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President Hillary Clinton?

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Guest shamahan

I regularly watch Russian TV and undoubtedly Russian ruling elite supports Trump. Putin is a thug but he is not stupid.  I think he has a lot of negative information on Trump"s "activities" all over the world and will hold him by the balls if Trump is elected. Trump's activities absolutely not transparent and he is for sure has a lot of skeletons in his cabot. That is a huge danger to have such a personality as a President. Trump promised to put Hillary in jail if he is elected (during the second debate). I think he should be investigated on the subject of his nontransparent activities all over the world if Hillary is elected.


It is a sad state of affairs when the citizens of the USA have to choose from the 2 most undeserving candidates for POTUS in the history of the country,at the same time.


There's a difference between undeserving and completely unfit.

I agree, but I still think it's sad that I have to vote for the undeserving one in order to help defeating the unfit one. I would much prefer to have the option to vote for someone I actually admire for their character, charisma, vision or leadership - anything positive at all, really.


I agree, but I still think it's sad that I have to vote for the undeserving one in order to help defeating the unfit one. I would much prefer to have the option to vote for someone I actually admire for their character, charisma, vision or leadership - anything positive at all, really.


I share your very understandable feelings. 

But things may not be so bad.

Hillary, stripped from all the abominable negative propaganda,

will not really be any worse than other past presidents.

And there is this moral obligation to save the country from scum.


Sanders was the candidate with admirable character. 

but dirty politics helped the Hillary.

In four years there will be the possibility to remedy this,

if Sanders or other deserving candidate runs against her.


Sanders had his day in the sun and there will be no more for him. Like Trump he confused big crowds at rallies with votes.


Hilary is not perfect but during 8 years in the Senate she had respect from almost all Republicans.  She knows how to work across the aisle and how to use the White House to smuzze with the opposite party.  There are big things that need to get done and hopefully some of those things will happen.


At any rate it has to be better then the last 4 years especially if they get the Senate back.


In four years there will be the possibility to remedy this,

if Sanders or other deserving candidate runs against her.

Has anyone from their own party ever run against a sitting president? Did they win? Maybe it's just me but Hillary really doesn't seem as bad as the right wing press makes out.


With regard to the e-mail situation, why in hell did Hillary Clinton's staff have rights to add a mail server to a secure environment let alone permissions to interfere with mail. Suggests to me that the security is a joke. That is a whole bigger question to me. Yes, she is a lifetime politician but blaming her for supporting her husband after infidelity from a man who's been married three times, says he gets a newer model when they reach 35, talks about his daughter like a sex object and is racist, sexist, anti-LGBT and has run multiple companies into the ground wrecking the lives of thousands of Americans, is a bit rich. That he calls her "Crooked Hillary" when everything out of his mouth is either sexist, racist or a lie is just a joke.


I can only hope the 42% of Americans that think he is presidential don't breed.



I can only hope the 42% of Americans that think he is presidential don't breed.

somebody needs to pay their  pensions and those of  other 58% .


I'm glad I'm not an American at the moment because if I was I'd not vote for either.


TV's celebrity place is on  a silver screen not at 1600 Pennsylvania and  by definition I'm against dynastic  politics in democracy as sooner or later it will derail the whole thing.

If she wins three out of G7 countries will be run by wife of former president, and son and grandson of former  prime ministers.


And we still laugh at North Korea with her communist dynasty, why?


Has anyone from their own party ever run against a sitting president? Did they win? Maybe it's just me but Hillary really doesn't seem as bad as the right wing press makes out.


It is not just you.  The two presidential debates have shown so far that she is fully qualified to be president: intelligent, assertive, firm, diplomatic.  But contrary to firecat69's prediction, there are many of us who see in Sanders an important aspect where he is superior to her:  honesty, integrity.  If he has nothing to lose with it, he can become a candidate again in 2020 and run against her,   But first things first...


I'm glad I'm not an American at the moment because if I was I'd not vote for either.


I am glad that I am an American, able to contribute with my infinitesimal vote to decide this crucial election that is not only important for my country but for the whole world.


If he has nothing to lose with it, he can become a candidate again in 2020 and run against her, But first things first...

If Hillary loses to Trump, Sanders could run in 2020 though he would be 79. I don't see how he could run against her as an incumbent, though maybe it depends how she got on in the meantime. That being said, American Politics is becoming ridiculously partizan and I see worse deadlocks to come this next 4 years than we've seen the last 4.

It is not just you.  The two presidential debates have shown so far that she is fully qualified to be president: intelligent, assertive, firm, diplomatic.  But contrary to firecat69's prediction, there are many of us who see in Sanders an important aspect where he is superior to her:  honesty, integrity.  If he has nothing to lose with it, he can become a candidate again in 2020 and run against her,   But first things first...

Sanders might be more honest and even have more integrity but he has accomplished ZERO in all the years he has spent in Washington.  Not a single Bill passed with his name on it. And as such a loud voice for a raise in the minimum wage, he comes from a state that has one of the lowest and once again in 40 years he has accomplished nothing .


He captured the imagination of a bunch of young mostly students who wanted all the free stuff he promised and other then go to a rally could in many cases not be bothered to vote.


In this regard he and Trump are alike , they confuse people who come to a rally with voters.  By November 8 they will both realize that those people are in many cases to lazy to vote.


As far as Vinapu's note about women running the government.  I can't wait until she is President because men have been screwing up the world for years and I doubt a qualified women can do worse!!




As far as Vinapu's note about women running the government. 

My note was not about women, my problem with her is that she is relative of former president , it's why Jeb would be  out of question from the start for me either if I was an American voter. 


I am glad that I am an American, able to contribute with my infinitesimal vote to decide this crucial election that is not only important for my country but for the whole world.

lucky you because you decided already but as I said before I think this election may be decided by those who will make mind while driving to the pooling station. And this may mean paper thin margin or a landslide for either side.

Guest shamahan

People who continue to think in partisan terms about elections make a huge mistake. A lot of Democrats crossed the line and support Trump and a lot of Republicans do not support him. Trump is a fascist demagogue and it is quite disturbing that he was able to garner such a following. I would give it to Hillary that she understands that (though avoiding rhetoric  I am using). But morally speaking Democrats are bankrupts and rise of a fascist is partially a reaction to that obvious fact. I already hear: lets get rid of Ryan and McConnel and America will be great again from... some Democrats and here they are in sink with Donald. For those people I have a news: if somebody like John Kasich run against any Democrat he would win hands down. And that would be the optimal outcome for todays America.

 The reality,of course, is quite different. I am glad that Democrats were able to defeat the Marxist demagogue Bernie (otherwise,

we would have a choice between two demagogues: fascist and Marxist and in the end of the day there is not much difference between these two extreme ideologies. It is,of course, not accidental that Donald continue to appeal to Bernie supporters).

In any case, it is a really important task right now to defeat fascism in America. All other things are of no importance in comparison with that.


Trump is rapidly moving down to 35% or less which still is sad that such a racist jerk could find so many supporters..


As far as Making America Great again , I'd like to see how many of Trump supporters would like to pick another country to live in.


Sanders might be more honest and even have more integrity but he has accomplished ZERO in all the years he has spent in Washington.  Not a single Bill passed with his name on it. And as such a loud voice for a raise in the minimum wage, he comes from a state that has one of the lowest and once again in 40 years he has accomplished nothing .


He captured the imagination of a bunch of young mostly students who wanted all the free stuff he promised and other then go to a rally could in many cases not be bothered to vote.


In this regard he and Trump are alike , they confuse people who come to a rally with voters.  By November 8 they will both realize that those people are in many cases to lazy to vote.


If you think Sanders has accomplished ZERO in his years in office you are speaking from ignorance.


You also must have been absent in the primaries, where he got nearly as many votes as Hillary even coming from far behind. And had you listened to his speeches, you would not be confused about him.  But you are, since you think that he promised "all the free stuff".   The single-payer medical care system (maybe one of your "free") is recognized as a far superior system than what we have here.  Free tuition for those who qualify for entry to universities is an investment in qualified workforce. Most of his proposals, his platform, is not "free stuff" but transcendental improvements in the way the American society should function. Many young students are smart, which cannot be said for many retired seniors. Their opinions should not be trashed because they are young and have ideals.


lucky you because you decided already but as I said before I think this election may be decided by those who will make mind while driving to the pooling station. And this may mean paper thin margin or a landslide for either side.


I am not an isolated case and it is not a matter of luck.

How much more does the average voter need to know about the two parties and their candidates that he should not know today? I cannot understand today's "undecided" voters.  I think that they are either insincere and snobbish,  or they don't have the capacity to make decisions. Some people are too lazy or are afraid to make a decision, and end up not voting.


If you think Sanders has accomplished ZERO in his years in office you are speaking from ignorance.


You also must have been absent in the primaries, where he got nearly as many votes as Hillary even coming from far behind. And had you listened to his speeches, you would not be confused about him.  But you are, since you think that he promised "all the free stuff".   The single-payer medical care system (maybe one of your "free") is recognized as a far superior system than what we have here.  Free tuition for those who qualify for entry to universities is an investment in qualified workforce. Most of his proposals, his platform, is not "free stuff" but transcendental improvements in the way the American society should function. Many young students are smart, which cannot be said for many retired seniors. Their opinions should not be trashed because they are young and have ideals.

I'm waiting for you to list his accomplishments!


A hilarious response . He lost by almost 4 million votes to Hilary. I notice you did not present 1 major accomplishment or bill that he ever passed during his many years in Washington DC.  You failed to dispute that Vermont is among the lower minimum wages and he has done nothing to raise them. Vermont managed to get the minimum wage to $9.60 an hour while a number of states have already gotten it to $15 


And since I lived in New Hampshire for 22 years , I am very familiar with rents and property prices in Vermont and $9.60 an hour will get you a tent to live in.


I say again he got a bunch of young people to come to his rallys but he could not get them to vote for him.


Unfortunately single payer system can be a superior system but it is almost impossible to integrate into our current system . Just ask Hilary who did more to try to advance that idea then Bernie ever did and she failed.


Bernie had his year in the sun and in the future you will never hear anything from him just as nobody ever heard of him the previous 30 years.


Young people are the reason Brexit passed in the United Kingdom because they sat on their lazy asses and did not vote.


Unfortunately single payer system can be a superior system but it is almost impossible to integrate into our current system . Just ask Hilary who did more to try to advance that idea then Bernie ever did and she failed.


Please name a law of nature that prevents a single payer system to exist in the US.


It is not "almost impossible", but there is a simple path to it.  It is to implement nationwide a government health insurance, like Medicare, in competition with the private insurers, which was initially in the plans for Obamacare.  In successive years such plan is increasingly subsidized to drive the private companies out of business.  Finally, this plan and Medicare and Medicaid are integrated to achieve the single payer system.


Everyone had failed to implement a plan like Obamacare.  Until there was a favorable constellation with presidency and both chamber's majority in the hands of democrats.  This favorable situation could be repeated if the GOP and trump continue their suicidal dance.


What a joke. All those links are produced by Bernie Sanders supporters and al they can come up is he put a lot of amendments ( usually co sponsored) on other Senators Bills.  Please point out any bills with his name on it . In other words something he initiated and pushed through either the Senate or the House.   In 30 years he has accomplished zero except putting his name on other peoples work


Oh and by the way University of Vermont has the 11th highest tuition for a state institution in the entire country. Great job in helping students in the state you have fed at the public trough for 30 years. But he was great at telling stupid students they should get free college when he has accomplished Zero in his own state.


I forgot I'm still waiting for all the work he has done in increasing the minimum wage in his own state. If he did any work his accomplishments are meager!


Here is a comparison of taxes on residents of Vermont vs. its neighbor.


No comparison Vermont residents are taxed double or more then NH residents.


Good job Bernie . 40 years in Government of a state that taxes its citizens at one of the higher rates in the USA.




Oh and by the way Hilary won 57% of the popular vote in the primaries. If she does that in the Election she will get over 400 electoral votes.


Also 35% of Bernies votes in the primaries came from Deep deep RED states that always vote Republican and Hilary did not waste her time even visiting.  


So this baloney about Bernie coming close is just plain laughable.


Oh and by the way University of Vermont has the 11th highest tuition for a state institution in the entire country. Great job in helping students in the state you have fed at the public trough for 30 years. But he was great at telling stupid students they should get free college when he has accomplished Zero in his own state.


So now Bernie Sanders is responsible for the tuition paid in Vermont universities?  What else is he responsible for?  The cost of milk?


Here you are copying nearly verbatim Trump's words when he admonished Hillary for not having taken out of the tax code the breaks he abused.  And it was also about a "senator who spent countless years in the senate and didn't make the changes! 


You must have the idea that US senators come from the Hogward School of Wizardry and Witchcraft where Harry Potter graduated and learned the use of a MAGIC WAND.  So both Hillary and Bernie should have waved their wands and made magically all these changes you think they should have made.


How comical!   :)

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