest ryanasia Posted November 22, 2016 Posted November 22, 2016 It was sort of strange. I had never been asked if I would take a fist before. I was surprised and didn't know what to say. So I am sure Thai guys get caught like a deer in the headlights like I was at that point in my life.
vinapu Posted November 22, 2016 Posted November 22, 2016 It was sort of strange. I had never been asked if I would take a fist before. I was surprised and didn't know what to say. So I am sure Thai guys get caught like a deer in the headlights like I was at that point in my life. and if they don't understand what they agree to, it's exploitation through and through. Some farangs may assume that if they ask something and boy nods approvingly he knows what he was asked and agrees but my guess is when comes to fancy stuff they simply will not be familiar with terms like ' fist' etc. .....but I think he has the Farang complex of bragging about how cheap things are. This can be flip flops, boys, taxis or anything. Anything you paid I got it cheaper syndrome. it makes quite a bit on sense what you are saying above and those types are probably known to everybody
Jasper Posted November 23, 2016 Posted November 23, 2016 and if they don't understand what they agree to, it's exploitation through and through. Some farangs may assume that if they ask something and boy nods approvingly he knows what he was asked and agrees but The above quote reminded me a story that a bar boy told me. When he started working in a go go bar he didn't understand farangs' English at all so when a customer asked him if he could bottom, he nodded smiling "yes,yes" without understanding what is required. He just wanted to be offed and get money. Later in the hotel room he realised what the customer wanted so he refused " no no no!" Obviously the customer was upset saying " but you agreed!" He was telling me the story with a sad smile remembering how naive he was when he was younger. Luckily he was a muscle hunk so the customer wasn't forceful but I fear for twink boys in that situation with a insisting customer. llz and ChristianPFC 2
vinapu Posted November 23, 2016 Posted November 23, 2016 like Ryan says above , this is cruel business and everybody learns it in his own time.
Popular Post ChristianPFC Posted November 24, 2016 Popular Post Posted November 24, 2016 If a Thai boy replies "yes" to whatever you say, it doesn't mean he agrees, it doesn't even mean he understood what you said, it just means he heard you. DivineMadman, Brummbaer, 1moRussian and 2 others 5
Guest ryanasia Posted November 24, 2016 Posted November 24, 2016 If a Thai boy replies "yes" to whatever you say, it doesn't mean he agrees, it doesn't even mean he understood what you said, it just means he heard you. do you want to go to a movie or eat seafood? yes.
vinapu Posted November 24, 2016 Posted November 24, 2016 do you want to go to a movie or eat seafood? yes. I'd rather expect ' up to you ' answer for such a question Brummbaer 1
spoon Posted November 25, 2016 Posted November 25, 2016 Up to you means he understand the questions lol
Guest abang1961 Posted November 25, 2016 Posted November 25, 2016 It may be the most rehearsed line in Thai boys' vocabulary. Mine famous one liner has to be ...
Guest oakbloke Posted December 9, 2016 Posted December 9, 2016 Hey man... great post! I hope u get more questions Keen to know how u kept sane while being a MB - u have no family around, no decent support network, with guys around u on drugs and many u can't trust... how did u come out on the other side? The skill of being a survivor is underrated... Cheers
Guest ryanasia Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 Hey man... great post! I hope u get more questions Keen to know how u kept sane while being a MB - u have no family around, no decent support network, with guys around u on drugs and many u can't trust... how did u come out on the other side? The skill of being a survivor is underrated... Cheers I appreciate the feed back, so why not ask a question? Okay you asked a question. I will give it some thought and answer it when I am able.
Guest ryanasia Posted December 12, 2016 Posted December 12, 2016 I came out on the other side possibly a little worse for wear but still in tact. I fight bouts of depression and have mood swings. This isn't unique to the business but might have become more profoundly pronounced because of some of the ordeals I have went through. I find myself in the position of being a middle aged man stuck in Thailand under circumstances many would envy. I have an okay life here and live very well, yet I just don't want to remain here too much longer. The catch is I have been outside of my home country so long I have no way to verify 125% of the Federal poverty guidelines to bring my partner home even though my partner earns a lot more than I ever will. So I feel in some ways we are stuck in the wilderness while I consider what I have to do to meet requirements which is quite odd. Most people go out of their way to hide their money and believe me I did that many years. Now I have to bend over backwards to show it. In unrelated news I am pretty pissed off about this because if gay marriage was legal many years ago I would have had different circumstances and and certainly would have employed very different strategies. I haven't been home in 20 years because of oppressive laws and now they expect I can just go back and manufacture tax records going back 3 years? It isn't the money but they expect me to meet a pattern that proves stability. They will not consider assets alone, I have to be a good slave for a length of time. Gay marriage was denied when I was in Europe and in Japan (which still has no same sex unions of any kind) and now in Thailand on a stupid PE visa. I can not work here or have any prospect of a job. I started a very beautiful guesthouse in Laos but I don't have the energy left to do it anymore. I wish them the best of luck, and am proud of what I helped them achieve. A Lao family is now self sustainable because of it. Such examples of productivity are simply not admissible when accounting for my time over here. Yet, I can not mention this as proof of stability or character even though i have thorough documentation of what I accomplished. Again it comes down to some basic rights, which we are not accorded. Now suddenly I am expected to make up for minor transgressions of visa laws (visa hops in Europe in Asia) in the past because at the time love was illegal. They gave us very little choice, I even learned Japanese full time to get a visa as a work around. Yes I can read, write and speak Japanese better than average before somebody jokes about it. The result of this is me having to separate from my partner for at least a year in all likelihood. While I go dig up a 125% of the poverty level job just so I can sign an affidavit of support for a man who would out earn me by at least 10 times or more. They are concerned my partner could apply for welfare. Driving Uber for F1 visas lol good times.... completely senseless proposition. Sorry, it sound like I am whining, I just simply want to go home and am giving my best explanation to the OP question of how am I faring. With credit reports and background checks these days it is next to impossible. I simply don't exist So how did I hold up? As best as can be expected I suppose but to try to just go live a quiet life is next to impossible. These days ironically a lot of people are trying to move into Thailand and finding it more difficult. In my case I can stay as long as I want but would like to get out. My visa here is good for 5 years because I simply bought it. Never become a hooker (or get involved in any gay relationship) and live in a country where neither of you are citizens and there are no gay rights, is the lesson I guess. There are options in Europe for sure and it is much easier. However we would like to go to the USA and many couples who lived over seas are having the same problems because of the income affidavit. The problem is if you meet living overseas for a long length of time unless you are in the military and then the poverty thing no longer matters. The income must be from inside (making it a dead end street for many, unless you met your spouse who is foreign while in the USA) the USA. So when gay marriage was approved it is never acknowledged how human rights were denied for decades and the impact it has on families. I believe there may be a significant amount of gays that have lived over seas, under such situations that may have a justified case for a class action law suit against the federal government. It seems they feel I stepped in a puddle all of those years and now that my pants have dried there was no harm done. For what it is worth the income requirements are also required for straight couples but they have had the opportunity to get married since, basically the beginning of time. The latest changes in the law are helpful but unreasonable burdens still exist in some cases. That is my only contention in this regard. Anyway that was a long rant, simply put I don't feel i came out too badly considering the circumstances. everyday is a test and a juggling act. TLDR; Damned if you do damned if you don't. Brownie points for the first poster that tells me if I don't like it go home.
firecat69 Posted December 12, 2016 Posted December 12, 2016 Does sound Fucked UP.. Can't you put a significant amount of money in dividend paying stocks and then after 1 year submit your application as retired ( living on dividends). Even if your partner contributed to the account. Of course that assumes you have significant assets that would generate the amount of dividends needed to qualify.
Guest ryanasia Posted December 12, 2016 Posted December 12, 2016 Does sound Fucked UP.. Can't you put a significant amount of money in dividend paying stocks and then after 1 year submit your application as retired ( living on dividends). Even if your partner contributed to the account. Of course that assumes you have significant assets that would generate the amount of dividends needed to qualify. I am looking in to ways of monetizing everything for tax purposes. I don't want to say much more but yeah it is a bit fucked up. I will get around it hopefully.
Guest ryanasia Posted December 12, 2016 Posted December 12, 2016 As far as dividends go that ia good advice but for the FEDS the money must come from with in the USA to be considered. They expect me to have an income generated from with in the USA. That is the frustrating part. I will need to consult some attorneys and see what they say. I have a few ideas but can't go into them here at the moment. Once it is all said and done I will be happy to share my strategies.
Guest ryanasia Posted December 12, 2016 Posted December 12, 2016 I am on the board of directors of our company and we typically used dividends to avoid European taxes. That doesn't matter my money must come from the USA. I can not sign the affidavit otherwise.
steveboy Posted December 13, 2016 Posted December 13, 2016 I am looking in to ways of monetizing everything for tax purposes. I don't want to say much more but yeah it is a bit fucked up. I will get around it hopefully. Cannot you return to the USA and settle here while your BF comes to visit you periodically on a tourist visa? A person of your experience may find a job that pays more than 125% of the poverty threshold, and your BF could visit and stay with you three or four times a year for a significant fraction of the time. If this takes him ten trips until you can petition him on a fiance visa, the cost of $10,000 should not be so steep. And two, three years pass quickly!
Guest ronnie4you Posted December 13, 2016 Posted December 13, 2016 My ignorance on this topic would fill a barrel. So, I have deleted my comment!
Guest ryanasia Posted December 13, 2016 Posted December 13, 2016 for that you take some Blake Shelton. You won't be forgiven again. Don't donate money this is old.
Guest ryanasia Posted December 13, 2016 Posted December 13, 2016 Cannot you return to the USA and settle here while your BF comes to visit you periodically on a tourist visa? A person of your experience may find a job that pays more than 125% of the poverty threshold, and your BF could visit and stay with you three or four times a year for a significant fraction of the time. If this takes him ten trips until you can petition him on a fiance visa, the cost of $10,000 should not be so steep. And two, three years pass quickly! I m going to buy some shitty house and wait. It will take maybe two years. It will be like a Hollywood movie while I find a job. It doesn't mean that it isn't frustrating. I will keep you all updated but I think after we establish ourselves I would pursue a class action suit, simply because I hope I will have nothing better to do at that point. My mother told me to never fuck with a man with too much time on his hands lol. The variable I can not change is time to demonstrate stability and now we accept this. It will take a little time.
steveboy Posted December 13, 2016 Posted December 13, 2016 I m going to buy some shitty house and wait. It will take maybe two years. It will be like a Hollywood movie while I find a job. It doesn't mean that it isn't frustrating. I will keep you all updated but I think after we establish ourselves I would pursue a class action suit, simply because I hope I will have nothing better to do at that point. My mother told me to never fuck with a man with too much time on his hands lol. The variable I can not change is time to demonstrate stability and now we accept this. It will take a little time. Good move. Even a modest home you own shows stability. Homes are still cheap in some markets and mortgage rates are low. A class action suit? Against whom?
Guest ronnie4you Posted December 14, 2016 Posted December 14, 2016 Yes, I know that you want to go home. It strikes me as crazy that a US citizen cannot just hop on a plan and return home whenever he wants to. I have never heard of this tax issue you describe. I can't see how the US can keep a citizen from entering the country any time he wants to. If your boyfriend has money, well, money talks. Invest a half-million dollars in a business, and you could get a green card just for that. Petition to get your fiance a green card, that's legal. But I guess it would still leave this tax issue. I assume that you have spoken with a good immigration lawyer. Now, I did find this, which seems to back you up: Unbeknownst to many U.S. expats, late filers are currently enjoying a heyday of sorts with respect to the IRS tax amnesty programs. Under the more lenient of the programs, the Streamlined Procedures, non-willfully delinquent taxpayers can now come clean without incurring any penalties. Participants are required to file only the prior three years of tax returns and six years of FBARs. Over the last several years, tens of thousands of late filers have been enticed to catch up with the IRS under this program. The current period of tax clemency signals that the IRS is now more interested in disclosure than in punishing late filers. Some heyday if you can't provide the three years, huh? I have been trying to learn more about this since it was news to me. I found this article quite helpful to me, but it won't help Ryanasia: