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President Hillary Clinton?

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What a joke. All those links are produced by Bernie Sanders supporters and al they can come up is he put a lot of amendments ( usually co sponsored) on other Senators Bills.  Please point out any bills with his name on it . In other words something he initiated and pushed through either the Senate or the House.   In 30 years he has accomplished zero except putting his name on other peoples work


Yes, your post is a joke.  It sounds eerily close to the bashing of Trump who said that Hillary had accomplished ZERO in her 30 years in government.  Are you now stealing his lines?  You two guys need to go back to elementary school to learn the meaning, the value of ZERO.


Can you please list the accomplishments you had in 30+ years in the workforce?


Steveboy and Firecat, both of you might look at how the house and Senate rules apply to the members.  Briefly everything goes to a committee and the committees are run by the majority party.  Bernie is an independent, and thus really does not have a great opportunity to introduce a bill that can make it out of a committee.  He has been responsible for many positive things in his career and--very important--no negatives.  Also he won 80% of his states primary.  The only thing Vermonters seem to agree on is Bernie, and even if he did nothing, he did do it with great integrity and honesty.  Hillary, has already been caught trying to undermine Bernie at  the DNC against the Party rules, Please do not talk to me about her integrity. 


Firecat you are correct about Brexit and the younger voters, and I wonder if the same thing will happen here.  Something is seriously wrong when elections are won or lost by people not voting.


You are the one that 


So now Bernie Sanders is responsible for the tuition paid in Vermont universities?  What else is he responsible for?  The cost of milk?


Here you are copying nearly verbatim Trump's words when he admonished Hillary for not having taken out of the tax code the breaks he abused.  And it was also about a "senator who spent countless years in the senate and didn't make the changes! 


You must have the idea that US senators come from the Hogward School of Wizardry and Witchcraft where Harry Potter graduated and learned the use of a MAGIC WAND.  So both Hillary and Bernie should have waved their wands and made magically all these changes you think they should have made.


How comical!   :)

You are the one that is comical.  You are unable to present 1 Bill that he started and got through Congress.  His whole campaign was based on free tuition when the state he has lived in for 40 years has one of the highest tuitions, one of the lowest minimum wages and one of the highest overall tax rates. What has he done other then feed at the trough and spew his ridiculous ideas that he can't convince anyone of except stupid students who vote at the lowest rate of any age group.  Get real!


You are the one that 


You are the one that is comical.  You are unable to present 1 Bill that he started and got through Congress.  His whole campaign was based on free tuition when the state he has lived in for 40 years has one of the highest tuitions, one of the lowest minimum wages and one of the highest overall tax rates. What has he done other then feed at the trough and spew his ridiculous ideas that he can't convince anyone of except stupid students who vote at the lowest rate of any age group.  Get real!


Yes, I like to be comical.  But not because of ignorance.  That would make me ridiculous.


You seem to have a ridiculous fixation on the issue of starting bills.  What is so great about that?  There are thousands of bills who were introduced by someone and never went anywhere. As KhorTose correctly mentioned, the fact that Bernie was not a member of a major party kept him from his name being assigned to a bill even if he co-sponsored some.  It is much more important to intelligently amend and fight for a bill than having his name on it.


Why you think that students are particularly stupid?  Have you never been a student?  You keep criticizing people for doing ZERO, yet you have no standing, no reference from any accomplishments YOU have reached in your long life.  Criticizing is cheap. 


Now you show what a moron you are  by attacking me personally which I have never done  to you. I just attack your ridiculous view of a man who has been feeding at the elected trough for more then 40 years. 


You have no answer for the state he has held multiple office in being one of the worst in all his signature topics.  I state facts like 18-24 age are pitiful in their participation in voting and by far the worst of any age group. And not that is any of your business I have both Bachelor and Masters Degrees from different Universities.


Brexit happened because all the stupid uninvolved young people did not bother to understand the proposal and then did not vote. And then afterwards were the loudest complainers about what was going to happen. 


And yes I was one of those students who failed to vote when younger although it was much shorter time period since you had to be 21 to vote.


You were the one who started this argument with your ridiculous assertion that Bernie almost beat Hilary. Not sure about your math skills but 57%- 43% is a trouncing and could never be referred to as a close race.  


Now you show what a moron you are  by attacking me personally which I have never done  to you. I just attack your ridiculous view of a man who has been feeding at the elected trough for more then 40 years. 


Now you show what a moron you are  by attacking me personally which I have never done  to you. I just attack your ridiculous view of a man who has been feeding at the elected trough for more then 40 years. 


WHAT?  You accuse me of attacking you personally in the same sentence you call me a MORON?

I never called you names, but I now see that I don't need to.

You reveal yourself to be a  MORON, not only in your attitude but in your essence.

Already I mentioned that you copied some of Trump's abominable lies,

like calling a person with 30+ years in government a ZERO, and making him responsible for not fixing everything.

Only a MORON would do that, and you should join the Trump campaign.


You have no answer for the state he has held multiple office in being one of the worst in all his signature topics.  I state facts like 18-24 age are pitiful in their participation in voting and by far the worst of any age group. And not that is any of your business I have both Bachelor and Masters Degrees from different Universities.


Brexit happened because all the stupid uninvolved young people did not bother to understand the proposal and then did not vote. And then afterwards were the loudest complainers about what was going to happen. 


I don't need to answer you, you answer yourself with more idiotic comments.


Bernie Sanders has served as USA CONGRESSMAN in his last 25 years in office.


(I hope that writing in capital letters will allow you to see this)

Both in the House (16 years) and then the Senate (nearly 8 years) he was and is part of the FEDERAL government, and therefore has no involvement nor authority at the STATE level.


Another of your comments, which makes one wonder what education comes with some "Masters Degree", is your blaming of brexit on the young people who didn't vote !!   SINCE WHEN ARE THOSE WHO DON'T VOTE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RESULTS OF AN ELECTION??  Why don't you blame the older folks who DID VOTE for brexit?


I have no interest in continuing this discussion.  I may only answer if you come for more. 


"Why you think that students are particularly stupid?  Have you never been a student?  You keep criticizing people for doing ZERO, yet you have no standing, no reference from any accomplishments YOU have reached in your long life.  Criticizing is cheap. "


Pretty good personal attack I would say and besides what have you ever accomplished and please enlighten us to how old you are and where you have lived so we can see that you have no idea what you are talking about.


I don't need to answer you, you answer yourself with more idiotic comments.


Bernie Sanders has served as USA CONGRESSMAN in his last 25 years in office.


(I hope that writing in capital letters will allow you to see this)

Both in the House (16 years) and then the Senate (nearly 8 years) he was and is part of the FEDERAL government, and therefore has no involvement nor authority at the STATE level.


Another of your comments, which makes one wonder what education comes with some "Masters Degree", is your blaming of brexit on the young people who didn't vote !!   SINCE WHEN ARE THOSE WHO DON'T VOTE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE RESULTS OF AN ELECTION??  Why don't you blame the older folks who DID VOTE for brexit?


I have no interest in continuing this discussion.  I may only answer if you come for more. 

Unbelievably stupid comment. The young people did not vote and then they complain about the result. Of course they are responsible  and any reasonable person understands that.If they had done their duty and voted Brexit would not have passed and they would have nothing to complain about.


That you don't understand anything so simple is unbelievable! How far did you get in school about 8th grade?


Unbelievably stupid comment. The young people did not vote and then they complain about the result. Of course they are responsible  and any reasonable person understands that.If they had done their duty and voted Brexit would not have passed and they would have nothing to complain about.

That you don't understand anything so simple is unbelievable! How far did you get in school about 8th grade?


All this is unbelievable and stupid to you because you have no understanding, no intelligence.  Your blaming of non voters is a dumb attempt to find fault.  I have a long experience with such dumbness.


Old people like you complain even more than young people. The young have all the right to complain about the ignorance of the old ones who voted against their interests.  Even primitive societies trust the elders and not the youngsters with making the important decisions.  It took some experience about the role of UK in the EU and the consequences of leaving it.  This area of expertise belongs to the more mature citizens, not the young ones.  The young did nothing wrong by not voting, which was their right.  


I have lived in places where voting is mandatory, and I have seen that it makes little difference.  Young or old, many people don't get involved in politics and voting until something very serious affects them, and by then it is usually too late.


See if you can get someone to explain this to you.  18-24 are responsible for the result because they did not vote. Not only did they not vote but millions were too lazy to register.

They had the most to lose and did nothing except complain after the vote went against their interests.




You obviously did not read the comments at the end of your article.  Here readers questioned the accuracy of the data, that does not agree with other sources. Reliable sources put the participation of the 18-24 at 64%,  much higher than the 36% in your article. 


And then there is this nonsense that the young had "the most to lose" because they will live the longest, and they propose to weight the vote by age, giving the youngest the most weight because they will live the longest!  This is totally asinine, because it assumes that we care less the older we get.  BIG MISTAKE!  When we have children and grandchildren we care the most for the future of society.


You cannot expect to get ahead in any discussion by choosing such poor references.


Sorry, but if you don't vote then don't complain. I voted remain but don't blame an age group for the brexit vote, rather the liars in parliament and the gullible of all ages who couldn't see the obvious. That no-one seems to have any clue how to proceed just shows how little many people understood about what the referendum really meant.


As for Bernie, he was beaten by the establishment. It certainly isn't the first time it happened and I doubt it will be the last. The hooplah about e-mails is largely engineered. The Bush White House admitted to losing 22 million e-mails. That's over 600 for every one Hillary deleted. If I were the newspapers in the US, I'd be asking the people in charge of their governments I.T systems how the hell a private e-mail server got into their environment and which idiot was in charge of backups.


You obviously did not read the comments at the end of your article.  Here readers questioned the accuracy of the data, that does not agree with other sources. Reliable sources put the participation of the 18-24 at 64%,  much higher than the 36% in your article. 


And then there is this nonsense that the young had "the most to lose" because they will live the longest, and they propose to weight the vote by age, giving the youngest the most weight because they will live the longest!  This is totally asinine, because it assumes that we care less the older we get.  BIG MISTAKE!  When we have children and grandchildren we care the most for the future of society.


You cannot expect to get ahead in any discussion by choosing such poor references.

I notice you didn't give a link to those supposed reliable sources because they don't exist!

Guest ronnie4you

Is anyone interested in this conversation being given a rest? I am. Check "like" if you too want these posters to rest a while.


It is amazing to me that somebody who last contributed I think his only post in this thread on August 25 cares whether this thread continues.

Just don't click on it.


The Tawan thread has gone on forever and it holds no interest for me and I just don't click on it.  I would not think of posting is it not time for the Tawan thread to die.  There are members who are interested.


This is a discussion Forum. You don't get to mute it just because you don't enjoy the discussion.


Just Don't Click On It!!

Guest abang1961

The triumphant thing about Trump in the recent weeks is his proof that he is a MAN.

Despite the locker-room banter, there are still scores of die-hard votes who stick by him.


Yes the Americans are electing a President (probably with a nightly erection)  and not a Sunday School teacher but would I (as a foreigner and without any voting rights) chose someone that temperamental?  If Bill was a mess (pun intended) with Monica back in the 90s, who can foresee that  Trump (if elected) will not be impeached for "wandering" hands...


Of course, all forummers are entitled to their views and opinions.. that is just one reason why this forum is READ every single day by hundreds....


The triumphant thing about Trump in the recent weeks is his proof that he is a MAN.


What is "triumphant" about being a MAN? 

Aren't we all either man or woman, 

most probably a man if we are in this forum?

As a voter, I don't vote for a gender but for the qualifications to be a president.

Guest abang1961

Oh my goodness, I used capital letters to emphasize that the fact that he is just a MAN contesting a woman.

He is MAN enough to apologise but he vehemently denied the latest development by the New York Times.

He is such a sore loser and really, how can anyone of its GOOD temperament be the Commander-in-Chief...

He continued to utter condescending remarks about the physical shape of these "new" women...

How sick can that be?


Well the countdown is 25 days to go... anticipating the final debate..


Well the countdown is 25 days to go... anticipating the final debate..


We all look forwards to the final debate and of course the outcome of the election.

It is all an entertainment of the first class.

The thinking about Trump comes with a reflection on karma.

After he smeared so many people with the most abominable bashing and falsities,

here came the revelation of the tape with his sex talk,

and now a bunch of women come out of the woodwork to accuse him.

How will he react after he loses?

Something interesting to see and ponder.

Guest abang1961

What is there to lose for Trump?

He has scooped so low so often in his life... locker room banter, groping women ...

He managed to pay ZERO tax for so many years and really, he had been bankrupt several times in his life.


Knowing his inner circle of friends, fiends and foes, he may be forgotten by Spring next year when the snow melts.

Unless news about how he is seeking REVENGE and libel suits from newspapers, tv stations etc.

I meant to say, Americans and the rest of the world will continue to survive as they are today and Trump, whose's that?

After Nov 8 and a landslide victory for that old lady, he will probably fade into HIS-story faster than missiles in Syria and Yemen!


 state he has lived in for 40 years has one of the highest tuitions, one of the lowest minimum wages and one of the highest overall tax rates.


 anyone of except stupid students who vote at the lowest rate of any age group. 

issue is not  a level of minimum wage but what percentage of workforce is working for it. Despite of shortcomings listed somehow Vermont is not exactly known for poverty Mississippi or Louisiana are. 


Calling 'stupid ' people who don't share out voting preferences is an invitation for them to respond in kind and solves nothing.


It's better to analyze seriously why both Trump and Bernie with their lack of achievements like you say or experience in elective politics managed to mount such a serious challenge to Hillary who can boast about both and yet will have all sleepless nights up to election day.   


issue is not  a level of minimum wage but what percentage of workforce is working for it. Despite of shortcomings listed somehow Vermont is not exactly known for poverty Mississippi or Louisiana are. 


Calling 'stupid ' people who don't share out voting preferences is an invitation for them to respond in kind and solves nothing.


It's better to analyze seriously why both Trump and Bernie with their lack of achievements like you say or experience in elective politics managed to mount such a serious challenge to Hillary who can boast about both and yet will have all sleepless nights up to election day.   

I fail to understand how calling it stupid for a certain group to complain about a result when they failed to participate in that result in the same %'s as other age groups a voting preference. If you don't participate  by voting then yo have no right to criticize the results and if you do then you show your stupidity by the fact that you did not vote.


Be it Trump or Clinton who ends up being the next POTUS then god help them because they will be taking over to lead a country in a mighty fine mess.

The number of gun deaths, its low wages,its dealings in the Middle East,racial tension,tension with Russia,China,and its multi trillion dollar debt.

I am for neither one,but Hillary has been in politics for 35 years and has had a big say in where the USA finds itself now and you cannot discount the fact that she has a shady past history..


I know brace myself for the barrage of Clinton defenders...  :rolleyes:

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