vinapu Posted August 25, 2016 Posted August 25, 2016 I don't understand why gays or blacks would be Republicans, but I enjoy diversity among my friends, so such support does not bother me. I just don't understand it. after my neighbor got divorced bitterly by his husband and ever since he says loudly that gay marriage legalization was mistake I'm not surprised anymore
KhorTose Posted August 26, 2016 Posted August 26, 2016 after my neighbor got divorced bitterly by his husband and ever since he says loudly that gay marriage legalization was mistake I'm not surprised anymore It is hard for me to believe, but Bill Clinton said it very well the other day. Give him this message. "If you live long enough, you will make mistakes. But if you learn from them you will be a better person. It is how you handle adversity, not how it affects you. The main thing is never quit, never quit, never quit." --- William Clinton Oh course I would be more impressed if those were not the very words he shouted at Monica. TotallyOz 1
firecat69 Posted August 26, 2016 Posted August 26, 2016 For me it could be Donald Duck running against Trump and I would be for DD. Hilary is a lot better then Donald Duck! TotallyOz 1
Alexx Posted August 26, 2016 Posted August 26, 2016 I would vote for Donald Duck, given the choice between those three. From what I remember, he's a likeable chap.
steveboy Posted August 26, 2016 Posted August 26, 2016 I would vote for Donald Duck, given the choice between those three. From what I remember, he's a likeable chap. But the US laws don't allow for Donald Duck to be president. So this is REALITY: Given that anybody else is better than Trump, and there is only ONE anybody else, we know already who to vote for.
Alexx Posted August 27, 2016 Posted August 27, 2016 That is true. It just doesn't stop me from occasionally voicing my displeasure with the (lack of) choice we have.
steveboy Posted September 2, 2016 Posted September 2, 2016 It seems that Buddhism is the real thing. Hitler has already reincarnated. I listened to Trump's speech yesterday about immigration, and one he gave the day before, and there are so many similarities. The man is the lowest of the lowest, and this makes him attractive to so much white trash in America. In two more months we will know for sure. But if elections don't favor Hillary, the least evil, I can always consider moving to Thailand or some other S.E. Asian country. This could be fun. If the smart, educated Germans couldn't resist falling for Hitler, will the proud Americans be able to resist Trump?
Alexx Posted September 2, 2016 Posted September 2, 2016 It sure looks increasingly worrisome. Hillary is more unpopular than ever - and I can see why - and Trump's followers don't seem to realize what a dangerous demagogue he is. If many of those who think Hillary is the lesser of two evils stay at home, while Trump's supporters excitedly go to vote, that might just be enough. Hopefully not.
KhorTose Posted September 2, 2016 Posted September 2, 2016 It sure looks increasingly worrisome. Hillary is more unpopular than ever - and I can see why - and Trump's followers don't seem to realize what a dangerous demagogue he is. If many of those who think Hillary is the lesser of two evils stay at home, while Trump's supporters excitedly go to vote, that might just be enough. Hopefully not. I agree, It is possible Trump could win. As to why the Trump supporters do not see the man for the demigod he is, it is because he has tapped into real issues that people are concerned about. The problems he emphasizes are real, it is his solutions that suck. Something does has to done done about 11,000,000 illegal immigrants, as it makes a mockery of our border, our laws, and jeopardizes our national security and screws the thousands of people who spend the required years and money going through the system to become citizens. I have a degree from college and the paperwork involved is nearly overwhelming. Average fee a lawyer charges to do it for you is $5000 - $10,000, just for their time. However, breaking up families is not an answer, but then ignoring the problem is not an answer either. Secondly he has emphasized crime in the minority communities, and suggests teaching minority parents how to raise their children. His solution is racist, Instead we should have Federal day care for all families where early intervention could be one without singling out any one group, as there are many white parents who can't raise kids properly. Third, is the Moslem problem. It does disturb me that Muslims raised in the West become terrorist and I am not alone in being disturbed by see this.. Banning Muslims from the USA is no solution, but ignoring that something is wrong and something needs to be done is just plain stupid. Trump says we need to ignore what is Politically correct and take a hard look at the problem, and it is hard for me not to agree, even for this left wing liberal (go Bernie). So yes, the man is a dangerous idiot, but the problems he mentions are all to real and dangerous to ignore. Truthfully, I would be happier if Hillary would offer her solutions to these real problems rather then just knock Trump, but I won't hold my breath waiting for her to do so. I was spoiled by the last two elections, as they were the first time in my life where I got to vote for the best person and did not have to choose from two bad candidates. I will vote for Hillary, and I do hope that others will too, as the Donald could really win. Alexx and vinapu 2
steveboy Posted September 2, 2016 Posted September 2, 2016 One of the strengths of Trump is that he rightfully addresses many problems that need solutions. This is (was) also the strength of Sanders. Maybe something good will come out of this, assuming Hillary wins, by raising the awareness of these problems and the need to solve them. But still, once the Clinton is elected, she can do as she pleases, at least for four years. She can just continue the status quo and favor those who helped her get elected. There should be some way for the electorate to keep pressure on the politicians after they win a certain term to motivate them to follow through with what the electorate wants. Alexx and KhorTose 2
Guest abang1961 Posted September 6, 2016 Posted September 6, 2016 What will happen if Trump meets Philippines current "vulgar-language" President. Who is going to be temperamental first? Who is going to shout-"you are son of a whore" first? Interesting to think that these are "gay" lovers in their previous lives. A change of events.
Guest shamahan Posted September 12, 2016 Posted September 12, 2016 Trump is in position to win elections. And it would be to a significant extent the backlash to Obama years who, in my opinion, was one of the worst presidents in US history. The problems Trump mentions are real and to significant extent are due to Obama policies. I am Republican and I always voted for Republican candidates. Not this year. This year I will vote for Clinton (and also for Democrat to senate). Not because I like her but because Trump is not really a Republican candidate. He is an obnoxious fascist jerk. And if that is where the Republican party moved, than I will not stay with that party. Some expats are toying with the idea of voting for Trump. I will give you just one argument why it is not in your interests. The value of US dollar in theory is supported by two factors: 1. The total net worth of US federal government 2. The participation of US dollar in international transactions (as world reserve currency) But the net worth of US government (assets minus liabilities) is negative several dozens trillion dollars and Trump idea of introducing trade tariffs on imports (both to put pressure on foreign governments and prevent US companies to move abroad) will lead to reciprocal measures and greatly reduce amount of international transactions in US dollars (diminish US share in international trade). That will lead to a rapid demise of US currency. It is not dissimilar (but on a different scale) to demise of UK pound after Brexit (and the worst is yet to come). For many US expats with US dollar denominated income it would mean the end of their offshore retirement and return to Trump fascist "paradise". Just think of this before voting for him.
steveboy Posted September 12, 2016 Posted September 12, 2016 I am Republican and I always voted for Republican candidates. Not this year. This year I will vote for Clinton (and also for Democrat to senate). Not because I like her but because Trump is not really a Republican candidate. He is an obnoxious fascist jerk. And if that is where the Republican party moved, than I will not stay with that party. Some expats are toying with the idea of voting for Trump. I will give you just one argument why it is not in your interests. The value of US dollar in theory... etc. I like the way you think and I hope many Republicans will do the same and vote for the least evil (Hillary). By the way, you should also vote for a Democrat to the House. This is because we have seen that the paralysis caused by the republican House is much more harmful than having a few exclusively democrat measures passed among many very needed new legislation that now is being blocked. And government shutdowns... are very harmful!
kokopelli Posted September 13, 2016 Posted September 13, 2016 There is no least evil, there is only one evil and that is Donald Trump.
Brummbaer Posted September 13, 2016 Posted September 13, 2016 At least you'll have an election and whoever wins will become president. I'm not allowed to vote where I live due to alien status (german national living in Austria), Austria has been unsuccessfully trying to elect a new president (not actually leader of government but figurehead over here, head of government is the chancellor) since mid April. First round on 24 April there were 6 candidates, None of which got more than 35%. One would have needed more than 50% to win in the first round. Second round on 22 May only the best two candidates from first round stood for election, one candidate had about 30'000 more votes than the other and would have won... had not the loser (actually the party he came from) gone to supreme court to get the result overturned due to some counting irregularities. Somehow reminded me of something about counting and recounting and recounting again some 16 years ago... A third round was scheduled for 4 October, however to malfunctioning glue on the envelopes to be used for absentee voters this date was cancelled and now it looks like Austria will vote on 4 December. At present there is no president, as the old one was mandatorily retired on 8 July (it is always 8 July a new president is sworn in after the old one is retired, unless the president dies in office, as 5 out of 8 since 1945 did). If I were allowed to vote in the US I'd vote for Her, She is the lesser evil to Him. The candidate I would have wished for was Bernie.
Alexx Posted September 14, 2016 Posted September 14, 2016 At least you'll have an election and whoever wins will become president.Not always, the winner of the popular vote isn't guaranteed to get elected by the electoral college. Just ask Al Gore.,_2000 But yes, the election in Austria has become a farce. Entertaining but still a farce.
kokopelli Posted September 14, 2016 Posted September 14, 2016 If I were allowed to vote in the US I'd vote for Her, She is the lesser evil to Him. The candidate I would have wished for was Bernie. Would then Bernie be the least of three evils?
Alexx Posted September 14, 2016 Posted September 14, 2016 There's not an evil bone in Bernie, I think. I'd thus nominate him for sainthood, not for the presidency. kokopelli 1
Bob Posted September 15, 2016 Posted September 15, 2016 Have to agree about Bernie Sanders. I liked him and even agreed with some of his policies; however, I saw no sense supporting a candidate who was advocating policies that had zero chance of becoming law and which the US could not afford. But a decent guy. As much as I personally dislike the Clintons (especially Bill), at least Hillary is competent for the presidency. Trump, however, is clearly not. On my way back here to Chiangmai, I stopped in Seattle for a few days and came across a tee shirt that somewhat expresses a common attitude back in the States..... vinapu, Brummbaer, Alexx and 1 other 4
Alexx Posted September 15, 2016 Posted September 15, 2016 That is a great shirt, I love it. Exactly how I feel, no matter what the outcome will be...
Guest abang1961 Posted September 15, 2016 Posted September 15, 2016 Regardless of the outcome in Nov, Donald Trump aka who's the clown is definitely able to stay in DC. He can stay at 1100 PA rather than the coveted 1600 PA. *** The Trump International Hotel Washington, D.C., opened on Monday. The 263-room hotel is located at 1100 Pennsylvania Avenue, in what was once the historic Postmaster General’s building. Trump's company was given a 60 year lease by the federal government in a deal to restore the landmark building.
steveboy Posted September 16, 2016 Posted September 16, 2016 On my way back here to Chiangmai, I stopped in Seattle for a few days and came across a tee shirt that somewhat expresses a common attitude back in the States..... "Ban idiots not Guns" !! This is completely idiotic. So an idiotic will not ban idiots. So guns need to be banned after all.
firecat69 Posted September 16, 2016 Posted September 16, 2016 People better wise up. Voters can hate both of them but one of them will be President and it will be a disaster for the world if Dump is the winner. That means all the stupid young pie in sky voters for Bernie better realize if they don't vote Trump will win. It really is that simple. KhorTose 1
steveboy Posted September 16, 2016 Posted September 16, 2016 That means all the stupid young pie in sky voters for Bernie better realize if they don't vote Trump will win. It really is that simple. The problem is not the followers of Bernie who dislike the Clinton, but those who would vote for such an abomination as the Trump. Bernie instructed his followers to vote for Clinton. BTW, thanks for calling me a stupid YOUNG pie in the sky. Of course I am young! Young enough of spirit to realize that Bernie would have had none of the problems the Clinton has now, and he would win in November by a landslide, if not for the special interests in the democrat party. Alexx, KhorTose and vinapu 3
biguyby Posted September 17, 2016 Posted September 17, 2016 Hmmm steveboy, kokopelli, Alexx and 1 other 4