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President Hillary Clinton?

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  On 10/17/2016 at 10:23 AM, firecat69 said:


And always is the historical fact that our right to have guns is the reason we were able to kick the British Army out on their asses.



Vietnamese do not and did not have that right and managed to kick US army out of their asses as well.


  On 10/17/2016 at 10:53 AM, abang1961 said:


 How accurate is the polls? 


 we will learn in 3 weeks


You are laughable Vinapu and know nothing about the Vietnam War. In fact Vietnam is still under the yoke of Communism (just hidden).They are no more a representative government then China is! And the only reason Vietnam failed to fail was that the Chines sent 100's of thousands of soldiers into the battle and the US did not want to take a chance of expanding the War directly with China.


Using evidence of a 240 year old conflict for why you are killing so many of your own people with guns yearly is fairly dumb. I really don't want a US civics class thanks. The US constitution should be consigned where it belongs, though it's a bit rough to use as toilet paper.

Guest abang1961

I don't have any data but the number of people killed in ROAD accidents must be more than that of GUNS MASSACRE in that United States of America and all over the world...


Hello peeps.. stay on track... I am still puzzled about the polls .. seems like Hilary is ahead by more than 10% in some polls..


People from all over the world want to become US citizens because, as with my country (UK), people see them as lands of opportunity. It has little to do with a 240 year old piece of paper. Whilst in many areas it may still be valid,or has been amended to remain valid, using it as an excuse to allow the number of gun deaths experienced in the US makes no sense. Almost like the people who cherry pick the parts of the bible they want to use to persecute people whilst ignoring the areas they deem inconvenient.

  On 10/17/2016 at 12:42 PM, abang1961 said:

I don't have any data but the number of people killed in ROAD accidents must be more than that of GUNS MASSACRE in that United States of America and all over the world...


Hello peeps.. stay on track... I am still puzzled about the polls .. seems like Hilary is ahead by more than 10% in some polls..

There is only one poll that matters. All the others have large margins of errors and, in general, are manipulated to take count of issues in the way they collate data. The interesting stats from polls are how the same polls, repeated over time, vary. National polls mean nothing anyway since there is no national result. Only in the swing states is anything going to matter and voter turn out is going to determine the result, especially with two such reviled figures.


The night of the Brexit referendum bookies were offering 10 to 1 against Brexit based on polls. In the end, the oldies (favouring Brexit) voted and the youngsters (favouring remain) stayed home.


There's nothing wrong with the Second Amendment as such, it's its legal interpretation that is questionable. A SCOTUS composed of less morons and more sensible justices could rectify that.


A well regulated militia. That's what is written and it has nothing to do with gun nutters being allowed to hoard military grade weapons for their own enjoyment. That is just an NRA sponsored interpretation that can be changed. They do realize that, obviously, and are scared shitless of whoever might get appointed by Hillary.

  On 10/17/2016 at 12:37 PM, firecat69 said:

The US Constitution is why people from all over the world would like to become citizens.



green colored driving license of George Washington with ONE  written across  is  a reason , not Constitution


The third debate just ended an hour ago.

Trump gave Hillary so many opportunities to OUTCLASS him!

Poor man!  He must have to go to an oral surgeon to repair the damage from sticking his foot in his mouth so many times...

With all my dislikes for Hillary, now I am confident that she will be a good president.

  On 10/18/2016 at 2:54 AM, vinapu said:

green colored driving license of George Washington with ONE  written across  is  a reason , not Constitution


Your ignorance is stupendous!

  On 10/20/2016 at 12:44 PM, firecat69 said:

Your ignorance is stupendous!

and definitely no match to your friendly disposition of  poster cheering us up here 8 days a week , 25 hours a day.


Take some PreparationH and stop attacking and labeling us here if you will. 


Then stop making snide remarks about a country and a Constitution you have no personal knowledge of.  Just opinions and you know what they say about them!

  On 10/21/2016 at 1:06 PM, firecat69 said:

Then stop making snide remarks about a country and a Constitution you have no personal knowledge of.  Just opinions and you know what they say about them!


Anyone has a right to make snide remarks about any country and constitution.

A large segment of the American population has no idea of what their country and its constitution are.

  On 10/21/2016 at 1:06 PM, firecat69 said:

Then stop making snide remarks about a country and a Constitution you have no personal knowledge of.  Just opinions and you know what they say about them!

about your opinions I know what to say, did it in PM and attached piece of male anatomy for you to kiss.


Get off of my back and stop bullying us here.


As for snide remarks no person is making more of them about future POTUS Mr. Donald Trump than you.


A for Mrs. Clinton, since Founding Fathers did not envision women to be elected neither have right to vote I guess if she is elected based on constitution result will be invalidated by adherents to that cherished piece of legislation, no?

  On 10/21/2016 at 9:24 PM, vinapu said:

As for snide remarks no person is making more of them about future POTUS Mr. Donald Trump than you.


A for Mrs. Clinton, since Founding Fathers did not envision women to be elected neither have right to vote I guess if she is elected based on constitution result will be invalidated by adherents to that cherished piece of legislation, no?


Thank God that "future POTUS Donald Trump" has a defender here.  A White Knight who protects the vulnerable Donald flower from the attacks of the beast!


Aren't you confusing the US Constitution with the Catholic Catechism?  It's the Pope who has to be male.  You need to have a dick and two balls to make the transubstantiation in the Eucharist work.  It's a law of Catholic physics.

  On 10/21/2016 at 9:50 PM, steveboy said:

Thank God that "future POTUS Donald Trump" has a defender here. 

not  a bit,  man. For me even Bernie would be too right wing.


Just tried to stabilize firecat's blood pressure but your untimely intervention spoiled  my elaborate scheme.


I don't think Trump needs defenders, rather those multitudes who see substance in him need, not as much  defenders but good optometrists.

  On 10/21/2016 at 10:40 PM, vinapu said:

not  a bit,  man. For me even Bernie would be too right wing.


Just tried to stabilize firecat's blood pressure but your untimely intervention spoiled  my elaborate scheme.


I don't think Trump needs defenders, rather those multitudes who see substance in him need, not as much  defenders but good optometrists.


Be careful if you slide too far left of Bernie, you could fall off the dial.

I don't support Bernie for "the left" but because he shows common sense.


Sorry about spoiling your efforts with firecat.

If you care so much about his blood pressure, may I suggest you send him a big jug with leeches?

  On 10/21/2016 at 9:24 PM, vinapu said:

about your opinions I know what to say, did it in PM and attached piece of male anatomy for you to kiss.


Get off of my back and stop bullying us here.


As for snide remarks no person is making more of them about future POTUS Mr. Donald Trump than you.


A for Mrs. Clinton, since Founding Fathers did not envision women to be elected neither have right to vote I guess if she is elected based on constitution result will be invalidated by adherents to that cherished piece of legislation, no?

What you fail to understand in many of your posts, you are not a citizen or even a resident of the USA and thus your views are not based on anything except your biased opinions.


I can find many things to insult the Canadian government and Constitution and many other things . The difference between you and me is I lived in Canada for 6 years .  However I don't feel the omniscience  that you do and recognize that I am not a citizen of Canada and thus should not be commenting on their Government and documents.


You on the other hand come across as an expert on the USA and its Constitution  because you are smart enough to Google info  a large % of which is always worthless except to people like you.

  On 10/22/2016 at 12:39 PM, firecat69 said:


You on the other hand come across as an expert on the USA and its Constitution  

I'm thrilled beyond measure even if only one person in the whole world considers me such an expert and it is you.


One can only wonder since when person commenting on taste of pizza is consider cooking expert but as with everything else you probably know the answer.


You were asked politely already  to stop attacking us at every turn here as it makes experience of reading this forum somewhat unpleasant and thus vomit inducing. 

Guest abang1961

Just an Asian gay man here with a little interest in this year's election.


Hilary seems destined to win now that Trump is stuck in a whirlpool of whining and harsh threats.


I am so sorry that this man for all his credits had turned out to be a sore loser, regardless whether he crosses the 270 mark.

  On 10/23/2016 at 5:10 AM, abang1961 said:

I am so sorry that this man for all his credits had turned out to be a sore loser, regardless whether he crosses the 270 mark.


Why are you feeling sorry?  Don't you believe in karma?


Left and right this guy Trump has treated others like shit.  His political competitors and opponents, his business partners, women, immigrants, students, anyone who didn't went along with him.  You don't think he deserves to lose big?  Not only to lose big, but lose with it any shred of dignity he may have had left. 

  On 10/22/2016 at 2:41 PM, vinapu said:

I'm thrilled beyond measure even if only one person in the whole world considers me such an expert and it is you.


One can only wonder since when person commenting on taste of pizza is consider cooking expert but as with everything else you probably know the answer.


You were asked politely already  to stop attacking us at every turn here as it makes experience of reading this forum somewhat unpleasant and thus vomit inducing. 

Oh I get it . When you do it, it is discussion and when I do it , it is an attack. Grow Up!!

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